Imagine using gay as an insult
Reposted Chuck_the_buck
GREAT_VIBES That's fuckin messed up
Whats_my_name Rude
indie1902 Omg that made me cry
Izuku_Midoriya191 Sad...
theidiot_5678 *takes belt off*
theidiot_5678 I hate it when kids are like that
Mr.Doggo767 I already reposted a long time ago
landoboi9 They little shits are the ones who are gay
memes_cat u use bulling to become popular thats why im not
Mr_BlueSky Yeah I’m not reposting lol
Barry_the_shrek I am immune to those who use gay as an insult towards me
Morrison_Humdinkle if you do it’s basically just a sign that you have the vocabulary of a 9 year old
THE_RUSSIAN_SPY I could care less for people who use gay as an insult because they are too retardant to come up with their own it’s the people who act like jackasses that bother me
unconsistent People who use gay as an insult, brrruuuuu, I have so many rude things to say so I’m just not gonna say then
GREAT_VIBES That's fuckin messed up
• ReplyWhats_my_name Rude
• Replyindie1902 Omg that made me cry
• ReplyIzuku_Midoriya191 Sad...
• Replytheidiot_5678 *takes belt off*
• Replytheidiot_5678 I hate it when kids are like that
• ReplyMr.Doggo767 I already reposted a long time ago
• Replylandoboi9 They little shits are the ones who are gay
• Replymemes_cat u use bulling to become popular thats why im not
• ReplyMr_BlueSky Yeah I’m not reposting lol
• ReplyBarry_the_shrek I am immune to those who use gay as an insult towards me
• ReplyMorrison_Humdinkle if you do it’s basically just a sign that you have the vocabulary of a 9 year old
• ReplyTHE_RUSSIAN_SPY I could care less for people who use gay as an insult because they are too retardant to come up with their own it’s the people who act like jackasses that bother me
• Replyunconsistent People who use gay as an insult, brrruuuuu, I have so many rude things to say so I’m just not gonna say then
• Reply