Police Thought They Found a Female Serial Unaliver Responsible For 40 Victims, But the Truth Was Weirder, Other Unexplained Stories


1. The Unbelievable Story

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Like many enthusiasts out there, we have a deep-rooted fascination with true crime. The stories, while chilling, are a blend of psychology, investigation, and sometimes, unsolved mysteries that keep us hooked.

There's a certain allure in trying to understand the motivations behind these crimes, especially when they are as gruesome as those committed by serial killers.

It's undeniably morbid, but therein lies the intrigue. What could possibly compel someone to commit such heinous acts?

How does one's psyche deteriorate or deviate to such an extent? These questions often lead us down rabbit holes as we seek answers to the incomprehensible.

Now, while many aficionados can readily name the most infamous killers like Bundy, Dahmer, and Gacy, there's a lesser-known figure that often escapes the spotlight.

A name not synonymous with mainstream crime discussions, but equally chilling in its narrative. Yes, even the most seasoned true crime enthusiasts might raise an eyebrow at this name.

A veritable shadow in the world of serial killers, this enigmatic figure is often referred to as a "phantom." Prepare yourself for a tale lesser told, but equally gripping.

2. A 15-Year Crime Spree

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In literature, every top detective has a nemesis: think of Moriarty to Sherlock, a cunning foe who eludes capture over and over.

Yet, such crafty adversaries aren't just fictional constructs. Occasionally, a genuine criminal baffles even the sharpest real-world detectives.

This was a lesson learned, much to their chagrin, by the German police in the early 2000s.

During this period, they faced an offender so adept, so skilled, that they consistently outsmarted law enforcement, leaving only minuscule evidence in their wake.

German media described her decade-and-a-half of crime as the most enigmatic serial offenses of the previous hundred years.

Easily the most captivating figure on their Most Wanted list, this elusive criminal, Germany's own version of Kaiser Soze, was aptly named: The Phantom of Heilbronn.

And much like her namesake from fiction, she wielded a chilling influence over her criminal peers. However, even the most adept criminals can't dodge justice indefinitely.

So, what led the police to finally apprehend the Phantom of Heilbronn?

Brace yourself! The reason is more absurd than you'd ever guess.

3. Death of an officer

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April 25, 2007. In the town of Heilbronn, southwest Germany, two officers pause from their rounds. Opting to station their patrol car near the Theresienwiese, a locale close to the canal reserved for festivities, they note the peace. However, preparations for the May Festival are in progress not far away.

At the driver's seat is Michelle Kieswetter, a novice officer at 22. Beside her, Martin A., two years her senior, sits as the co-passenger.

They engage in light chatter, lighting up cigarettes, when an unknown figure approaches their car from behind.

Presuming the stranger might need directions, Michel and Martin start to lower the car windows. But in a swift moment, both are shot in the head.

With the young duo motionless in the front, an intruder hastily grabs Kieswetter's weapon, forcefully yanking and damaging the holster in the process.

The assailant quickly steals the ammunition from the incapacitated officers and flees the scene.

Weeks pass before Martin emerges from his coma. Astonishingly, the bullet that struck his face wasn't lethal.

Upon waking, he provides scant details. Everything unfolded so rapidly that he failed to discern his assailant's face or even the number of culprits.

Though the reason and context of this brutal act remained shrouded in obscurity, a pivotal clue was unearthed by forensics: the perpetrator had inadvertently left DNA on the police vehicle.

4. A Break In the Case,

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Evidence from the incident was sent to the Institute for Forensic Medicine at the Medical University of Innsbruck.

Experts there were able to retrieve a comprehensive DNA profile from presumably the individual who grabbed Keiswetter's firearm through the car window.

The DNA assessment brought to light unexpected details about the perpetrator. Notably, the individual was female.

Additionally, by comparing the DNA with records at the Austrian DNA Central Laboratory, it was deduced with a fair degree of confidence that the suspect had Eastern European origins, possibly Russian.

However, the most pivotal revelation was the finding that this enigmatic Slavic assailant had a history of violence.

She was linked to criminal acts that dated back to an early 1990s homicide. Subsequently, she had been marking her presence across Europe with a series of break-ins and robberies.

These findings were disclosed to the media, leading to her being labeled the Phantom of Heilbronn.

This initiated one of the most intricate investigations in German history, accounting for 16,000 hours of additional police work and costing millions of Euros.

The extensive efforts were dedicated to profiling one of the most notorious criminals in contemporary European annals.

5. A crime spree for the ages

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Certainly a vibrant criminal history. Outlining every misdeed of the Phantom would be exhaustive, so let's delve into some highlights.

Her DNA was first identified on a cup located at a 1993 murder scene where a 62-year-old woman was killed in Eider Oberstein.

The victim had been asphyxiated using wire from a floral display.

By 2001, technological strides in forensics allowed the extraction of the Phantom's DNA from that very cup.

Coincidentally, that same year, she was believed to have committed another murder, targeting another senior in Freiburg in Breisgau in March.

The method? Strangulation again, but using garden twine. Delving into past cases revealed not only was the Phantom of Heilbronn a ruthless murderer but also had a knack for thefts and break-ins.

Case in point: in October 2001, her DNA was found on a cookie in a caravan she had reportedly ransacked.

By 2004, her ambitions turned to pilfering jewels. Evidence of her presence was detected on a decoy firearm discarded post a heist in a jewelry outlet in Arbois, France.

Fast forward to 2006, she allegedly targeted an electronics shop in Austria, followed by a break-in at a home in Burbach. Come 2007, an optometrist's store in Galle Neukirchen reported a burglary linked to her.

6. A Legend Is Made

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During this time, she was believed to be involved in approximately 20 vehicle thefts, encompassing cars and bikes, spanning Germany and Austria.

The theory goes that the profits from these thefts were used to fuel a drug addiction, given that her DNA was located on a discarded heroin syringe in 2001.

While one could surmise that the Phantom had transitioned from violent crimes to less harmful thefts, it wasn't long before her deadly tendencies resurfaced.

Her subsequent felony involved the murder of a law enforcement officer in Heilbronn, an act that intensified the police pursuit.

Instead of going undercover post this high-profile crime, the enigmatic 'Woman Without a Face' intensified her spree, executing several more killings in quick succession.

By January 2008, her genetic markers were identified in a vehicle utilized in the transport of three deceased Georgians, victims of a murder in Heppenheim.

Given the challenge of overpowering three Georgian men alone, it's inferred that the elusive female antagonist had assistance.

This pattern of collaboration was evident in many of her transgressions. In fact, some of those who aided her were apprehended over the years.

Selectivity seemed to be the Phantom's modus operandi when it came to partners in crime, never collaborating with the same group more than once.

7. How She Got the Phantom Moniker

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The detained individuals hailed from a diverse array of origins. This included Serbs, Slovaks, Iraqis, Romanians, and Albanians.

What stands out is how a female offender managed to instill such unwavering loyalty and intimidation among these seasoned criminals. Not one chose to betray her. They remained silent about her identity to law enforcement.

The Phantom's activity peaked during March and April of 2008. During this time, she, along with her accomplices, invaded four German residences, holding occupants captive as they ransacked their possessions.

Leaving her DNA evidence at half a dozen crime spots in a span of just four months, it appeared the Phantom was growing either overconfident or negligent.

The clock was ticking, and it seemed inevitable that the law would catch up to her. Yet, another grim act would be added to her tally.

In October 2008, in Winesburg, a nursing aide became the Phantom of Heilbronn's final casualty.

This marked the 40th instance where her DNA evidence was uncovered, and her involvement was suspected in six of those murders.

Even with traces of her presence at numerous crime scenes, the law struggled to visualize the woman behind the alias.

True to her moniker, the Phantom adeptly evaded security camera detection, suggesting her operations were exceptionally well-strategized.

8. They Got Psychics Involved

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Indeed, besides the subtle DNA traces, she provided no additional clues for investigators, not even the slightest imprint of a foot.

How does one meticulously cover most tracks, yet overlook the significance of DNA?

If our enigmatic perpetrator had been active prior to the advent of advanced DNA techniques, her presence would've remained entirely undetected. Such was her level of expertise.

Although infrequent, some witnesses claimed to have seen her, often confusing her for a male. Was it a conscious effort to mislead her chasers, or an attempt to blend seamlessly into Germany's gritty criminal realm?

Regardless of her motive, the strategy was impeccable, as neither witnesses nor allies could positively recognize this elusive figure.

By the time law enforcement intensified their hunt, a reward of $300,000 awaited anyone providing leads to her capture.

Despite associating her with countless offenses, the Phantom's identity remained enshrouded. They amassed substantial data about her.

She was depicted as a heroin-dependent mobster possessing exceptional burglary expertise with a peculiar aversion to elderly plant enthusiasts.

Yet, nothing concrete emerged to facilitate her capture. In sheer desperation, authorities even sought the insights of self-styled psychics to locate the elusive murderer.

9. The Phantom Strikes Again,

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The breakthrough, ironically, came from the diligent team at the forensics lab. Unsurprisingly, it was the scientific approach of the forensic experts, not the mystical methods of psychics, that bore fruit.

