cap7ain_pi22a When we think 2020 gonna be a good year, but then Chorona happens
aScreamingFrog When you get an f right after you promised your mom not to get an f
hi_joe Plague doctors when the carona virus starts
hi_joe When that one kid finally stops talking the another kid starts talking
conner_edmondson Right when you get done doing something for your mom and she calls your name again
I_is_a_tomboy When your best friend tells you they have a crush
mamapusse When your mom says she wants to have “the talk”
cap7ain_pi22a When we think 2020 gonna be a good year, but then Chorona happens
• ReplyaScreamingFrog When you get an f right after you promised your mom not to get an f
• Replyhi_joe Plague doctors when the carona virus starts
• Replyhi_joe When that one kid finally stops talking the another kid starts talking
• Replyconner_edmondson Right when you get done doing something for your mom and she calls your name again
• ReplyI_is_a_tomboy When your best friend tells you they have a crush
• Replymamapusse When your mom says she wants to have “the talk”
• Reply