crdts:GoOgLe\ud83d\udc4b\ud83c\udffb Get @YEETforthememes to 5k before the end of this week #under_kops_inc #under_kops_inc_memes
da_neko_boi i cant tyyyyyype
da_neko_boi i need a girl and i do have a crush *pushes her head back* not tou
2010dodgerlover My friend ya that happened
small_memer Can’t relate I don’t have a girlfriend
the_original_memer 1000 like!!!
MOOD2021 A very floof
my_user_is_nuuxd Lmofa
yee_yee_boiiiii Now that is as relatable as dad back with the milk
vegan_gummybearz Heh yeah... my sister and her GF do that all the time! It’s so cute!
TheInventorOfMeme Now that’s relatable
kenzee3456789 Hi
That_one_kid758 🤣🤣🤣
takoV9 Bold of you to assume you even have a gf
pumpkin_bugg Lol
fluffy_butt Aaawwww I have a bf and when he gets angry he’s looks so cute
da_neko_boi i cant tyyyyyype
• Replyda_neko_boi i need a girl and i do have a crush *pushes her head back* not tou
• Reply2010dodgerlover My friend ya that happened
• Replysmall_memer Can’t relate I don’t have a girlfriend
• Replythe_original_memer 1000 like!!!
• ReplyMOOD2021 A very floof
• Replymy_user_is_nuuxd Lmofa
• Replyyee_yee_boiiiii Now that is as relatable as dad back with the milk
• Replyvegan_gummybearz Heh yeah... my sister and her GF do that all the time! It’s so cute!
• ReplyTheInventorOfMeme Now that’s relatable
• Replykenzee3456789 Hi
• ReplyThat_one_kid758 🤣🤣🤣
• ReplytakoV9 Bold of you to assume you even have a gf
• Replypumpkin_bugg Lol
• Replyfluffy_butt Aaawwww I have a bf and when he gets angry he’s looks so cute
• Reply