GOAT_2008 So true!
haiiiii_0505 Heyy that’s not true XD I stand like a boy and I’m a girl unless I’m being stupid with friends
PokeAce Wait all girls are waterbenders?
demon48485 If I’m a boy even though I’m a girl cuz I’m not a water bender
melina_zoldyck Welp i am a boy
BurntChickenTX This is me and my homie on a daily basis
Future_Samurai How come that is so true
https_sh1t i will water bend my way out of photos
doglove6000 I think the puppy is a boy and pose so cute
Sugars_Coffee As a girl I just stand there🧍♀️
desperate_person Yes, I am a water bender
we_all_go_to_hell HAHAH WOW BOYS ARE SO QUIRKY
A.I.D.E.N. Boys do jojo poses tho
millytheweirdmemer Ah yes let me water bend real quick 😌
Ravenclaw15 Am I a boy then?
GOAT_2008 So true!
• Replyhaiiiii_0505 Heyy that’s not true XD I stand like a boy and I’m a girl unless I’m being stupid with friends
• ReplyPokeAce Wait all girls are waterbenders?
• Replydemon48485 If I’m a boy even though I’m a girl cuz I’m not a water bender
• Replymelina_zoldyck Welp i am a boy
• ReplyBurntChickenTX This is me and my homie on a daily basis
• ReplyFuture_Samurai How come that is so true
• Replyhttps_sh1t i will water bend my way out of photos
• Replydoglove6000 I think the puppy is a boy and pose so cute
Sugars_Coffee As a girl I just stand there🧍♀️
• Replydesperate_person Yes, I am a water bender
• Replywe_all_go_to_hell HAHAH WOW BOYS ARE SO QUIRKY
• ReplyA.I.D.E.N. Boys do jojo poses tho
• Replymillytheweirdmemer Ah yes let me water bend real quick 😌
• ReplyRavenclaw15 Am I a boy then?
• Reply