Uh oh #behl #bestfriendo
Beanyiz Damn he bald
minh908 saitama didn't have hair :]
Yeah_boiii gimme dat hair- oh wait nvm
StepBroGree I hope saitams has a hair on his penis
Wilbah Oniii chann
Nexus_Genesis The girl : gimme ur hair / Saitama :
god_crusher624 Suka
Liltrell1017 They got you satitama
Liltrell1017 Sheeesh
Krisspykreme She just talkin about chest hair don’t worry guys
anime_dumbass Ooof
massy LMAO
toadsings he got no hair
Beanyiz Damn he bald
• Replyminh908 saitama didn't have hair :]
• Replyamamamamamam
• ReplyYeah_boiii gimme dat hair- oh wait nvm
• ReplyStepBroGree I hope saitams has a hair on his penis
• Replyakay9908
Wilbah Oniii chann
• ReplyNexus_Genesis The girl : gimme ur hair / Saitama :
god_crusher624 Suka
• ReplyLiltrell1017 They got you satitama
• ReplyLiltrell1017 Sheeesh
Krisspykreme She just talkin about chest hair don’t worry guys
• Replyanime_dumbass Ooof
• Replymassy LMAO
• Replytoadsings he got no hair
• Reply