so the past two days have been snow days, and I really don\u2019t wanna go to school tomorrow smh. It\u2019s 10 pm so I should sleep but-
hayatmemes Thats the thing i do in my class
soggy_taco That’s what yours say? Our just say, “If you’re reading this, your not paying attention. Detention.”
PsychedelicPigeon “*something in Indian*” - Ghandi
noahbalboa Yep relatable
demon00child “When nothing goes right go left.”
Crench AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz
alexda I do that
planktonn FAX 🤣 crap like “sharing is caring”
Foxtrot_Actual Yes
FnfAndKpopFan Me
Mr.Doggo767 I did this so many times
Gravestone "Do try"
OD_juice_wrld So tru my math teacher has this poster that says “how to be a math person step1: do math (any type) step 2: be a person
memesheep777 "There is no one like you that is youer than you. And that is true than true." Dr.Suess
memesheep777 "Dill With It"
hayatmemes Thats the thing i do in my class
• Replysoggy_taco That’s what yours say? Our just say, “If you’re reading this, your not paying attention. Detention.”
• ReplyPsychedelicPigeon “*something in Indian*” - Ghandi
• Replynoahbalboa Yep relatable
• Replydemon00child “When nothing goes right go left.”
• ReplyCrench AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz
• Replyalexda I do that
• Replyplanktonn FAX 🤣 crap like “sharing is caring”
• ReplyFoxtrot_Actual Yes
• ReplyFnfAndKpopFan Me
• ReplyMr.Doggo767 I did this so many times
• ReplyGravestone "Do try"
• ReplyOD_juice_wrld So tru my math teacher has this poster that says “how to be a math person step1: do math (any type) step 2: be a person
• Replymemesheep777 "There is no one like you that is youer than you. And that is true than true." Dr.Suess
• Replymemesheep777 "Dill With It"
• Reply