Chose the song cause the entire situations made me say \u201cNossa Senhora \ud83e\udd0c\ud83e\udd0c\ud83e\udd0c\ud83e\udd0c\u201d. I beseech you- whether you believe me or SPD- repost this. Spread the word. Thank you. #ballistic

  • Fuckmemes69 avatar

    Fuckmemes69 Demari is a goofy ass black name

  • Fuckmemes69 avatar

    Fuckmemes69 What is this goofy ass name demari 💀💀

  • 8zmcgb2pfw avatar

    8zmcgb2pfw I support him all tho I don’t know if I believe him and think he should apologize for some things like we all know he doxxed a minor and threatened to kill him even tho he himself is also a minor. 💀

  • VLS_2 avatar

    VLS_2 @ThatBasilisk you gonna make one of me too? Honestly this whole judgement thing is just crap brother. Leave the past in the past, we will now see if he has truly changed. If you look at what I done it wasn’t as bad but I still did it.

  • YourFellow_Syrian avatar

    YourFellow_Syrian Spd is awesome, and he’s probably the coolest dude on this app, but yeah, he has some dirt he probably needs to clean up, including the whole “doxxing a minor and threatening to kill him” incident

  • NoOneInParticular avatar

    NoOneInParticular I’m not saying I believe him, and it does seem quite fanciful now, but I still think he’s a person in huge need of help and I want to do my best to help him-but I would like to ask: at what point did you offer actual evidence for him lying, other than calling it unbelievable?

  • AbelReal avatar

    AbelReal Btw, sorry I am making this hard on you...

  • AbelReal avatar

    AbelReal We need to stop judging him from his past vs now

  • AbelReal avatar

    AbelReal Yes, ik that WAS a big deal then, but then vs now, there are WAY more people rn then since, we have a bigger community

  • AbelReal avatar

    AbelReal He lied about the whole thing, what's the big deal? This was all a whole year ago

  • Histoire_d.amore avatar

    Histoire_d.amore This is amazing- reposting

  • Chloe_is_rizzless avatar

    Chloe_is_rizzless was i really the only person who called it bullshit since 💀

  • 8zmcgb2pfw avatar

    8zmcgb2pfw I don’t feel like reposting tho but feel bad what he’s gone through

  • 8zmcgb2pfw avatar

    8zmcgb2pfw Damn that’s sad he went through that stuff 😔

  • Frogking64 avatar

    Frogking64 I don’t repost stuff.

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