In 2009, the Phantom would be linked to another heinous crime. A body, discovered charred in 2002 and still unidentified, resurfaced in their investigations.

Forensic specialists followed a fresh clue, aiming to correlate DNA from the body with that obtained from an asylum request form from the 1990s.

The individual who had completed the form provided fingerprints, allowing a potential retrieval of minute DNA samples from the document.

Upon analysis, they were met with a startling revelation. The DNA on the application matched the Phantom of Heilbronn's.

This implied that alongside her notorious break-ins and mob hits, she had been impersonating and completing paperwork for asylum seekers, even masquerading as a male applicant?

This narrative seemed to stretch credibility, didn't it? Such was the sentiment among the lab professionals, puzzled by the inexplicable appearance of DNA from a person of entirely different ethnicity and gender in their results.

Retesting ensued, and predictably, the Phantom's DNA was conspicuously absent. Had she covertly cleaned the documents right under their watch?

Certainly not. Such an idea is absurd, but it pales in comparison to the even more astonishing disclosures on the horizon.

10. The Comic Conclusion

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This laboratory oversight turned out to be the unraveling of the entire narrative.

It enabled the authorities to pinpoint the elusive phantom's alleged hideaway: a packaging warehouse in Bavaria.

A peculiar base for one of Europe's most sought-after, you'd think? However, this packaging center was owned by Bohm Kunstofftechnik Company. They collaborated with Greiner Bio One, a prominent distributor of cotton swabs to forensic laboratories across Germany.

Interestingly, forensic labs in Bavaria used a distinct supplier, and the so-called Phantom never seemed to operate there.

Additionally, the packaging center employed multiple Eastern European women for its production tasks.

If the pieces aren't connecting for you yet, don't fret. The entirety of the German police took two years to piece it together.

Gradually, a mortifying truth began to emerge. The Phantom of Heilbronn, as a criminal entity, was a fabrication. While she did exist, she wasn't an offender.

She was merely a middle-aged factory employee. Her most significant oversight? A casual approach to contamination procedures. Still, given the resulting turmoil, this oversight had profound implications.

For two years, the German police engaged in a wild goose chase, exhausted two million Euros, stirred public frenzy, and inadvertently overlooked numerous genuine culprits, all due to this monumental forensics oversight.

11. Really Quite Absurd In Retrospect

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Pause for a moment to grasp the scale of this. Forty distinct offenses across three nations, all attributed to an unsuspecting woman.

The supplying company felt compelled to make a public declaration on their website, clarifying that they never asserted their swabs were fit for DNA analysis.

Yes, they sterilized the products before dispatching them. However, sterilization doesn't negate the minuscule human traces that could have contaminated the items.

Therefore, the DNA – from blood, skin, sweat, or saliva – that was under scrutiny all this while belonged to the woman packaging the swabs. Bear this in mind the next time you use one of these swabs.

If you're baffled by the sheer absurdity of how this entire situation unfolded, you're in good company.

The media and public expressed sheer disbelief and astonishment that the police hadn't connected the dots earlier.

For starters, many of the incidents linked to the Phantom didn't align with the established profile.

For instance, amidst her criminal exploits, she purportedly took a detour in 2007 to burglarize a high school, accompanied by adolescent sidekicks.

Seemingly, amidst the acts of violence towards senior women and mob figures, there's an occasional urge to indulge in some youthful escapades with teenagers.

12. How Could This Have Happened?

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Remarkable. And her so-called accomplices had been consistently honest with the police. Try viewing it from their standpoint.

You're apprehended by the police for a solo heist you orchestrated.

Yet, instead of grilling you on the location of the stolen loot, the interrogator fiercely demands, "Where's the Phantom!?"

Despite your attempts to clarify the reality, they remain unmoved.

Perhaps they even float an offer to reduce your sentence if you rat out a phantom woman who, in reality, is a figment of misinterpretation, reminiscent of a Kafkaesque tale. To the police's credit, they weren't entirely oblivious.

Occasional doubts did arise about the coherence of the narrative they had constructed from the evidence.

Early suspicions of DNA contamination did emerge, but since the swab tests yielded no anomalies, they brushed off the suspicion.

As one officer remarked in the German publication Bild, "The items were double-sealed; we assumed they were the gold standard of cotton swabs."

That was the reasoning they settled on. Stellar deduction, law enforcement. Consequently, the Phantom lore grew unchecked, culminating in one of the most humiliating and costly misjudgments in policing annals.

13. Now for a wrap up

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So, what insights were gleaned from this debacle? Evidently, there's a pressing need for rigorous quality standards for items utilized in forensic labs.

Presently, the German police exclusively procure swabs sterilized using ethylene oxide.

This method ensures the removal of all biological traces. It would indeed be peculiar if they hadn't adapted after such an episode.

Moreover, contrary to the impeccable image portrayed by shows like CSI, forensics isn't an infallible discipline.

While DNA can sometimes be the definitive evidence in nabbing a culprit, there are instances where it wrongfully implicates an innocent party, like the case of our Eastern European factory worker.

Yet, there's another intriguing angle to ponder. Could all of this have been a masterfully crafted decoy?

Regarding the crime that initiated the massive manhunt, Officer Keiswetter's tragic end was, in fact, the doing of the neo-Nazi faction, the National Socialist Underground.

The alleged perpetrators met their end in 2011, leaving certain truths forever shrouded in mystery.

Nevertheless, existing DNA proof does tie them to the heinous act.

14. Moving Forward

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The saga of the Phantom of Heilbronn exposed significant flaws in the way forensic materials were handled.

For years, the police had been misdirected because of DNA contamination traced back to a particular factory.

This blunder not only wasted valuable resources but also allowed actual criminals to operate with less scrutiny.

Recognizing the gravity of such oversights, in 2016, the International Organization for Standardization took decisive action.

They introduced rigorous standards specifically designed to "[Minimize] the risk of human DNA contamination in products used to collect, store and analyze biological material for forensic purposes." This move was vital in ensuring that such monumental errors wouldn't occur in the future.

With the revelation that their primary suspect, the so-called Phantom, didn't exist in the criminal capacity they had imagined, the police faced the task of rebuilding their cases.

The realization allowed them to view each crime on its own merit without the overshadowing presence of the Phantom.

With this renewed perspective, the police were able to divert their energies more productively.

They began to solve and close cases that had previously been erroneously linked due to the contaminated DNA.

This refocused effort was instrumental in bringing actual culprits to justice and rectifying some of the errors of the past.

But this isn't the only true crime story that spent decades unsolved and featured an eery number of strange coincidences. Have you ever heard the case of Talmud Shud? The man whose body showed up in an Australian beach in 1948 with a series of cryptic codes that left authorities puzzled for decades? Read on to find out more!

15. Introduction: The Taman Shud Case

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The world of unsolved mysteries holds many enigmatic cases, but few are as baffling and intriguing as the Taman Shud Case.

This perplexing mystery, which has remained unsolved for decades, revolves around an unidentified man found dead on Australia's Somerton Beach in 1948.

Despite extensive investigations, both at the time and in the years since, the man's identity remains unknown, and the circumstances of his death continue to puzzle investigators and enthusiasts alike.

From the outset, the case was riddled with peculiar details. Not only was the man found without any identification, but a scrap of paper reading "Tamam Shud" would later be discovered concealed in a hidden pocket of his pants, providing the case its distinctive name.

This Persian phrase, translated to "ended" or "finished", heightened the intrigue, hinting at the mystery's complex layers.

The discovery of the body sparked a media frenzy, with newspapers eagerly reporting each twist and turn of the investigation.

The Australian public became engrossed in the tale, speculating wildly about the man's origins, the cause of his death, and the meaning behind the cryptic message found with his remains.

Despite the media attention and the public's fascination, the Taman Shud Case, much like other unsolved mysteries, would ultimately provide more questions than answers.

Over time, it has taken on an almost mythic quality, a haunting reminder of the limits of investigative capabilities and the enduring nature of certain mysteries.

16. Discovery of the Body

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On the morning of December 1, 1948, Somerton Beach, situated near Adelaide in South Australia, became the epicenter of a baffling mystery. A well-dressed man, appearing to be in his early 40s, was discovered lying on the shore.

His lifeless body was leaning against a seawall with his legs crossed and feet pointing towards the sea.

To passerby, he might've seemed just an ordinary man catching a break, but upon closer inspection, it was clear something was amiss.

There were no obvious signs of trauma or struggle, nor were there indications of a natural death. His pockets were curiously devoid of identification, leaving authorities without a starting point in their investigation.

Strangely, all the labels on his clothing had been removed. Such meticulous efforts to strip away identifiers suggested that the situation was far from a mere accidental death or suicide.

Adding to the peculiar scene, nearby residents reported that the evening before, they had seen an unidentified man near the very spot where the body was found.

This man, they claimed, seemed to be attempting to give a light to a cigarette. Their testimonies hinted at a potential evening timeline for the man's mysterious demise.

The discovery set off a cascade of questions. Who was this man? What circumstances brought him to this desolate spot on the beach?

