RiskyAce15 Yes
francine21 This is why I don’t sleep
Imadie I was thinking about what sasuke said and I thought of some children walking into a room and seeing their dad swinging in a circle hanging from the fan and then they think he’s flying
Imadie Too much
ngqnjnfhtn For real
chx6cytmx2 Yes
MrHatdog Yup
abledesert4301 Yep😐
pizza_is_dank Yes
SasukeUchiha.. I actually think if people can commit sucide and the fan holds their weight Then can i tye a rope and swing on it
XxMLGChocolatexX Yes
Eagle555 Mmmmhhh
el_jefe_cheddar Yes
2yung2bsad Yes obvi who wouldn't
AspiDoesStuff Yes
RiskyAce15 Yes
• Replyfrancine21 This is why I don’t sleep
• ReplyImadie I was thinking about what sasuke said and I thought of some children walking into a room and seeing their dad swinging in a circle hanging from the fan and then they think he’s flying
• ReplyImadie Too much
• Replyngqnjnfhtn For real
• Replychx6cytmx2 Yes
• ReplyMrHatdog Yup
• Replyabledesert4301 Yep😐
• Replypizza_is_dank Yes
• ReplySasukeUchiha.. I actually think if people can commit sucide and the fan holds their weight Then can i tye a rope and swing on it
• ReplyXxMLGChocolatexX Yes
• ReplyEagle555 Mmmmhhh
• Replyel_jefe_cheddar Yes
• Reply2yung2bsad Yes obvi who wouldn't
• ReplyAspiDoesStuff Yes
• Reply