It is justified to take a life if the other person is endangering your life, if the doctors say that the mother will not survive child birth then that is the only time abortion should even be an option. Like if a single mother has some kids and is pregnant but won\u2019t survive another birth, she has 3 other kids to care for. While it\u2019s sad that it has to come to that, I do believe in that rare case the mother should stay alive to care for her other children. But don\u2019t lie and say the child was never alive to begin with, cause that\u2019s a blatant lie and science backs up the fact that babies are alive in the womb. And under any other circumstances abortion should be illegal. #abortionismurder #prolife #saveamerica

dogmonkey77 Banning abortions won’t stop them, it will stop the safe ones.
• ReplyMemerProForRealMemers Bruh, ur on memes. Not instagram
• Replymangoman25 Not reading it
• ReplyChocogoat Bro even if you go into another state to abort the fetus , when you get back to the state where it’s illegal you’ll still be charged with a “crime”
• ReplyThe_Brazil I AGREE 100%!!
• Replylucidly
• ReplyThe_ShitpostDealer I just don’t understand. The same people who say don’t ban guns because criminals will still get them are the ones who want to ban abortion even though people will have to have unsafe abortions.
• Replymornincupojoe I don’t understand why everyone is pissed at the SCOTUS. If they’re pissed, they can go to the state, because the SCOTUS made it a state decision rather than a federal decision. But, then again, people don’t listen to the whole story anymore and only take what’s given to them.
• Replylucidly That’s pretty deep
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