The true energy drink #thankyoutwintigers #fuckrussia
Just_Stop_Dying Lmao
CrimsonPiller Patent of the decade
el_roboto Yum
send_nudes_pls Only sold at Home Depot
fritz_electroscreech That’s battery acid, that’ll kill you
Lizzcookie5390 This will give you more energy than you can imagine
Rinxx But…how
fuckingslut What is the song????
mmmmmm_egg Yes
scripted tbh i would drink it.
kbnft Wait they caned MicDonalds sprite
The_Local_Crusader Mmm yummy... battery acid.
EggoKirbo Queen will always be a bop
ThatOne_Omlat Mmm, battery acid
Just_Stop_Dying Lmao
• ReplyCrimsonPiller Patent of the decade
• Replyel_roboto Yum
• Replysend_nudes_pls Only sold at Home Depot
• Replyfritz_electroscreech That’s battery acid, that’ll kill you
• ReplyLizzcookie5390 This will give you more energy than you can imagine
• ReplyRinxx But…how
• Replyfuckingslut What is the song????
• Replymmmmmm_egg Yes
• Replyscripted tbh i would drink it.
• Replykbnft Wait they caned MicDonalds sprite
• Replyx1l3550nx
• ReplyThe_Local_Crusader Mmm yummy... battery acid.
• ReplyEggoKirbo Queen will always be a bop
• ReplyThatOne_Omlat Mmm, battery acid
• Reply