
People Confess Bizarre Moments That Made Them Question Reality


1. On My Shoulders

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After graduating high school, my best friend and I spent a lot of the summer driving around exploring abandoned houses and particularly spooky looking forests, cemeteries, and parks. We used to stay up all night reading scary stories and trying to freak each other out.

During high school, he had briefly transferred to another school a few towns over. While he was there, he made friends with a girl we’ll call Lily, who was really into the occult, witches, demons, etc. They had stayed in touch and we had met up with her a few times over the years, and this summer all of us were bored in our hometowns so we decided to connect more with her.

My best friend and I had been fascinated with an abandoned school (closed down some time in the 80’s, at least 100+ years old at the time we started exploring it) for quite some time, and invited Lily to come with us. She asked if we had ever done a seance, and neither of us had. She asked if we wanted to try it - we did. So she brought the things she normally brought for a seance - I can’t remember everything exactly, but I know there was an angel statue, a seashell, and candles.

We went to the school late at night, after 10:00 PM at least, and everything was pitch black. We walked around all the rooms and decided on one that we all had an “eerie” feeling about. Lily explained the process of the seance and warned us to “remain connected” and hold hands, telling us if we disconnected then we “invited beings into our circle.” My friend and I nodded solemnly. Lily then asked which of us would like our back to the door; and I, being hubristically brave, volunteered. The three of us sat down, my back to the door, my friend’s back toward the windows, and Lily sitting where she could see what was happening in the entire room.

So we began, and Lily opened the seance. Nothing happened for a while. A spooky sound here or there, but nothing that couldn’t be from an old building creaking and groaning in the wind.
Then, a very strange sound none of us were expecting.

You know when you wear sneakers in the rain and they start making a weird “squelch, squeak, squelch” sound? We started hearing that in a pattern that just sounded like footsteps. After about seven steps, it stopped. We all looked at each other. It sounded like one of our dad’s got caught in a rainstorm in his New Balance 608’s. Definitely not typically spooky, but spooky considering we couldn’t tell where the sound came from, and it was the middle of summer at a drought had been going on. No reason for squelchy sneakers. We giggled and brushed it off, kinda spooked.

Then, a minute later, an enormous BANG from upstairs. I’ve always said it sounded like a really fat cat jumping off a table right above us. Something BIG hit the floor. We all jumped and kept going, now really creeped out.

A few more minutes went by and I noticed a weird feeling, like something was in the doorway behind me. I can’t explain how I could see it in my mind, and feel it behind me. My shoulders got really tense and started hurting, like I had just got the wind knocked out of me. The only thing I could equate it to was the sensation of falling out of a tree when I was a kid. I saw a dark, very tall figure in my mind, with claw-like hands. I was shifting uncomfortably when I looked up and noticed my friend staring, horrified, at the doorway.

“Why are you looking over there?” I asked. \He looked at me. “It’s like I can see something, but I can’t. I think there’s something in the doorway.”

We were both sufficiently freaked out and my back was hurting almost unbearably now. We asked Lily to end, and she did. Afterwards, we went upstairs to see if anything had moved or fallen - remember, we walked all over the building before we started and almost all the rooms were empty (meaning, some old desks stacked on top of each other in some rooms, other rooms totally deserted). We noticed nothing had moved, shifted, fallen, etc. We left after doing a full sweep and went home, sufficiently creeped out.

The next morning, we woke up and I noticed my back felt irritated and went to check it in the bathroom. This next part is a little gross so if you want to skip, I advise. When I looked in the mirror, I had two long, wide almost claw shaped patterns of some of the most painful pimples I have ever had, almost like blisters. Keep in mind, I had absolutely NO other identifiable reason for these blisters/boils/pimples. I mean these things looked like I had rolled around in bacon grease and dirt and let it sit for a week. It was very gross and painful, and they were on the EXACT SPOTS I felt the pain the night before.

We never went back to that school, long story short.

Side note: It’s been almost ten years, and I still randomly get that same feeling I got, like something is behind me, and my shoulders will start aching. Never gotten the blisters again, though.


2. I Sense Dead People

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I think I can sense dead people. Before I say this I think it’s important to say that I’m not religious and not even sure if I believe in an afterlife but I’ve had a few experiences that make me question my beliefs.
I would also like to say that this is 100% true but it’s up to you weather or not you believe me.
The first time I experienced this was when I was only around 7 or 8 years old, I live in a fairly small semidetached house and at the time had recently switched rooms with my parents, my previous room was on the outside of the house and the current room is on the side of the house that shares a wall with our nabours.
prior to this I had never had any issues with sleep however for whatever reason one night shortly after switching rooms at around 4am I woke up in tears, this wasn’t just like a child waking up from a nightmare I was genuinely the most extreme version of “upset” I’ve ever felt and I couldn’t control or explain the emotion or what had caused it, like a family member had died or something terrible had happened.
All I knew was that something was wrong. I was so upset that even to this day all these years later my parents remember the night.
The next day my upset nabour knocked on our door and told my parents that his wife had died in her sleep at around 4am that morning in her sleep.
Their bedroom is right next to mine, like if we knows down the wall it’s just be one room.
Although I don’t remember this detail apparently when I was told this news I replied by saying “I know” and didn’t seem shocked or surprised my the death or our nabour.
The next memorable incident was at the age of around 11 or 12.
I was out on a bike ride with my dad when the feeling of sadness hit me, it effected me enough to shout and tell my dad to stop and pull over, when he did he saw my face and could tell that something was clearly wrong, as soon as he asked me what had happened I burst into tears, once again I was feeling extremely upset with no cause whatsoever, I had been tested for bipolar disorder and similar things but I had none, however within the space of 30 seconds I had gone from being happily on a bike ride to sobbing on the side of the road.
When my dad asked me what had happened I told his that I “didn’t know yet but that something was wrong” after about 5 minutes of this I decided that I just wanted to get back home and so we went.
While I was riding back with my dad we started to notice a build up in traffic, we were on the pavement so we just went straight past, then at the front of the traffic we saw an ambulance, someone had had a heart attack and we later found out that they died before the ambulance even arrived, pretty much the exact same time i felt that feeling.
Once again I don’t know how or why but for some reason seeing that ambulance simply didn’t shock me or surprise me in the slightest, I just felt like I already knew, it’s a weird way to describe it but it’s like when someone sends you a funny video you’ve already seen and you pretend to laugh, even if the first time you saw it it may have been funny, now you won’t feel that emotion.
Pretty much the same thing. The third time this happened was I little different, less sad and more terrifying.
One night in my house I felt like I got woken up, you know how if you wake up you can tell if you’ve woken up naturally or if someone or something like a noise woke you up... well I definitely got woken up at around 5am.
I look up and see someone at the end of my bed. short person, long hair and I assumed female.
They were facing away from me, my first thought was that it was my mum as my dad doesn’t live here and my sister is taller.
The was no doubt in my mind that it was her, I mean who else could it possibly be right?
So I stand up and notice that our dog isn’t there, this is something I instantly picked up on as that dog, Libby, follows my mum everywhere and I mean literally everywhere. Although this was weird I still thought it was for sure my mum.
I go to put my hand on her shoulder to see if she was sleep walking or something and my hand just falls straight through her, instantly freak out. I ran so quick out of my room that I hit my head on my door.
I went straight to my mums room and saw her with the dog asleep I wake her up and make sure she’s there and that she’s okay.
I then go and check to see if my sister is in her room and sure enough the she is, asleep alone in her room. This is genuinely unexplainable and shook me to my core. I have no doubt about what I saw that night and I don’t know who to talk to about it.
I’m posting this to reach out and ask that if anyone out there has had similar experiences you reach out to me and tell me I’m not crazy.
There been a handful of other times this has happened, sometimes with pets that have died, sometimes with people but it’s always the same feeling and the same outcome of someone passing away before I have been told, if anyone out there shares this PLEASE TELL ME.


3. Whisper

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Working night shift, walking along a corridor I hear someone CLOSE behind me whisper my birth name.

Which is not my name now, hasn't been my name in about 15 years and no one in this city would know it. There was no one there.

The other night I think I witnessed someone elses paranormal experience.

It's 6am, I'm on night shift in the hospital, I'm taking the rubbish out - so I'm going out of the back of the ward into a long staff only corridor where the bin room is.

That corridor also has the changing rooms - which you need a staff ID to enter, the kitchen, the lifts the porters use and at the far end the double doors through to more wards.

So I'm wheeling my trolley out of my ward, 20 seconds behind me is another colleague with a trolley doing the same thing.

I have a clear view down the corridor - It's all brightly lit, there's no one there, I can see an empty, broken bed parked outside the kitchen (cos that's where we leave these broken things for porters to collect) and I turn away and open up the keypad to let me into the bin room.

I go into the room, I throw in the rubbish. I come out again.

Colleague is looking down the corridor like she's watching something. I look down the corridor. I am standing right next to her. I see nothing and no one.

I turn to her and ask 'hey? what's up?' She turns and looks at me she says 'I'm just wondering what the guy in the suit is doing?'

I look at her weird, I look down the corridor and I ask her 'what guy?'.

She looks at me like wtf? She slowly turns and looks down the corridor again. 'the guy in the suit. He was just standing looking at that bed!' I tell her 'I don't see anyone there'.

She charges down the corridor! I follow her down - the kitchen doors are empty but there's no one in there - it's actually a pretty small room and there's nowhere to hide.

This guy who she saw was nowhere.

If he had ducked into the kitchen we would have seen him, if he had gone into the staff changing rooms he would have had to have walked towards us, scanned in, the door would have beeped - he wouldn't have time to do that.

