Still_Dislike_LGBT Hahah funny
Syphick 😭😭😭
DankruptMemer Mans really has infinite school shooting memes
Narutos_dick Just looked up info and I’ll say bravo to the boys to making bombs and loved the “peekaboo” part in the story just bravo
Dr_Lemon On second thought yeah get on robloxs tomorrow
Dat_Thankful_Boi Ok
6mxjgwdsdc_drugs Sighs blame news sources for exposing the schools cuz the people who lay down the things get the ideas from they targets but most of em are dead quiet
ThatOneSquid I don’t get this
PizzaPineapple i will with an M4 carbine
6mxjgwdsdc_drugs 🖕😑
QueenOfTheBedRoom Why is everyone making jokes about this?
Still_Dislike_LGBT Hahah funny
• ReplySyphick 😭😭😭
• ReplyDankruptMemer Mans really has infinite school shooting memes
• ReplyNarutos_dick Just looked up info and I’ll say bravo to the boys to making bombs and loved the “peekaboo” part in the story just bravo
• ReplyDr_Lemon On second thought yeah get on robloxs tomorrow
• ReplyDat_Thankful_Boi Ok
• Reply6mxjgwdsdc_drugs Sighs blame news sources for exposing the schools cuz the people who lay down the things get the ideas from they targets but most of em are dead quiet
• ReplyThatOneSquid I don’t get this
• ReplyPizzaPineapple i will with an M4 carbine
• Reply6mxjgwdsdc_drugs 🖕😑
• ReplyQueenOfTheBedRoom Why is everyone making jokes about this?
• Reply