Bruh y'all know my autocorrect is shit lol.
Memer.bruh H O L Y F E S H
karie_sh next Christianity auto corrects to carp-ianity
icantlikeit POKEMON
leoking101 Then it auto corrects to Magikarp
William_Aft0n *angelic choir intensifies*
KonLit Hey I'm new in the app. Could someone tell me how to put words ON the image and not in the caption?
xMikanix so true
your_angel_white_weirdo_pup Auto corrcter sucks
your_angel_white_weirdo_pup Ye
Acatastrophe. I mean its not as bad when it corrects you from yeah hopefully she does to yeah hopefully she dies. That sentence is from GradeAunderA but it sums up the point
yaqoobhuda XD
CrazyDogg H u
akie_akie The holy majicarp
itzmia_gacha Lol
DailyDoseOfLamp Crap*
Memer.bruh H O L Y F E S H
• Replykarie_sh next Christianity auto corrects to carp-ianity
icantlikeit POKEMON
• Replyleoking101 Then it auto corrects to Magikarp
William_Aft0n *angelic choir intensifies*
• ReplyKonLit Hey I'm new in the app. Could someone tell me how to put words ON the image and not in the caption?
• ReplyxMikanix so true
• Replyyour_angel_white_weirdo_pup Auto corrcter sucks
• Replyyour_angel_white_weirdo_pup Ye
• ReplyAcatastrophe. I mean its not as bad when it corrects you from yeah hopefully she does to yeah hopefully she dies. That sentence is from GradeAunderA but it sums up the point
• Replyyaqoobhuda XD
• ReplyCrazyDogg H u
• Replyakie_akie The holy majicarp
itzmia_gacha Lol
• ReplyDailyDoseOfLamp Crap*
• Reply