bruh_is_taken Heeeey! You stole my friend’s kids!
crippydrippytrippy It was at 69
NotFlingy Bruh I thought they were in my attic
awkward_wendigo123 That is racist and kidnapping
dogmonkey77 The thing is that the person recording is white-
THANKFUL_Pissey How can you not get candy
ReaperYouJustMet How did you get them out of my basement? 🤔
AvocadToast_Chan 👀
Nat.c Lmao
bruh_is_taken Heeeey! You stole my friend’s kids!
• Replyfactsnotfiction
crippydrippytrippy It was at 69
• ReplyNotFlingy Bruh I thought they were in my attic
• Replyawkward_wendigo123 That is racist and kidnapping
• Replydogmonkey77 The thing is that the person recording is white-
• ReplyTHANKFUL_Pissey How can you not get candy
• ReplyReaperYouJustMet How did you get them out of my basement? 🤔
• ReplyAvocadToast_Chan 👀
• ReplyNat.c Lmao
• Reply