
Those No Longer Bound by Their Non-Disclosure Agreements are Finally Spilling the Beans


1. Where Did The Bodies Go??

Media Source
I was working in South Dakota and Iowa to combat Avian Flu with the company Clean Harbors, the conditions of work were horrible we stayed in hotels in the middle of nowhere for months with little access to food because we would work all day and wouldn’t be able to go to any grocery stores. we were provided shitty box meals once a day.

The hours of work were 6AM to 6pm with two hour drives to and from work sites (there were various farms all very understaffed by labor temp companies) Overall the work we were doing was all for not, we had to kill the chickens with a kind of fumigation, clear out the corpses, and decontaminate the barns and coops.

These chicken coops were like something you’d see in your nightmares and not to mention the smell even through our hazmat suits and respirators (we had to wear the suits at all times while having breaks to take off our masks).

The inside of the barns was bad but it was paled in comparison to the underneath because these were humongous buildings built to basically be three stories but only the top two floors had chickens then the underside was empty ..beside the *hundreds of thousands of spiders and rats that also needed to be removed* so for lack of a better description we were exterminators of all kinds.

“But Search, what did you do with the chickens and birds and spiders and rats? Where did the bodies go?” Ah yes the best part of this horrid abomination called environmental labor:

We were stationed on top of landfills in the middle of nowhere (we weren’t really allowed to know where we were in the state/states we were working in all I know is that sometimes we were in south/North Dakota and sometimes we were in Iowa) and these land fills were *DANGEROUSLY* close to farms and *UP HILL* at that and we were burying all the various animal corpses and trash that we made burning through literal tons of PPE right NEXT DOOR TO THE FARMS..

Look I don’t know what happened next.. one day I showed up to the site and many of us were let go for “different reasons” but we all suspected that money was running short because of the massive amount of waste in ppe and supplies we had made.

Since my ex girlfriend had gotten me the job with her fathers labor company her uncle was the one to transport me to the job in the first place and then to the grey hound station to be ejected from the job.

I never saw ******, her father, her uncle, or anyone else from that job ever again. They were mostly all illegal immigrants who picked up temp labor jobs for the pay mostly Guatemalan some Mexican and one Peruvian man also among the crew were tradesmen from Georgia to operate the massive trucks and construction equipment and some veterans that were dishonorably discharged.. I have no idea what happened to any of them afterwards.

It was the worst four months of my mortal life. I’m afraid that something looms over my shoulder because of all that happened. I don’t know that avian flu was ever solved after what we did

Proof: [clean harbors website ](

Username: SadSearch1

2. The TSA Post-9/11

Media Source
I worked for the TSA after 9/11 when they started testing all the airport screeners at pop-up testing centers. We weren't allowed to discuss what was in the tests.

What was in the tests: They literally played snippets of people not speaking English and you were supposed to answer "suspicious" whenever it wasn't english. Yes, that was the only point of the audio section beyond being able to correctly identify the words bomb, president, allah, etc. I'm not making this up.

You'll never guess that the suspicious pictures invariably showed well dressed white people next to non-whites in "traditional" garb. They even included native Americans.

The x-ray pictures to flag as suspicious showed outlines of bombs that were comical - in one case a 1930s era mechanical clock. Large knives (as in machetes) practically sticking out of purses, etc. It was BAD.

It was entirely true/false or multiple choice. And not even the tricky "similarly worded" kind from high school... It was more like: "The American Bald Eagle is a symbol of :

(a) birds (b) The Islamic State (c) PATRIOTISM (d) national wildlife preservation." no, that's not a joke. They really did put all caps as hints too... True /false: "Terrorists ALWAYS MUST carry a copy of their holy book with them at ALL times?"

Fun fact: I haven't flown on an airplane since. Not because I think they're unsafe (the security is a joke but not unsafe!) - it's because I was a contractor and as a result had to make a lot of one way trips with only carry on between all the testing centers. That put me on a list. In fact, most of us are still permanently flagged for "additional screening" because of our service.

A friend of mine from the project later moved to China because the constant harassment by law enforcement was too much - all because he chose to answer his country's call in a time of need, but as a contractor and not a government employee, nobody gave a crap.

Another fun fact: there aren't watch lists as you think of them. It's just big data gone bad. Anything that doesn't make you look like a middle aged businessman or family vacation trip taker will get you on "a list" because it's just heuristics and the white list is pretty literally white.

As in white, middle aged, business, family, or pleasure, and your credit score and social media along with your demographic data as put on your "REAL ID" are all it cares about. Sure, there's blacklisted names, but they didn't come from counter-terrorism intelligence...

Mostly the "real" lists are law enforcement and government types flagging you and there doesn't have to be a reason. There actually usually isn't. That's right : there's no reason why most people are on those lists other than someone making a 5 second snap judgment and pushing a button.

It's almost all heuristics today - don't be the first or last on the plane. Don't be black. Don't be male. Don't be young. Don't have a passport recently issued. All of these things are weighted - hundreds of variables. There's even a weighting for if you wear corrective lenses. Wearing a certain kind of watch. Insufficient purchasing history with a bank issued credit card. The list goes on.

Then at boarding time those with the highest N ranks are "randomly" selected. The number of people chosen isn't based on risk but rather staffing. That's why there's always someone with their pants down next to the machine - quotas not risk.

Very few actual terrorists are even seen by the system. It's all heuristics. It's sad.

Username: MNGrrl

3. Demi Lovato the “Golden Child”

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A close friend who does lighting went on tour with Demi Lovato back in 2009, so she was like 16-17yrs old at the time and was still at the peak of her Disney-Camp-Rock-Girl-Next-Door fame ...

He had off for a few days and flew home, so we had a little cookout and he started telling us how crazy the tour was backstage, that she was sneaking out with her backup dancers up running around doing coke all night every night and making out with random girl backup dancers, etc.

At the time i remember thinking "holy shit, she's only 16 and she's Disney's Golden Child, she seems so sweet. " He said that her parents or whoever was in charge of her at the time basically looked the other way "as long as it wasn't underage drinking and hooking up with boys" bcuz they couldn't risk her getting busted for that and it ruining the Disney Gravy Train.

They were also very worried about cutting and went to extreme lengths to cover this up, he said there were multiple times she would be late to sound/lighting checks bcuz they would have to send her makeup artists to her dressing room all last min to try and cover up the cut marks that she had just made, and so they all had to wait around for her to finally be "ready" to be seen by everyone bcuz they were legit TERRIFIED of these secrets getting out, even tho he said the whole entire crew knew exactly what was going on bcuz her little group of bff's on the tour were so out of control.

I felt really sad at the time hearing it tho bcuz from everything that he said about her and his interactions with her, she seemed like a decent person, just a kid under intense scrutiny and a shit-ton of stress.

Fast forward 10yrs, all of this is now pretty much Public Knowledge and I hope the girl is really living the recovery she deserves, but at the time he flew home from tour and was telling me all this, this was almost earth-shattering compared to her public image.

He also worked a private party held by J.Lo for (then husband) Marc Anthony's 40th bday party and said they fought THE ENTIRE TIME. like, viciously fought in full view of crew and catering, guests and everything.

He told me about this one the same weekend it happened, and i remember thinking how this was the complete polar opposite of the public image they were *very heavily selling* at the time. I think it was right after their twins were born?

Also, he said he didn't see either of them interact with the kids once, and he was there dealing with her/them in a fairly intimate setting for 2 days setup prior to the party and then the day of the party itself. This was also in complete contrast to the image they were selling the tabloids at the time regarding parenting their newborn twins ...

And as a mom, i gotta be honest, this is what stuck with me all these years later bcuz when you're a new mom with a newborn baby, its pretty much completely unheard of to be hands-off or away from your child(ren) for more than a few hours, let alone 3days just to have a party for your husband/their father.

Then he worked the 2016(i think?) official NFL Super Bowl party in TX (held on the night before the Super Bowl) and was saying he witnessed Solange, Fergie, DJ Kaled and Kevin Hart and Jamie Foxx partying with a bunch of NFL & NBA players & some UFC guys (that i dont know) doing a bunch of coke and acting up with a bunch of super trashy looking girls. But meh...thats to be expected.

Side note: Apparently Art Garfunkel is also a huge asshole and will not speak to crew directly, he will literally turn his head and act like he does not hear the person speaking to him. My friend also toured with Garfunkel around the same time when he made a bunch of headlines for heckling a disabled fan and kicking him out of the venue. In the winter. In the snow.

Also side note: of all the stuff he ever told us, the Demi Lovato stuff was the only time he swore us to secrecy. It was REALLY IMPORTANT at the time that this stuff stay super hush-hush surrounding her.

Username: SteakCutFries

4. Students “Private” Information

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I worked in my university's office meant to handle student misconduct. I had access to every student's private information and often overheard the counselors discussing misconduct and appropriate measures. This was many years ago.

