Because that\u2019s what real friends do
Reposted Amane_Yugi
3MO I guess I have no real friends:(
Buuuuuuungeeeeegum when u have no real and fake friens👀👄👀
quittinglol Wait, I call all my friends parents mr or ms, I think it’s respectful... wait does that mean I’m a fake friend
JakeTheMemeKing U have A point there
aara_sama im a real friend but I don’t have the strength to repost
arcticfoxgamer I thought it said real friends will report this...well, rip
Deeznutzzzz Or fake friends don’t ask for your wifi but real friends already had your wifi
Ms_joke Welp I read it
djenty_boi ;-;
popart24 I hqve no frends
thebeanman Guess i have no real friends...
Pikaacho_. ·—·
3MO I guess I have no real friends:(
• ReplyBuuuuuuungeeeeegum when u have no real and fake friens👀👄👀
• Replyquittinglol Wait, I call all my friends parents mr or ms, I think it’s respectful... wait does that mean I’m a fake friend
• ReplyJakeTheMemeKing U have A point there
• Replyaara_sama im a real friend but I don’t have the strength to repost
• Replyarcticfoxgamer I thought it said real friends will report this...well, rip
• ReplyDeeznutzzzz Or fake friends don’t ask for your wifi but real friends already had your wifi
• ReplyMs_joke Welp I read it
• Replydjenty_boi ;-;
• Replypopart24 I hqve no frends
• Replythebeanman Guess i have no real friends...
• ReplyPikaacho_. ·—·
• ReplyCommieMikeWazowski