If you know your history then you know
BlueLobster Now you need big man, and the 3rd like demon one that is want dropped because Japan surrendered because they are little Whiny babies
eve_notpoop Hate to be that guy but your*
NoOneInParticular I love that song so much
max_memer538 Was he just that fat
your_meme_a_day Love it
EggoKirbo Very explosive meme
PizzaPineapple for anyone who doesn’t know, Little Boy was an atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima
Ilovebirbs4343 Ka boom
Barks Haha history memes go brrrr
BlueLobster Now you need big man, and the 3rd like demon one that is want dropped because Japan surrendered because they are little Whiny babies
• Replyeve_notpoop Hate to be that guy but your*
• ReplyNoOneInParticular I love that song so much
• Replymax_memer538 Was he just that fat
• Replyyour_meme_a_day Love it
• ReplyEggoKirbo Very explosive meme
• ReplyPizzaPineapple for anyone who doesn’t know, Little Boy was an atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima
• ReplyIlovebirbs4343 Ka boom
• ReplyBarks Haha history memes go brrrr
• Reply