Let me tell you. Those people GOSSIP. I loved coming in monday mornings so I could hear all the juicy details about students who got wasted over the weekend and committed some serious misconduct. I'll tell you a few that stand out.

One-- 2 weeks after fall term started, several sorority girls got alcohol poisoning at a frat party. This is significant because 1 we were a dry campus 2 the girls were fresh out of high school and therefore under 21 and 3. the entire fraternity was on very thin ice.

Each member was investigated and had to have conferences with counselors about how they both supplied alcohol to minors and also alcohol period. Our university considered eliminating Greek life but wanted to save face.

They implemented a plan to require rush members to go through several sessions which focused on drug use and sexual assault. I cant tell you how many frat members continued to get sanctions for drugs thru the years.

Two-- a more specific story that I love. Three sorority girls were arguing in a bathroom at a party and it turned physical. They were all wasted. One of the guys had been trying to get in the bathroom to break them up but the door was locked. What did he do? Well he busted thru anyway of course. The door came off its hinges and landed on one of the girls.

Two continued arguing. Now, I dont know how the next thing occurred, because the stars had to have aligned to allow it, but one girl ended up grabbing the door off the ground and SLAMMING IT INTO THE OTHER GIRL.

At which point cops arrived. We were all baffled that a wasted sorority girl could carry a heavy door let alone slam it into a person. I dont know what happened to them.

Three-- a guy who lived on a coed floor got very high on shrooms. Apparently, he went out to the common room in his underwear where a group of his floormates were. He then proceeded to sit on a girls lap and hug her too tightly. She was legit choking and could not breathe.

Her throat had bruises afterwards. The group had to get him off and once they did he went back to his room which he destroyed. Campus police arrived (an RA witnessed the whole thing and they are mandatory reporters) and knocked at his door.

I dont know what happened directly after but I do remember hearing about repurcussions and seeing him in the office. It could technically count as sexual assault but the girl wasnt pushing for any charges or punishments because she knew him well and knew he felt awful.

He hadn't meant to hurt her but he was a very large man on a very bad trip. When I saw him in the office he looked like a zombie full of self hatred.

He was kicked off the floor and moved to a different dorm for the year. I heard he left the university after that year due to the incredible social backlash he faced. The girl never really wanted to see him again either. Which is understandable.

So those are a few. There were always stories of kids getting caught with weed or drinking out in the open like dumbasses. But those are three of the more significant ones.

Username: stressedouthippie

5. Bloody Finger Slices in Your Sandwich

Media Source
I signed a non-compete for this company, but not as it relates to this story. But it's a place a lot of people have probably eaten at so I'm gonna tell it anyway.

So my first job in high school was as a manager for a certain freaky sub sandwich chain. It was a franchised location, but you still have corporate visits like anywhere else, and on this particular morning the district manager happened to show up.

You receive a lot of fresh produce in the morning (which always looks like shit, btw) and then you get to prepping for the day. One of those jobs is slicing tomatoes.

You have this industrial/commercial slicer in where you place the tomato inside and press down on the handle which causes the blades to slice the whole tomato at once. Easy enough.

Bless this guy's heart, cuz he was legit trying to give me pointers on how to maximize my time in the mornings and being super hands-on which is atypical of most corporate folk (in my experience). Well, he's got the machine resting over the top of a stainless pan to catch the tomatoes as he's slicing them, all the while looking over and talking to me while I'm prepping the bread for open.

Then all the sudden he goes "Ah shit." And I look over and he's clutching his finger with his opposite fist. I walk over and he takes a few steps to the other sink that's in the back area and begins to spray it off with water.

So we're both looking at it and like, no shit, the dude sliced off the side of the tip of his finger. Like, it wasn't gushing blood (although it was bleeding quite a bit) cuz it was one of those wounds that's kinda fleshy or whatever, but it was very clear that there was a not-insignificant slice missing.

So he's like shrugging it off and wraps it with a clean dish-towel and is really downplaying the severity (and I probably wouldn't have been too worried myself.

It was just the side of the finger and didn't affect his nail or anything) so I went over to the sink it happened at and picked up the pan with all the tomatoes in it and was gonna toss it.

You know, *like any reasonable person would*. The slice-o-finger had to be in there somewhere, right? There was some blood drops on the stainless so, like, the area is obviously contaminated, ya'know?

Corporate dude comes over and takes the pan out if my hands and holds it up to his face, eyeballs it, and in a joking tone says "Ah don't worry about it --they're fine! It's all red anyway!" and goes and puts in the assembly area.

Like, I'm 17 at this point and I had to pass a shitty 2-day, 8-hour sanitation class at some fucking Ramada Inn to be a manger, but I worked really hard to maintain the highest standards because it's what I'd hope of the places that I eat at.

Like, I **knew** this was sheisty as fuck --especially just to save some fucking tomatoes-- but what could I do? I was naive and the dude didn't leave until like 2 or 3 that day so the damage was done.

The franchisee (who was an awesome lady) would come around every other day to grab the deposits from the safe and to check some paperwork. I told her about it and she just laughed and legitimately wasn't concerned. I felt like I was taking crazy pills.

Username: swisscheesefarts

6. Sweating Into McDs Fries

Media Source
Coming from Australia, particularly Sydney in New South Wales, McDonalds (Maccas) did confirm that the fries are pre-cooked and they are cooked for 3 minutes in the deep fryer. Often they are brought out earlier so technically speaking your fries could be brought out earlier then sit in the fry station for a while.

Or they could come out a bit later which changes the condition of the fries which can cause people to ask questions. What people don't realise is for like the first month or so each front counter worker is put on fries alone, and there is never more than one person allowed on fries.

To the point that i would be sweating up a storm, cuts from the little boxes or the big box those came in, i'd have to load my own box of fries which is a box around 10kg (without being frozen and they were always frozen with water frozen onto the box) with some smaller boxes depending on storage space in the store had and burns from the station heat lights being so low that someone my height at 175cm could not reasonably do.

The fry machine automatically drops fries into the basket when you place it inside the bottom and there is 2 areas for it so you can load 2 baskets at once.

The boys are kept in back area and girls in front unless it was a gay guy because girls were perceived as nicer and guys had the muscle to do the back area things. Though when you get trained for crew trainer and management you have to learn all areas.

So i would be complaining that i can't constantly lift the big boxes cause the machine would often be empty before they'd let me grab another, the boys wouldn't fill my fries freezer up front and then i had to run about 30 metres back and forth between the fries dispenser and walk in freezer.

I shit you not, i got paid about $21 an hour for this which is $6 less than my current sitting job at a much smaller company.

It was super frustrating though because i was never treated as equal by anyone, the other girls knew cafe, which i wasn't considered pretty enough to do apparently, until i pushed really hard for it.

Some people aren't allowed to do things because they're the wrong gender or the wrong age for it or just aren't good looking enough. I was stuck as the over night person and that got drilled into me but was never good enough for day time because i almost never had to prep drinks and food the way they do.

My drink station was meant to be cleaned every night with a soda water mix but i never heard of any actual disinfecting happening or saw it. The ice cream machine and shake machine is filled with slightly different consistencies of a milk like substance with the flavour jugs being a big 5 litre jug underneath for shakes.

The ice cream is super heated to kill anything then it is chilled back down for dispensing. I don't know how many more things i can tell you...

All Maccas workers can work at different stores provided they are all owned by the same person (franchisee) or all owned still by head office which is more rare to see.

There is a guy in Sydney who owns 12 stores as of late 2018 but also drag cars and V8 Supercars that he drives and places usually 3rd in races for with McDonalds advertised on the V8 supercars for extra fun facts 😬😊

Username: [deleted]

7. NASA is All-Powerful

Media Source
If all the NASA programs were required to share everything with each other that means if one spy, one hacker take China or Russia. If one Country stole the technology from one NASA program they would have it all. I’m in no way saying that doesn’t open a big wide door for employee thefts.

It does. NASA is probably the most powerful agency in the Country as they are regulated virtually on paper only. As far as NDA. My job as a Sheriffs Deputy was on a Fugitive task force.

The reason I worked for a Sheriff as opposed to a State Agency is that no matter what action I took the only one who could fire me was the Sheriff. I worked at some point with every Federal Agency there was. Plain clothes carried any weapon I wanted. As a result I worked security details for many public officials.

Governor’s in particular. There were non disclosure agreements about not repeating anything they said in private to anyone period. I always complied. Most of the time it was something that might be political.

The NDA’s may seem like they couldn’t include a law being broken, but you have gotten some bad advice here. There are laws, there are lower court rulings that haven’t made it up the chain that many times allow the violation of law if it’s in the best interest of the country.

A small example would be this. A South Carolina Supreme Court ruling from the 80s. It said that if a an entity, corporation, government agency has a policy and that policy has been routinely violated then the violation becomes the policy.

