you better like it. #scriptedpost
Ale_idkwgn You liked my meme ARE YOU BACK
dan_the_can_man boi
stewiesays134 so say you you are a minor
Vcgo Im not liking it andnim 23
Scavenger123 what if I am the minor that I like
grahamhintze I am tho
Ohio_meme_dealer What if your a animal that’s a minor
StarrysCat I am not attracted to either of those things lmao
MaggotBoi_MLP 90% of this app ARE minors
Joe_Swanson_friend That gIrLs A MInEr, ThAt GiRls A MinEr
PizzaPineapple i’m a minor though…i’ll like because i won’t when im and adult and i’m not attracted to animals
ciggy Wait but what if you are a minor???
Ale_idkwgn You liked my meme ARE YOU BACK
• Replydan_the_can_man boi
• Replystewiesays134 so say you you are a minor
• ReplyVcgo Im not liking it andnim 23
• ReplyScavenger123 what if I am the minor that I like
• Replygrahamhintze I am tho
• ReplyOhio_meme_dealer What if your a animal that’s a minor
• ReplyStarrysCat I am not attracted to either of those things lmao
• ReplyMaggotBoi_MLP 90% of this app ARE minors
• ReplyThatOneSquid
• ReplyJoe_Swanson_friend That gIrLs A MInEr, ThAt GiRls A MinEr
• ReplyPizzaPineapple i’m a minor though…i’ll like because i won’t when im and adult and i’m not attracted to animals
• Replyciggy Wait but what if you are a minor???
• Reply