And, most crucially, what led to his death? As authorities embarked on their investigation, they could hardly anticipate the depth of the enigma they were about to untangle.

17. Physical Evidence

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Upon examining the body, investigators were immediately struck by a series of incongruities that distinguished this case from typical unsolved deaths. The man was well-dressed, suggesting no signs of destitution or homelessness.

He wore a white shirt, a red-and-blue tie, brown trousers, socks, and shoes. Notably, all the labels on his clothing had been meticulously removed, which added another layer of mystery.

Without these identifiers, tracing the origin of his attire or understanding his socio-economic background became significantly more challenging.

However, the lack of identification did not mean an absence of personal items. The man's pockets contained an unused train ticket, a bus ticket, a comb, chewing gum, cigarettes, and matches.

Interestingly, the tickets connected Adelaide's train station to a nearby beach, indicating recent travel. These seemingly ordinary objects suggested a day planned out, making his unexplained death on the beach even more puzzling.

Another peculiarity arose when examining the man's physical condition. He was fit, with defined calf muscles that hinted at someone used to wearing heels or boots, perhaps characteristic of a dancer or someone who frequently wore formal attire.

Additionally, his hands and nails showed no signs of labor, suggesting that he wasn't engaged in manual work.

Given these findings, it was evident to investigators that the deceased wasn't just an average man who had found himself on the beach.

Each piece of evidence, from his attire to his personal items, painted a picture of an individual with purpose and intent. Yet, the absence of identification and the presence of small anomalies turned this ordinary scene into a complex puzzle that begged to be solved.

18. The Mysterious Code

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As the investigation into the unidentified man's death progressed, a curious discovery was made. Concealed within a fob pocket sewn into the waistband of the man's pants was a tiny scrap of paper. On this piece of paper were the words "Tamam Shud."

The phrase, taken from the last page of a collection of Persian poems titled "The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam," translates to "ended" or "finished."

The very existence of this cryptic clue hidden on the man's person added another layer of complexity to an already perplexing case.

The discovery of the scrap led authorities on a new tangent. They sought to locate the book from which this scrap was torn. This effort bore fruit when a copy of "The Rubaiyat" was found in the glove compartment of an unlocked car near Somerton Beach.

Even more intriguing, this particular copy contained a series of penciled letters or codes on its back cover, appearing as some cryptic sequence. The letters didn't form any coherent message in English, leading many to speculate that it was a code or cipher of some kind.

For years, the code became a focal point of the investigation. Cryptographers and codebreakers, both amateur and professional, tried their hand at deciphering the meaning behind the mysterious sequence.

Despite numerous attempts and theories, the code has never been conclusively cracked, further deepening the enigma surrounding the case.

The uncracked code, combined with the other peculiarities of the case, has led to a myriad of theories. These range from espionage to unrequited love, each attempting to explain the presence of the cryptic message in relation to the unidentified man's death.

The "Tamam Shud" scrap of paper, while offering a tantalizing clue, remains one of the case's most enduring mysteries.

19. The Rubaiyat Connection

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As the mysterious scrap of paper reading "Tamam Shud" became a focal point of the investigation, authorities soon found themselves delving into the world of classical Persian literature.

The phrase itself was extracted from "The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam," a collection of poems that celebrates life's pleasures while also reflecting on its impermanence.

The literal translation of "Tamam Shud" is "ended" or "finished," a sentiment that eerily resonated with the finality of the unknown man's fate on Somerton Beach.

But the connection didn’t end with just the scrap of paper. An even more significant discovery came when a particular copy of "The Rubaiyat" was found in an unlocked car near the beach. This wasn't any ordinary copy; within its pages, on its back cover to be precise, was a mysterious sequence of letters.

This series, seemingly random and with no discernible pattern, was believed by many to be a secret code or message. The proximity of the book to the scene and its direct link to the scrap found on the man suggested that this was no mere coincidence.

The content of "The Rubaiyat" itself also sparked speculation. Omar Khayyam's verses speak of living life to the fullest and embracing the fleeting nature of existence.

Did the man on the beach find solace or meaning in these verses? Did the book play a role in the final moments of his life, or was it merely a prop in a larger, more intricate narrative?

While the verses of the "The Rubaiyat" have been celebrated and analyzed for centuries, in the context of the Taman Shud case, they took on a more cryptic and ominous tone.

The book, with its coded pages and its philosophical themes, became a key piece of evidence, adding depth and intrigue to an already complex mystery.

20. Further Evidence from the Car

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Adjacent to the primary crime scene, a seemingly unrelated piece of evidence emerged that would further muddle investigators' efforts. In close proximity to Somerton Beach, an unlocked car was discovered, raising questions about its owner and its potential link to the unidentified man.

While the car could easily have been dismissed as unrelated, the contents within its glove compartment rendered that impossible: a copy of "The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam."

The discovery of the book in the car established a tangible link between the vehicle and the deceased. Not only did the book match the "Tamam Shud" scrap found with the man, but the annotations and peculiar markings in this particular copy further cemented its significance.

A sequence of letters, which appeared to be some form of code or shorthand, was present on the back cover of the book, instantly drawing the attention of investigators.

Equally noteworthy was a phone number found in the book, which led police to a nurse named Jessica Thomson.

While she claimed not to know the identity of the deceased, she seemed to have a palpable emotional reaction upon seeing the cast of his face.

This encounter with Thomson added yet another layer of intrigue, given her evasiveness and the evident yet unspoken connection she had to the mystery.

The car and its contents, including the cryptically annotated Rubaiyat, provided investigators with more pieces of the puzzle, but not necessarily a clearer picture.

Each new discovery seemed only to lead to more questions, with the vehicle serving as both a beacon of hope for clarity and a symbol of the case's enduring enigma.

21. Possible Identifications

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In the wake of such a mystifying case, the task of identifying the deceased became paramount. The absence of personal identification on the body itself was a significant hindrance, but this void only spurred a whirlwind of public and official speculation.

Numerous individuals came forward with claims and counterclaims, each suggesting they might know the identity of the Somerton Beach man.

From estranged family members to former colleagues, the range of potential connections was vast, underscoring the depth of intrigue surrounding the case.

One of the more notable claims came from Jessica Thomson, the nurse linked to the phone number found in the discovered "Rubaiyat." Her reaction upon seeing the cast of the man's face suggested familiarity or recognition, but she consistently denied knowing him.

This ambiguity, coupled with her subsequent reluctance to engage with the investigation, only thickened the plot. What was the nature of her relationship with the deceased? Was it an unspoken love, a shared secret, or merely a coincidence?

Further attempts at identification involved analyzing the man's unique physical features.

His oddly shaped ears and a rare dental pattern provided potential avenues for identification, but despite these distinguishing characteristics, no dental records or past medical examinations could conclusively match him to any known individual.

As weeks turned into months and then years, the quest to give a name to the Somerton man seemed increasingly elusive. Every potential lead, every claim of recognition, and every examination of his distinct features seemed only to deepen the mystery rather than resolve it.

The identity of the man remained, and continues to remain, one of Australia's most captivating unsolved riddles.

22. Theories and Speculation

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Given the bewildering circumstances surrounding the Taman Shud case, it's unsurprising that numerous theories would emerge in an attempt to decipher the series of events leading to the man's death.

Over the years, these theories have ranged from the plausible to the outright fantastic, each reflecting the public's fascination and the case's inherent mystique.

One of the most popular theories speculates on the possibility of espionage. The Cold War era was setting in, and Australia found itself in a position of strategic importance.

The unidentified man's lack of identification, the cryptic code found in the "Rubaiyat," and his apparent anonymity aligned with characteristics often associated with spies of the period. The manner of his death, void of violence yet still mysterious, further cemented the idea of a covert operation gone wrong.

A contrasting theory explored a romantic angle, suggesting that the deceased might have been involved in a love affair that ended tragically. This theory gained traction, especially given the link to Jessica Thomson, the nurse who seemed to recognize the man.

The very nature of the "Rubaiyat" – a poetic meditation on life, love, and mortality – added a layer of poetic resonance to this theory, making it appealing to those seeking a more personal narrative amidst the broader mystery.

Further speculation involved criminal activity, secret identities, and even suggestions of a broader conspiracy. While many of these theories offered potential answers, none could be definitively proven.

As the years have passed, the Taman Shud case has become as much about the stories and theories it has inspired as about the factual details of the case itself.

Each theory, while offering a glimpse into potential realities, also underscores the enduring enigma of the man's identity and the circumstances of his death.

23. Recent Developments and DNA Analysis

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Even decades after the initial discovery, the Taman Shud case has continued to captivate both experts and the general public.

With the advancement of technology, especially in the realm of forensic science, there have been renewed attempts to unlock the mysteries surrounding the Somerton man. DNA analysis, in particular, has been viewed as a potential key to unraveling this age-old enigma.

In recent years, the remains of the unidentified man were exhumed to extract DNA samples, with the hope that modern analysis could provide clues about his ancestry and potentially even lead to living relatives.

Preliminary results have indicated that the Somerton man may have had American ancestry, shedding light on his possible origins and adding yet another twist in the narrative.

