• c_a_r_l_o_s avatar

    c_a_r_l_o_s And then you get a house and have no clue how to file taxes

  • Papa_Peli avatar

    Papa_Peli I mean, if you don’t go to school where the fuck do you think you’ll end up in real life. If you want money, schools can get you a job that is impossible to get if you don’t go to school😑

  • boyfoX avatar

    boyfoX Amen 🙏

  • soviet_russia_is_life avatar

    soviet_russia_is_life Yeah, but without school you wouldn’t know how to write that...

  • The_Average_Introvert avatar

    The_Average_Introvert And then our parents are like, "JuSt LOoK aT tHe BrIgHt SiDe Of ThInGs! Go FiNd FrIeNds If YoU dO nOt HaVe AnY...iTs NoT hArD! " Or they are like, "wHy dID yOu GeT a BaD GrAdE?!?!? StUdY mOrE aNd YoU wOuLdN't HaVe ThIs PrObLeM!! JuSt bE mOrE liKe yOuR sIbILiNg!!!" Like, wtf do they want from us. Then they wonder why we are depressed...

  • PandaEnt87 avatar

    PandaEnt87 I confirm

  • L.o.s.e.r avatar

    L.o.s.e.r It needed to be said

  • whyarethegooduserstaken avatar

    whyarethegooduserstaken 69 comment nice

  • Username_Here avatar

    Username_Here And they say “we’re preparing you for your future as an adult” how is knowing integers and geography more important than learning how to pay bills, do taxes, tip at restaurants, and learn to get a job

  • JJsiri2009.com avatar

    JJsiri2009.com All that is true ngl

  • HomaSaur avatar

    HomaSaur Schools don’t even teach you how to do your bills

  • 68e4ecj7v3 avatar

    68e4ecj7v3 Homeschool is way better

  • Timmy.Turner avatar

    Timmy.Turner EXACTLY

  • postmalone_lover avatar

    postmalone_lover Mood bro

  • pastel_pink_33 avatar

    pastel_pink_33 Yup...I literally just cried because of school and grades. I don’t think we should not have school because that’s where most people get friends and people learn basic things. I just think the system needs to improve...a lot

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