I fking love this remix! \ud83c\udfbc
Reposted eve_notpoop
ReverbGod juice wrlds solo was wholesome
ink_sonic Where did tattle take get the pass?
BibbiBunny Luigi’s was the best
Drippy_Chicken Personally mordecai sounded the best
ilikeeatingwood This got me vibing so hard i almost hit my head on the fucking side of a bathroom sink
The_Masked_Baron Personally I think Luigi’s part was nice. 😏
Cyancrown Juice wrld’s part was godly
SpongeBobmeboyo Why was that actually good
Cyancrown The most vibing 3 minutes of my Life
ReverbGod juice wrlds solo was wholesome
• Replyink_sonic Where did tattle take get the pass?
• ReplyBibbiBunny Luigi’s was the best
• ReplyDrippy_Chicken Personally mordecai sounded the best
• Replyilikeeatingwood This got me vibing so hard i almost hit my head on the fucking side of a bathroom sink
• ReplyThe_Masked_Baron Personally I think Luigi’s part was nice. 😏
• ReplyCyancrown Juice wrld’s part was godly
• ReplySpongeBobmeboyo Why was that actually good
• ReplyCyancrown The most vibing 3 minutes of my Life
• Reply