This revelation has led to an exhaustive search for potential familial matches in genealogical databases, hoping to finally give a name to the face.

Moreover, isotopic analysis of hair samples has been proposed as a method to trace the man's movements and dietary habits in the last year of his life. Such detailed examinations can provide insights into his geographical movements, helping to piece together a clearer picture of his final months.

These scientific advancements, while illuminating, also underscore the complexities of the case. Even with cutting-edge technology, definitive answers remain elusive.

The ongoing investigations and new developments serve as a testament to the enduring allure of the Taman Shud case. While each piece of new evidence brings hope of clarity, it also demonstrates the multifaceted nature of the mystery.

As modern science continues to dig deeper into the case, both literally and figuratively, the world watches with bated breath, hoping for a resolution to one of history's most perplexing unsolved cases.

24. Public Fascination and Cultural Impact

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From the moment it hit the headlines, the Taman Shud case has consistently captured the imagination of the public. While many unsolved mysteries come and go, fading into the annals of history, the story of the Somerton man has resisted such obscurity, maintaining a tight grip on collective curiosity.

This enduring interest can be attributed to the unique blend of cryptic clues, potential espionage, and the ever-elusive quest for the man's identity.

The case's inherent enigma has led to a myriad of interpretations, both factual and fictional. Numerous books, articles, and documentaries have been produced, each attempting to unravel the intricacies of the mystery.

These works span various genres, from true crime examinations to speculative fiction and even romance. The allure of the Somerton man's tale, it seems, is its ability to transcend boundaries and invite a diverse range of interpretations.

Beyond literature and film, the case has permeated broader cultural discourse. Online communities have sprung up, dedicated to sharing theories, findings, and discussions about every minute detail of the case.

The story serves as a canvas onto which both amateur sleuths and professional investigators project their hypotheses, each offering a different lens through which to view the unfolding drama.

These platforms have not only kept the case alive but have also facilitated collaboration among enthusiasts from different parts of the world.

The Taman Shud case's cultural impact is a testament to the power of an unresolved mystery. It underscores the human desire for answers and the lengths to which individuals will go to solve a puzzle.

The Somerton man, in death, has become an enduring symbol of the unknown, challenging each generation to look anew at the clues he left behind, hoping to finally bring resolution to his tale.

25. Continued Investigation and Modern Efforts

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As the decades have passed since the initial discovery of the Somerton man, one might expect the fervor surrounding the case to have waned. However, quite the opposite has happened.

With each passing year, the dedication to uncovering the truth about the man's identity and the circumstances of his death has only intensified.

Modern investigators, equipped with advanced tools and methodologies, have taken up the mantle, bringing fresh perspectives and renewed hope to the case.

One notable effort has been the involvement of Professor Derek Abbott, a researcher from the University of Adelaide. Abbott has been at the forefront of modern investigative efforts, tirelessly advocating for further examinations, including exhumations and advanced DNA analysis.

His work has garnered significant attention, bringing together a multidisciplinary team of experts to re-examine the available evidence with contemporary forensic techniques. Under his guidance, there has been a concerted push to use genetic genealogy to potentially identify living relatives of the Somerton man, an avenue that previous generations of investigators could not have even fathomed.

Digital advancements have also played a pivotal role in the case's continued investigation. The proliferation of online databases, forums, and social media platforms has democratized the investigative process.

Now, enthusiasts from all over the world can contribute their insights, share findings, and collaborate in real-time. This collective approach has led to a rich tapestry of theories, with the digital age offering a level of accessibility and interactivity that was previously unattainable.

While the journey to uncovering the full truth about the Taman Shud case remains ongoing, the dedication of modern investigators is unwavering. The combination of cutting-edge technology, collaborative online communities, and the enduring allure of the mystery ensures that the quest for answers will persist.

As new avenues of investigation open up, there remains a collective hope that the final chapter in the Somerton man's story might one day be written.

26. Remaining Mysteries and Unanswered Questions

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Despite the relentless efforts of investigators over the years, the Taman Shud case continues to be shrouded in layers of mystery.

Even with the aid of modern technology and innovative investigative techniques, there remain more questions than answers. This persistent ambiguity is part of what has cemented the case's place in the annals of true crime history.

Firstly, the identity of the Somerton man himself remains an enigma. While advances in DNA technology offer hope of potentially tracing his lineage or finding distant relatives, the man's name, origins, and personal history remain concealed.

Every clue, from the "Tamam Shud" scrap to the items in his pockets, seems to add more complexity rather than provide clarity. Who was he, and what chain of events led him to that fateful spot on the beach?

Additionally, the cryptic code found in the "Rubaiyat" has yet to be conclusively deciphered. Numerous attempts have been made to crack the sequence of letters, with theories ranging from espionage instructions to simple mnemonic devices.

Yet, a universally accepted interpretation of the code remains elusive. What message, if any, was the Somerton man trying to convey, and to whom?

Lastly, the broader context of the case continues to be a subject of speculation. Was the man a spy caught up in geopolitical intrigues during a tense period of global history?

Was he a scorned lover, a victim of personal enmity, or simply a man in the wrong place at the wrong time?

The myriad of theories reflects the depth of the mystery. With each unanswered question, the Taman Shud case remains a tantalizing puzzle, challenging each new generation of sleuths to find the missing pieces.

27. Legacy and Significance of the Taman Shud Case

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The Taman Shud case, with its myriad complexities and enduring questions, has left an indelible mark on the world of true crime and forensic investigation.

Its significance extends beyond the immediate mystery of the unidentified man and delves into broader themes of human nature, the limitations of forensic science, and the persistent human drive to uncover the truth.

The story underscores the importance of rigorous forensic and investigative practices. As tools and techniques evolve, the case serves as a reminder of the need for meticulous attention to detail and the dangers of assumptions.

The reliance on the "Tamam Shud" scrap and the book, while significant, also revealed the potential pitfalls of focusing too narrowly on specific pieces of evidence.

The wider context, including examining the sociopolitical landscape of the time, may have provided a broader perspective and potentially even more avenues for investigation.

Moreover, the case's cultural impact has been profound. It has inspired countless writers, filmmakers, researchers, and amateur sleuths. The Somerton man's story, with its blend of romance, espionage, and mystery, has universal appeal.

It resonates with the innate human fascination with the unknown and the unresolved. The various interpretations and theories surrounding the case reflect society's collective imagination and our shared desire to make sense of the inexplicable.

In a broader sense, the Taman Shud case epitomizes the allure of unsolved mysteries. Even as years turn into decades, the quest for answers persists. The case challenges the boundaries of what we know, pushing investigators, both professional and amateur, to look beyond the obvious and question their assumptions.

Its legacy is one of intrigue, caution, and relentless pursuit of the truth, ensuring its place in history as one of the most captivating unsolved mysteries of all time.

28. Lessons and Takeaways from the Case

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The Taman Shud case, while primarily a tantalizing mystery, also offers several important lessons. These insights, derived from the various facets of the investigation, have broader implications for both the field of forensic science and the public's understanding of criminal investigations.

One critical lesson centers on the importance of skepticism and open-mindedness in investigations. Given the numerous twists, turns, and false leads in the case, investigators and the public alike were reminded of the dangers of tunnel vision.

Jumping to conclusions or clinging to a particular theory can obscure other potential avenues of inquiry. In the case of the Somerton man, initial assumptions about his identity and cause of death led to years of speculation, while other equally plausible theories were overshadowed.

Another vital takeaway relates to the ever-evolving nature of forensic science. The case illustrates that while scientific tools and methodologies are powerful, they are also subject to limitations and inaccuracies.

The initial reliance on certain pieces of evidence, without the backup of modern DNA analysis or digital investigative tools, demonstrates the potential pitfalls in over-relying on specific forensic methods. As technology advances, it's crucial for investigative bodies to continuously adapt and refine their approaches.

Public engagement is another significant aspect highlighted by the case. The sheer number of tips, leads, and theories proposed by the public underscores society's deep interest in and engagement with criminal investigations.

However, this level of involvement, while valuable, also comes with challenges. Misinformation, speculation, and false leads can muddy the waters and divert attention from viable investigative paths. Thus, while public engagement is essential, it must be managed and channeled productively.

Lastly, the Taman Shud case serves as a poignant reminder of the human stories behind criminal investigations. Beyond the headlines, theories, and forensic examinations, at the heart of the mystery lies an unidentified man whose life and death continue to intrigue.

Every piece of evidence, every theory, and every lead is a part of his narrative, emphasizing the profound responsibility investigators hold in unraveling and honoring these stories.

29. Conclusion and Enduring Legacy

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As the sun sets on the story of the Somerton man, the Taman Shud case stands as a monumental testament to the complexities of human nature, the intricacies of forensic investigations, and the undying allure of unsolved mysteries.

Even after decades, the case's unanswered questions continue to haunt and fascinate, drawing in new generations of curious minds eager to decode its enigma.

At its core, the story of the Somerton man is a reflection of society's broader relationship with the unknown. It serves as a mirror to our collective desires, fears, and curiosities.

In a world that often prizes definitive answers and clear conclusions, the Taman Shud case challenges this paradigm, reminding us of the inherent uncertainties of life.

