Trust me idk what the Internet has become these days😂
louis1596186614 Lol
illusion100000 Hella life
ellaz lol
freakishlytallchild I just go in the shower no matter if it’s poo or pee
no_name_random_person I swear you always have to go in the middle of the shower
jaydendoesmemes22010 True
tryharderbro Ewwww the soap mixing with the goo
meshame For Real Tho!!
shrekybol Lol
TutMemetics Lmao so true
Le_taco Well uh I don’t know if I can relate or not
marieswag If you say you can’t relate you’re lying😶
louis1596186614 Lol
• Replyillusion100000 Hella life
• Replyellaz lol
• Replyfreakishlytallchild I just go in the shower no matter if it’s poo or pee
• Replyno_name_random_person I swear you always have to go in the middle of the shower
• Replyjaydendoesmemes22010 True
• Replytryharderbro Ewwww the soap mixing with the goo
• Replymeshame For Real Tho!!
shrekybol Lol
TutMemetics Lmao so true
Le_taco Well uh I don’t know if I can relate or not
• Replymarieswag If you say you can’t relate you’re lying😶
• ReplyAussie_Dingoes