What\u2019s up y\u2019all been a minute
imshook Tf
emmatorp It’s soubbway
oPpaRss WOW😂😂🤣🤣🤣
yeetbot dafuq
my_way_is_the_high_WAY_lOl Omg🤣🤣🤣
casper does ur mama know how u be talking to other people on the internet
carrots His fat is a foot long
hit_or_mis Subways foot longs are 11 inches long instead of 12 inches
dottystarships Literally his mom packed him his lunch and it’s a foot long sandwich
memes Just saw that the government has been shut down for 33 days. Americans are being tested. The purge is coming.
memesmakemelean A foot long with that fat chin boy
k.e.zwahr Watching the news
imshook Tf
• Replyemmatorp It’s soubbway
• ReplyoPpaRss WOW😂😂🤣🤣🤣
• Replyyeetbot dafuq
• Replymy_way_is_the_high_WAY_lOl Omg🤣🤣🤣
• Replycasper does ur mama know how u be talking to other people on the internet
• Replycarrots His fat is a foot long
• Replyhit_or_mis Subways foot longs are 11 inches long instead of 12 inches
• Replydottystarships Literally his mom packed him his lunch and it’s a foot long sandwich
• Replymemes Just saw that the government has been shut down for 33 days. Americans are being tested. The purge is coming.
• Replymemesmakemelean A foot long with that fat chin boy
• Replyk.e.zwahr Watching the news
• Reply