The man's unidentified status, his mysterious end, and the cryptic clues he left behind force us to confront the limits of our knowledge and the vastness of the unknown.

From a practical perspective, the case offers invaluable lessons for the field of criminal investigation. It underscores the need for meticulousness, adaptability, and a holistic approach to solving mysteries.

While the tools and techniques of the forensic world are impressive, they are not infallible. The Somerton man's tale reminds investigators of the importance of continually refining their methods, questioning assumptions, and seeking diverse perspectives.

In closing, the Taman Shud case, with all its layers of intrigue, will undoubtedly continue to captivate for years to come. As new clues emerge, theories evolve, and technologies advance, the Somerton man's story will persist, challenging, inspiring, and mystifying all who encounter it.

It stands as a timeless reminder of the intricacies of the human experience and the enduring power of a well-spun mystery.


30. What Happened?

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Those stories were absolutely insane, but not even remotely the weirdest things that have happened in this world. And even crazier, many of these stories have never actually been explained. So continue reading if you want to know about a bunch of crazier and unexplained occurrences that have happened to people throughout the world. These are absolutely chilling!


31. Floating Skateboard

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A friend of mine's house burnt to the ground when I was younger, and his family moved across the street in a house that they rented for a bit.

The basement in said rented house was unfinished, so being middle schoolers we decided we would use the basement to ride skateboards and scooters.

So after one night of skateboarding we head upstairs to watch scary movies and pass out. Neither of his parents nor his sister were home (went to his grandparents for the night if I remember correctly)

As we were getting close to sleep, we hear a something hit the ground really hard on the concrete of the basement, so being dumb teenagers we decide to investigate.

As we open the door to the basement and peer down, we just see a skateboard floating mid air. We sit and watch for a few seconds and then it drops suddenly, and very violently.

Needless to say we packed our s**t up and sprinted back my house. Not much sleeping happened that night. His family moved out soon after and we tend to avoid that house as much as possible.


32. Marie Laveau

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Last time I was in New Orleans, I took a couple friends to the Marie Laveau Voodoo Museum, which my friend Jessica was not too impressed by.

Later that day we were walking back to the airBNB apartment we had rented and wandered past a house that had one of those historic location plaques on it.

Turns out that house had been Marie Laveau's father's house. As we're all standing out front of this house, Jessica is complaining about how s**tty she thought the museum was and her brand new Galaxy S5 went flying out of her hands and landed a good 5 feet away, totally destroyed.

I was looking right at her when it happened - she didn't trip, she wasn't wildly throwing her arms around. There was no explanation for why her phone would have taken a leap like that.

Also, it wasn't just a little scratched up like it had been dropped. It looked like it had exploded from within.


33. Pull Up

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In 1975 I was flying an Army helicopter doing night training in Black-out conditions near Fort Hood Texas. I was flying down a draw with a small seasonal creek in it which was the new paradigm, designed to mask the aircraft from Russian radar.

I was at the controls, my co-pilot on the map. We were low and slow tree top to tree top.

Suddenly I had the compelling sure knowledge that I must do an emergency climb, which I did climbing almost vertically.

As I pulled the guts out of the aircraft and with my nose pointed up to the stars in my chin bubble I observed the leaves of a cottonwood tree being pressed aside by the plexiglass of my chin bubble..

After a couple of seconds and now a few hundred feet above the canopy my co-pilot and I stared at each other with wide eyes and the knowledge we barely avoided death. "How did you see that f**king tree?" he asked me.

I never did tell him that I didn't, because I have never known how to explain it. I went on to fly helicopters for thirty-seven years, accident free and I still can't explain what happened that night.

34. Wraith

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I came home from class at around 11:30 and no one else was home. I hung out at home for a bit and at 2:30 I was overcome with sleepiness. Being the bum that I am, I laid down in my bed and set a timer on my phone for a 20 minute nap.

I fell asleep quickly and after around five minutes I was woken up by my bedroom door opening and had a split second of panic before my dog jumping up onto my bed and laying down next to me. I fell back asleep.

After another 5 minutes of sleep, I instantly jolted awake because I was certain there was someone standing next to my bed, behind me.

I assumed it was my mother, who would likely be pissed that I was sleeping in the middle of the day. I woke and turned around in one movement and there was no one there. Weird.

I checked my phone and had another 8 minutes of sleep left. I went back to sleep only to be woken by my phone ringing. It was my mother. She said that my great-aunt, who had been in the hospital after a stroke-like event for a week, had died around one o'clock.

My mom then said she knew my aunt was going to die today because she had seen a wraith (a sort of ghost, usually warning of someone dying) that morning, my mom is Scottish and very superstitious but I don't believe in any of that.

She said that when she woke up that morning to take my brother to school, she went in my room to see if I was still asleep, she saw a wraith standing next to my bed.


35. Billy

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Family moved in to an old house (200+ years) when I was 10. Uncle (weird guy) was going to help us move in and when we got inside the house he got all weird and left.

Always avoided coming for birthdays etc. We always joked he saw a ghost and for some reason we nicknamed the ghost Billy.

When my little sister started talking she would say really weird things, like asking if we can shut her door at night so she doesn't have to see the boy walking down the hallway. F**king creepy.

Anyways we thought she was also just being a big weirdo, so we continued to have this Billy the Ghost joke. Something would get misplaced "must be Billy" yadda yadda.

A few years later we ripped up the flooring because we wanted to go back to the original hard wood that had been covered up forever ago by old owners, and if you know anything about old houses you know they used to insulate the floor with newspaper when newspaper just became a thing.

Decided to read some articles for fun, some talking about the first ever refrigerators, really cool things like that. Until we got to the creepy part, a mentally challenged boy named Billy who lived in our home, died while playing outside of it.


36. Carbon Monoxide

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So a few years back, probably 6-7 years, my family was living in our previous home. This was our second house in we had in Ohio, the first house was about to streets over from our second house.

Well one night my mom woke me up and was acting really panicked. She grabbed my brother, who was probably 5 at the time, and told me to go outside.

It was about 4 in the morning, and once we all got outside my dad tried to calm my mom down. He asked her what was wrong, and she had explained that she had a dream that we were all gonna die from carbon monoxide poisoning if we stayed in the house.

Then my dad told her that all the detectors were working perfectly fine and we decided to go back inside. We didn't smell anything nor did the detectors go off, so we went to bed.

The next day my mom was watching the morning news before we went to school. The first story for the day was that a local family was rushed out of their home because of a carbon monoxide leak in there home.

Which could have been just coincidence, but then the news station showed the house. It was our old house that we just moved out of.


37. Was That His Dad?

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I live in a condominium and we own two apartments on the 7th and 8th floor. The only way to move in between them is to step out of the apartment, take the elevator or the staircase and enter the other one.

One night, we ran out of ice-cream upstairs and my mom told me to go get some from the downstairs freezer, so I took the keys to the 7th floor's apartment and since it was dinner time, no one was there.

I walked into the pitch dark and realized that someone was sitting on the sofa so i flipped the switch to see my dad just sitting there. It was kinda weird, but i just went to get the ice-cream and asked if he had a key to lock up. No answer.

I shrugged and thought 'Well if he came in and locked the door behind him, he must have one.' Went back upstairs and my dad was sitting there eating dinner. I freaked out and asked how the heck did he get up here so fast and everyone told me that he's been here all this time.

Told them it wasn't possible cause I just saw him downstairs but no one believed me. Now I never go down there alone.


38. Being Watched

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Hunter/mountaineer here. It was a chilly December morning. I hiked in, pre-dawn, taking about an hour and a half to go 3 miles off the beaten trails. Got to my "nest" about half an hour before sunrise and started to settle in.

The wind kicked up and a fog rolled in that was thicker than milk. Within a few minutes, my visibility was 5'. I'm sitting tight, huddled up against the freezing wind when I start to hear twigs snapping close to me. For no apparent reason, what is normally a rapturous sound indicative of an imminently successful hunt, sent a frosty chill down my spine.

I chambered a round in my lever action 30-30 as quietly as I could, and lay flat on my back tucked against a fallen tree. The rustling was moving closer through the fog, but I couldn't see anything.

The sun was starting to peek over the mountains to my east and visibility was starting to increase. The rustling of twigs and leaves was sporadic, sometimes directly in front of me, sometimes behind or beside me.

I remember laying there, rifle across my chest, thinking to myself how silly it was to react like such a coward. I rationed with myself that bears and mountain lions are a rarity where I was, and I had likely stumbled into a herd of white-tail that had bedded down. I decided to sit up.

The rustling stopped immediately. As it was fully dawn by now, I was looking through the fog for the outline of my prey, which I had assured myself was literally all around me. It wasn't. Seemingly, nothing was. By now, the fog had faded away and it was apparent to me that I was alone in those woods.

I hunted all that day without seeing so much as a squirrel. Around 3 in the afternoon, after fighting the wind and an abnormally cold day, and not wanting to hike out by flashlight, I decided it was time to start back to the truck. Walking out of those woods was the most uneasy I have ever felt.

