Discord .005641 seconds after 12AM June 1st:
flyingorilaboy2010 Dis is ok
Calebrity2 I'm bi so what do i do
jygskjg5qn Das cold
Princess790 Damn well fuck you to you can’t just do that well news flash im have gay im bi and a girl so 🖕🏽
kweyalxyplayz THAT'S RACIST
Caleb_B Fax Cheeto
404UsernameNotReal I’ve never blocked someone so fast lol
Vligerous_Hell I ain’t reposting then
Cheesy_Bread HAHA ITS JUNE 2
Cheeto_diabeeto Why you burning their flag? save your fuel and burn the actual people
Nonbinarygay69 I AM GAY DEAL WITH IT
Alex_idkwgn I am lol
owo_uwu_boi @the_man_is_the_man
the_man_is_the_man That is rude to people who are gay
flyingorilaboy2010 Dis is ok
• ReplyCalebrity2 I'm bi so what do i do
• Replyjygskjg5qn Das cold
• ReplyPrincess790 Damn well fuck you to you can’t just do that well news flash im have gay im bi and a girl so 🖕🏽
• Replykweyalxyplayz
kweyalxyplayz THAT'S RACIST
• ReplyCaleb_B Fax Cheeto
• Reply404UsernameNotReal I’ve never blocked someone so fast lol
• ReplyVligerous_Hell I ain’t reposting then
• ReplyCheesy_Bread HAHA ITS JUNE 2
• ReplyCheeto_diabeeto Why you burning their flag? save your fuel and burn the actual people
• ReplyNonbinarygay69 I AM GAY DEAL WITH IT
• ReplyAlex_idkwgn I am lol
• Replyowo_uwu_boi @the_man_is_the_man
the_man_is_the_man That is rude to people who are gay
• Reply