He wouldn't have time to call a lift and get away either - those lifts are loud and make a bing bong 'LIFT D' announcement when you call one.

If he had SPRINTED to the double doors at the far end of the corridor leading to the other wards he still wouldn't have had time to get through them AND stop them from swinging behind him AND get out of sight that we couldn't see him through the glass in the doors....

And even if he was supernaturally fast and got away - we were both looking down the same corridor at the same time and only one of us saw him.

She saw him until she turned to me to answer me.

Also wtf would a guy in a suit be doing in a staff only hospital corridor at 6am? She was sure she saw an older guy in a black suit standing looking at the broken bed.

I saw the bed but I saw no one there. I saw her face in that moment and I really don't think she was messing with me.


4. The Black-Eyed Child

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I posted on a different thread about my run in with a child with black eyes, but I'm going to tell some stories about my parent's house years ago.

My parents now own the house they were originally renting. We moved in some time in the 90s. My mom told me that she, my dad, my uncle, and some family friends that lived with us used to hear a screen door slam shut randomly.

The thing was, the only heard it on the side of the house were no screens doors were. All the screen doors were on the other side of the house and the door they heard would always sound like it was right next to them.

Also, everyone kinda disliked the basement. It always gave off this creepy aura.

When my brother was born, he used to seem to follow something with his eyes and baby talk to something we couldn't see.

He was always so excited to "see and talk" to whatever it was. We (my sister and I) decided to name whatever or who ever they were Mr. Penguin. No clue why that is what we decided to call whatever it was that, but it made it less scary to us to give them a cute name.

When I was around maybe around 6-7, I was in the kitchen walking to the back door for whatever reason. To get to the back door in our kitchen you have to turn a corner.

As I was coming up on the corner, I saw a shadow of a person dart out from that corner and run through a wall. I screamed. My mom and her friend, who were in the living room at the time, ran in.

In my tears, I explained what I saw. My mom tried to convince me it was a rat. I told my mom a rat can't grow to the size of a person, but she tried to play it off like they could.

When I asked if they could run through walls she just changed the topic. About a month or two later, I was watching TV in my parents room when older sister (around 12-13 at the time) came rushing in carrying my little brother (around 1-2 at the time) and locking the door.

I asked her what was going on. She didn't want to tell me at first, but she finally did. She was sitting in the living room watching our brother when she saw a shadowy figure run across the entrance way into the kitchen.

Apparently, the roommate/family friend my parents left to watch us while they ran to the store was in the kitchen and saw the thing as well.

He also noped on out of the kitchen and told my sister to yell if we needed anything until our parents came back. Our parents pretended to not believe my sister when they came home.

There was a lot of other things I saw and heard in the house. My mom eventually had the house cleansed by a Wiccan priestess that my grandma is friends with.

She cleansed the house while us kids were at school so what I know is what my mom told me when I was much older.

The priestess told my mom that there were a few entities at our house.

She said that someone was, atleast at one point, doing things they shouldn't have been doing in the basement and that was what was causing most of the issues.

She also said there was a few residual spirits hanging around, explaining the slamming screen door noises and a few other things.

She also asked if my mom wanted to do anything about the gentle and kind spirit that liked to watch over my siblings and I.

My mom told her that was probably Mr. Pengiun and so long as that spirit promised to not cause any harm to us and continued to look over and care for us, they could stay. She did a full cleansing of the house and things settled way down after that.

The basement is now more neutral aura, there are hardly anything being seen, and no more unexplained sounds.


5. Independent Air Flight 1857

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So, I live in a island with little people, most of the habitants are elderly people and during the winter nothing really happens since its quite cold and weather is awful.

When I was young, my grandpa was a park ranger at the local woods, so he had quite a lot of stories to tell, but this one here gives him chills to this day.

During the winter, thick fog covers the whole village where I live, since the island's terrain is quite steep and a large montain covers the west side of the island where our airport is located (this will be important later).

So, back in 1989, this island was a kind of a connection point for planes coming from Europe to go to USA, so our airport was quite busy during the summer but was pretty much dead during thr winter only from some inter island flights, due to that fog issue I was talking about.

This situation happened near February, so the fog was still quite dense.

A plane coming from Italy was suppose to land at our airport for a flight to Chile.

My grandad was at home with my mom and my aunt, when he noticed that the plane was flying way too low (when I mean too low.

I mean barely passing the trees that surrounded where I lived, so he called a friend that worked at the airport to tell them the situation, and he thought my grandad was joking, and told him to fuck off (literally)

That was when a couple of minutes later, a huge bang echoed through the trees and bits of those panflets that had the planes information, safety exits and whatnot came flying down splattered with blood and landed in my grandad's lawn.

While my grandad was freaking out, a taxi driver gave my grandad and the priest a lift to the mountain.

144 people were aboard.

My grandad still can't describe the total silence it was in those trees.

Not a single sound.

The priest yelled if someone was alive, but nothing.

Total silence.

The priest went to take a prayer paper off a woman's hand but it was so tight in her hand he couldn't take them off

The following days were marked by the smell of the chemicals dropped by the fire brigade to try to remove the rotting smell coming from the trees and also by my grandad's boots coming home stained by blood and guts.

Jumping foward to 2017, 14 yr old me decided to go for a walk with my friends in the same hill the plane crashed.

We were going down path when my friend stops, glares to the end of the road that was covered by fog and just see 2 black shadows across the road.

By the way, that road was closed since the plane crashed, because half of the road was torn and there wasn't really any need of fixing it since it was pretty much deserted.

If you want to know more about this, search Independent Air flight 1857


6. Remnants

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Meh. Not gonna pretend I physically saw a spirit or something. However I do have an interesting event that happened to me, as well as a mildly interesting story to go with it.

I lived in a rural town in Indiana. Not a gigantic population, kinda a place where people seem to know everyone and who is a relation of who and who lives where and has lived where. My parents bought the home for a steal back in 1992 when I was less than 1.

Now this house was, not ancient, but it was older and worn down. You know the type, creaky floorboards in some places and the stairs, a poorly insulated and protected crawl space where random critters would get in, a strong wind would seem to make the house groan.

It’s easy in a home like this to see and hear and imagine stuff. And some of these things very likely were just that. Like how my dishwasher running at night for some reason sounded like a cowboy with spurs walking across my kitchen. Or how the moonlight dancing along my wall through the trees made it seem like ghosts flittering about.

But there were other more specific things, that both parents, my sister, and I all experienced. Like the time my sister swore she saw ghosts dancing in our kitchen (She still insists that it happened till this day. Like 20 years later).

The time my mom said the cat hopped on her lap and she swears it said the world hello to her. My dad who says he had a 3 minute conversation with me while he was pooping, only to realize that I was spending the night at my cousins house.

My personal most defining story was from when I was 17. Growing up with all of the noises I was terrified of sleeping. My room was also the very first accessibly bedroom no matter what entrance you came in, which was definitely a factor in my fear.

So at around 11 I’d convinced my parents to put a lock on my door so I’d feel safe, and every night I would mostly close my blinds, mostly close my curtains, lock my door, and go to sleep. Now one night I woke up. And I sat upright in bed. And I was like. Okay, well im awake, like wide awake. Why is that. Do I have to pee?

Nope. Thirsty? Not really. Check the clock, 3 am, nope not ready to be this awake. And that glance back away from the clock on my left I noticed a glimmer of light move. My head snaps right to my door. There’s nothing there. Darkness, shadows, and a door.

A door with a ray of some moonlight shining towards it on the handle. And I swear, from 3-4 feet away in the dark, it looked like the damn handle was turning. I sat there and was like Jesus maybe I’m sleeping.

Nope im awake. It’s a trick of the light. It’s not really moving.

And so I keep staring it. And my doorknob which is locked and doesn’t turn except from the inside, is rotating. Very very very slowly towards me. My fight or flight went from 0 to 200, I leapt from my bed, grabbed my Louisville slugger leaning against the nightstand, and reached to the handle with a grace, speed, and elegance that I’ll never match again.

My hand closes on the knob (I’m 3000% certain at this point that the Knob is turning FYI). I fling open the door, and just notingness. I know that’s not the most satisfying conclusion. But its all the truth. I know in my soul that I saw and felt this knob turning when it shouldn’t have been.

Now there were of course all the smaller things that would happen as well, and it was all enough for us to be a little spooked sometimes, and was definitely a topic of conversation.

One thing that I didn’t learn growing up though, and didn’t find out until more recently. Was that my dad had experienced more than he’d really told us. Apparently enough that he (sometime when I was younger still, once we’d been at the house for several years) started kinda putting feelers out to the community to find out more about this house. He found out some interesting things. Like the original owner who had killed himself via hanging in the basement. Or how the 2 previous owners (both still living in the community, both left the house because they got tired of being spooked out.

But he found out about something more interesting. A rumor. Through his investigation he heard a story, a story about a hotel that was supposed to have been somewhere near where our house was. The rumor was that this hotel had had a fire at night while the guests were sleeping, and that multiple people had lost their lives there.

And this was of course. A story. He couldn’t find record of the event anywhere. Had spent hours upon looking through all records and copies from newspapers from our area for the last 120 years. Nothing. Nothing that referenced a hotel built anywhere near us, nothing about a fire, nothing about any deaths. And he dismissed it. Didn’t think about it again.

At least he didn’t until several years after that. About the time i was 15 or 16. Parents decided that they wanted a garage. Family friend was involved in construction and contracting and we got him to plan and build for us. They cleared out space in front of the house, started leveling out the space, and digging down to pour the foundation.