Lawfully, once you make it back to the trail, you're supposed to clear the chamber of your rifle. Not that day. What is normally a stroll through the woods, I undertook with the seriousness of an animal being stalked.

I would walk, then stop and listen. I never heard or saw anything during my retreat, but I could feel eyes on me.

I was about 100 feet away from my truck, when I rounded the last corner and saw, hanging at eye level from a tree by a noose, a stuffed bear in a blaze orange jacket. I'm a giant, broad shouldered outdoorsman, but that one shook me something fierce.


39. Historic House Museum

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I used to work doing maintenance at historic properties. There was a historic house museum I worked at when it wasn't open to the public.

It was part of a whole landmark site, there was a visitor's center with offices and then the house was about half a mile up a dirt road in a wooded area. Sometimes I worked with a crew, but there were a lot of times I was there alone.

One winter day, when it was really cloudy and dark, I was working alone to get ready to replace some electric work on the exterior of the house. I went inside and turned off the circuit to the whole property, and I tested it. It was off.

I locked the doors and went outside to work. After about an hour, I got down from my ladder and started walking around the house and then one of the lights inside the house TURNED ON. I started to freak out, but thought that maybe someone was playing a joke on me...

I called the visitor's center on my walkie-talkie, and confirmed that the only other person who was working that day was still there and hadn't left, and that all the keys to the house were present and accounted for.

That's when I freaked out and ran the half mile up to the office. I made my coworker come back with me to check out what was going on, but when we got to the house, the light was off again- but the bulb was still warm.

All the doors were still locked and the circuit was still off. Still gives me shivers to this day.

40. Haunted House

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Pretty sure I lived in a haunted house for awhile. Strange things.

For one I always felt like I was being watched in my room, and if I had the door open to the hallway I would SWEAR I'd see someone walk by out of the corner of my eye.

We had two cats and someones they'd be in my room sleeping and then all of a sudden they would sit bolt up and stare at the door, and nothing I did could move them for a long time. This happened often.

One day in my bathroom the shelf that had my sister's beauty stuff randomly lose hold of all of the items. The thing was the shelf wasn't lose or hanging and all the stuff had to bounce out of a two inch high lip into the sink.

One time in the middle of the night my sister's 100+ year old dresser she got as a gift from our grandma just "fell" over. This thing weighed a ton and it was built like a tank. Sister said she heard the sound of someone pushing.

Mom and sister used to yell at me for sneaking around the house...only I wasn't home or I was in my room. They said they saw a man in shadows that was about my height.

One day we also ran into the old owner and my Mom casually asked the lady if she had ever experienced anything in the house. The lady started crying and said no one believed her but yes, she experienced a lot of stuff.

I moved out around that time. I do not miss that place.


41. Buster

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When I was 6 years old, I had a cat named Buster. Buster was actually my step-dad's cat, but because I never had a cat before, I claimed him as my own. Suffice it to say, Buster didn't like being hugged and coddled all the time by a little child, so he hated me. He avoided me at all costs. He was also an outdoor cat, so he would often spend most days outside and then come in for the night.

One night, Buster didn't come back in the house. We usually fed him at night, so I was worried. Our area was also well-known for an abundance of coyotes.

My parents were being a bit hush-hush about Buster's disappearance, but I didn't get the hint. That night, when I was drifting off to sleep, Buster jumped onto my bed. He lay down by my head and let me pet him until I fell asleep.

Honestly, I was shocked because he had never done this before.

The next morning, I triumphantly walked downstairs and related to my parents that Buster now loved me because he slept in my bed during the night.

My parents looked at me inquisitively and sat me down at the breakfast table to let me know that while they were outside the night before, they had found Buster's body in the alley behind our house. They thought he had been harassed by a coyote. But, he was dead, so he couldn't have slept in my bed that night.

To this day, I like to think that Buster just wanted to say goodbye and thank me for trying to love him in the only way a child knew how.


42. Teleported

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I was in first grade, hanging out at recess with a friend.

He was shooting some hoops outside and I was playing DS, sitting on the pavement. I remember him asking me if he could make a shot from half way across the court.

I told him he could try but he probably wouldn't make it while looking at my DS.

Suddenly, my dad asks me what I mean, and when I look up I'm sitting on my living room carpet, talking to my dad, and it's dark out.

I was sitting in the same position, playing the same game, same level, and same exact spot in the level. Everything continued normally that night, and I didn't tell anyone at the time, but looking back it is really freaky.

I thought it was a dream for the longest time, but thinking about it it didn't really feel like a dream, and I don't really remember dreams that well.


43. Premonition

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When I was in uni I lived by myself, it was a nice little studio unit behind a house in a fairly decent area.

I would honestly think nothing of walking places at night, there was a 24 hour MacDonald's and a 7 eleven that I would walk to, often between 12am to 3am since I was a massive night owl.

Well one day after finishing an essay at about 2 in the morning I decided I was hungry but didn't really have anything easy to cook so I decided to walk down to the 7 eleven and grab a pie or something.

However as soon as I opened my door I was overcome by a suffocating feeling of fear, my heart started pounding, I started shaking, the works. Telling myself that this was ridiculous I walked out to the street with the intent to still go but that was as far as I got.

I was terrified for no reason that I could understand, but no less intensely despite that. I ran back inside and ate dry cereal.

Later the next day I heard about a group of drunk guys that were causing havoc down near the intersection at the 7 eleven, they'd beaten up someone from my uni.

Even though I can't explain it, I'm convinced something bad would have happened to me that night if I had ignored that feeling and gone anyway.


44. Mannequins

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I posted this a long time ago but when I was younger my mom was dating this guy (who we will call JB) and after a few months he invited my mom, me, and my brother to go with him and his son (about my age) out to his lake house for the weekend.

It was right on Lake Michigan but up in a more secluded area which was pretty awesome. Well we got up there and for one I already felt really creeped out.

It was a smaller two (maybe 3 if you count the really big attic) story house that had the living room/dining room/kitchen on the first floor and had 2 bedrooms on the second floor.

His grandfather had helped to build the place with his (the grand fathers) dad and then he lived their for most of his life working as a tailor in the nearby town. We went up to the attic to get some beach toys because that's where JB kept all of that stuff so he didn't have to haul it every time he went out there.

Well when we went up to the attic I noticed in the corner covered in some dust and cobwebs about 8 mannequins, some just upper torsos and some full body. Not to out of the ordinary considering a tailor had lived there.

Me and JB's son slept down in the living room on the couch since there were no more beds, and near midnightish I heard on of the stairs squeak a few times.

Figuring it was my mom coming to check to make sure we were asleep I told his son to be quiet and quickly turned the TV off and hid under the covers. After not hearing any noise for a few minutes I looked out from under the covers and saw three of the mannequins moving around in the kitchen. Like their body parts weren't moving but they were sliding around the kitchen.

I swore I was dreaming but was so terribly frightened I hid back under the covers with a small yelp and then heard the dragging on the floor coming closer and peaked out seeing one of them just a few feet from the couch.

I hid back under the covers and shut my eyes tight hoping it would go away.

The next morning I got up and tried not to think about it, really really hoping it was just a bad dream but when we went back up to the attic to put the beach stuff back the mannequins were in different spots and weren't covered in cob webs any more.....

Don't believe me if you don't want to but it happened and I've been scared s**tless of mannequins ever since.


45. Attic Door

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There was a small door that led to attic space in my bedroom (11 yrs old to 13) and it became habit that I would shut the door as I walked into my bedroom a couple times a week.

I didn't think anything of it, just assumed my mom didn't close it all the way when she left it.

After a while I made the mistake of joking with her when she made a comment about me not picking up after myself, I said something like 'every night I have to close the attic door behind you, how about you shut it all the way when you're done?' She then informed me that she hasn't been in the attic in months. Asked my brother... nope.

Asked my father... nope. So then I started to pay really close attention to it. Making sure it was closed in the morning, checking it after school, checking blaster dinner. Then head up to bed and... open.

After a couple months of wondering, studying, experimenting, I thought I'd see what happens if I just don't shut it. Opened the door before school and checked it after school, still ooen.

Checked it after dinner, still open. Before bed, still open. Now I'm laying in bed, mind going crazy with the open door across the room.

Decide to check it out so I roll over and focus on the black space into the attic... to see a face staring back at me. Bolt downstairs, wake parents, get ridiculed by brother, switch bedrooms w brother, move into new house about 6 months later (due to expanding household). New physics teacher and his wife bought our house.

I could've forgotten all about that event and chalked it up to me having an over-active mind. But then my senior year I discovered how awesome our physics teacher was.

Became my favorite class and by far, my favorite teacher. End of senior year my friend and I took our VHS camcorder around town, doing mostly silly things, but then took it to my old house to see what they've done with the place. We got a very fun tour, I got to tell stories about all the projects my dad did that were still part of the house.

Then the wife leads us upstairs to show us the sewing room. I ask (jokingly), 'Notice anything strange in this room?' and her face goes blank. On camera, she asks what I mean and I try to shrug it off but end up saying something about the attic door.

