People Are Sharing Their Scariest Stories That Are 100% True


1. Dating a Trafficker

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I dated a Human trafficker for 6ish months before I ever knew anything was going on.

When I was 18 I met a 31 year old on facebook. He was ex military having done two tours overseas, worked for a well known area farmer and he was also the son of a Methodist preacher. Based upon this info, i thought I had found the one!

Looking back now there were a lot of red flags that should have made me fucking run, but he came to meet me a week or two after our initial Facebook conversation and a hand full of beers in I ended up sleeping with him. He took me home, met my mom, and hangout for a couple more hours.

I had asked him after we had done the deed if I was the youngest girl he had slept with in his fancy pickup bed, sleeping bag, blanket set up. He told me no. That didn't strike me as off until everything came crashing down.

Fast forward a couple months and he meets my absolute best friend who was still a minor. He gets rather close to her and they start sleeping together. I was fucking crushed, but thought since he wanted her, and she wanted me, (yes in the sexual and romantic manner) and I wanted him, we could call ourselves one big happy couple and we could all have what we wanted.

He stopped coming to see me as much, and was always with her and I was getting really jealous. She wasn't herself anymore and it wasn't long until he just went MIA on me and me just, assuming he was just with my best friend i cut all ties with her.

In February of 2015(?) I texted him after nine days of zero communication and all I said was "You have made no effort to contact me in 9 days. I think we're done here." He texted back, "Oh?"

The following month he was arrested by the local sheriff's department on some sort of drug charge. It came out a couple weeks later that they were collecting evidence for a Human trafficking charge. And that explained why the same black car was everywhere I was. They were KBI detectives watching my every move. One of the officers was actually the best man in my mom and step dad's wedding.

My boyfriend took a plea bargain and is now in prison on charges of distribution and production of child pornography despite the fact he himself was keeping 5 girls right around my age locked in an abandoned barn in the dead of winter.

I also learned just in the past year that he had been shooting my best friend up, (she left after everything happened and went to a home for human trafficking victims where she stayed until she turned 18.)

And sneaking men through her bedroom window to have sex with her while she was out of her mind. She never told me, because she knew I loved him and didn't want to hurt me.

If I ever see this man again I will literally skin him alive. He fucked up so many lives. Hind sight is 20/20 and I'm just now able to talk about this without seething anger and tears. I cannot believe the love I had for this man blinded me to so many signs.

I honestly thank God that I wasn't able to get pregnant in the time that we were trying. I'm also beyond thankful that my best friend made it though the unimaginable hell.

Be careful of the friend requests you accept. Even if It's just someone from a town or two away.

Username: LaquishaFromTheBlock

2. Toenails of the Clinically Insane

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Not so much scary as just morbid and unnerving knowing the history of the place. It’s a bit long but the details make it even more haunting.

My Grandmother and Grandfather found post-WW2 work at the Danvers State Mental Hospital in Massachusetts. (Check out the film “Session 9” for context.) My Great-Grandfather was the chaplain there and got my Grandmother a nursing position and my Grandfather a grounds-keeping position.

The system of hospitals was in rough shape at that time, budget cuts and understaffing led to a lot of pretty awful circumstances.

This was also the facility that was at the “forefront” of Electro-Shock Therapy or ECT as a treatment for mental illness. She had so many stories from the years they spent there but this one always stood out. The facility was a Kirkbride Design and the building fans out almost like a bat’s wings from a top side view.

The center of the building was the main administrative area, and the wings then fanned out; lodging for the staff and employees, elderly and indigent, catatonics, wanderers and the non-violent, and then more dangerous of the mentally ill, those in jackets, under key and ECT recipients, were housed in the further reaches of facility on the extreme outskirts of the wings.

A series of underground tunnels connects the entire complex. They were mostly used for the doctors, medical staff & employees to access areas without having to walk through certain wings.

As a part of the medical team, my Grandmother had the keys and access to all medical and underground areas. One night she used one of the underground corridors and planned to cut through area to get to her quarters quicker.

At night these areas were pretty dimly lit, and this was a portion of that median section between the catatonic, low security and high risk individuals that she rarely has cause to visit alone, and never at this hour.

As she cut though the area, she encountered a non-verbal that blocked her way down the hall, and was weakly reaching out to her with one arm.

She was alarmed because she assumed all the patients were supposed to in their rooms, in bed and asleep by this point. She slowly led this individual into a better lit area and that’s when the person motioned towards her feet.