And that’s where things got super interesting. Because they started digging, and there was ALREADY foundation there. Giant mammoths of stones about 30 feet long. Just from the area of the garage (a standard 3 car size) they pulled about 10 of these guys up. Had to get special machinery in to drag them with chains.

We asked our contractor buddy. And he was flummoxed. They consulted some other knowledgeable builders in the area. And they all came to the same conclusion. These stones had to have been the foundation for a multi-level structure.

Now we of course can’t slap a 100% sticker on this. But I don’t have any doubts that there was a hotel right my house sat that had burned down at the turn of the 19th century.

We sold the house 10 years back. It ended up just being my mom there and she had to get out, but I think about it from time to time, and of course when I drove my wife by the old place to show here where I grew up, I had to go out to the edge of the woods and have a seat on one of those large stones.

They’re still there btw. Giant stone remnants of a fire that claimed the lives of multiple people, that history seems to know nothing about.


7. Speechless

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When i was an army brat we moved around quite a bit, eventually we acquired a home that was relatively new.

It had been built about 8 years before we moved into it and was by far one of the nicer homes I'd ever lived in. The thing was though there was a few weird things that happened during our stay there.

There was a handful of things that we couldn't explain happening. 3 instances that come to my mind in this moment is-

8. It was around 10 or 11 o clock at night, we had a family taco night and left a few of the dirty dishes in the sink because no one wanted to wash them.

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Suddenly at this time there was a LOUD crash that came from the kitchen. Think like 2 or 3 skillets hitting the hardwood floor at once.

My parents, my sister who was about 9 at the time, and myself all poke our heads out of our bedroom doors.

Our rooms were all in the same hallway so we see each other and by that are all able to confirm we all heard it.

So my parents and i creep into the kitchen area silently. There was nothing on the floor, nothing had fallen over, or been disturbed from the way we left it. We checked the whole house and everything was perfectly normal.

9. I was laying in bed around the same time. Might of been a little later and i was laying in bed on my stomach with my head facing the wall that my bed was pressed against.

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I was on the verge of sleep when suddenly my bed shook, it felt like a grown man had kicked my mattress because i distinctly remember the feeling of the left side lifting from the box spring because of the force.

Now I'm an intensley rational person so i figure my step dad snuck into my room at some point and kicked my bed to try and scare the crap out of me because he thought little pranks like that were hilarious and normally they were.

So i turn my head to be like "hurr hurr you didn't scare me" but when i turned my head no one was there, and further my closet door was open. I never ever left my closet door open for any reason.

I spent that night staring into the darkness of my closet waiting for some one to think i was asleep and walk out of my room thinking their prank was successful. The light of morning eventually came and no one was in my closet.

10. One night i was having trouble sleeping and i had a rotation of either sleeping in my bed, on the couch, or the floor of my room. So about 2 am one night i decide my bed isn't doing it for me so I'm going to sleep on the couch.

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I walk to the living room and i see a blanket sprawled out with some one curled up under it. So i figure my parents had a fight and for whatever reason my mom decided to take the couch. I go back to my room and sleep in my recliner.

The next day comes and i walk into the living room again, the blanket is folded up on the back of the couch where it normally sits.

My mom and i bump into each other in the normal morning ritual of making a cup of coffee and i ask her how the couch treated her last night.

She looks at me really confused and says no one slept on the couch last night but she figured she'd see me there this morning because she heard me shuffling around last night.

Then with her cup of coffee heads back to her room leaving me standing there confused and speechless.

I don't believe in cryptids or the paranormal but these 3 events with a few others at that particular house i have no explanation for.


11. The Night Stand

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Had quite a few creepy experiences in our house when I was growing up, that accelerated when my mother passed, and ramped up even more after my father passed before we sold the house. Both of whom passed away in the house.

Before either of my parents died: Maybe once every 6 months, while I am laying in bed, in that period where you are just starting to fall asleep...

I would hear a few loud knocks on my bedroom door. It is usually about 2am at this point, and I would yell “hello?”, and get no answer.

Would go out of my room and nobody was there and everyone was asleep.

Not really sure if I was dreaming it, but it happened probably 5 or 6 times.

Also, I would sneak outside to smoke a cigarette late at night, and my cat would come up rubbing against my leg.
One night while smoking, my cat is there rubbing against my leg, then all of a sudden she starts hissing and getting really aggressive towards something that I can’t see.

She is looking in front of me and up like she is staring in the eyes of someone that is a few feet in front of me, but there is nothing there.

After my mother passed away (liver failure due to alcoholism): My sister and I would routinely hear knocks on the windows late at night, maybe every 2 weeks or so.

It would wake both of us up, I would check the house, and the security cameras, and nothing was ever there. Our dad would never hear it, and just kind of laughed it off and didn’t believe us.

He did mention a few month before he passed away that he would be laying in bed sometimes and would hear someone say his name, and that it sounded like my mom’s voice.

After my dad passed away (cancer): We wanted out of the house that both of our parents had died in, so we started pretty quickly cleaning everything up, having estate sales, and then contacting a realtor to list the house.

Probably 3 or 4 months between our father passing and us listing the house for sale.

Anyway... my sister and I were constantly hearing the knocking on the windows, like every other night.

We also would both see things moving in the corner of our vision, or in the reflections of mirrors, reflection in oven window, etc.

The creepiest thing that happened, is one day, after we had accepted an offer on the house and were just getting everything moved out.

I was walking into the house from the garage toward the kitchen, and my sister was walking from the master bedroom toward the kitchen... out of nowhere the glass electric tea kettle seems to jump out of its stand, and shatters on the ground a few feet away.

That one really freaked me out, mainly because of the distance that the thing traveled before hitting the ground.

If it just wasn’t in the stand properly, and just rolled off the counter, it would have broken maybe a foot from the edge of the counter.

The thing looked like it was hit upwards and broke about 4 feet from where the stand was.

We moved out a couple weeks later.


12. The Girl at the Foot of the Bed

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As a kid, I started having these dreams. Nightmares. Terrors.

I woke up, and this little girl (she looked maybe 8 or 9, and I think I was not quite 6) was sitting at the foot of my bed. She was smiling and had moved all of my stuffed animals so she could use the pillow I used to watch movies to prop herself into a lounging position.

She said we were going to be best friends very soon. She looked excited in a way that completely terrified me. There were a few other things about her looks that scared me as well, but I don't want that image in my head this time of night.

I woke up screaming around 5am and tried to tell my mom what happened. She let me fall asleep with the tv on.

The next night, I heard a car pull into the driveway, right outside the window. I thought it was my dad coming home, and I went to greet him, but I froze when I heard what sounded like rowdy, drunken teenagers.

Then the girl called to me and told me to come meet her friends. I said no thank you, I didn't want to get into trouble.

She kept calling to me, pleading for me to just look outside. I had a huge window, so I'd only have to adjust my glance a little, but I got the feeling that it would be like inviting her in, so I didn't. I went to the farthest corner of the room, and tucked myself down behind a barricade of both my toy bins.

I saw her a few more times after that. She always wanted me to either look into her eyes or hold her hand. I heard the car pull up almost every night, but she wasn't with the rowdy people for a long time.

They teased me for being weak and said I was going to Hell one way or another, so I should at least score some brownie points.

One night, when I thought they had finally left me alone, the girl brought me to her house. I was still in my bed, but I was in the image she was giving me. She showed me her back yard, the huge kitchen, the dining room, it was grand.

I grew up in a house that was all but condemned, so it looked like a mansion to me. Then she showed me her room and told me she couldn't wait for me to move in.

Shortly after, I moved in with my grandparents for the summer. I couldn't take the dark at home, and my parents didn't believe what I was experiencing at night. It never happened at my grandparents' though.

Except, I heard the car the first night. And the second. No one else heard anything. One night, I was hiding under the covers, fixating on the night light in the hall, so I didn't accidentally look out the window.

My grandfather's mother appeared in the doorway. I had never met her, but I knew instantly who she was, and that she was there to help. I started to talk, but she quickly put a finger to her lips and told me to stay hidden until the birds sing.

Don't be fooled when they tell you you're safe when the sun comes out. Wait for the birds.

I told my mom, and she told me that I'd better not ever go against anything her grandmother says.

That summer, we were moving. I only got to see a couple houses with my parents. They didn't care about my input.

One day, I was excited to see two because the only other one I saw was tiny and awful and falling apart. The first one was nice and homey. The second was an hour away. It was her house.

I begged, cried, pleaded not to go in. I told them I didn't want to live with the girl.

My parents said I should be excited because I would get to live with my imaginary friend. I told them all about the house, and they were thrilled. Finally believing what I was dealing with.

Except I was terrified, and they couldn't have been happier.

Let's just say my mental health unraveled. I lived in Hell for five years. Luckily, my father started having issues and stopped paying bills to feed his addiction. We lost the house. Moved a few times. Things always get better before they get worse.

I'm in my 20s now, and I never feel like I can be alone.

Just found out a couple of days ago that this was the result of recurring seizures that I eventually grew out of.

I don't have many memories from that time because of all the medication I was on due to pre-existing medical issues, but it does give me peace of mind to have that information now.


13. Shadowman

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The only thing that comes close is the two times I have had sleep paralysis, the first was a shadowman

I have only ever had one instance of a shadow figure.

I woke up and could not move at all, I've never experienced sleep paralysis before but I was aware of what it was.

I opened my eyes and it was dawn, my room was not bright but light enough to see, it must have been around 7am or so but I'm not sure.

I seen in the corner of my room a tall lanky figure that was pure black.

He had no eyes or features but it scared me so bad I tried to break free.

I could not move at all, I couldn't even turn my head.

