LVA Mess with the folk you get the glock
weird0n3_animations Who makes a vid on how to drink water
weird0n3_animations 😑
Nerd_Studio Hey he used my meme
JoelPoopsMemes LOL
emrin.kotze7 i would change the middle text to, 173 people:
a.L Give the kid a break. After all water is a scarce item in Africa
victoria-johnson Lol
Angie100 Why do u need a tutorial on how to drink water Oh lemme find a tutorial on how to breathe... Edit: Omg this is actually a video 😂
KungFuLittleBoy 🤣🤣
kelly-coleman Best friends
lildemon_girl I need to watch that I drink like an igit if I don’t use a water bottle
ZombieMiner23 Still. How to drink
Ace_The_Rabbit There’s no fucking way this is an actual Video and I don’t want to look it up because I think it’s true
FnfAndKpopFan OnO
LVA Mess with the folk you get the glock
• Replyweird0n3_animations Who makes a vid on how to drink water
• Replyweird0n3_animations 😑
• ReplyNerd_Studio Hey he used my meme
• ReplyJoelPoopsMemes LOL
• Replyemrin.kotze7 i would change the middle text to, 173 people:
• Replya.L Give the kid a break. After all water is a scarce item in Africa
• Replyvictoria-johnson Lol
• ReplyAngie100 Why do u need a tutorial on how to drink water Oh lemme find a tutorial on how to breathe... Edit: Omg this is actually a video 😂
• ReplyKungFuLittleBoy 🤣🤣
• Replykelly-coleman Best friends
• Replylildemon_girl I need to watch that I drink like an igit if I don’t use a water bottle
• ReplyZombieMiner23 Still. How to drink
• ReplyAce_The_Rabbit There’s no fucking way this is an actual Video and I don’t want to look it up because I think it’s true
• ReplyFnfAndKpopFan OnO
• Reply