ActuallyAxi OH I GET IT
I_have_quit This made me manually breathe
19392 i really dont get it-
juliancuriel11 I get it now
juliancuriel11 I do not get it
kfgarcia102710 Not true people hav held their breath for like ten min straight
AlexGalaxy That really makes me think lol
Himiko._.Toga Sorry can't talk to busy holding my breath
helloimamemer_iam i wish that happened
yt_itzsenti then why do we die
Ace_The_Raboot It’s right tho
cookietigermeme I am now breathing manually.
AleenaGachaLife Lol
shadowlekatten My cousin told me that
ActuallyAxi OH I GET IT
• ReplyI_have_quit This made me manually breathe
• Reply19392 i really dont get it-
• Replyjuliancuriel11 I get it now
• Replyjuliancuriel11 I do not get it
• Replykfgarcia102710 Not true people hav held their breath for like ten min straight
• ReplyAlexGalaxy That really makes me think lol
• ReplyHimiko._.Toga Sorry can't talk to busy holding my breath
• Replyhelloimamemer_iam i wish that happened
• Replymamoudouhaman56
yt_itzsenti then why do we die
• ReplyAce_The_Raboot It’s right tho
• Replycookietigermeme I am now breathing manually.
• ReplyAleenaGachaLife Lol
• Replyshadowlekatten My cousin told me that
• Reply