I could only move my eyes around. I shut my eyes extremely tight but I then felt my mattress sag, as if someone was putting there knee on the bed, that is when I knew this was completely real and not a dream.

I could not just sit there with my eyes closed so I opened them and he was directly on top of me with his "face" in front of mine. He still had no face or features but he was tilting his head back and forth.

Suddenly I "woke up". It's the only way to describe it because I could move again, the odd thing was it was then bright daylight outside, a drastic change from when this all occured yet it was as If it was instantaneous.

I went to work that day at noon and told all my friends about it and I even thought about staying at my buddies place because it rattled me so bad.

I ended up going home that night and slept with my lights on, I have never seen him since.

The second was a little girl giggling, I woke up in the middle of the night and I instantly knew I was in sleep paralysis.

The first instance with the shadow man scared me so bad I did not even want to see it again. Instead of looking around the room I shut my eyes as tight as I could and refused to open them no matter what.

I heard a giggle down my hallway. It's a very narrow hallway and not long at all, maybe 15 foot or so from my bedroom door to the end of the hall.

(I should note I had two dogs at the time and one was a pomeranian who loved to pee on the floor downstairs in the night so I always kept him shut up with me in the bedroom.

I am 100 percent positive that my bedroom door was shut when I went to sleep)

The little girl (or whatever it was) started running down the hallway, I could hear her feet running on the carpet and the dampened thuds from the carpet. She then ran into my room, in the front of my bed, and then into my master bathroom.

As she entered the bathroom her footsteps changed from carpeted steps to the sound of laminate. I then heard my shower curtain rip open and then close and she sat in there giggling.

Finally I was able to move and I opened my eyes, I reluctantly looked into my bathroom but it was calm, I did not dare go in there or open the curtain.

Also my bedroom door was wide open.


14. Please Can We Leave...

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When I was about 12 years old, my mother wanted to go see an old friend that lived in an area we use to live in. Mind you I didn’t really want to go because I had a bad feeling in my gut, but I went anyway because of my mom of course.

So we started the 35 minute drive to her friends house. Of course my being happy to see my area I use to live in made me happy but a really disturbing, cold, scary feeling was stirring in my gut the closer we got to her friends house.
Once we pulled up my mom was half way to the door and I was stuck in my seat, as if my body was forcing me to stay put.
But once my mom noticed I wasn’t behind her, she walked back to get me and she asked me “what’s wrong?”
So, I told her, “momma you’re not going to believe me.” She said, “just tell me, my friend is waiting.” I then went on to tell her, “ mom.... I have a really bad feeling about this place, please let me stay in the car.
Of course, she said no, so I proceed to walk to the house very slowly and anxiously. I walk inside and it almost felt like I walked through a wall of mud, that’s how thick the energy in the house was.
Thankfully, her friends energy wasn’t off, but still the house had something in it that did not feel human, let alone good. I then see my mom go into her kitchen and they were talking before I introduced myself, mind you there was a hall way you have to pass by before entering the kitchen.
I peeked out to make sure nothing was behind me and mother and when I looked down the hall way the hall way became darker and darker.
My mom then notices something is wrong and she noticed I was beginning to have a panic attack the longer I stared down the hall way.
I then fall to my knees from feeling dizzy and sick to my stomach. My mother rushes to me and helps me over to the couch, once I sat down, I stared at the ceiling until my body relaxed.
About 30 minutes go by, but understand, it wasn’t over! Suddenly, this dark mass started developing at the end of that same hallway and I froze in fear. It then slowly walked down the hallway and as it got closer the hall way got pitch black.
It didn’t care about my mother or her friend and they didn’t even notice what was happening. But nonetheless, it noticed me and by that time it was standing in front of me.
The black mass hunched down and stared me dead in my eyes, I started breathing hard, sweating bullets(fun fact: I for some odd reason struggled to sweat all my life), and turning pale.
I started faintly hearing my mother call for me but I couldn’t answer, as if I was in a trance. I then feel my mother grab me and ask me,
“ARE YOU OK? WHAT IS GOING ON WITH YOU TODAY?!!” and that’s when I pointed down the hallway and told her, “I saw something run towards me, it was a dark shadow and it was huge.
Mom it came up to me and stared at me, I couldn’t move, I couldn’t hear anything, all I felt was fear. Please can we leave...” I started crying while still staring down the hall way, I was so paranoid I didn’t even want to look away.
So eventually we left, as I walked out her friends house it felt like a weight lifted off my chest, I could breathe again, I didn’t feel sick, I felt RELIEF.
I walked fast back to the car and got inside and waited for my mother because she stopped mid way and started talking to her friend.
Of course we then talked about what happened the entire ride back home and it the entire time we talked my moms face looked more and more terrified. The day progresses onto night time and it was time for bed, once I closed my eyes and fell asleep.
I felt that same energy again, my eyes opened wide straight out of deep sleep and I started having flash backs of me leaving but this time I saw the dark mass follow me out the house. once I realized that it attached itself to me, I knew at that moment, I was going to be haunted and followed around by entity that didn’t belong to me.
Since then, my back is never turned to open spaces, I developed insomnia from that one situation. I don’t trust dark rooms or being in a dark room, but fortunately, I found ways around that.


15. Ghosts Aren’t Real, Stupid

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Back in the house i used to live in as a kid a lot of paranormal stuff used to happen,

this was around 2005-2009, so it wasn't too far back.

Anyway when we first moved in for like the first few weeks everything was normal but one night my parents where arguing (i forgot why)

and some pans ended up falling near the sink making a pretty loud noise and after that night every night around 12,

you would hear the same sound of falling pans around the sink, and soon after that started happening at random times of the night you would hear the chairs being pulled.

Now when we first moved in i was 4-5 and when we moved out i was 9 so i came to get used to these sounds and started telling myself "oh its just to pans falling again, mom must have set them in a weird way in the sink again",

but i never really had an explanation for the chairs, on multiple occasions i would stay up late watching TV and get scared, sometimes i would get brave enough to stand in the dark where the chairs were, hoping to see what was causing them to move,

but just like there were no pans falling for the sound to be heard, no chairs moved and i would still hear the sounds.

There was this one instance that me and my siblings always end up talking about because it caused us to get in trouble,

this was on some random school day and our dad had called us on the home phone to tell us to clean around the house because it was getting messy,

so we did what we normally did to tidy up the place, one of the things we did was gather all the socks and put them in a laundry basket in my sisters room,

all three of us did this and that was the last thing we ended up doing.

When we were done we hung around the living room watching TV until our dad got home 30 min later, after talking to us asking if we had done what he told us he went through the house checking our rooms

and the other rooms to see if we really did what he had told us, so one thing about my dad is that he has really bad anger issues and he was verbally abusive to my sisters

and I throughout most of our childhoods and on some occasions he would hit my older sister and me with a belt, sometimes we would lie to him so that we wouldn't get in trouble,

so he checked our rooms and when he got to my sisters room he lost it in anger because there where socks *all over the room* like on the bed and all over the floor,

we swore to him that we had picked them up and put them in a basket but my dad still got angry at us (due the fact that there was socks everywhere) calling us incompetent, telling us we were useless and that we were pieces of shit.

That was just one of the many things that happened in that house, I heard my name being whispered by my sister even tho she was asleep,

my sister always used to say that she could see a "skull" when she would stair at the curtains in her room and i couldn't see anything even though i was right there next to her,

every single friend or cousin of mine that would stay over said we had had ghost, but i would always deny it, maybe for my own sanity by saying "ghost aren't real stupid".

But yea there's a lot more i could talk about, but this already getting long so I'm gonna end it here.


16. Speedo Swim-Suit & Flesh

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So, back in 2012 my wife and I were living in Monterey, CA. I was at DLI as a linguist.

We had this little beach that we would go to often.

It was right before officially entering Big Sur and you would park in a little pull off and walk a short hike on a game trail through some trees and bushes down a hill to the beach.

Because of the fact that it wasn't really noticeable from the road or anything, it was almost always empty.

The most crowded it ever was in all the 2 years we were there was 4 other people.

Well, it was about a week or so before we had to move to my next base, so my wife and I decided to make a late night romantic trip to the beach.

Prior to this, the latest we had ever gone to the beach was at sunset to watch the sunset over the ocean. But this time we decided to go around midnight.

We get to the beach and have a little picnic etc.

Then, as we're just cuddling on the blanket relaxing, we notice something splashing in the water, about 50 or so feet from the shore.

I thought it was maybe a shark or a whale/ dolphin.

I got excited and decided to go to get a closer look (I hadn't seen a shark yet and was hoping to, so I went up to the shoreline hoping to see the fin).

The thing began swimming parallel to the shore, still around 50 feet or so out, and I followed it, then it got to a point of the shore that, for me to continue following, I'd have to climb over a rocky outcropping.

Since it was around 1am at this point, dark, and the rocks were wet, I didn't risk it and just continued watching.

The thing swam up to the beach on the other side of the rocks and came out of the water.

At this point I thought maybe it was a seal or something, but then the thing stood up on its hind legs, it was probably between 5 and 6 feet tall (it looked to be a bit taller than me and I'm 5'8") and kind of shambled along the shore.

After a little bit it turned and kind of stumble-ran into the bushes and trees that separated the beach from the road.

Now, it could have been a person, but it seems very unlikely.

It was absolutely hairless looking, it could have been a bald completely shaven man, I guess, but it faced me and the moon lit it up enough that I think I would have noticed a penis or breasts (the thing wasn't wearing clothing of any kind).

I guess arguably it could have been a bald, waxed, man wearing a speedo type swim suit that was flesh toned, swimming in the ocean at 1am. but the thing creeped me out, especially the way it moved.

