SoMeOnE aT mY sChOoL pOsTeD a PiCtUrE oF mE oN tHeIr SnApChAt StOrY aNd NoW i WaNt DeAtH.
Reposted loser_vibes
FreakingSPOOKY 6
BryceTheBodacious 4? I have 2.
Nameless_Artist 1
mysterious_tix I literally know all of them except 4, 8, and 9 lmao
Blue_Kitty 7? :D
FreakingSPOOKY 6
• ReplyBryceTheBodacious 4? I have 2.
• ReplyNameless_Artist 1
• Replymysterious_tix I literally know all of them except 4, 8, and 9 lmao
• ReplyBlue_Kitty 7? :D
• Reply