canion Copy, I just saw the real meme
I_have_kids_locked Who in the hell would of thought of that meme idea!?
hoyy How do you move the text above the picture
Austin__the_lonely Omfg this is so true XD
Lazip_Lapuli My Physical Education period had the Rowdiest seniors in it, so they kicked the kick ball at lightning speed. One day, the ball hit the ceiling and when one of the kids sent to catch it a F***ing cage almost hit him.
cocoadoggo So true
LUCID_ICEDXC You got this from daquan on instagram
kyson_theyeterman123 My bro was born on 2011
Doses Dude your too young for this it has adult humor
reythedoggo I was born in 2011
TheCringeMemer Lol I think that the paper plane from my 1st grade class is still stuck lool😂😂😂😂😂
calcium_deficient Omg yesss there are like 20 in our roof haha
boiledpizza AHAHA! LOVE THIS
canion Copy, I just saw the real meme
• ReplyI_have_kids_locked Who in the hell would of thought of that meme idea!?
• Replyhoyy How do you move the text above the picture
• ReplyAustin__the_lonely Omfg this is so true XD
• ReplyLazip_Lapuli My Physical Education period had the Rowdiest seniors in it, so they kicked the kick ball at lightning speed. One day, the ball hit the ceiling and when one of the kids sent to catch it a F***ing cage almost hit him.
• Replycocoadoggo So true
• ReplyLUCID_ICEDXC You got this from daquan on instagram
• Replykyson_theyeterman123 My bro was born on 2011
• ReplyDoses Dude your too young for this it has adult humor
• Replyreythedoggo I was born in 2011
• ReplyWebhead_memes
• Replyhayleyparia
TheCringeMemer Lol I think that the paper plane from my 1st grade class is still stuck lool😂😂😂😂😂
• Replycalcium_deficient Omg yesss there are like 20 in our roof haha
• Replyboiledpizza AHAHA! LOVE THIS
• Reply