It seemed like walking on land wasn't something it was accustomed to.

I ended up going back to the blanket and telling my wife and we hurried back to the car and left.

I wanted to go back the next day to check for tracks and any other possible clues, but, due to the fact that we slept in,

and being busy packing and getting prepped for our move, by the time we had some free time it was already sunset. I went the next day, but I couldn't find anything.


17. Nope!

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I worked at a haunted hotel (confirmed by coworkers and myself having similar experiences)..I worked at a Hampton Inn in NC.

I had a coworker working front desk with me that was a former cop and he would often frequent the security cameras and pace down the hotel floors. I thought he had ptsd because of how on edge he was most days.

Late nights when it was slow we would talk about paranormal stories and he told me there was a middle aged female spirit that would wander the hotel a lot and try to get his attention a lot.

He even told me the printing calculators at the hotel for counting the drawers were being used by spirits.

I didn’t believe him but he showed me a recording he took one night where the calculator was printing on its own and typing away.

Fast forward to a couple of months later during hurricane season.

We are both working together one night and he gets off an hour before me so he has to go lay tarp on the roof due to a leak of some kind and so he leaves me by myself with the other walkie talkie.

As he entered the elevator I feel a rush of cold air, then a minute later. Hear a woman in our employees only offices laughing this evil crazy laugh nonstop.

But we were the only two staff working that night so I’m terrified to even speak. I messaged or texted my coworker and he uses the talkie and asks if I’m okay.

I say I’m okay even tho I don’t feel okay. Then I hear the laughter again and some fast clicking printing noises.

Next thing I know my coworker is back downstairs and I tell him why happened so he goes with me to investigate.

My managers mini fridge door was open and the light to a different managers office was on and her calculator was on the desk with a loooong print of paper with a ton of zeros.

Of course I’m scared as shit but my coworker is chill about it so I have suspicion it’s him.

A few weeks later I’ve lose power during the day and the hotel is pretty dark with minimal windows in the stair wells, some floors with none.

A new guy at the front desk asks me to put our of order signs on the elevators and I agree.

I didn’t bring a flashlight because there are flood lights down the halls. Of course after the first floor (there are 4), it was pitch black in the stair wells. As I’m walking from floor two to floor three I hear someone in the dark RUNNING behind me so I RUN like all hell and open the door to floor three and get in. Then I pause to take a breath and there is noon behind me.

I walk about halfway down the hallway and notice a young middle aged girl sitting in a trance crossed legs staring at the wall beside her hotel room door and the lights are dimmed liked something from a horror movie.

I turn back and slowly walk to the door and open it and then run like hell to the first floor.

I confirmed that there was no reason for her to be sitting like that because the doors are battery operated so losing power wouldn’t affect the door opening and closing.

I also confirmed the next day with my coworker (former cop) that this girl fit the same description of the spirit he sees often.

Another couple weeks later I used the business room with two computers in it to do my taxes. I didn’t have internet at home because I was poor. I messed up and made a 2nd turbo tax account and needed help merging the two together.

I go to the search engine to type my question into the q&a and I start to type “can you Merge..” and then the computer FREAKS out and erases some of what I typed and typed gibberish and I verify I’m not touching the keyboard and then it typed “can you help with ajwbwkan ” and finally “can you help me hold the calculator?”

Let’s just say I NOPED our of there and did my taxes late that year..


18. Christian Exorcism

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Oh this is my time to shine.

I have Native American in my blood. Blackfoot and Cherokee. The Wendigo (W, I will only say its name that once) originates from algonquin speaking tribes, Blackfoot being amongst those.

My experiences were with this malevolent beast.

This thing hunted me for a while. I got it off when I went to a bible camp in this past July and had an exorcism performed on me.

So back in 2018 in the winter was my first encounter, it was back in my high school. Me and others witnessed this creature in the school and heard its demonic screech.

I named it Freddie.

There were many instances where me and a friend would be walking and hear its low, demonic, yet almost human sounding voice and scream.

One time I jokingly said “Freddie” me and my friend both heard “What” and took off.

But these were the first encounters.

I always thought it was something demonic and never considered it to be this creature until the end of 2020 and half of 2021.

Me and my now ex best friend, both kept being lured to the woods. Whether by voices, but in my case I grew an obsession with it.

I studied everything about these creatures and sought them out and even considered trying to summon it in the off chance it wasn’t there or was something demonic mimicking it.

At one point me and my ex best friend were in the woods. We got separated. When we eventually found each other we shared our terrifying experiences.

This is how I discovered I could astral project. I closed my eyes and saw the head of this beast across the small stream in the woods, behind me and to the left.

When I came back I opened my eyes and turned to where I projected to and saw its head quickly duck behind a tree. My ex best friend saw the body. A big beast almost like a bear but bloody and half bone.

It was when she moved to her home state though when all got worse. She had an experience where she got spiritually cleansed with sage at a sweat lodge.

Thats when a demonic growl came rushing at her in the woods, but when they turned the headlights of a truck on in the direction, no animal or anything was in sight.

A few days after this I was sleeping with her in her room when I felt the same familiar presence in the room as I did at my school, in the woods, at my window at night, and any other encounter I had with it.

The next morning she went to board the plane to go back to her home state. After I talked with the man who cleansed her about possibly meeting with him for the same, I got t-boned by a truck.

Had I not met with the same guy, I would not have gotten in the crash. Butterfly Effect aside, it was too uncomfortably ironic timing that I crashed right after talking about getting rid of it.

When she left my obsession grew. I got into the summoning stuff, I became really depressed and suicidal. Too obsessive over the W and depending on it for feeling anything.

Then I went to my bible camp. I saw the W everywhere. In trees watching me. Following me. Id sense it. Id feel it.

Id hear everything go dead quiet. Until the second night at my camp when I was praying and singing worship songs, (its a Pentecostal christian camp), also this is just my religion and how I handled it, but I started shaking viciously and other campers saw the darkness on me leading me to get prayed over as a group, and be spiritually cleansed.

This was a type of exorcism, not the type from like The Conjuring, just a spiritually cleansing one. I felt the fight between good and bad.

I fell. I shook. I spoke in tongues. I got rid of it finally. It hasn’t been attached to me since, but I have used my experiences already to help others dealing with similar creatures and things.

Im like a more hidden Lorraine Warren. I have similar abilities and gifts and approaches as her.

After I got rid of it I felt happiness for the first time since my childhood, my childhood when I first started hearing the voices luring me into the woods.

Was stalked by a Wendigo most of my life. Saw it. Felt it. Many people around me saw it and heard its screams and felt it. Grew obsessed with it. Grew depressed.

Got rid of it with a christian exorcism. Now I’m doing great. Im happy. And I help people deal with demonic entities and other paranormal related investigations.


19. Just Keep Walking

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One day my wife came home, we were living in an apartment in midtown.

It’s about 10:00 pm and I was taking the trash to the dumpster in the alley behind my complex.

The complex had only 6 two story apartments, the front door of each facing south.

We lived in #5, and if you were to walk outside, once you open the door there’s a little raised landing where you’d put a welcome mat, step off the landing,

you’re on a walkway, and you have to go either left or right because there’s a very tall wooden fence separating the complex from the large house next door.

So if you turn right and walk down past apartments #4-1 you run into a gate, go through a gate, and you’re now on one of the main streets in midtown.

If you were to turn left coming out of the apartment, you will pass apartment #6, then the laundry room, and immediately into a rod iron gate, and immediately on the other side is the dumpster.

It’s a very short distance from my door to the dumpster and with nothing to obstruct your view, you can see from the dumpster all the way down the length of the walkway to the gate at the other end of the complex.

The entire area is well lit, literally every unit would turn their front porch light on every night, and there is a street light right where the dumpster is, and one right on the other side of the street side gate.

So it was easy to see my wife open the gate and head up the walkway towards our apartment.

I waved at her and have no idea how she didn’t see me, and I thought about yelling but didn’t want to scare her or startle the neighbors.

I was done emptying the garbage so I just started walking the short distance to her.

As I’m walking up, I see the door to our apartment open, of course I figured she opened it but it was dark so I didn’t actually SEE her do it,

then she kind of leans in and I could hear her calling my name, but she would not walk in to the apartment, our own apartment, so why not walk right in, right?

Then, when I got behind her and said hi she became frantic, asking me "how the fuck did you do that, how did you get back outside?!?"

I explained I’d been at the dumpster emptying the trash, to which she interrupted me said “no, you opened the door for me and walked upstairs,

I called after you and you turned your head and looked at me but didn't say anything and just kept walking", and then she started crying.

I searched the apartment, found nothing.

We moved about 6 months later to the house we’re at now.

One day shortly after we moved in, my wife thought she saw me walk past the windows that look into the back yard from the kitchen, but it wasn’t me,

and again she said it looked just like me, and that it walked all the way around the house before disappearing, and then she realized I was in the bedroom.

Creepy stuff


20. I Hope She Found Peace

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I always thought our house was haunted, I hadn’t thought about for awhile considering I don’t live there anymore, but my younger sister has had a few things creepy happen to her so I don’t feel as crazy. I’ve also had a cousin hear things before too along with my sister, so I’m quite certain we have a friend. Note: I do not think this spirit or whatever it is, ever had malicious intent.

With me, i was 9/10 years old & when it all started I moved to the top floor of the house (where my sister moved into). My brother & I actually did not do well moving to that floor, we always had a separate room from our parents growing up, but we had a really uneasy feeling when moving up there.

We had 2 separate rooms across from each other with a bathroom in between. We ended up sleeping together for awhile because of how uneasy we were.