That has never been challenged to a Federal Court. So if you read the book of rules and think someone is breaking the rules you may be wrong if the policy falls under this ruling.
An example of a law instead of policy is Nepotism.

Nepotism is against the law. In a court ruling before I can even remember the Court ruled that an elected official,President, Governor,Clerks of Court, Sheriffs, any one elected on a ballot do not have to comply with the Nepotism laws. If the voters don’t like it the legal remedy right now is still the ballot box.

There was a Sheriff in South Carolina that was elected before they changed the laws about records and qualifications who couldn’t carry a gun because he was a convicted felon but he was still elected and re-elected several times his name was Theo McFarland.

Sheriff of Williamsburg County South Carolina.
The 11th Circuit Solicitor in South Carolina was re-elected after a DUI conviction. He just couldn’t drive the Government vehicle.

The Solicitor in Horry County( Myrtle Beach) was involved in several bar room brawls and remained in office for 3 terms I believe. James Dunn. So be careful getting your legal advice off Social Media.

Susan Smith drowned her children in Union County South Carolina in the 90s. Her Stepdad name was Beverly Russell. He was an influential person in Union County. He testified in her murder trial that he had been molesting her since she was 13 years old.

He was never Prosecuted after testifying under oath that he committed a felony. Not prosecuting him was a crime called Misprision of Felony. That would fall under the Misconduct in Public Office in the law book.

The Federal Court though in the 70s ruled that the State Solicitors or DA whichever your state calls them and the United States Attorney General have what is called absolute discretion.

It was intended to allow Prosecutors to give immunity to felonious drug dealers in exchange for testimony. As the court ruling should one of you decide you just don’t like someone so you kill them. The Prosecutor can simply say, “I choose not to prosecute him for the murder.”

And that is the law right now as the court rulings read. I know this was long but I wanted to cover things in a way you could follow up and check my facts.
As my Grandpa said,”Boy things ain’t always what you think.” Lol

Username: Jimbo-Harmon

8. Shady Pill Mill

Media Source
My first job as a teenager was for a Community Mental Health center (an outpatient treatment facility for severely mentally ill patients) in downtown Detroit.

The operation was so shady it functioned almost like a pill mill. The focus wasn't on rehabilitation at all, they deliberately tried to keep these mentally ill patients coming back so they could continue to bill medicaid for an insane amount of services.

I was hired at 15 completely off the books. There was no record of my employment and I didn't need to file taxes for my income. I worked a 40 hour shift, despite being way under the legal age to do so.

I remember shortly after I left, one of the homeless centers in the community shut down and the fucking COO of the business literally ordered employees to go pick up all these homeless people in vans and bring them back to the facility and basically let them crash in the lobby, just so they could bill everyone's government insurance for a bunch of mental health services that were never provided.

I also remember we would frequently have bedbug outbreaks in certain areas of the facility. This was a 3 story standalone office building, so the place was large enough that one area could be infested without employees in another area knowing about it, unless you had a friend who worked in that specific department...

The call center on the 2nd floor always seemed to have bedbugs, the front desk reception area was always pretty bad, and obviously the lobby where all the clients congregated was a huge "no fly zone" for all the employees. We had to get plastic chairs for the lobby because cloth ones would just end up being infested with bugs...

Management's response to these frequent outbreaks was to try to hide it from the rest of the employees.

It got so bad a lot of the employees would bring spray bottles full of rubbing alcohol to work just to make sure they weren't bringing bedbugs back home with them.

Another thing that was completely illegal and immoral is how they passed their audits. They had to go through something called CARF accreditation to stay in business, and with CARF I guess they were allowed to cherry pick the medical records the auditor would be able to review...

My job title was Data Entry Clerk, and I remember one time during audit season my job was literally to take all the bad medical records, basically all the client's files that were wrongly documented or missing documents, and hide them in this locked room in the back of the facility.

There were literally shelves upon shelves of big black binders full of medical information for different clients that were just simply fucked.

They always passed their audits, but ONLY because they hid all the bad documentation. I probably should've just quit instead of helping them commit medicaid fraud, but I was only 15/16 and I really needed the money.

Everything about the clinic was a major shit show and my job title should have been "fraud assistant".

Username: kevkaneki

9. The Murder of Smiley Rodriguez

Media Source
This has everything to do with the murder of Smiley Rodriguez in 1980 at the liquor store near La Palma and Acacia...I seem to be related to the Hepburn family and my biological Dad is Arturo Sanchez. I was to have an open adoption.

Instead of solving Smiley’s murder the police covered it up because Debbie Jones...the biological mom of the adopted sister who molested me her police friends found Melvin Zercher and Donald Esenbach were hired to kill Smiley so these white power friends of Denise Jones could extort money from the Hepburn family.

In August 1996 at the Zercher home on 16041 Marlinton in Whitter California...they had guests from Colevile, Utah and I was very drunk and these guys began talking about 9/11 in 1996 and I told them very very drunk that my brother was in the NAVY and I was going to kick their asses...but they laughed at me.

And I don’t know for sure that this pager was a wire or if these ‘Elks’ who said the klu klux klan was part of the ‘Network’ (it sounds worse in Arabic)... I’m to blame...

I was told I would be murdered if I date, have sex or get going to a strip club seems like a death sentence when the people who held a gun to my head get away with murder and being privy to 9/11 as the KKK planned that attack.

I look at this sign about the Library gentleman’s club and I think...after I leave will an asshole gun me down in the parking lot or give me poison in my drinks.

And what about the doctor’s...they could give me a poisoned injection... because men in my neighborhood helped plan 9/11...and the police didn’t take the Estrada family very seriously...

July 26, 1997 in the La Mirada/Whittier Area...11732 Elmrock Ave Whittier CA the Loomis Home...there should be some police record or 911 records.

I tried to tell the background investigators about this when I applied to the OC Probation Department, but I didn’t remember everything. More than I went to a party and something no one wanted to talk about happened.

Neo-Nazis brought guns to a party and threatened to kill me because I had sex and I will never stop talking about White Power Whittier...or these white power neighbors stopped me from having sex to enforce their Jim Crow laws while saying that because I’m Roman Catholic...premarital sex is out of the question...?

I was part of an open adoption with Detective Arthur Sanchez , Mary (Hepburn) Towels and Jesus and Mary Estrada.

I was 18 months old in 1977 my aunt Audrey Hepburn, Mary Hepburn and Mary Estrada carried me into the Anaheim Police Station to visit my uncle ‘Smiley’ Officer Cesario Rodriguez Jr and some dirty police officers or administration hatched a plan to extort money from the Hepburn family using me and the Estrada family as leverage.

Toni Jones was the daughter of someone who worked there and her family falsified police records to have her put into foster care with Jesus and Mary Estrada’s family namely David (me).

January 20th 1980 my parents adopted me. Toni was adopted as well and she wasn’t supposed to have contact with her family but they are the extortionists I speak of...Toni uses aliases...Denise Jones, Margaret Zercher, Melvin Zercher, Donald Esenbach, Cathy Esenbach...among others...some police officers, or like Margaret Zercher a court clerk who helps arrest warrants go away...

Username: psychodavidest0001

10. Escorts in the Office

Media Source
I'm a software engineer and worked for a startup who wanted to be the next Commission Junction. The company was located in LA, though I was not. Every executive that work for the company was shady AF.

Also, just about everyone was an executive with the exception me and 3-5 other employees. As soon as the CEO invested, he took over and made it clear that anyone who said anything to anyone outside of the company he would sue into oblivion.

Our cast of characters:
COO, Eventually went to Federal prison for drug dealing.
CEO, Bored millionaire, who sold his brick and mortar business for ~500M. The COO convinced him to invest in his internet startup.

CIO, Collected a salary as CIO, but also through a silent partner owned a code farm in India where the engineering work was done. He pocketed 70% of the money paid out for engineering on top of collecting a salary and stock options as CIO.
CTO, Ran a previous business with COO, avoided prison by fleeing to Cyprus.

Here are some of the crazy times we had together.
I'm sitting at my desk one day coding, when the CEO opens my door. "Hey withak101, I'm kind of busy right now, so I'll need you to go and pick up my wife." Tosses the key to his Bentley onto my desk. As cool as I think it would be to drive a Bentley, I'm working on an issue that he said was my #1 priority and had to be fixed by the end of the day.

After giving some slight protest that this wasn't in my job description, he tells me whatever he wants me to do is in the job description. (more on that later) I drove and picked up his (trophy) wife 25 years younger, used to be a hostess at one of his restaurants.

I'm in my hotel room working and drinking, it about 11:30 at night. COO calls. "withak101, CEO and I are at his restaurant and it's dead here. Get on Craigslist and find some escorts to meet us here. Search for 'independent' and 'white' then look for a blond, a brunette, and a red head."

A couple weeks later only this time it's a weekend, but still working. Still late at night. COO calls. I ignore him. Calls again, ignore him again.