When she looked down she saw a trail of blood leading to both of the patient’s feet. She immediately called out for any on-site personnel to come and help. T

hen she sat the patient down and inspected their feet. What she was able to see through the dim lighting, caked-on scabbing and fresh blood broke her heart. T

heir toenails had grown out so far that they extended over their toes, curved inward, underneath the feet and pierced into the flesh beneath. With every step she took, the pressure of this tiny women’s frame forced the jagged toenails into the wounds they had long since created.

She immediately called out again, retrieved her surgical scissors from her waistband and began cutting off the excess toenail to ease her pain. No one responded. There was no personnel on-site, medical or otherwise.

When she finished removing the the toenails the woman hugged her and sobbed. My Grandmother said “You stay right here, I’ll be right back.” As she got up and turned towards the nurses station to retrieve antiseptic & gauze, she saw that a line had formed.

All the rest of the patients on the ward were all standing there silently, motioning towards their own bloody feet.

The image of that haunts me even though I only know it by story. She spent the next two hours cutting the wards toenails and dressing their wounds.

Username: catner75

3. Feast of Flesh

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I live in a fairly quiet neighborhood in Arkansas. It’s a small subdivision on a dead end road and I live in the second to last house before the road ends. The neighbors are friendly and I have pretty regular interactions with them.

All except for the old man (we’ll call him Edward) who lives next door to me. His house is the last house of the subdivision and sits just a few yards from my house. We have spoken a handful of times, albeit, never more than a brief conversation. He knows my name, but has kept very private, especially over the last year.

Start the craziest day I’ve ever experienced... I wake up at 5:43am to the sound of Edward yelling my name. At first I thought I had dreamt it until my fiancé heard it too. We both rush outside to find Edward face down in the dirt next to the bottom of his stairs.

We both hurry over to him and he looks to be hurt pretty bad. We ask him if we need to call an ambulance, but he quickly remarks back, saying “No! Just get me up”. So we tell him we can at least try and get him back inside, but once again he abruptly replies, “No! Just get me up to the chair on my porch and I’ll be fine.”

We ask him how this happened, and he begins to tell us that at around 10 o’clock last night he heard a noise outside and he had gone to check it out. He told us it was dark and some kind of animal on his porch had bolted towards him and when he tried to run, he tripped down his stairs. My fiancé exclaims, “Oh my God! You mean you’ve been laying out here since 10pm?!” He says, “I’m fine. Just leave me here and I’ll be okay.”

We know he has family and a wife, and asked if they could call anyone for him. He said no, there isn’t anyone. My fiancé asks, “ Is your wife living with you?”, and he says “No, I live alone. So, we go back home...

We knew he was hurt badly. He is a war veteran and we thought he might not be all there, so we called the police, explained what happened and told them that they should go and check on him.

About 15 minutes later we see a cruiser pull up to his house. The two police officers walk up to his house and and look inside, calling his name. I never see him answer the door. One of the police officers begins making his way to my house, so I walk outside. I ask if they checked on him. The police officer says, “He’s Dead.”

“What do you mean he’s dead?!” , I shouted...
“We can see him laying on the floor in the kitchen through the window.” , He says

He tells me that his senior officer is calling it in and since they assume he may be dead that gives them probable cause to enter the house. The door is locked, so they kick in the door. He’s not dead yet, but someone else is... his wife

She has been dead for about 4-6 months, her corpse in a chair with a blanket covering her up. Edward has knocked out a window to let out the smell. He hasn’t left the house at all since this happened. The most disgusting part of it all...

The skin on her face and hey believe that he had been peeling her ski some parts of her neck look like they have been sliced off with a knife.

He had been peeling and eating it!! WTF?!?! For the past 6 months this has been going on right next door!

It really makes me wonder, though. If he never heard a noise outside that night, how long would he have continued feasting on her flesh?

Username: _JizzInMyPants_

4. Brains Out; No Limbs

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This is from the days when I used to live back home (I used to live in Karachi, Pakistan but now moved to UK). We used live very close to a CID (Police Investigation Department aka Pakistani FBI) building which we all were unaware of and always thought it was just an ordinary government building till on 11th, Nov 2010.

On that day I around evening time coming home from work I thought I better hit the gym (because they had a sauna and after being tired from all day work that sounded like a good idea) which was hardly 0.3 miles away so I decided to walk to the gym. I change quickly and leave for the gym and start walking towards the gym.

This is almost I've hardly walked like 10 minutes and I'm 0.1 miles away roughly and all of a sudden for a nano second I feel that ground is shaking and the next thing I hear is a loudest bang I've ever heard followed by a pressure kick into my chest.

Now to let you guys know, my both the ear started bleeding because the bang was so loud and for the reference the kick in the chest was as bad as Big Show wearing military boots and kicking you in the chest straight with full force.