There wasn’t proper air filtration either when we first moved up there, so it smelled funny. We always used to tell each other the smell smelt like death. The way my room was set up, I could see directly into the bathroom as it had no door and I could straight into the huge mirror across from the sink and toilet.

I swear, I used to see a dark figure in there. It wouldn’t do anything, I wouldn’t hear anything, but I sometimes would see a shadow.

I was a weird kid, so instead of necessarily being scared, I would be kind and speak to “her” before bed. I was quite lonely when moving into this house & didn’t have many friends, so why not make friends with a shadow entity?

I always thought of dark spirits or ghosts being trapped, so I would talk to her. I just had a feeling it was a girl. I gave her a name, but since this was so many years ago I don’t remember the name I had given her.

Once my brother and I finally settled down in our new house, I made friends and was doing more things, I kinda forgot about my friend.

But there were quite a few instances where I felt like I was being watched, or out of the corners of my eyes I would see a shadow figure, mainly looking like my mom. I’ll never forget the time when I was sitting at the kitchen table doing something, and I saw my moms shadow from the corner of my eye, or what I thought was my mom, hiding behind the fridge.

I started laughing at her and called out to her, thinking she was playing a game with me, but as soon as I turned towards the fridge I saw nothing, and I heard her call out from her bedroom asking what I wanted. I still vividly remember that shadow.

Soon the top floor was going under construction, mainly due to the fact the heating and AC wasn’t working, so my brother and I were shoved into a room on the second floor by our parents room.

Nothing weird had happened until my sister was born and turned around 3, Thats when I started noticing really weird things that would happen when she was sleeping. I would sneak out of the bedroom once my parents fell asleep and go into the living room and stay up late every night watching George Lopez and Degrassi.

Not much really happened with me, but I would randomly see weird things happen to my sister. There were times she would just “wake up” and walk around, but she’d still be somewhat sleeping. I wouldn’t necessarily call it sleepwalking because she did see somewhat coherent and anything I’d say go back to sleep, she would.

She’d also have a habit of talking more in her sleep as she got older and as we shared a bed, I’d hear her talk about McDonald’s, or other random things she’d like, I paid no mind. I started to get creeped out more when one night I go to use the bathroom and she’s curled up in a tight ball on the floor sobbing her eyes out, I go to caress her to see if it was a nightmare or what had happened, and she shot up so fast and said in the coldest voice, “I’m fine, I’m going back to sleep now”. I ended up just going to sleep with her that night, because it scared the living shit out of me.

Another time I was in bed with her, on Skype with friends on my laptop, and she shot up out of bed, looked at me, and said, “Help me” and proceeded to pass back out. Both my friends on call and I were scared, they ended up staying up with me for most of the night because of how unsettled I was.

Soon after, I had my grandmother help me bless the house, and those instances significantly decreased, but I still chalked it up to my imagination. There were a couple of other weird instances with my sister, as soon as she hit kindergarten she had an absolute fascination with ghosts and was convinced we had a ghost in the house.

My dad watched a lot of horror movies growing up, so I just presumed she was just taking onto what my dad enjoys too. But I did find it odd how fearless she was, but somewhat proud because I was a little bitch growing up lol.

One day I came out to the living room after her first day at Christian class and she had her book open, a ton of candles lit, and was chanting for the spirit in the house to come forward. It was broad daylight, but I was still very unsettled.

Another time my family just came back from a trip overseas and visited my grandfathers grave. My mom and sister came to greet me and she was so excited to see me, and our dog sophie came inside the room to greet them, stopped immediately, hair sticking up & teeth baring at nothing in the corner. The blinds were closed as well, so it wasn’t an animal outside, and she is the most lovable pup when seeing people, so I don’t think it was a persons spirit.

My sister started to skip around and chant that she tried to summon my grandfather at his grave, and he came home with us. I don’t know, I don’t think it was my grandfather with the way our dog reacted.

I also saw my mom turn pale and go out of the room quickly, but she said it was probably something outside, when I argued the blinds were closed so the dog couldn’t have saw anything, she just ignored me and continued to unpack.

Anyways, now to my sisters experiences. Now that she’s older, she’s still very interested in the paranormal but much more cautious. Shes said she’s heard a girl whispering, and she’s felt like she’s been watched. She’s a teenager now and she’s said she’s heard stuff before, along with my cousin. Like my mother calling for her when she hasn’t, or me talking to her when I’m not.

There was a situation that actually happened around a year and a half ago where I slept over my parents place when my cousin was over. They woke me up the next morning asking why I ran up and down the stairs in the middle of the night and pretended like I went back to sleep, they had presumed I heard them sneaking up onto the roof so I was joking with them.

I was confused as hell because I didn’t and I saw their faces go pale. My cousin ended up telling my grandmother and she did another blessing.

Now whenever my grandmother comes over she prays and prays and prays, I mean, she’s always been like that, but I know through one of my uncles she does think there was/is some entity in the house, my parents don’t think of it as anything.

I haven’t heard of anything else recently from my sister, but I hope whoever this spirit or entity is, they’re doing okay. I do believe we were friends at some point and as I grew older and less lonely I abandoned her. I hope she found peace.


21. The Dogman

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Just retold this story on another thread not so long ago, but let's give it another go shall we?

So the year was 2010, and there was going to be a blood moon. So I rounded up a bunch of equipment to get a good picture of it (I love the moon, my favorite times have all happened under its pale light).

Borrowed an awesome camera that could be attached to a telescope, had my laptop and various other equipment,

but also strapped on my .40cal pistol because there are mountain lions and coyotes in the area.

Loaded all my gear into my Jeep and headed to an area a few miles away from town.

Get to the place where I'm going to setup, begin unloading and setting everything up and I hear some nearby sheep start freaking out.

Didn't think much of it, and after a handful of minutes they went quiet again.

Just as I was unloading the scope I hear a very loud splash (basically the layout of the land was "pasture->creek->where I was->cornfield")

and for some reason this caught my attention and I stood up and looked towards the creek for a second but don't hear anything else so I went back to setting up the scope.

Now I hear some rustling, twigs snapping, that sort of thing and stand up and shine my flashlight around to see what I can see.

Don't see anything and whatever it was went quiet when I shined the light around so i figured I'd scared it off and started screwing the scope onto the tripod when I heard a very loud snap

and whipped back around, pulling my gun and shining my light towards a fallen tree I'd noticed earlier.

And there it was, roughly the size of a bear, but the head was more canid then ursid, and the body was more lean.

We stood there starring at each other for what felt like forever, then it growled and charged and I screamed and fired my gun repeatedly (after the fact I found I'd fired 8 shots).

It bowled me over and I fully expected that my life was over, but instead of following through with the attack it just kept running and disappeared into the corn field.

Thoroughly spooked I tossed the most expensive bits I'd unpacked back into the Jeep and left immediately, only going back once the sun was fully up to finish recollecting my gear.

When I got there I found a Game Warden, couple Sheriff's Deputies, and the farmer that owned the field/pasture.

Apparently whatever it was had killed a couple sheep, and they were trying to figure out what it was and where it went.

The tracks were both canid but also not canid, they were strangely "longer" then a standard dog print.

What was it?

Well I'm still not sure and sometimes it still keeps me up at night, some have suggested it was a "dogman" but I'm not sure I believe in such things....


22. He Wasn’t “Evil”

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Here’s a little backstory..

From a young age I lived with my grandparents in their house with my older brother.

My garage was haunted I guess by a man who had lived there and passed away previously.. he wasn’t “evil” or anything, he just wasn’t too happy when people went into his space (the garage) and he never left his place.

I never told anyone in my house that I could feel his presence as I didn’t want to be made fun out of but on New Year’s Eve of 2016, we were all round our neighbours house

and my grandma bought it up and said that it was haunted and everyone kept saying “nah, it’s not” and I looked at them all

and explained that it is and I felt the presence as well.... no one believed us..

Knowing about the presence in the garage, I can get on with my story....

From a very young age I was afraid of the dark.. you know, just an average fear..

I used to hear noises in my ear at night and I would always feel like something was standing by my door watching me.

This happened every night from when I was 7 years old until I was 14. It got worse and worse as I got older though..

It started out with just a bad feeling that I could brush off to an intense fear of something being there that didn’t feel good at all..

I would wake up dripping in sweat because I was so scared. I heard noises and sometimes felt like I couldn’t even breathe.

One night things went too far... it was like ever other night, I woke up in the early hours of the morning (around 2:45am) and broke into a cold sweat.

It was all silent for about 10 minuets then I heard the cutlery draw from the kitchen downstairs be opened and fiddled with.

At first I thought it was my grandad but he was snoring his head off in bed, then I thought grandma must be down there..

but then she coughs in her sleep and a chill went down my spine because I wasn’t my brother either as he was at his mates house..

I was petrified and decided to close my eyes but then I heard someone walking up our creaking stairs and

I being the 12 year old I was, I hid under my blanket, closed my eyes and faced the wall.. whatever came up the stairs came into my room and stood infront of my bed breathing heavily into my ear..

I held my eyes shut and then out of nowhere my duvet was pulled off me and flung to the end of my bed.

I was completely paralysed and my heart was pounding as I heard the heavy breathing next to my ear.. after a minuet or so the thing left my room

but I was paralysed for at least another 5minuets.. as soon as I regained movement I grabbed my covers over my head and forced myself back to sleep...

It has never happened again since then but to this day, no one has ever believed me and have blamed it on an active imagination or sleep paralysis (I don’t suffer with sleep paralysis at all)

If anyone has any idea of what it could of been, I’m open to hear suggestions..


