if other then say what it is
Reposted Kind_Of_A_Failure
yukihura_senpai 2 and 8
QueenofPigz 7 1 6 4 8
Spooky_memes_jr 2
meme_da_spoopy_man 3 and 8
King_James_Meme 3
Maddie_121 2 and 8
boatra67 2,3 &8
Spooky_Sussy_Mars I would be like
duck_wazowski 5 and 6
mornincupojoe 6 and 8(play a video game with you or have a nerf battle)
DonkeyMario 3
Zeke_Schmit 3 Bc that’s like the not rude one besides cuddling but I’m talking to someone
yukihura_senpai 2 and 8
• ReplyQueenofPigz 7 1 6 4 8
• ReplySpooky_memes_jr 2
• Replymeme_da_spoopy_man 3 and 8
• ReplyKing_James_Meme 3
• ReplyMaddie_121 2 and 8
• Replyboatra67 2,3 &8
• ReplySpooky_Sussy_Mars I would be like
duck_wazowski 5 and 6
• Replymornincupojoe 6 and 8(play a video game with you or have a nerf battle)
• ReplyDonkeyMario 3
• ReplyZeke_Schmit 3 Bc that’s like the not rude one besides cuddling but I’m talking to someone
• Reply