Reposted from Rgt09 (at this point if you don\u2019t like this, unfollow me. I really don\u2019t care I just use this app to talk to several of my good friends)
Reposted canned_bread42
musicmeistro Dude, great speech
REEEEEEEE_KID666 Me vibin cuz I’m Hindu hahahahaha
brahp Amen, thx for saying that 👍🏻
Blue_Kitty AMEN!! Like really!!!
webtoon_communist I know there r some ppl out there that claim they r Christian but they r not, but pls don’t come after all of us
artzzz Amen!
torpedo1134 Jesus died for everyone’s sins
musicmeistro Dude, great speech
• ReplyREEEEEEEE_KID666 Me vibin cuz I’m Hindu hahahahaha
• Replybrahp Amen, thx for saying that 👍🏻
• ReplyBlue_Kitty AMEN!! Like really!!!
• Replywebtoon_communist I know there r some ppl out there that claim they r Christian but they r not, but pls don’t come after all of us
• Replyartzzz Amen!
• Replytorpedo1134 Jesus died for everyone’s sins
• Reply