Let's see how well they taught you in school
Freshmemes332 Ive been asking the same fricken question. To answere youre question i think it will float down the train.
Neednamelol12345 Stay
Ziggy_the_piggy I think it depends on how fast the train takes off
OnlyCool Good Question
MST5 If the train go very slow no but if it gose fast it totually will
REAPEROG Hm the answer is the second one. I don't need to exolain why because it's simpe physics
Foxtrot_Actual Smack against the wall
Duct_tape Moving with the train off cuorse
dragoon_21_m Get me out of here!!!
_Memes_Central_ It would smack the wall in the back
terriaky_bois Idk bro I’m stressing out here
Red_Arrow Stay with the train
kermit_the_dank Hit the wall
Denki__Kaminari It would stay still because of inertia
Freshmemes332 Ive been asking the same fricken question. To answere youre question i think it will float down the train.
• ReplyNeednamelol12345 Stay
• ReplyZiggy_the_piggy I think it depends on how fast the train takes off
• ReplyOnlyCool Good Question
• ReplyMST5 If the train go very slow no but if it gose fast it totually will
• ReplyREAPEROG Hm the answer is the second one. I don't need to exolain why because it's simpe physics
• ReplyXIOMIAURA Follow me
• ReplyFoxtrot_Actual Smack against the wall
• ReplyDuct_tape Moving with the train off cuorse
• Replydragoon_21_m Get me out of here!!!
• Reply_Memes_Central_ It would smack the wall in the back
• Replyterriaky_bois Idk bro I’m stressing out here
• ReplyRed_Arrow Stay with the train
• Replykermit_the_dank Hit the wall
• ReplyDenki__Kaminari It would stay still because of inertia
• Reply