23. Three Spirits

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First off, I am rather sensitive to feelings/auras and I also firmly believe in spirits. I know there are some things that just can't be explained by science as we understand it at this point.

With that being said, there are currently three spirits inhabiting the house I live in. One on the staircase (a total jerk who likes grabbing your ankles), one at the top of the same staircase (a creep who likes to watch people going down the stairs), and a third in the bathtub in my bathroom. Personally I call the bathroom spirit Keith. He smol bean and is easily frightened.

The more intense story- however - has nothing to do with these spirits.

This started happening when I was around 10 years old.

I grew up going to two overnight camps each summer. It was mostly fun, but there have been a few things
that were less than.

One thing stands out the most.

The thing. That fucking thing.

It's been following me around for the past eleven flipping years.

It started out as just a voice from the woods- calling out something I can't comprehend but which I know for a fact is my name, if that makes sense.

I first saw that damn thing when I was 12.

I was on a hike with a load of other people and I just felt like something wasn't right, almost like someone was watching me.
On the hike back to the campgrounds, I saw it. Just standing there. Watching me. Calling out to me. It was off in the distance, but I could tell it was tall.

Over the next few years the same thing happened. Walking by the woods at camp, see the tall figure and/or hear it calling out to me.

It changed when I was 15. So far I had only seen it in one of two wooded areas which are a solid 3+ hours away from my hometown.

This time, I was at a high school Football game (in the marching band). I saw the thing in the woods. Just past the chain link fence. Just like usual. Except this time it was at the edge of the woods.
It was getting closer.

I would feel like I was being watched from the shadows.

It happened more frequently. About once or twice a month.

When I was 16, I went to a girl scout camp (the same one where it all began), and I saw it and I started walking towards it. Luckily one of my friends noticed and asked what was up.

Snapped me out of it. He didn't like that.

I've been avoiding being outside at night since then. Especially near wooded areas.

I've seen the thing a few times while I was halfway across the country.

The best way I can describe him is kind of like slender man, except all black and wearing thin white gloves.

Now that I think about it though, I haven't seen him since COVID started...


24. Out of the Body

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I once had an out of body experience. I thought it was sleep paralysis at first, but I was wrong. Something was pulling me out of my body, an entity.

Something felt evil about it. It was screaming in my ear with an inhuman sound.

I could see my body, I could feel my entire body, however I had to cause it to breathe manually because otherwise, it wouldn't have.

It's the strangest thing, my spirit was still partially connected to my body, so that's how I was able to control both.

I wasn't afraid, I only felt complete peace during all of this.

No negative emotions, just logical observation of my situation took place and I could think more clearly than I ever could on my best of days when inside of my body.

This demonic/inhuman presence that was attacking me, I could see its outstretched long shadow fingers over my spirit's face, or whatever spirits see from.

It was sharp, pointed fingers that was trying to completely tear my spirit from my body.

I believe it was a real attempt on my life from something spiritual and very evil. The entity seemed very angry, very very angry at me. I then decided to experiment.

I am religious, so I have my own ways to deal with these sorts of situations that I am most comfortable with.

On that note, sense I could control my body's breathing manually and feel every muscle despite seeing my body from the outside in my spirit, I decided to try and cause my body to speak.

And it worked, so I said "I rebuke you devil, in Jesus' Name" about 4 times, and it worked (whether it was a devil or something else was irrelevant to me at the time, I just did what I knew how to do), and the entity disappeared entirely.

There was a yellowish glow on the whole room when outside of my body during all of this, it was the same room.. but, different.

I then "sat" my spirit into my body and laid back into my body.

I then woke up in my physical body and gasped for air (I had forgotten to make my body breathe during some of this encounter), and everything appeared to be normal.

The room looked exactly the same as it did when I was having my out of body experience, nothing was out of place.

Not one thing. This is how I know I wasn't dreaming. My out of body experience felt more real than when I am conscious inside of my physical body.

It's a very weird experience, but also very enlightening.

This is my most intense paranormal encounter ever (so far), although I have many. Take from this story what you will.

I swear by its authenticity.

Know that no matter what comes against you, even otherworldly, there's always a way of escape. Take care, many blessings.


25. I Feel Them, I Talk to Them

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Both of my grandfathers passed away before I was born so I never got the chance to meet them. But throughout my life I have gotten to know them.

I have felt them constantly throughout my life. This is just a few of my stories.

When I was 6 my mom took me to her father's grave for the first time.

I had never been before. His grave stone is located in the back corner of the cemetery, and unless you have been there before, it is very difficult to locate, especially for a child.

My mom told me that the first time she took me there I took off running and went DIRECTLY to his head stone, without having to look or get any directions, I knew exactly where it was.

My next story pertains to my dad's father. He died in 1995, I grew up not hearing much about him because it is really difficult for my dad to talk about.

A couple of years ago I went to change the flowers at his grave for grandparents day. That night I had a really vivid dream that I was at his funeral.

Like I could feel the carpet of the funeral home beneath my feet, I could smell the scents of the colognes and perfumes coming off the people I passed.

I saw both of my parents, the same age that they would have been at the time of his death.

I then walked into the casket room and walked up to my grandfather and touched his face. I then woke up and I could still feel his skin on my finger tips. I was chilled to the bone.

The next day I asked my parents if they had by any chance and pictures from the funeral.

They did and showed them to me, keep in mind, I had never seen these pictures before in my life.

And in the picture my parents were wearing the EXACT same outfits and hair styles that they were wearing in my dream.

This next story belongs to my mom's mom.

My grandfather died in a car accident when my mom was 16.

He used to keep important documents in a locked brief case that he kept in the laundry room.

When he passed my grandma tried to find the suitcase but could not find it anywhere.

She called over my grandfather's sisters to try and help but nothing. They eventually gave up and were sitting in the kitchen when the laundry room door opened on its own.

My grandma walked in, and there, in the middle of the room, was the brief case.

I have talked to all my great aunts who were there and they all say that it happened.

I know there will be many people who don't believe me, and that's ok. I know what has happened to me and my family.

My grandfathers have been dead my whole life, but I feel them, I talk to them, they are with me and I know that they watch over me.


26. Ghost Stories

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I used to live in this old mansion that my grandpa and his family built and it was beautiful but boy was it haunted.

My great grandmother had been showering and fell only to crack her head in the upstairs bathroom on the left side of the house.

My grandpa later died after having a heart attack in his sleep while I was sleeping over in fifth grade.

I witnessed it all and it’s safe to say that I became traumatized after that incident.

After his funeral, my cousins went to Red Robin’s and had a balloon, they left it in the second living room- newly inflated- not too full, not too empty- in the center where nothing touched it so it couldn’t pop.

We went to the third living room to mourn when a loud pop was heard.

The balloon popped and no one had been in that room, nothing near it to pop it either so we disregarded it but that’s where it all began.

My sister and I watched Ghost Hunters, we decided to try and communicate with my grandpa like the investigators did in the show. We had recorders, cameras and all that jazz.

We tried for almost an hour since no one was home (a month after my grandpa passed) and right when we were about to give up, we clearly heard the heavy bed covers shift, someone walking above us- almost stomping- and whistling.

We looked up the stairway and saw no one but heard something coming down the stairs whistling, this was something my grandpa did every morning as he got ready for work.

After a while, I was finally able to use the bathroom upstairs after being terrified.

As I was washing my hands, the conditioner bottle fell from the tub despite it being perfectly balanced. I only stared and continued to wash my hands.

Then the shampoo bottle fell but I figured the vibrations from the conditioner bottle falling was the reason it fell.

Then, the perfectly balanced wash rag looked to be ripped off from the side of the tub.

I clearly saw the tug and harsh pull to where the tag flipped up- that was enough to send me screaming down the stairs.

After a while, my sister and I went into the basement where we listened to the radio while playing ping pong.

The radio turned to static which normally didn’t happen considering it was almost brand new. Then a song came on, we listened to it but it repeated again.

And again. And again. Now we were really freaked out and stopped playing and then, we could hear the static again as well as a man’s voice, almost moaning like he was struggling to say something.

My sister and I unplugged the radio, despite it still playing and went upstairs, running to tell our Nonna about what just happened.

Of course when she went downstairs into the basement, nothing unusual happened.

This all happened in a two year space period and Eventually we sold the house because it was too much to keep up with but hey! You guys got some ghostly stories from me!


27. Help Me...

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Back when I lived in Hawaii, I used to live in an old house (built in the 50s with wooden planks, jalousies, outdated cabinets, everything was just old and outdated tbh).

With a lot of myths and legends surrounding the islands (i.e. nightmarchers, menehunes), there's definitely a lot of creepy things that'll happen, especially in an old house.

Anyway, when I was younger, my brother and I shared a bedroom and I slept on the bottom of the bunk bed. We usually slept with our door open just in case we needed to call out for our parents.

One night, I woke up and my head was already turned towards the open door frame. I immediately saw a figure that seemed to have a white shirt on and I called out to it thinking it was my dad checking in on us.

My dad wears his undershirt to sleep and so I kept calling out to him but I never got a response. The figure just stood there and kept facing our bedroom, staying perfectly still.

I started to panic after the continued silence and I got scared so I immediately turned over and went back to sleep.

The next morning I asked parents if my dad came by to check on us but my mom said that my dad was dead asleep.

I thought that maybe it was my grandpa that showed up last night. He had passed when I was 6 (this happened when I was about 9 or 10?) and my grandpa also wore an undershirt to sleep. I tell myself it was my grandpa to ease my mind.

Second encounter, same thing. I was asleep in my bunk bed and woke up facing the doorway but this time, it was a women with a flowing dress (the ones that start to poof out at the waist).