She confirmed that every time she comes up to sew, the attic door is open. She then tells us that the second day of being in the house, their dog (German Shepherd) had gone into the room but would not go back downstairs. He started barking and could not be consoled, and then jumped through the window, landing on the tin roof over the porch and then running off. The dog did not come back until the next day and has not stepped foot into the hallway that leads upstairs since.

I had the initial thought that I could show my parents and brother the story I had on film but I decided to just let it be.


46. Typing

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In my childhood home I would often hear touch typing coming from the computer downstairs early in the mornings.

I didn't think much of it at first - my parents worked from home and it wouldn't be uncommon to wake up in the morning to hear Mum typing away at the computer.

One day I got up and called out to Mum assuming she was down there working as I could hear typing. No answer.

No one was down there at all. I was sure I heard typing. This began happening regularly. I figured I was so used to hearing typing from downstairs that I was hearing things that weren't there, so I didn't mention anything to anyone figuring I was going a bit crazy.

This happened on and off over a period of 6 months. The sound of fast typing and fast, furious clicking of a mouse as if someone was frustrated.

One morning I was eating my breakfast when I heard Mum at the top of the stairs call out to me, "You're not down there on that computer already?!"

I froze and ran out to her. I was amazed she had heard it too; she was convinced she could hear typing, yet no one was down there.

I told her about all the times I'd been hearing it and then my sister opened up about hearing it regularly too when no one was down there. I wasn't crazy after all.

I set out to try catch whatever was causing it and to try discover a rational explanation for it. I'd sprint out of my bedroom, to the top of the stairs where I was able to look down into the room to see if anyone was at the computer. No such luck; every time I got there it stopped.

I think it went on for a couple of years and we learnt just to kind of live with it as it wasn't every day.

I was down there once when the ceiling light globe in the center of the room began flashing very fast, strobe-like. It then exploded and glass went shattering all across the room.

I was lucky I ran out of the room when it started happening because I was scared (the whole mysterious typing, you know). If I hadn't ran I would've been hit with bits of light bulb.

Around that same time I was on the computer at home by myself when something happened that resulted in me never being alone in that room again. I felt and heard this really sharp intake of breath directly behind my right shoulder near my ear. I've never ran so fast in my life and was hesitant going in that room ever again.

Prior to that, the whole typing thing had just been something weird and a bit spooky - not scary. Still makes my heart race when I think about it today.

Have never really encountered anything like this before or since all those events. I don't particularly believe ghosts either but I'm open to the possibilities of "something" in which scientists don't have a proper explanation for yet.


47. Sleep Paralysis

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Sleep paralysis. I've had experiences where it felt like my soul was being sucked out either from my chest or my face.

Kind of like being attacked by dementor. I can't yell, or move, so it really sucks.


48. Dark Figure

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I went to my Grandmas place to help her move after the loss of my Grandfather. Things were a little... emotional...

Either way there was one night were I woke up with a pain in my chest. I woke up and waited for it to go away. Took like 30 minutes but it did. Then I realized I really had to f**king take a piss.

Like.. Really bad. I went and took my piss with no problem. Heres where the scary part hits.

My grandma has a long ass hallway.. like... if I had to guess I would probably say it was about 40-50 yards of hallway.. It always just made me feel uneasy. Well this time when I walked down it the hair on the back of my neck was standing up and I felt like I was being watched.

I turned the light on and felt a little better. I walked out of the bathroom after taking literally the most relieving piss of my life and walked back to the end of the hallway. I turned the light back off and at the other end of the hallway I saw a dark figure just standing there.

It felt like it was just staring at me... I turned the light back on and there was nothing there. I turned it back off and there it was again. I peed a little... I slept in my car the rest of the night.


49. Graveyard Shift

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I was working at a hotel in Albuquerque,the graveyard shift. I had been talking to the security guard and he asked if he could get a ride home, so instead of waiting for 30 minutes for my shift to end I just left and left a note for my boss that said I left early because my brother was stranded outside of town and needed me to get him.(total lie on my part but I needed a good excuse to leave early) I drop off the security guard at his place then go home and go to sleep.

A couple of hours of sleep and I wake up to my phone ringing..it was my brother...he tells me he is stranded outside of town and he needs me to go get him. I tell my brother the lie I told my boss and how much of a coincidence his calling me is.

He says that's not weird he will show me what's weird when I get there. I get there and ask him what is weird. He puts his phone up to my ear and plays a message that he got when he woke up that morning.

It's a voice that kinda sounded computerized but mostly just creepy sounding. It says: YOUR STUCK Freaked us both out.

Never figured out where the call came from. Strangest creepiest thing that's ever happened to me in my life.


50. Man In The Basement

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When I was little, I would go over to my grandparent's house frequently with my sister and cousins. My grandparents have an attached mother-in-law apartment, so we always played in there while the grown-ups would talk in the main house. One day we were playing hot and cold with a little key we found in the apartment.

While one person was hiding it, they accidentally dropped it and it fell under the door to the basement. I opened the door to get it and when I did, there was a man standing at the bottom of the stairs that I didn't recognize.

He had a bunch of stuff in his arms, like he had rummaged through my grandparent's basement. (Keep in mind, my grandparents were hoarders, their basement was full of stuff that they either forgot about or put in storage, some of it being relatively valuable).

When he saw me, he yelled at me "GO BACK UPSTAIRS, KID! GO!" I was so freaked out, I bolted and immediately ran into the main house to tell my parents.

My dad went into the basement to look, but couldn't find anyone. To this day they all tell me I imagined it, but my sister and cousins insist it's real too.

About 5 years later, both of my grandparents passed away, so I was helping my dad clean out their basement. Turns out they were missing a ton of stuff. I haven't gone back in that house since.

51. Lady In Sister's Room

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I was home alone for a weekend a few years ago while I was still in highschool. After school one day I was driving home, and when I passed in front of my house I thought I saw some old lady in white clothes in my sisters room looking through the window.

I thought it was stupid, so I went in the room to check out what it actually was, but I couldn't find anything.

I pretty much forgot about it until later that night I got a call from a very panicked and scared neighbor saying there was some old lady pacing back and forth in my sister's room.

I still have no idea what it was, and I've never seen anything like it since.


52. Cuts

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Sometimes when I go to bed, I wake up with deep line cuts on my body. Each time on different spots: on my neck, leg, arm.

See dried blood around the wound and on my sheets.

Still don't know what the hell happened. It's only my bed and my sheets...and my nails are cut short mostly. I don't sleep walk.


53. Tapping

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We didn't immediately sell the house after my grandma moved. We remodeled it to make it more modern. So I went by to check on the house and ended up staying the night. I went to go to sleep and did all the normal stuff. Turned the lights off, closed the door etc. I started to hear tapping coming from the corner of the room.

I turned the light back on and the tapping stopped. I repeated this process for like.. 20 minutes until I just got over it and ignored the tapping. 

Then I heard footsteps in the hallway and the sound of something dragging along the ground. Then about 5 minutes later I started hearing drums. 

I noped the f**k out of there and boarded the nope train to f**kthaterton and havent gone back. I wanna say we sold the house recently.


54. True Horror

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Hopefully we all travel through his world with happiness and health - never knowing what it's like to truly fear for our lives. But for some, that's just not an option.

These people experienced truly heart-stopping fear and lived to tell us about it.

55. Airliner

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I was flying an airliner. We were maybe 1,000 above the ground while on approach to land at a smaller airport.

There were thunderstorms in the area and we ended up in a microburst with zero visibility.

We got a wind shear warning in the cockpit and started to go around. At full throttle and the nose up we were still sinking at around 400ft/min.

Everything seemed to be running in slow motion both me and the other pilot were running through our required actions and call outs due to the training.

In the back of my mind all I could think about was I can’t see the ground and we are falling.

I know there is a hill out here somewhere, this is where I am going to die.

The plane got down to around 400ft off the ground before it finally started to climb. This was the most fear I had ever felt in my life.


56. Coughing Blood

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The time I got into bed with my girlfriend and immediately started coughing up blood.

Ran into the bathroom and held onto the sink for dear life, every breath I tried to take I just ended up wheezing more blood out of my lungs.

By the time the ambulance got there I had pretty much come to terms that this was how I died. Then it slowed down and finally stopped by the time I got to the ER.

Long story short it turned out to be hodgkin's lymphoma.

Had chemo for 6 months and am cured now with minimal repercussions. Scariest time of my life.


57. In Bed With You

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When i was trying to sleep at around 3 and felt someone press on my bed. Then bag on the chair started shaking.

Then again i felt something on my bed. Finally I had the courage to switch on light and found a giant rat on my bed.


58. Snake

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I was riding my bike home from work along a pretty busy main road (I live in the city).

I got to a downhill and started to pick up pace when I noticed a brown snake, which are very deadly, lying across the bike just lane ahead of me.

There was a car in the lane next to me and it was too late to stop, but I somehow managed to dodge the snake and kept riding.

About 50 metres later, just as I thought I was safe, I heard a very loud hissing and felt something rush past my leg and thought the snake had somehow caught up and bitten me.

It turns out my back tyre burst but in the moment I was absolutely terrified.


