MrBluesky12 BURN BOI
oktomp That is why i wear my face masl unlike you
ImPosTerLoL And no one cares about you sad but true😞😞
pursuit1122 OMG 800+ likes, why i did'nt share my that meme on this plate form too ðŸ˜ðŸ˜„
Tekkii "They had us in the first half, not gonna lie"
hehehelyn Oooof
Lucy1234 🤣🤣🤣😂 well strangers tell me i look preety but my siblings say i need plastic surgery🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
itzmechan15 😬
The_Commenter I look like Yamato from naruto with a side comb, smaller eyes ,smaller nose, and 13yr old
Denver1 you look in the mirror
therealuser098 Mirror+invert . Camera
memetothememe That's the nicest way to call someone ugly ima try that on my friend
Phoenixgirl_56 How about dying in a hole or looking in q mirror
MaDSMP Sorry ma’am I’m not a mirror
XDenki_KaminariX Wait its my face I thought it was my mental health
MrBluesky12 BURN BOI
• Replyoktomp That is why i wear my face masl unlike you
• ReplyImPosTerLoL And no one cares about you sad but true😞😞
• Replypursuit1122 OMG 800+ likes, why i did'nt share my that meme on this plate form too ðŸ˜ðŸ˜„
• ReplyTekkii "They had us in the first half, not gonna lie"
• Replyhehehelyn Oooof
• ReplyLucy1234 🤣🤣🤣😂 well strangers tell me i look preety but my siblings say i need plastic surgery🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
• Replyitzmechan15 😬
• ReplyThe_Commenter I look like Yamato from naruto with a side comb, smaller eyes ,smaller nose, and 13yr old
• ReplyDenver1 you look in the mirror
• Replytherealuser098 Mirror+invert . Camera
• Replymemetothememe That's the nicest way to call someone ugly ima try that on my friend
• ReplyPhoenixgirl_56 How about dying in a hole or looking in q mirror
• ReplyMaDSMP Sorry ma’am I’m not a mirror
• ReplyXDenki_KaminariX Wait its my face I thought it was my mental health
• Reply