Don\u2019t bring Jewish kids to aquariums #nintendo #saveamerica
mcdonaIds roses are red. cacti are prickly oh boy THAT escalated quickly
FnfAndKpopFan :(
RickAstIey I’m jewish...
miggel_memes (Im from the Netherlands) Lol i was in a christian school and we weren’t allowed to say gadverdamme (that means gross) because it sounded like godverdomme (witch means god damnit)
Human8274 LOLLLL
memesfer Hitler
memesfer Adolf
karolmund0 @XxJazzlynnXx they thought it was Hitler,Adolf and a dolph sound the same
Bella_jokes AAAAAAHHH
Clone_wars_guy I think I get it
Joffoe we love Jewishism
Isuku_Midoriya I don’t get it either
SyFros7 IT A DOLPH *Dolphin casually gives salute
mikolajr20 A dolph hitler
user352983582826 Omg that’s just no
mcdonaIds roses are red. cacti are prickly oh boy THAT escalated quickly
• ReplyFnfAndKpopFan :(
• ReplyRickAstIey I’m jewish...
• Replymiggel_memes (Im from the Netherlands) Lol i was in a christian school and we weren’t allowed to say gadverdamme (that means gross) because it sounded like godverdomme (witch means god damnit)
• ReplyHuman8274 LOLLLL
• Replymemesfer Hitler
• Replymemesfer Adolf
• Replykarolmund0 @XxJazzlynnXx they thought it was Hitler,Adolf and a dolph sound the same
• ReplyBella_jokes AAAAAAHHH
• ReplyClone_wars_guy I think I get it
• ReplyJoffoe we love Jewishism
• ReplyIsuku_Midoriya I don’t get it either
• ReplySyFros7 IT A DOLPH *Dolphin casually gives salute
• Replymikolajr20 A dolph hitler
• Replyuser352983582826 Omg that’s just no
• Reply