tamiahmemes On god I’m t do be like this
braden332 I get 30 to 80
yeahhhboiiizz I got 1.3k likes and it took me a lot of posts, but I have some that are 80-100
jrodspridco Wait, y’all get 32? I barely get over 10
kaoridean2006 lmao, my 3rd meme got 800+ upvotes and the rest 100+
Mrpeak True
Mundanegunmemes Same here but everyone has different tastes so I make things that seem funny and run with it
sus_office_fan You made a meme about making a meme, I’m sorry you dropped this 👑
nashvallejo12 Relatable
cat_lover2 True
weebomemer809 Pretty much
I_have_your_Cookie Yes.
ziip Yeah
stoptakingmyname Lmao facts
anisboughoufa Same
tamiahmemes On god I’m t do be like this
• Replybraden332 I get 30 to 80
• Replyyeahhhboiiizz I got 1.3k likes and it took me a lot of posts, but I have some that are 80-100
• Replyjrodspridco Wait, y’all get 32? I barely get over 10
• Replykaoridean2006 lmao, my 3rd meme got 800+ upvotes and the rest 100+
• ReplyMrpeak True
• ReplyMundanegunmemes Same here but everyone has different tastes so I make things that seem funny and run with it
• Replysus_office_fan You made a meme about making a meme, I’m sorry you dropped this 👑
• Replynashvallejo12 Relatable
• Replycat_lover2 True
• Replyweebomemer809 Pretty much
• ReplyI_have_your_Cookie Yes.
• Replyziip Yeah
• Replystoptakingmyname Lmao facts
• Replyanisboughoufa Same
• Reply