Just_A_LittIe_Toxic You probably shouldn’t have thought of settling things with a fight, but I’m glad it didn’t get to that anyway
STEALT_BLADE @beeschurgerX most people are paper tigers
BortPlant other bro was a coward
TOM_NOOK_OFFICIAL Nah you weren’t overdramatic good on you for going my tho
Just_A_LittIe_Toxic You probably shouldn’t have thought of settling things with a fight, but I’m glad it didn’t get to that anyway
• ReplySTEALT_BLADE @beeschurgerX most people are paper tigers
• ReplyDA_MEME_BOMBR_9_11 Yaey
• ReplyBortPlant other bro was a coward
• ReplyTOM_NOOK_OFFICIAL Nah you weren’t overdramatic good on you for going my tho
• Reply