Young guy came into ED with hand in cooler, said his friends “jokingly” pushed him into the campfire, but he did indeed fall hand first into the coals. They drove an hour and a half to the ED. When he pulled his hand out, all skin, lots of muscle/connective tissue sloughed off but dangled from his mostly-just-bone hand.
He asked how long it was going to take to heal... I told him I would try and keep him comfortable and gave that guy just as many meds as I legally and safely could. 19yo victim of domestic violence with multiple, multiple stab wounds. We intubated her through one of them. She didn’t make it due to blood loss from over 30 wounds.
Motorcycle accident, wore a helmet but not one with a jaw/face protector. Face was hamburger, had to follow the bubbles to intubate him, but it was like raw meat, floating tooth soup. He coughed right when he came in and a tooth hit my cheek.
Ruptured globe (aka eyeball) - not that unusual, but eye trauma makes my skin crawl so I hated that. Any other eye stuff makes my tummy tight, too... but the opaque blindness caused from chemical burns and stuff reminds me of some Black Mirror episodes where tech use muddles the eye, and I can’t watch those ones.
Mass trauma event.. several people dismembered but otherwise conscious and in varying states of shock... getting rolled in with their detached foot or arm in their lap. Mentally ill lady brought in after a wellness check post-mastectomy. Uncovered her chest and winced at the black necrosis over her surgical site... but then the black started fading to a sickly green... because the fleas and bugs were jumping off the wound once exposed. She had lots of cats, per EMS.
Diabetic guy in a motorized scooter, hadn’t seen his legs in idk how long, but thought he saw “a bug” so got his leg into a black garbage bag and came in. In a tiny triage room, I opened the bag and a waterfall of maggots spilled out of his lower leg/calf. Bugs indeed.
One particular paraplegic nursing home patient who was technically sane by all accounts, but mean, violent, and refused care. Had a bed sore on his buttock and you could see his entire pelvis, sacrum, and upper femur... chronically on antibiotics, but still... yikes.
Obese, psychotic man - again, somehow not hold-able per Psych - in sepsis. Pulled his pannus (think fat apron) back to reveal gangrenous and necrotic tissue... penis so far buried in slime and tissue, had to press on his pelvis to make it pop out for a straight cath (which, come on... frivolous order, doc). What popper out eventually was just a macerated tiny mushroom, urethra not able to be found even after cleansing. Just mush.
Jesus, I could go on and on. But the worst things I’ve seen involve abused children. That I don’t repeat, for those horrors have caused so much pain already, they don’t need to be spread. Be kind to kids, and tell your kids to be kind to other kids, especially the “weird” or “stinky” ones. Poor children 💔
Username: JFC-UFKM