Pie_is_good PS4 is better
st0n3d i say it as a joke
everest_pimp Mini fridge is better than a WiFi router
Darryl. Both are cool but i like ps4 better personally
spacememe101 X-Box is better than ps4
AlexGalaxy I think PS5 will outrule the Series X, honestly. ps5 is getting completely remodeled
derpygod Their equal
steawer Lol
Maxxynotfound Ps4 life xbox is dog
AlexGalaxy pc is ultimate gaming
misty_matrix87 Yeah stop console wars we are equal
GodFather69sin Yeah pc is better than both of them lol 😉😉😉
R4sco but pc better then both of them
Pie_is_good PS4 is better
• Replyst0n3d i say it as a joke
• Replyeverest_pimp Mini fridge is better than a WiFi router
• ReplyDarryl. Both are cool but i like ps4 better personally
• Replyspacememe101 X-Box is better than ps4
• ReplyAlexGalaxy I think PS5 will outrule the Series X, honestly. ps5 is getting completely remodeled
• Replyderpygod Their equal
• Replysteawer Lol
• ReplyMaxxynotfound Ps4 life xbox is dog
• ReplyAlexGalaxy pc is ultimate gaming
• Replymisty_matrix87 Yeah stop console wars we are equal
• ReplyGodFather69sin Yeah pc is better than both of them lol 😉😉😉
• ReplyR4sco but pc better then both of them