Texts me, "Site is down, fucking call me!" I call right back. Drunk COO answers, "Hahaha withak101, I knew you'd call me back if I said that. CEO, CTO, CIO and I are having a high stakes poker game in our hotel room here in Vegas.

Get on Craigslist and get some girls over here." Sick of this shit, I get on my soft phone, spoof his number, and call Porn Model Escort Service in Vegas and order 4 models on the company card. 20 minutes later I get a call from COO.

"Fuck you you fucking fuck, what the hell do you think you're doing? My bank just called because of a suspicious charge to Pron Model Escort Service." The girls I ordered for him were $3k each, for a total of $12,000 for the night. COO never called me to get Escorts for him again.

The business is burning through money fast, and the CEO has been yelling at the other executive types all day.

Some of us go down to the restaurant after work to get some drinks. CTO comes to join us. CTO drinks lots, it was one of the CEO's restaurants and we had carte blanche to order whatever we want. He asks for me to drive him home since I was sober. I oblige, on the way home CTO starts sobbing.

I think this has something to do with him finding out recently he was going to prison. Nope, he starts sobbing because his Range Rover is 5 years old, and the way the business is going he doesn't think he will be able to own a new Range Rover ever again.

I have lots more stories like these...
- CIO asking for a hand job.
- Escorts in the office.
- Employee home invasion ending in murder.
- CTO texting my wife from my phone for sex.
- Porn shoots at CEO empty mansions.
- Head of sales wife commits suicide.
- Interview with the FBI.
- Movie producers, (*cough* drug dealers) wanting to "invest" in the company.

Username: withak101

11. Apple Had Us By The Balls

Media Source
Okay, so... Once upon a time I worked for at&t, and made my way up fairly high in the corporate ladder. I'm still being vague as to not give up too much information because if I piss them off too much, that could burn some bridges I may need later.

At the time, we were just sitting down with Apple to hammer out the iPhone deal... As in, the original iPhone.

Anyway, in the same day we had meetings with a few other companies about carrying certain handsets, but Apple was the most important meeting we had. We hammer out a deal for exclusivity so that no other carrier could have the iPhone but us.

Fast forward a year, and HTC comes knocking. We have a meeting to demo the HTC Dream and discuss an exclusivity contract so we could have the first and only Android phone on the market.

Well let me tell you, Apple has some corporate ninjas! This meeting was to be in secret, as we offered confidentiality to *all* OEMs, as was the custom.

After all, let's say we don't reach an agreement -- they don't want T-Mobile knowing they were the second choice!

So, my phone rings, and I'm told in no uncertain terms that if *we* keep this meeting with HTC, or indeed take *any* meetings for any of these "Android" devices *at all*, Apple will be happy to take the hit of the financial costs of terminating our exclusivity and take it right on over to Verizon.

I don't know how Apple even found out about the meeting but they did. So we were forced to delay even **meeting** with OEMs about the prospect of rolling out Android phones after the exclusivity with Apple ended.

Though... We did kinda just say "fuck it" at the end, and took a meeting with Motorola for the "backflip", which had a really cool design but was pretty much hot garbage. It really stung, though, because not too long after we missed the HTC Dream, it came out on T-Mobile as the 'G1', and was a very successful device.

We watched Android device after Android device roll out everywhere else and crush iPhone sales numbers because of the way Apple handled everything in the beginning. No wireless phone insurance, warranty service could only be through Apple Care locations, NONE of our 'authorized retailers' could sell the iPhone - only corporate locations... Everything was in their favor and we really got the shaft.

I guess none of this is really some big revelation, as pretty much every big cell phone site and blog had already assumed as much, but we were all under strict NDA not to confirm or deny any of it. But they were right. Apple had us by the short hairs.

Username: Goth_in_Crocs

12. Stolen Beauty Secrets

Media Source
I worked for a beauty manufacturing company that would show potential brands “samples” of their newest creations to add to their product line.

Problem was, most of the formulas the lab created ending up being shit, so they would buy products that were currently on the market - like from target or Sephora or wherever - and make them “samples” of their “newest innovations” to take to trade shows and show prospective new clients.

Then if a brand wanted to add the product to their line, they would have the lab try to reverse-make it.

It was absolutely unethical and drove me insane. My boss would make up quotes by that famous people said about the products and I thought it was real because umm why would someone lie about that?

So when I said “If celebrity said this on Instagram , where’s the pic?” I expected her to say or sure I’ll send it to you or can you look for it? Instead she said no, I made that up. I was shocked.

I ended up getting fired because “I wasn’t doing my job” which makes me laugh because I was the only designer and the day before I got fired there was company presentation about the business rebrand and all the before/afters of the brands website, logo, marketing materials, projects, etc. Essentially- it was a presentation of my portfolio that I had no clue was happening.

After the meeting, I talked to her about how I wanted to be involved in more of the planning because some of the designs that were in the presentation had been updated or changed. Next day, I got fired.

I’m thinking it was a set up because the week prior, I had received 2 emails from her “recapping” a meeting and conversation we never had, of her scolding me, and I would respond like ummm that’s not what happened?

I was so confused. I’m assuming she was BCC’ing HR in those emails, completely fabricating her story.

I was super pissed to get fired but relieved to get away from that toxic environment. I started my own freelance design business.

A couple months after I got fired, I posted my new design business on my personal FB - and within a couple days I received a fedex letter from the manufacturing company - threatening to sue me for breaching an NDA.... how?

I had a few design concepts in my portfolio - and I only showed designs that were 100% my original design and ideas she rejected and “refused to show her boss or potential clients because they were so bad,” I didn’t show any designs from current or ongoing projects.

I got a lawyer, and after 5 months of bullshit back and forth, she backed down.

Username: Conscious_Date_6873

13. Market Research is Fake

Media Source
I worked for a market research company. The majority of the surveys taken from those places are fake(unless it was a paid survey or free product survey) I’ll explain. Typical market research is done in malls or large shopping centers.

Our market research company did a TON of movie surveys. Basically it was my job to go out in the mall, find demographics we needed, convince them to take an UNPAID movie survey and record the data.

Some of the times I had to ask someone with a child if they wanted to bring their child with me and watch a movie preview for their opinion.

Nobody wants to do this. So much so we even started offering $5. We also had to do a certain amount every single day.

So on a Tuesday afternoon we had to get X amount of surveys that was impossible to get on a Tuesday afternoon.

Picture having to get 25 people in 4-5 different demographics to take an unpaid survey about a movie they may or may not give a shit about. I also had to sit and watch every preview with them.

So I would watch the same movie trailers everyday multiple times a day for 8 hours and PRETEND to be a demographic.

What would a 43 year old woman think of the new Die Hard? Probably won’t like it. Does a 12 year old little boy like the new transformers?

Fuck yeah he does. Sometimes I would make up funny stuff. Other times I’d make it close to what I thought they would say.

We all used fake names since they had to have names on the survey. Surprised they didn’t catch on when we started using names like Tyler Durdan.

But we also did surveys with free stuff and absolutely all of those surveys people will participate in. We started forcing people to take movie surveys before we would sign them up for the free food and cigarette surveys.

Yes we gave people free cigarettes. Made them spit in a tube (probably for some shady research based on chemicals in things.

We did camel crush before they released) and gave them a pack or two of blank unmarked cigarettes.

We did lays baked chips before they hit the market, busches microwave bean pouches and tons of stuff that never hit market.

So yeah basically if you’re getting market research data without providing free products or cash then you’re getting mostly employees sitting in a room pretending to be little old ladies or teenagers.

Corporate typically didn’t know it was my manager doing this to cover his ass and absolutely everyone I worked with was on drugs

Username: Str8kush

14. Couldn’t Even Tell My Boss

Media Source
This is less about what I can disclose, but more about a particular NDA. The company (salad dressing maker) went under and no one bought them because the owners overpriced it and refused to negotiate. So, I'm free to talk about it because no one is around to enforce the one I actually did sign.

As part of the packaging industry, I run into NDAs all the time because there are some very specialized pieces of equipment specific to different manufacturers that they don't want competitors to know about.

Sometimes, I don't even sign them because they are in a hurry to get me on the line to fix their problem. In that case, they just assign an escort to me so I don't wander off to the wrong part of the plant.

There was only one NDA I refused to sign in my 25 years doing this because of how ridiculous it was.

It specifically forbade me from discussing my time in the plant and relaying any information to: family, including spouse; competitors (completely understandable); and (the real kicker) employer or employees.

Yes, really! I was not allowed to talk with my boss or helpers because they hadn't signed the NDA. I was unable to submit an invoice because our AR department had not signed the NDA.

Technically, I wasn't even supposed to let anybody know (including my own company) that I was there (it would make them look bad for not having equipment working 100% of the time).

They even wanted me to give up the password to my email, private and corporate, and social media for a period of 3 years so they could verify that I wasn't talking with anyone about my time there.