She proceeded to walk into the room and I was frozen in fear. I knew what I saw. It felt real.

She stopped infront of the bunk bed and at this angle, she would be looking at my brother on the top bunk. And then I could see her slowly start to squat down; the poof of her dress was lowering as she lowered herself down.

At this point, again, I was also terrified and turned over to fall asleep again. I felt my back tingle as I felt eyes on me. I never turned around and I'm so glad I didn't.

Third experience, I was sleeping in the living room with my mom because I was having trouble falling asleep. My mom offered to stay with me until I did and we would usually watch some TV so we could doze off.

Now, my living room was already creepy and I absolutely hated it at night.

I kept waking up about half an hour after I'd doze off (it was just a hard night to fall asleep). One time I just stayed awake and stared at my couch and then I heard it.

"Help me!"

It was a little girl's voice. My mind immediately went to the worst case scenario. I've always heard about kidnappings and I've always wanted to try and help stop a situation of a kidnapping. The thing is, this one was weird.

The voice did sound desperate and it sounded scared but, me being the paranoid person that I am, I checked the time and it was about 3am.

I wanted to peek out the curtain and see if I could spot what was happening but again, I was too scared to look.

I tried asking my mom the next morning about it but she was dead asleep (and she's usually a light sleeper).

I'm happy I didn't look outside because I found out about a paranormal being/thing (I forgot what it was called) who would lure their victims by pretending to be in danger.

As I grew older, I wasn't as scared of my house as I used to be but the fear was definitely still there. I'm 20 now and I still get paranoid when I talk about these experiences.


28. That Sick Feeling

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Okay, this doesn’t sound too exciting but it’s stuck with me ever since it happened. I lived with two friends in an apartment last year.

We used to watch Netflix together every night in the living room. Most nights I would fall asleep on the couch and then wake up after they had gone to bed. They generally turned everything off so I would wake up in the dark and then go to my room.

One night, I woke up on the couch and one roommate had gone to bed but the other was sitting on her couch like normal.

And I remember her seeming to have been waiting for me when I woke up. Like she wasn’t watching the tv or on her phone.

She was just sitting back on her couch which faced mine at a 90 degree angle, looking at me. I know that at the time, I didn’t think it was weird and we started talking.

I can’t recall a single detail about what she and I spoke about, but we had a long conversation. Again, nothing felt wrong at that point.

Then I had to go to the bathroom which I told her and said I’d be back. I go to the bathroom, which is down the hall from our living room.

I come out of the bathroom and start walking back to the living room and I stopped cold.

She was gone, the lights and everything were turned off, and I got this very creepy feeling. I couldn’t even bring myself to walk back into the living room.

I just got this horrible sense that something was wrong about the entire interaction. I went to bed and woke up the next morning in my bed (important)!

I asked the roommate the next morning if she had stayed in the living room after I fell asleep and if we had had a conversation upon my waking up.

She looked at me like I was crazy. My other roommate confirmed that they had both gone to bed with me still on the couch. They had turned the lights and tv off like usual.

Now I know, the logical explanation is that I dreamed it all. But I am positive I didn’t. I do have very vivid dreams, and sometimes about normal interactions with people in my life, but I know the difference between those and memories of things that actually happen.

And the thing that really sticks with me is, if I had dreamed the conversation, I still should’ve woken up on the couch in the morning.

But I didn’t, I woke up in my bed. Meaning that I had to have woken up on the couch during the night, and then walked to bed.

And the only memory I have of that is waking up and having the creepy conversation.

And I can’t even explain it fully, but I get such a bad feeling recalling the experience. Like that there was something wrong with the whole thing.

When I left the bathroom and saw the dark living room, I was so disoriented and just immediately struck with the sense that something was not right.

I didn’t even think of something normal like oh, she went to bed. It was an immediate sense of dread that the whole encounter was wrong. I can’t explain this at all.

And now, when I remember how she looked sitting on the couch, and how the lighting was, I feel like there was something wrong.

Speaking to her at the time, I didn’t. But in recalling it, it feels like there was just something off about it. Like it was almost normal, but something sticks out that I can’t quite explain. I know it sounds crazy.

But I remain positive that it wasn’t a dream, and that my roommate wasn’t lying when she said she went to bed and didn’t speak to me.

I know it’s not that exciting, but I can’t forget this. And I can’t forget the sick feeling I get when I describe the experience.


29. Visiting

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When my wife and I bought our first home, there was no driveway and it was in disrepair. There was an old brother and sister that lived there together .

He died and she moved in with some family up north. I hired a contractor to renovate the interior, and to add a driveway. Strangely though there was a garage that faced the back yard.

After moving in, I noticed by the garage opening there was a bush and it was right in front of the door where the driveway should have been.

I cut the bush down only to find that there was a stone beneath it. It was rectangular with a slit which I later learned was a base stone to a headstone. We never located the headstone.

I never thought much of it and I didn’t let it bother me. I actually dug it up before I realized what it was, And then I put it back when I realized.

So from the first day that we moved In and EVERY night thereafter we always without fail heard waltzing music.

It was only after we went to bed and It was very faint. We also heard knocking in the attic And walls, but this was most often heard in the day. There was all for about the first year or so. Then my wife was pregnant with our first daughter.

One day she was resting on the couch when she said that she saw a little girl run from the hall to the front door and giggled the knob as to try to leave, and then she disappeared.

I didn’t really believe it. I chalked it up to her being sick from the pregnancy. So fast forward, my daughter was about when the crazy stuff started happening.

She began speaking in full sentences before she turned 1, And she once told me that she wanted to go bye bye in the ceiling like the little girl. That disturbed me.

Then she was talking about an old man who was her friend she would walk around the house calling his name. The name was the same as the man who owned the house before me.

Moving forward, there was a night when I was cooking. I walked out of the kitchen and I had a clear view of the hallway when I see a little girl run from my room down the hallway and into my daughters room. T

his girl appeared solid an real. I though it was my daughter, but in the same line of view my daughter was sitting on the floor watching tv.

It wasn’t long after that on a different day, that I heard an old man laugh. It was short more like a giggle.

I could only assume it was my daughters “friend”. There was another night that my wife is bed And I heard her shout “don’t touch me”. She said that something rolled her over.

There were also many times that we would hear our names being called. I would hear my wife call me when she wasn’t home and the same for her.

Fast forward 20 years. I was speaking with my daughter about that house And I mentioned her old friend.

She said oh yes what ever happened to him? She remembers him as a real person. Once I explained she began remembering the things he used to tell her.

He told her the little girl was Bad and to stay away from her. He told her to stay away from the attic stairs to never go into the attic.

And he would warn her of others who were “visiting”. There are more stories, but these are amongst the better ones.

The grave turned out to be a family cemetery to an old historical home 2 houses down from mine. We had large home lots with space between the homes in the oldest part of town.

The historical society told me that many people in my block area had found graves over the years.


30. Outside the Window

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i have had many paranormal type encounters, and it happened so often that i’d tend to forget i saw it. there are a few, though, that have always stuck out to me since i moved into this house around 8 years ago.

of course, theres the normal things like the lid of a bottle of lemonade flying straight into the air, or a hair brush flying across the room.

there is one, however, that i’ll never forget. one night, my younger brother and i were in the living room, probably watching youtube or something of the sort.

our house is small, so from one of the recliners in the living room, you are able to stare through the kitchen and directly at the back door.

outside the back door was a swing-set, but oddly enough it was covered by this floating mask.

it’s frustrating because i don’t know what it is, or how to describe it, but it was a white, round mask with two black eyes and black tears under it.

i can’t remember whether or not it had a mouth, but in a sense- it looked similar to no face from spirited away if i could make a comparison.

it was dark outside aside from the motion sensor lights, so i couldn’t make out whether or not it had a body. it was in front of the top bar of the swing set,

and when i measured in the morning it was about 8ft off the ground. anyways, my brother and i were the only ones to see it.

i remember my other brother, who’s around 20, coming up to look through the door; he saw nothing, which was surprising since he’s the most ‘spiritual’ of us all.

he even went as far as to convince us it was just the reflection of the screen door moving, but it wasn’t; the door may have moved, but that thing never did, only continuing to stare at us for a good twenty minutes.

we were younger then, and i think if i saw it today i would’ve ran outside to see what it was. it looked harmless, or rather just not ‘evil’ in a sense, just curious if anything.

i think at the time, i was just too shocked to move. i don’t remember any feelings of fear, but i do remember feeling ecstatic.

my younger brother and i have always loved the paranormal, watching shows about it constantly. our family do believe in it too,

but every time i mention an experience, they sage the house which i’m never too happy about.

continuing on with the story, it mostly just stared. then, we saw headlights behind it. it was another one of my older brothers and his friend, who had just got back from the gym.

i was unable to see them walk up to the door, but the floating mask.. thing.. then turned it’s head, and dashed towards the other side of the house.

i’m still puzzled about it’s body shape, because it’s side profile almost made it look like it was a transparent black figure aside from the mask.

for all i know, however, it could have been a floating head. i’m an artist so i try to draw everything i see, but whenever i draw ‘it’, i’m never pleased with the outcome. somehow, it just never can be drawn as how i remember.

a second after it disappeared, a saw an arm outside the window, and the door opened. the thing was gone, and i sadly haven’t seen it since.

if it wasn’t for my little brother seeing it too, i would’ve just thought i was crazy and hallucinating— but no, ask either of us for this story

and we’ll probably remember it as it happened. i wish i had taken pictures that night, but i was only 10-12 or so, and didn’t own any devices that i kept on me.