59. ATV Accident

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When my mom and then- 5 year old brother got in an atv accident.

They were driving slow through the woods and a large, dead tree fell alongside the trail, knocking down a smaller tree, which hit them both in the head. Freak accident.

My other brother and I were outside filling the pool and we heard my mom yelling something.

I didn't know what it was but my stomach dropped. We both ran to the head of the trail across the yard, and she was carrying my little brother, both covered in blood. She ran half of that mile-long trail carrying him.

They were both in the hospital for a week.

Mom got some stitches in her face, and my brother's skull was shattered, requiring surgery and a metal plate put in.

He's graduating high school next year and doing well.


60. Roller Coaster

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I was on a 360 degree roller coaster and you go around and around but it got stuck at the very top and the ride shut down for 5 minutes so I was upside-down and I was verylittle and it was terrifying.


61. Bathroom Visitor

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I was 6 years old and went to take a leak. I was at my grandma's house in a small village in India. The bathroom was an outhouse.

Just as I was about to start, I noticed a cobra hissing at me. I ran like hell.


62. Hanger Accident

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The morning of my mom's wedding. Everyone relaxing. Eating breakfast. Clothes everywhere. Cousins running around.

All of the adults are on their porch chilling.

I hear my daughter SCREAMING. I run in the dining room. There were clothes draped over the back of a dining room chair.

The clothes had a metal coat hanger on them. She had gotten the hook of the metal hanger under her eyelid.

I grabbed the back of her head and slowly pulled the hook out.

Put a little ice on her eye for a bit. Luckily, it hadn't hit her eyeball at all.


63. On The Roof

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I used to measure roofs for a solar company.

One time I went up on a very steep roof of a two story house alone, and without a harness.

This roof plane was too steep to walk and the shingles were old and crumbing so I had to crawl so I didn't slide down towards the edge.

After about an hour of crawling around, the sun began to bake the shingles so they were too hot to touch, so I decided to bug out.

As the roof was too steep to walk, the only way to the ladder was by scooting on my butt with my feet pointed towards the edge.

Every time I'd skid toward the edge my heart exploded in fear because it was hard to stop from moving. I had to use my hands to slow myself down and they were getting burned.

All I could do was to rub my palms on my legs to transfer some of the heat, but they were being scorched. Imagine putting your hand on a hot frying pan full of grit.

I was completely alone, in a faraway town, with no one to call. It took forever to get to the ladder and by the time I did I was shaking and drenched in sweat.

When I finally got back to the ground some people came out from a nearby house and said they saw me and were ready to call 911.

I had burn blisters on both palms and I never went on a roof like that again without a helper or PPE.


64. Fear For Your Child

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When they told me my 12year old has a stroke during brain surgery. Fear.


65. Blood Clots

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It was 5 years ago almost to the day. I was home with my two daughters who at the time were 3 and just over 1.

I was giving them a bath, kneeling on the ground and all of a sudden it felt like something exploded in my heart.

I remember thinking just get the kids out of the water, nothing else matters. I got them out of the water and was able to call an ambulance.

I was taken to the hospital and long story short I had blood clots in both lungs and my right knee.

They think a piece of the knee blood clot broke free and passed through my heart.

I am very lucky to be alive and so grateful I was able to get my daughters out of the tub.

I found out I have multiple blood clotting disorders and am on blood thinners for life, but I am alive!


66. He Went Out

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My first time doing truffles, we were in our hotel room plus another friend who was in Amsterdam with us at the time for a total of 3 guys.

I was just hanging out being an jolly idiot in the bathroom looking at the tiles.

Walked back into the bedroom and Friend 1 is in a fetal position staring at our wide open window, we're on the top floor so pretty high up.

I can't see Friend 2 anywhere so I ask after him, only to get a thousand yard stare and the answer "he went out".

I say that I didn't hear the door when I was in the bathroom.

"He didn't go out the door" says Friend 1.

So I sidle my way over to the window and can't see anything, I'm absolutely freaking out.

All the thoughts about what we're going to have tell his family, what do we do, etc. etc.

I sit down on the bed next to Friend 1 and just felt cold.

Then Friend 2 just slumps out of where he was, being an idiot curled up in the wardrobe of the room.

I don't think I've ever cried in relief before that or since.


67. Calling Your Name

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When I was alone in my house and I heard something call my name.

It was probably some weird bird or something outside but I was 11 and dumb so I was terrified.


68. Toxic Relationship

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A few years back I was in a toxic relationship with an individual suffering from several mental illness. He refused to take medications.

I had not a clue how bad it had gotten until he was driving us back to our apartment.

He started rambling about how God chose him to save my soul and I was a fallen angel. He would send me back to heaven.

He floored the gas on a short dead end road and almost drove into a cement wall. I remember briefly wondering if I should jump put the car at 50 mph, or stay in and pray the airbag saved me.

He slammed the brake last minute as I was about to open the door and jump.

Absolute fear. I ended up hospitalized a few days later due to other s**tty relationship related events and never saw him again.

Hands down, one of the more terrifying moments of my life, but not the only one I experienced by being with him.


69. Light From Outside

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When I was little, me and my brother were sleeping, and my mother came in the room telling us to get down on the floor quietly.

We then saw a light from outside. Someone looked at our window exactly. I felt huge fear. I took a metal pipe because I knew I couldn't run away, so I had to fight. The lights were gone.

My mother got outside while I thought she'll die. Turns out it was my dad pranking us.


70. Panic Attack

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The first time I had a panic attack. I was sure I was going to die.


71. In The ER

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I was sitting in the waiting room of the ICU talking to my Aunt. My Dad has just been moved from the ER to the ICU that morning. My Mom was with him but I had to go to the waiting room while they got him settled in. All of a sudden, I hear "CODE BLUE ICU ROOM XYZ".

I didn't even know what his room was but I just had this terrible feeling. My entire body goes numb. I look at my Aunt and say I am going back there. As soon as I open the ICU ward door, a nurse looks at me and says, "Are you the daughter of so an so?" with a very empathetic look on her face. And I say, "Yes. OMG is that my Dad? is that my Dad coding?" She says come with me.

We sprint down the hall to the back of the ICU and I turn the corner to see a room full of people. My mom is standing in the corner. In complete shock.

My 100% genuine fear? Standing in the corner of the ER watching nurses perform CPR on my Dad. For 17 minutes.

CPR is nothing like you see on TV. Any medical professional will agree with me. It is violent and intense.

There were about 15 people in the room and it is intense. Organized chaos. It is one of the worst memories I have but talking about it somewhat helps. I miss you Dad.


72. Stuck In Open Water

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Running out of gas in my boat with my girlfriend in open water during a storm. Ended up on a shoal trying to hold the boat while a friend brought us more fuel.

Honestly thought the waves would wash us away and drown.


73. Where Did They Go?

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Anytime you turn around and your child isn't still behind you


74. Stolen Key

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Once my mother called me on the phone telling me that a copy of our house keys was stolen that afternoon from the lobby and someone might be in the house.

This happened in the exact moment I was entering the house. Pretty scary but no one was there thank god


75. Beginning Driver

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When I was still a beginning driver, I basically misjudged a turn at a highway exit when it was raining.

My car swiveled and turned around. Somehow I managed to get it to stop, but I ended up bumping the side railing with the back of my car, and the car turning more than 180 degrees on the road before coming to a halt.

This is a very busy exit, and if someone had been right behind me I'd have been dead.

Somehow I managed to gather my wits, restart the car, turn it around, and drive off before another car hit me.

I stopped at the earliest possible parking opportunity, and that was when I felt it - the fear. I just started shaking uncontrollably.


76. Glass Floor

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when i walked across a glass floor. It wasnt even that high. But HOLY was my gut not liking that


77. Labor Complications

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I was in labor with my son and my blood pressure kept bottoming out. First I lost my vision. It came back.

Then I lost my hearing. While I was unable to hear, all of the medical staff in the room suddenly had very concerned looks on their faces and rushed to the monitor tracking my baby’s heartbeat.

I then started to pass out and as I was losing consciousness I saw a nurse thrust an injection into my leg but I felt nothing (because of the epidural.)

All of that combined was probably the scariest moments of my life.

Both my son and I were okay and he’s a healthy 1 year old now.


78. Fear Of Mother

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It's hard to remember, but there was one point in the past where I was utterly terrified of my mother. I was in my room and terrified that she'd come in. Pure fear.


79. Choked

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I dreamt I was being choked and woke up to find my own hands around my throat.

80. Boyfriend In Emotional Slump

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My SO was in kind of a slump emotionally for a bit, and while I was at work he texted me and seemed pretty down.

I asked him what was up, he didn't respond. I tried calling but he denied my calls, then suddenly he just wrote "I don't feel too good mentally.", and just went offline on ALL platforms at once and shut off is phone.

I just slammed my work laptop shut and ran as fast as I could to the subway to get home. When i finally reached the apartment he wasn't even there.

I was so freaked out, i was just screaming his name like madwoman, somehow hoping he'd respond.

Everyhting turned out just fine in the end and he apologized for scaring me, but OH MAN.

I was so sure I was gonna be the one to find his body that day.