Now, other than the obvious privacy issues, my corporate email contains privileged communication with other customers and government contractors. I legally can not give that information. I called my boss and he told me to just leave so I did.

Later we found out that their in-house counsel (VP's wife's cousin by marriage who just graduated law school) wrote the NDA completely wrong--they had never had one before so this was new territory for them.

I was eventually allowed to come back and sign a different, much more lenient, one that basically said I wouldn't "disclose or describe manufacturing methods, equipment, or processes beyond what is critical to the repair at hand."

It also had morality and non-disparaging clauses in it that were 100% unenforceable but no big deal. Apparently, they weren't expecting anyone to actually sit and read the whole 30 pages before signing it.

I told them, "You're paying for the time from when I get out of my car until I get back into my car. I'm not about to complain about you spending money having me read all of that."

It was the typical bottling line that almost everyone uses. There was not one thing on it that was in any way special. They just didn't want their competitors to know that they were doing things exactly like everyone else.

Username: Cusslerfan

15. A Weapon For Assault

Media Source
Former employer used NDA to bully a sexual assault victim into silence and rewarded the perpetrator. Threatened the female staff about making 'frivolous' complaints.

Second one was an international software development company that went through a series of mergers and acquisitions. My NDA was negated with the entity that I worked for in this group was de-registered and all contracts were transferred to a new entity for tax reasons.

Someone forgot to transfer my NDA when they took the opportunity to terminate my employment and saddle my work onto someone who was already swamped. Idiots.

Anyway, one of the female staff in another country office was sexually assaulted by her boss who was a senior manager.

This was 1.5 years before my NDA was terminated. She reported it to management. She was blamed for the incident (CEO informed us that she was asking for it by having had drinks at a team drinking event and not fighting back harder). She was asked to resign and no action was taken against her boss.

She put up a graphic blog post that got major publicity at the time and embarrassed the management of this company.

And by all accounts from her male and female colleagues who were at the event, she was assaulted. A couple of them tried to step in and protect her but the manager just cornered her later and continued his attack.

She was then threatened with legal action based on her NDA and had to take down the blog post. Company released a statement saying that legal action will be taken against her.

Also that her boss had an alcohol problem and issues at home, he was going through a difficult time and the company is now giving him time off to deal with his personal issues.

Oh and the company values women employees and women's rights so it is creating a women's task force to be led by the (male) CEO to ensure that women's voices are heard. Blah blah blah...

If you have ever worked in PR you will know the statement pretty much said 'she's a b***h for leaking our info and we are going to take her down, her boss made a small mistake, we will set up an email account for women to complain about stuff that goes to the person who dragged this poor woman over the coals and protected his alcoholic buddy'.

So 2 days later we get an internal email to the women only, reminding us that we are under NDA, letting us know that the CEO will be doing a global Skype call each month to instruct us on any women's rights and protection issues that we want to raise with him on these calls, although we should think carefully about what we say and avoid frivolous complaints because of the impact to reputation of our male colleagues e.g. what happened to alcoholic manager oh and importantly whether our behaviour has invited a male colleague in the first place.

No call ever takes place, no email account was ever set up, the manager who was given time off did eventually resign but received a very fat bonus before he left.

I'm embarrassed to say that I stayed on because I needed the money and my local manager was outraged, insisting that our local office would never let something like that happen.

Username: LucyJay000

16. Huffing Smoke

Media Source
I had a talk with a friend of a friend. He maintains and fixes air filters and all things AC - but for big, industrial complexes, manufacturing, warehouses, that sort of thing.

This guy told me he knew why cigarettes had to be labeled today with "contains up to 70 different chemicals that can cause cancer".

Because back in the 90s and early 00s, when he worked, he was always horrified to inspect the air supply and filter situation in cigarette factories.

He said that a) you produce in a cheap country. Low labour costs, environmental, savety and labour laws that lagg behind most other Western countries, etc.

This meant that b) cigarettes were often made - his example was a factory in Hungary that produced cigarettes for numerous brands - with mechanical machines that cut, rolled, etc.

These machines had a lot of moving parts. Which required lubrication. The machines were working as fast as possible, naturally.

So the faster you want to go, the more lubrication you need.
Problem for the air filters though because lubricants get shredded into tiny particels, those go in the air, then get stuck in the AC filters, gunk them up.

How often do they check those filters? Welllllll ......He said he was in that factory every year and every time he got there the filters were so gunked up that airosole particels of industrial lubricans were being dispersed everywhere throughout the factory.

He'd clean the filters, but he couldn't just ... scub the entire AC vents and airways, so the filth staid in there.

And every time he came he realised that he should be there in half-year turns, at least. The filters were overloaded to an extreme.

The gunked up filters let tiny particles through, and they rained down on everything. The tobacoo, the paper, the machines, the people working there, every surface.

It was so bad he quit his 4-pack-a-day habit, forced himself to stay off, because he knew that essentially huffing smoke from burning industrial-strength lubricants was an even dumber idea that smoking tar-filtering plants.

I have no idea how or if this has been adressed at all. By dude quickly got out of the game, when I met him 20 years later he was a concert technician for big events.

Which, due to COVID, could be bad for him right now, if I think about it. One thing's for sure though - he doesn't have cancer.

Username: TheWordShaker

17. Don’t Get the Ice

Media Source
Not NDA, but nasty tell-alls dealing with fast food (and possibly a little ranting lol).

\- I had a shift manager pick up a piece of uncooked bacon that was being prepped and fell to the floor, and she put it back on the tray to be cooked.

My partner worked at the same restaurant and was also a witness and we both complained, to which she became very pissed off, and our store manager covered for her. We "must not have seen what we thought we saw". We made sure that the whole tray was thrown out.

\- One of my store managers was so cruel that I walked in for my shift one day and my 40-50 something-year-old coworker who was sweet as pie and was an abuse survivor was literally trying not to sob as she was taking orders on the register.

One of the shift leads at this store was constantly crying in the walk-in freezer and I found out later that she self-harmed due to how our store manager treated her like garbage. I ended up confronting the district manager and he basically told me that employees were replaceable but seasoned managers aren't and that if I didn't like it I could leave. So I left.

\- At another restaurant, I found out that one of the hardest-working shift managers who sacrificed *everything* for this store was being vastly underpaid. She was making less than our highest waged employee.

\- There was a woman working the fry station at one of the restaurants who constantly had snot running down from her nose and she would wipe her hands. Employees at the fry station were recommended not to wear gloves in case the hot oil got on them.

She wouldn't wash her hands before messily serving the fries. I was reprimanded often for demanding that she go blow her nose, wash her face, and wash her hands. Even after customers made several complaints, nothing was done.

\- My first fast food job was when I was about 20. There was a postal company that came in pretty much every single day for lunch. I was friendly with all of them. Then one day the group came in but some guys missing and some new guys, one of them an older dude.

He instantly made me feel uncomfortable, but I just ignored it. For weeks my discomfort grew until he made an inappropriate remark. My manager? Knew the guy and assured me he was "harmless".

Over the next few months, this "harmless" guy managed to find my phone number and address by asking my coworkers, as well as my schedule so he would know what time to "catch" me.

It escalated to the point that he would ask my coworkers about whether or not I had mentioned any plans. He showed up on a date with my partner and said, "I just knew I'd find you here." None of my coworkers nor my manager took accountability for aiding in me being stalked.

\- Play areas are ***d i s g u s t i n g***. I had to crawl through ours several times (as we did not clean or maintain it without being asked to- which was not often). Kids won't mention a lot of the stuff in there, but I will NEVER allow my kids to play in those areas.

\- Employees were constantly being roped into the "we're family here" rhetoric that would then be used against them as guilt trips to get them out of asking for time off. I've known coworkers who missed funerals, weddings, births, rescheduled surgeries, etc. because they felt like there would be retaliation for not supporting the understaffed "family".

\- When one of my store managers was out for a while, his replacement was a young punk who knew the owner of the franchise. He ended up hiring this girl who he instantly started doting on.

He never made her work, boasted about him paying her bills, gave her his manager's discount (free meals), and would clock her in (before we got the thumbprint system), among other things. They both ended up getting fired after they were caught in a sexual situation in the manager's office.

\- My store manager at a coffee shop kiosk ended up having an issue with me on the first day (I still have no idea what I did) and she ended up sending the person who was supposed to close with me home.

I had no idea what to do, so tried my best to do what I thought was common sense. I ended up being there almost an hour and half later than I was supposed to, and I was exhausted, and had had a few people yell at me for "looking open" and not giving them coffee.

Thankfully an employee from the grocery store ended up helping me with the rest and advised me to report the manager. I did, and ended up getting transferred to another store that opened up across town. I ended up loving that position and am still friends with my manager from there to this day.

The list could go on and on, but I leave you with this final bit: Don't get ice or tea from fast food restaurants.

