I know im supposed to be gone but they itch :(
Reposted Trashbagg
Fcxybendygirl *laughs in confused gender but still got no balls*
thebeanman They weren't and then i saw this post...
bored_boi1234 fuck they are inchy again
Ebicgamer Acually I am an ak47 with a skeleton stick sooo
peashooter Actually I classify as an Apache attack helicopter
nat_the_hamilton_fan I got 99 problems but itchy balls ain’t one! I’m a girl.
melslilcherrie Laughs in girl
Ratherish my friend once blatantly told me his balls were itchy and I said mine were to to make him feel better
memme_mann repost
memme_mann idk how to
Fellit Mines didnt itch :////// :'(
PokeAce O U C H
sugatae2623 *laughs in girl*
animal_lover3 *laughs in girl*
Fcxybendygirl *laughs in confused gender but still got no balls*
• ReplySagesBestie45
• Replythebeanman They weren't and then i saw this post...
• Replybored_boi1234 fuck they are inchy again
• ReplyEbicgamer Acually I am an ak47 with a skeleton stick sooo
• Replypeashooter Actually I classify as an Apache attack helicopter
• Replynat_the_hamilton_fan I got 99 problems but itchy balls ain’t one! I’m a girl.
• Replymelslilcherrie Laughs in girl
• ReplyRatherish my friend once blatantly told me his balls were itchy and I said mine were to to make him feel better
• Replymemme_mann repost
• Replymemme_mann idk how to
• ReplyFellit Mines didnt itch :////// :'(
• ReplyPokeAce O U C H
• Replysugatae2623 *laughs in girl*
• Replyanimal_lover3 *laughs in girl*
• Reply