Hate it
TrickGamer55_Bruh This is so me when I invite my friends to chat then they join instantly and I do not have my head set that is so me
Obexyz Fr 😂
kleinsyboy64 Me who doesn’t have a pc or headset
Ty_White_fanfiction Rip. Why do you guys (default following accounts) gotta post like every hour at the minimum?
Panzerfahrzeuge I feel like I was targeted by this meme
wolfxxx Omg thats litearly me when i am playing fortnite
TrickGamer55_Bruh This is so me when I invite my friends to chat then they join instantly and I do not have my head set that is so me
• Replyziip FAAAQUE NOOO!!!
• ReplyObexyz Fr 😂
• Replykleinsyboy64 Me who doesn’t have a pc or headset
• ReplyTheMemeTheme
Ty_White_fanfiction Rip. Why do you guys (default following accounts) gotta post like every hour at the minimum?
• ReplyPanzerfahrzeuge I feel like I was targeted by this meme
• Replywolfxxx Omg thats litearly me when i am playing fortnite
• Reply