Username: ClauzzieHowlbrance

18. Pharm Students Are D***s

Media Source
I worked at the testing center in college and I can 100% say pharmacy students are total dicks. Honestly the rigor of their coursework in addition to their disability accommodations is what makes their ego so unbearable. Their intelligence literally has nothing to do with their massive ego. The whole shebang with them is pure entitlement.

I've had a pharm girl spit at me for telling her her appointment was cancelled and she needed to coordinate with the College of Pharmacy to reschedule her exam because she was 3 hours late to her seating time, so the room she was supposed to have been testing in got used by another student.

Had to call campus security on a pharm guy because he got physically aggressive with my boss for being caught cheating.

Had another pharm girl scream over me because she could never remember her time accommodations correctly (we received a spreadsheet from the campus disability services at the beginning of each semester that indicated the time accommodations adjustment on a scale anywhere from + 0.5x exam time to + 3x exam time for every student on their record who received them) and insisted she got anywhere from 3-5x testing time (lady a 5x testing time for a 165 minute test is 825 minutes ÷ 60 is 13 hrs and 45 minutes that's longer than we were even open for). I just started the timer and closed her door. She could sit in there and scream or she could get tf to work.

We had to take away personal timers for all students who received disability accommodations because of timer tampering.

We found out when we got a second set of timers we didn't tell the students about and kept them on us because we had our suspicions. Within a week we had a 72% timer tamper rate and our timers ALWAYS went off first.

I knew a girl (not pharm student) who received accommodations for a very real reason who admitted to me after I left the testing center that she would sneak her notes into her test in her underwear, because we couldn't go into the testing room once their timer started.

So she would wait for us to close the door and then pull the notes out of her underwear and do the test knowing full well she and her classmates weren't allowed them.

She knew we made everyone turn out pockets before letting them into the test room so she put them in one of the very few spots we couldn't search.

The best days to be working were almost always GRE, LSAT or PRAXIS because no one complained or tried anything funny ever.

I fully support getting the help you need if you do not function like regular or neurotypical human beings in an exam setting.

I want to point out that this shit is a prime example why there's so much red tape when it comes to getting that help you need and why it's so hard to prove at colleges and universities that you have conditions even if you've known about them your whole life.

Those who already do have them have on a large scale abused the system so thoroughly it's hard to be accommodating and trusting of anyone else who wants access to the benefits of said system

Username: Correct-Serve5355

19. Band-Aids Over Gunshot Wounds

Media Source
One of my first IT jobs was working for a small advertising and web hosting company in North Carolina. When I say small, less than 30 employees total. They had a few big clients with online stores, but mostly catered to other small businesses in the area.

I was hired not only to manage the various devices in house for employees, but mainly to be the Systems Admin for their on-site servers.

The guy I had replaced had almost no documentation skills, so I had figure things out from scratch. I was tasked with managing four Windows servers, eight various Ubuntu and Redhat Linux web servers, and 3 Cent OS email servers.

Almost all of the servers were out of date for security patches, and there was only one internet connection for the whole building with no redundancy.

The previous guy's mentality had been to just fix symptoms rather than the underlying critical failures; putting Band-Aids over gunshot wounds comes to mind.

The best part though was after I finished auditing all of the accounts and cleaning up servers. I had the fun task of telling the boss that almost 40% of his clients hadn't paid in the last 4 years and nobody had noticed.

They had active websites being hosted on our servers, and of course email was being provided as part of their packages.

There were also dozens of sites being hosted for companies that had long since gone out of business, and we were constantly fighting for drive space.

Also, only a few had secured websites. The servers couldn't handle the load and he was asking me what I would recommend as an alternative and whatever it was, to just do it so money would start flowing again.

I started migrating our servers to Rackspace, a company that provides dedicated web hosting, email, and (most importantly) back-end management of all the sites for billing.

The customer sites would now have double-redundant internet connections, and 1 GB of email space included (with more available for a premium of course) instead of the 20-150 MB we had provided.

After a while, all the Linux servers had been migrated, I had gotten every client to agree to buy SSL certificates as a service, and all were being billed correctly now.

All services totalled cost us less than the upkeep of the old servers (including SSL), but the bill to the customers only increased by ~10% for most, which they all agreed to, so our profit margin increased.

Two months later, I found I no longer had a job as there were no servers for me to manage, and the in-house IT was to be outsourced to another company in town whose owner was dating the boss's niece or something.

Username: dwilliam16

20. Doc Killed My Grandma

Media Source
Our doctor killed my grandma and covered it up. My grandma had gangrene. This was 1 week before Christmas. The doctor wanted to wait till after Christmas to operate.

She died on Christmas day. So naturally we were upset that the doctor wanted to wait till after Christmas. If he was so confident it could wait, why did she die?

The doctor refused to say a word. The autopsy was somehow messed up. The paper work after her death was innacurate. We believe all this was deliberate.

We thought this was a bit fishy, so we talked to a lawyer. Lawyer said that this is going to look good for us, but we need to do another autopsy to get enough evidence. The only problem is, we already buried her at this point.

This entire time, my grandpa is devastated. Over the next couple of months he was so depressed that he actually got sick and died not too long after my grandma.

One small detail I forgot to leave out: this doctor is also a board member of the hospital. Everything between the autopsy and the paper work he has the power to access and rewrite if he wanted to. After a few months of talking to the lawyer, we had good evidence to believe that this doctor manipulated the paperwork and the autopsy to cover his tracks.

Like i said before, the final piece of evidence we needed to sue the doctor was to do another autopsy. My grandpa's last dying words to my dad was something like "dig up her body if you have to. Do the autopsy".

We didn't go through with it. We were all so tired and depressed about my grandparents deaths that it would be devastating to dig up the body. We preferred to let her rest in peace.

23 years later and our lives are still not the same. My dad's sister (my aunt) died recently.

She was affected by my grandparents death so much, that she has been slowly killing herself for years. We've had countless deaths in the family since my grandparents died.

We've been going to funerals at least once or twice a year. Every single family member that has died since this point has been very young.

Luckily my mom and dad are strong. And they've taught me to be strong. But the sick part of it all, is that we're only strong because we've been through a lot. Especially countless deaths in the family.

I fear every day that my parents are going to die early. I can't take it. I prey to God every day that my parents and my brother live a long life.

It's crazy. Thanks to one doctor, he has killed countless lives and ruined the lives of others within our family. I don't know where he is now. I wonder if he even thinks about what he has done to us.

Username: [deleted]

21. Cthulhu Bird

Media Source
I have a few...When **IO Interactive** (the studio behind the Hitman series) laid off a bunch of people several years ago, they cancelled a rumored project before it even had an official announcement.

There was a lot of speculation over it being a new Hitman or Kane & Lynch 3.

In reality, it was a sandbox game tentatively called BuildSharePlay. I unfortunately didn't save any footage but I did save their description and from what I remember, it had a lot in common with Microsoft's Project Spark.

Not terribly exciting, but **Namco Bandai** at one point had a Pac-Man game planned for the Kinect. Called simply Pac-Man Party Kinect, it was going to be a collection of minigames in the style of Wipeout and Takeshi's Castle.

It was supposed to also include classic games like the original Pac-Man and Galaga that would somehow be controlled with your body.

I'm not sure which company was involved, but there were plans for a toy series called **Hatchimon**, which were basically a boy-centric version of Hatchimals.

They weren't anything special, but some of the designs were neat and included a gremlin and weird Cthulhu-like bird thing. I still have some of the early sketches and mock-ups.

Before the **Flush Force** toys were release, I got to see nice concept art, which I personally think looks a lot better than the actual toys.

I'm not too familiar with what's available but it looks like they never released two of the original characters:

Slimey Slugger and Stinky Winky. Slugger was a screaming snail with a soda can for a shell and Winky was a sort of sabre-toothed cat with two tails and an eye patch.

I have seen many other games and toys long before release, most of which eventually got to see the light of day.

I no longer have it, but I used to have a list of eras/settings under consideration for Assassin's Creed, which included Vikings and Ancient Egypt long before those games were developed.

I'm pretty sure Feudal Japan and Ancient China were on that list as well.

One of the more interesting games I got to find out about early was Red Faction 4 (released as Red Faction: Armageddon)...but I leaked the info on that one and almost got my ass sued by THQ.

Username: UndeadBread

22. Alarm Salesmen Are Liars

Media Source
Pretty much everything that door to door alarm salesman says is a lie.

The hardware is not free, if you do the math the price you pay for monitoring almost exactly matches the quoted price of the hardware. The hardware doesn't cost them anywhere near the price they list.

Back when I worked there we were installing a $250 system and calling it a $3000 system. They are not advertising in your neighborhood. They don't care if you put up a sign in your yard, it's just a misdirection.

You can only cancel your contract in the 60 days before it expires, if you miss that window it auto renews for another year.

