Meme 48/100
somerandomkidonearth I guess you really like Oreos no_name_random_person
king_beetlejuice Oldest siblings don’t have to deal with that, you young ones deal with our bul***t
HelenOtis I can relate to this s**t so much
papi_corndog My nasty sister would still eat it
baggyshirst95 I can relate
charlithegoat True but just put the Oreo in ur mouth and slobber it out then offer it to them ( they’ll say they don’t want it) lol
chay_likes_memes Lick*
chay_likes_memes Just like the whole thing then they’ll say idc we’re siblings that’s how CORONA spreads
somerandomkidonearth I guess you really like Oreos no_name_random_person
• Replyking_beetlejuice Oldest siblings don’t have to deal with that, you young ones deal with our bul***t
• ReplyHelenOtis I can relate to this s**t so much
• Replypapi_corndog My nasty sister would still eat it
• Replybaggyshirst95 I can relate
• Replycharlithegoat True but just put the Oreo in ur mouth and slobber it out then offer it to them ( they’ll say they don’t want it) lol
• Replychay_likes_memes Lick*
• Replychay_likes_memes Just like the whole thing then they’ll say idc we’re siblings that’s how CORONA spreads
• ReplyMIXTZ_Memes
• Reply