ZedoK People can choose whatever religion they want, if they don’t want any religion that’s cool. Catholic? Cool. Buddhist? Cool.
ness_earthbound21 Image being an atheist and thinking we are retarded monkeys
TheRealCreamster As an athiest myself I can confirm this
wow_that_was_realy_cool Theres no proof god is real
AbelReal 🤣OUR meme now
ZedoK People can choose whatever religion they want, if they don’t want any religion that’s cool. Catholic? Cool. Buddhist? Cool.
• Replyness_earthbound21 Image being an atheist and thinking we are retarded monkeys
• ReplyTheRealCreamster As an athiest myself I can confirm this
• Replywow_that_was_realy_cool Theres no proof god is real
• ReplyAbelReal 🤣OUR meme now
• Reply