When you call in to try to cancel they'll just calculate the remaining monitoring fee $45 / month \* 15 months and that's your cancellation fee.

Almost everything is negotiable. They can lower the monthly rate, they can adjust the term, they can give you more hardware, they can give you better hardware.

But it all comes out of the salespersons commission.

Also if your credit check comes back better they have a bit more wiggle room, if your credit is bad they have less points to work with.

The rep can build up a bank of points. If a sale gets them 6 points but they only give you a 5 point system then they bank a point that they can give to someone else later to close a deal.

If they constantly give out too many points that money comes out of their pocket at the end of the year.

If you get cold feet you have 72 hours to cancel, but they will come reclaim their hardware and may not patch the holes in your walls.

Don't ever sign anything with any blank spaces, we had reps that would cover parts of the contract with other paperwork and fill in the details later.

Better yet don't deal with door to door salespeople ever.

Username: Ebenezar_McCoy

23. $2M in Street Value

Media Source
I worked in the pharmaceutical supply industry from 2012-2014. We are a Canadian company and in the warehouse stock everything from Over The Counter meds to narcotics and controlled medications.

I worked in Customer Service and my shifts were days, my uncle who got me the job, was a night supervisor in the warehouse.

Four black SUVs with garbage bags over their plates pulled into the parking lot and banged on the door, the staff inside ran to the cameras and in the meantime these guys had bashed through two metal doors into the warehouse - except closed by a locked gate.

A man pointed a rifle through the gate and instructed my uncle to unlock the gate and let them into the warehouse or they would shoot through the gate at the staff - so he opened it.

They came in, 12 guys, pinned everyone to the floor and asked everyone who was in charge, my uncle was, so he had his forehead against the cement floor and a barrel in the back of his neck and was told to take them to 'The Cage' which is what we used to call the area with narcotics, pain meds, anxiety meds, all the good stuff.

He let them in and he was pushed belly-first against the fencing of 'The Cage' with a small gun in his back while these guys cleaned us out.

They left the way they came in, they told everyone on the floor not to move for 20 minutes & set an alarm on my uncles watch before making him get back on the floor.

The whole ordeal took 8 minutes total, we were from a small town in Canada where guns are not usually encountered, the 12 men gave zero shits about cameras and seemed to know exactly where they were going and what they were grabbing, and they spoke French with a Quebecois accent when everyone from around that town predominately spoke english.

I had to retrieve and file all of our inventory information before the robbery so the police could figure out exactly what was taken (mostly medicated transdermal patches) and saw the CCTV footage from the warehouse.

The conclusion was they were from Montreal Quebec and police believed it to be an inside job of sorts - someone gave them information, a layout, a list of supplies needed (bolt cutters), and what to take - or they had done this before as a pharmaceutical warehouse in New Brunswick was attacked in almost the exact same manner a year before.

The company was conveniently sold to a larger Canadian pharmaceutical company 4 months after the event and both my uncle & I moved on to other occupations.

No one was physically hurt, but mentally: absolutely, it was quiet as fuck around there afterwards - you could hear the ice machine in the break room across the building; everything was so tense.

Either way, taking the transdermal patches was incredibly intelligent on their behalf. They can keep someone high for quite some time, they are discreet, they have an incredibly long shelf-life and are worth a lot on the street. Like we lost almost $2M in estimated street value, worth a lot.

Username: HL_girl

24. How to Flip Houses

Media Source
I was asked to give a brief lecture on the legality of kickbacks in real estate transactions. It was part of a “How to Flip Houses” seminar.

What a fucking joke. I thought it was on the up-and-up, but it was a scam for idiots.

The guy doing the presentation wanted me to pay the $1500 “tuition” for the first one when I arrived because “you’ll be learning my secrets.” I told him I’d been a broker for 20 years and I’d flipped houses for over a decade. I already knew his secrets.

He was all upset that I wouldn’t pay and I told him I’d just leave (because the second I arrived and saw his materials, I realized I was part of some scammy bullshit).

Then he asked me what I was going to say about kickbacks. Yes, AT THE EVENT, not before.

I gave him my speech outline, he read it, and said, “No no no... just tell them it’s okay to do kickbacks and bribes... but don’t call them bribes... say shit like “grease the wheels” or something.”

I asked for my $300 up front. He paid me. He made me sign an NDA so I wouldn’t profit off his secrets.

When it was my turn, I went up and basically told everyone what you can and can’t do for kickbacks. If you have a real estate license you can do XYZ. If you don’t have a license, you can do ABC, but not QRS. The guy running it was livid.

In the end, about 2 years later, the guy running it was arrested for taking bribes. He’d become a city zoning official by that point.

So, what can I tell you that I couldn’t when the NDA was intact? Here’s the guy’s “How to Flip Houses” seminar in a nutshell...

Find cheap house. Use Hard Money Loan at 15-18% to buy house. Use Hard Money Loan at 15-18% to pay for materials and labor to rehab house.

Get house appraised. Call Realtor. Sell house for $10,000 under appraised value to unload it fast because you can’t afford another 15-18% extension on the hard money loan. Rinse. Repeat

And surprise surprise... he owned the hard money loan place he was pushing... it had a $3500 non-refundable loan application fee.

And his brother was the appraiser he was pushing. And his sister was a realtor. His brother was a lawyer but I was stepping in for brother because brother had an emergency. Huge scam. I took off after that.

Username: Myzyri

25. South Park Rehab

Media Source
I went to a rehab facility associated w a scientific sounding religion well known in Hollywood and mentioned in South Park.
Some of the activities we did for hours a day:

- partner up. Ask your partner “do birds fly?” They would respond however they wanted. A yes or a no was to be followed by “thank you” then repeating the question again.

Any other answer was to be followed by “I’ll repeat the question” before repeating the question again. The only question allowed was “do birds fly?”

- reading lines from Alice in Wonderland “as though it was a natural conversation”. The person w/o the book in hand would simply try to humor the sentences spoken by their partner.

- guiding your partner between two walls. “Walk forward. Stop. Reach out and touch the wall. Turn around.” Repeat.

- trying to keep an absolutely straight face while your partner did and said anything they wanted to try to break your concentration....this is where the NDA comes in.

When doing the latter exercise, the workers at the rehab were pretty consistent about letting us do/say anything.

There was no censorship, so we said ridiculous things, offensive things etc. and acted out the same type of content. Aside from touching your partner, it was anything goes.

Until I started mentioning stuff I learned on South Park about the religion this rehab swore they were not associated with, I was great at it. *immediately* after I mentioned some of the lore I had learned on South Park, the guy in charge of the group called me out.

“What did you just say?”
“I’m just saying random shit for no particular reason.”
“Ok don’t say that stuff anymore.” Then he left briefly.

Within minutes an escort arrived to take me out of this class and brought me to their security office where they told me I was going to be released from the program immediately and not allowed to speak to anyone else at the facility.

They had packed up my things and I would be allowed to double check my room to make sure I had everything on my way out to the van that would take me to the airport. I was kicked out for “black PR”.

The NDA was conditional for getting a refund from them, as they had told my family they were a “non-religious” rehab. It was fucking crazy.

Username: [deleted]

26. Blame it on Your Internet

Media Source
The national telecoms, media and ISP which was quite large in The UK (British Telecom). For years they secretly inserted their own adverts on the web (capturing the adverts by google and replacing them) before HTTPS was rolled out to many news sites.

In our datacentre they used to also log and monitor all metadata they deemed "relevant" to push more adverts, unfortunately Google eventually found a number of ISPs were doing this and began to switch to HTTPS. Looked at NHS sites recently?

You probably need medical insurance spam. Looked at car insurance? Maybe our select third parties can help.

At some points they would try to log non HTTPS usernames and passwords for other services in order to determine which customers were using which sites - if the internet connection was shared by multiple people, they would try to determine which user was using it at the time.

It didn't stop there, they would try to hand over data to other parts of the business and to third parties to sell tri-service (Phone, Internet, Media) and quad-service (Phone, Mobile/Cell, Internet, Media) which they deemed relevant.

The furthest they went was to record metadata in phone calls (called a doctor recently - maybe they need life insurance?), (called a loan company recently - maybe they need a loan?), (Called the police recently? - maybe they need personal or private security or an alarm system).

Those strange emails you got to your BT ISP email that you never used? It was your ISP

Marketing emails through the post you never signed up for? It was your ISP

Phone calls for life insurance that was oddly relevant to your situation? It was your ISP

Looked at certain TV shows on your BT Vision box or BT Vision Web Online and then got emails on buying the DVD box set? It was your ISP

You agreed to all of this in your terms and conditions - although the bits on recording your usernames and passwords was badly worded and could be easily drafted into legalese to mean anything. There were a large amount of strange practices.

They got around a lot of legal issues with this with routing the data out of the UK, doing the processing and sending it back. Not sure if they still do most of this.

