I don\u2019t play fortnite.....but why do people hate it?!
Reposted lordchungass
Mario_got_memes I have seen this meme 3 times
garlicbreadstick You can’t love what doesn’t exist
messofaperson I mean I play it, most of the people who hate Fortnite has never played it and hear people hating so then they spread the negativity too.
jaebumsforehead I played it once and it just wasn’t my type of game :/
Phaeton_Hylton Fortnite is the definition of cringe second to Tiktok
Mario_got_memes I have seen this meme 3 times
• Replygarlicbreadstick You can’t love what doesn’t exist
• Replymessofaperson I mean I play it, most of the people who hate Fortnite has never played it and hear people hating so then they spread the negativity too.
• Replyjaebumsforehead I played it once and it just wasn’t my type of game :/
• ReplyPhaeton_Hylton Fortnite is the definition of cringe second to Tiktok
• ReplyJEFFYPOOP true
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