Reposting this to honor this chad.
SirCharles44 What’s his name again
Comrade_cornchip What’s his name? I’ve seen him but I don’t know it.
The_bat Saaaaaaad
LeafyROY123 Love it!!
Voxotron In loving memory of chad
georgemnk42069 The Chad of the Chad
georgemnk42069 What a freaking legend
georgemnk42069 F
mememansaysstonks Why is it all in french?
GamingRandomic Chad king
I_eat_nuts Rip
Yournotsordinary_guy I don't really know much about him but I'm sure he was a great guy.
crap_meme_dealer 😓
PizzaPineapple May he Rest In Peace 🪦
SirCharles44 What’s his name again
• Replyupasta_knucles
Comrade_cornchip What’s his name? I’ve seen him but I don’t know it.
• ReplyThe_bat Saaaaaaad
• ReplyLeafyROY123 Love it!!
• ReplyVoxotron In loving memory of chad
• Replygeorgemnk42069 The Chad of the Chad
• Replygeorgemnk42069 What a freaking legend
• Replygeorgemnk42069 F
• Replymememansaysstonks Why is it all in french?
• ReplyGamingRandomic Chad king
• ReplyI_eat_nuts Rip
• ReplyYournotsordinary_guy I don't really know much about him but I'm sure he was a great guy.
• Replycrap_meme_dealer 😓
• ReplyPizzaPineapple May he Rest In Peace 🪦
• Reply