#memes #follow
jellybeankitty99 Bubonic plague is back
LaughHouse Coronavirus is literally this generations area of the plague
Darth_Joker 2120 zombies
sub2memes_com 2120 what is happening
over_cookedburrito420 The bubonic plague wasn’t in 1920’s
JaeJaeOFFICIAL_ I just made this have 777 likes AhA hAhA
turtle9321 Oh gosh
Couch_gun It was eboi that was the flu not the bubonic plague
memebabychristi I thought the bubonic plague was in the 1300s -a lot of confusion-
matheus0508 What
Therefore_zero I think not
Sero_Boi *that one dude who just turned 20*
sanic_boi Every 1000 years there’s something new that effects humans on earth
baby_yoda10 Ya my brother told me every 20 is bad
eboi5 I thought the bubonic plague was 1600s
jellybeankitty99 Bubonic plague is back
• ReplyLaughHouse Coronavirus is literally this generations area of the plague
• ReplyDarth_Joker 2120 zombies
• Replysub2memes_com 2120 what is happening
• Replyover_cookedburrito420 The bubonic plague wasn’t in 1920’s
• ReplyJaeJaeOFFICIAL_ I just made this have 777 likes AhA hAhA
• Replyturtle9321 Oh gosh
• ReplyCouch_gun It was eboi that was the flu not the bubonic plague
• Replymemebabychristi I thought the bubonic plague was in the 1300s -a lot of confusion-
• Replymatheus0508 What
• ReplyTherefore_zero I think not
• ReplySero_Boi *that one dude who just turned 20*
• Replysanic_boi Every 1000 years there’s something new that effects humans on earth
• Replybaby_yoda10 Ya my brother told me every 20 is bad
• Replyeboi5 I thought the bubonic plague was 1600s
• Reply