Username: ukitern

27. Drunk George Lopez

Media Source
Finally, something I can truly comment on! Had to sign an NDA for a very popular hotel in Los Angeles I worked at about 7 years ago (Beverly Hills Hilton) Deal was I couldnt talk about anything, anyone, or share any information gathered or experienced while working there and had to stay quiet about it for about 18 months after my termination.

I also could not take any photos at or of the property or on the property with anyone.

Things they wanted to keep secret ranged from cleanliness matters, celebrities, scandals, suicides, name it, it happened, but discreetly.

Here we go! Checked in George Lopez who was so completely drunk and belligerent before his big comedy show that he threw up all over the hotel lobby floor and my check in desk and threw me a $100 bill to "go ahead and get that cleaned up."

The head quarter back of the cowboys (I dont even remember his name) during the 2014 season was caught, by his wife, booked in a suite with not only one mistress, BUT THREE for the entire week they were stationed in southern California.

She came all the way from New York on a red eye flight because another woman answered his room phone. Things got very wild, there was blood, cops were called.

Checked in a few senators (will not be named) and their wives who I found out were indeed NOT their wives when their real wives also showed up to retrieve a room key and were denied access because they already checked in...

Whitney Houston :( I didnt get to check her in as I just started working there in the back office reception, but that was a REALLY hard time for everyone.

Alot of people were not allowed to be booked on the same floor as her and we were not allowed to clean the room for a few weeks.

People were sick enough to come in and ask if they could be booked in the room she passed in.

Whitney Houstons death was a big NDA form itself we all had to go over and have training on how to not publicize it and carry on.

I didnt ever meet her or see her room until after it was re opened up to the public but to this day I cannot disclose what room number she was in.

I honestly have a bunch more stories but I think I'll stop here.

Username: boodlepop

28. Bill Murray to Monica Lewinsky

Media Source
Bill Murray once polished my shoes with his sock and then gave me a chocolate in his hotel room. Guillermo Del Toro drank \*cases\* of diet coke every day that he stayed.

Monica Lewinsky is really good friends with Sarah Silverman and they both hung out with John Hamm, chatting it up like old buds.

Danny DeVito is a thirsty little man. And Sean Penn isn't above trying to sneak out so no one will notice his walk of shame.

There's so many more but it would take up way too much space in this comment.

Also, the maitre d' was a complete tyrant who was regularly paid $1200 under the table by guests who wanted specific tables.

The club was run by the most pretentious and racist dickweed of a man (seriously, he allowed racial slurs to be used by patrons- I'm half Asian and heard "chink" being used, I was asked where my "homeland was", my latina coworker was asked if we served "chimichangas" (our kitchen only served over-priced, fine-dining Mediterranean food) - and the owner ever so subtly fired a good bunch of our non-white staff while promoting the incompetent white male ones.

The chef stated that he would "never allow" staff to eat the food he made (even excess food at the end of the day that would have gone in the trash).

We were throwing out a $2,000 lunch buffet every day. The place was only a few months old and had the highest turnover rate of staff that I've ever experienced (7 out of 20 or so staff members quit in one week).

I was literally going to HR on a weekly basis. One time I went after a manager assumed a guest was from the middle east because he looked "disheveled" and had a long beard.

They also were notorious for firing staff for completely made-up reasons, as in they once told one of the best members on staff that she was fired due to one or two late clock-ins. In reality, it was because of an interaction between her and a coked up member who lied in a letter to the owner even though I looked over security footage and saw that nothing he had stated was true.

Oh and they made all the female staff wear these matronly maid uniforms while the male staff wore suits for the exact same position. And none of the managers ever took fault or assumed responsibility for anything that went wrong.

Anyways, I got out of that toxic work environment. I was witnessing too many breakdowns on a weekly basis and the owner made it very clear that being white and rich or famous were the most important things (one of the managers was from one of the richest families in the US). Screw treating people like humans, screw caring about your own staff.

Luckily HR wound up helping me land a job that paid 3 times as much as I was earning because they knew my complaints were valid. And I'm currently working at the best, most supportive place I could have imagined, especially in times like these.

Seriously, my current boss' emails make me shed tears because of how much he genuinely cares about everyone. Thats why there are never any new job openings, because no one ever leaves. Complete night and day difference.

Username: IGetMyNewsFromFB

29. Movie-Making For Dummies

Media Source
For years I had (still have sort-a) a small company in Los Angeles that did sound and picture work and technical services like tape transfers for TV and film projects.

In recent years, filmmakers have gotten increasingly worried about their materials being stolen or pirated, because most everything is computer files now and easier to make copies.

And so there are/were “big facilities” with increasing amounts of built in security, such as key-code door locks, security cameras, passwords galore, background checks, protocols, etc.

But there are also plenty of places that are much more casual with little or no security. My place was more casual and we did almost all of our major work (over 10,000 individual jobs) on handshake, phone call or email. Very rarely was there a written contract or an NDA.

But... Once in a rare while we’d have some chucklehead (or the chucklehead’s assistant) show up on our doorstep with some tiny task for some tiny project.

Irrelevant for us from a sales point of view. You could guess that they may have just read Filmmaking For Dummies or some-such, because a request to sign an NDA would come up usually only from these kinds of customers.

A short film usually has no commercial value from a content point-of-view. They are made mostly to screen at film festivals to showcase someone’s writing, acting or directing skills, in order to possibly generate interest for larger projects.

So, the absurdity of these kinds of projects being the one's to request an NDA.

As I said, the little projects have no commercial value and so if they were stolen nothing would would be lost.

The VERY BEST thing that could happen to these projects is for them to be repeatedly stolen and hopefully the stolen copies could then go viral. That would be a spectacular win for those filmmakers.

These projects could really benefit from any and all disclosure, rumors, good press, bad press, that would otherwise be forbidden with an NDA. Think Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

At my shop, we simply didn't have the time or inclination to steal your little film, while barely being able to get though the rest of a busy work day. For what benefit? To post it on YouTube for OUR amusement? Why? Please... Get over yourself.

Also, in the many of the instances that were were asked to sign an NDA, it was an afterthought. Sometimes weeks after the job was done and paid for. What morons.

One of my most irritating pet-peeves. How can you ask for an NDA after the transaction is done and over-with? Several times I was tempted to say NO on principal.

I did push back a couple of times saying that it was completely wrong to ask us to agree to something after the fact, but the premise is so moronic, it sorta feels like it does when you get irritated with the kid who can't get your order right at drive-thru.

Then everyone can just feel bad about the altercation. So the few times it has come up since, I now just sign them. Whatever.

Username: adjacentpossible67

30. “Made in the USA”

Media Source
Engineer who briefly worked for a family-owned company that makes car stackers. These are the hydraulic lift-like things you see at some parking lots in urban areas. If you've ever paid to park in Manhattan you've probably seen or used these.

Their bread-and-butter product was a 2-car lift (i.e. you lift one car and park another beneath). The company styles itself as having everything "Made in USA" and any quick tour of the warehouse would lead you to believe that.

In reality the 2-car lift was made in China out of very crappy "stainless" steel. They would have them shipped in on pallets and stored them (outside, in all weather) in a lot away from the warehouse and not visible from the road.

All they did was add hydraulic controls, paint them, and slap a logo sticker on them. The lift design clearly called for ball bearing units in the guide rails, but whoever was making them substituted in what are called "plain" bearings.

These don't take well to a long life of dynamic loads without regular oiling and servicing. Last I checked, the per-hour parking industry isn't well known for attentive maintenance...and there's hundred of these things throughout NYC. I wouldn't park my car on or under one.

Aside from the product, the family and employees were a whole 'nother story. The owning family occupied most of the executive roles and were of Dutch-European descent, but not from Europe.

They were flagrantly racist but in a disturbingly matter-of-fact manner, not in a more stereotypical shock-value manner that you associate with white supremacy.

It should come as no surprise that they weren't very LGBT-friendly either, which being a gay man just added another layer of difficulty working there.

Add this to the usual family owned company antics (long and unscheduled vacations for themselves, come and go as they please, no attempt to separate family and business issues, no HR to enforce any kind of behavior) and you had a real hot mess.

The engineering team itself was kind of chaotic. The manager in charge did basically everything himself and would only let his team work on drawing edits, minor design changes, and the like.

There was one "golden child" on the team who was treated more favorably and given some of the good stuff. The work was very tedious and uninteresting, and nearly put me off engineering as a career.

This also meant that intellectual property, design intent documentation, and even just basic drawing files that you need to understand to build product were all extremely centralized around one person. There was no redundancy built into the business at all.

Lastly, and I should be shocking no one at this point, the pay was crap and the benefits stingy. They actually tried to file me as a 1099 employee when I started, until the company attorney rightfully told them how stupid that would be.

I was only there a few months, until an offer from another company I previously interned with gave me a blessed escape route.

Username: ImprezaDrezza