“It ain’t about how hard you can hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward, how much you can take, and keep moving forward”-rocky balboa
It depends on what’s going on. Yes, it gets better, in certain ways. But life DOES get harder. If that means worse to you or not- that’s what you decide.
It can get better, I don’t talk much about this but Im January of 2020, I tried to commit suicide and my therapist told me I had a 99% chance of dying based on my test results and how deppresed I was but now I’m not anymore… so just try to make it better even if it gets worse
American_Memer Wow. That’s inspiring
• ReplyE_god Wow sO dEeP AnD DePresSiNg
• Replyraining_angel I am fine that’s all I really say to everyone but it doesn’t mean it’s true and I’m not happy I’m just smiling
• Replyraining_angel
MythUberDriver #boeaken
• ReplyDarthBean48 wait for taxes and bills lol
• Replyeggsalid221 I feel u 😔🕊
• ReplyPsychedelicPigeon
mememansaysstonks yes....i want to be free from the pressure to excel...i want to be free
• Replymemes_of_our_time “It ain’t about how hard you can hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward, how much you can take, and keep moving forward”-rocky balboa
• ReplyAngel_Dust_666 R/im14andthisisdeep
• Replythankful_heaven That’s not true as long as you believe
• ReplyPico_Funni It depends on what’s going on. Yes, it gets better, in certain ways. But life DOES get harder. If that means worse to you or not- that’s what you decide.
• Replyjcwmasterbuilder That’s true, but that doesn’t mean we have to give up. When life gives u lemons u squeeze it back into lifes eyes
• Replyunconsistent It can get better, I don’t talk much about this but Im January of 2020, I tried to commit suicide and my therapist told me I had a 99% chance of dying based on my test results and how deppresed I was but now I’m not anymore… so just try to make it better even if it gets worse
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