Next thing? I'm on the ground covering my ears because they are in agony and covered in dirt trying to figure out what's happening. As I am trying to figure out I can see all the cars alarms have gone off. Anything made up of glass has been shattered in roughly 1-2 miles area. I'm still trying to figure out what has happened and I start smelling gun powder and as if someone is making a BBQ and is being burnt. I will always remember that smell which was something unsettling.

Next things rock and dust particle starts landing on me and the surrounding areas which had 1-1.5 inches long of pieces of human skin and flesh. I am not believing that I have another human skin piece stuck to my arm. I brush up my clothes and arms getting up and covering my ear recovering from that pressure kick.

As I move closer to a spot in a street where I am hearing loads of people screaming and crying I see a few 3-5ft cracks between some walls of the building which have been destroyed by the shockwave of the bang.

I see the gap between a wall and move into the area where I see these scenes straight from a Hollywood movie where people are crying, cars on fire and dead bodies on the ground. By this time I'm thinking its a bomb blast and that's what has happened.

As I move closer I see a 10ft and 30ft wide crater which has been filled with the water and the building which was a CID building is no longer there. There are hundreds of people lying on the ground crying for help as some of them don't even have legs or limbs or some don't have their complete bottom.

I am still in a state of shock looking around and I see a woman crying and hitting herself because she had her husband dead who's legs and torso was missing. I seen that later. I see several people without legs, brains out and no limbs.

One thing, which haunted me for sure was a 18-20yr old guy who was dead and lying on the floor towards his chest on the floor with his neck turned towards me.

I can still remember him looking straight into my eyes. His feet were flipped the other way around. After the police arrived and media arrived I came back home after it got crowded.

After I came home after the dusk everyday, I would see that 18-20yr old boy standing and starring into my eyes. I would wake up screaming through out the night and see that guy standing at the door way just staring at me.

For two to three weeks I would see this guy regularly during midnight standing in my hallway staring through my soul. I still remember that guy's face and the shockwave and the sound of the blast.

P.S to this day even the slightest bang or even a loud music drops freaks me out sometimes reminding me of that shockwave. I'm married so sometimes I tell my wife that the bang just reminded me of the shockwave I witnessed in this accident, I don't tell her but inside my heart I pray secretly that God don't ever put anyone through that even in their wildest dreams.

Username: [deleted]

5. Teenage Monster

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It is more disturbing and heartbreaking as well as tragically ironic rather than scary (it is also really scary of course, fingers crossed that this guy has gotten a hold of his anger problems) but i will share it.

A 15 year old boy in the Usa beat a 14 year old girl, who was a schoolfriend, to death, stabbed her dead body in the wrist and then set it on fire because she teased him about the shape of his ear and nose and called him a fake or told him his dick was small (no, really). It is not really clear whether they were friends or a couple from what i read.

He confessed that something had been building in him for a while because he knew he was not the person he wanted to portray himself as and that other people had called him a fake in the year leading to the murder.

This boy was a teenage political activist who volunteered for a republican governor's election campaign and was quoted at age of 13 as claiming to be very conservative and republican, as well as pro-life and as wanting to put an end to the gravy train for criminals (this is not a joke).

Of course he was also perennial class president or vicepresident and also appeared on local television to talk about politics. In the year leading to the murder he had been sacked by his television job and had been experimenting with crack cocaine to look cool and to fit in as well as boasting that he would become president of the usa or governor or that he could commit the perfect crime alongside other tall tales. In short a story of how academic and other achievements and being popular can mask serious emotional problems.

The poor girl's body was found in a terrible state near to a grocery store and you could image how traumatizing it was for the people living in that town and especially for the victim's family with the girl's older sister being so traumatized that she took to sleeping with her parents. To add to the tragedy the girl's father died a few years later.

This kid was later released on bail and retracted his confession by blaming a friend and by earlier claiming that the victim had died of a drug overdose and that he had set the body on fire so that her parents would not find about it which left the 14 year old's girl crushed skull unaccounted for obviously.

The arrogant murderous little shit also said to an inmate that the governor would pardon him if he got convicted and sentenced to mandatory lwop. Predictably the arrogant idiot was convicted of murder and sentenced to mandatory lwop at 17 after rejecting an offer to plead guilty to a reduced charge of manslaughter in the pretrial stage.

While i do not think the criminal court system of any country has anything to do with justice i can not deny that after this horrific murder and this shitstain's refusal to take responsibility i felt some glee at him being sentenced to lwop even though juvenile lwop in the usa has always tugged at my heartstrings.

Also almost everyone of his class mates thought he deserved to spend the rest of his life in prison with one suggesting lwop was not enough and this was a very satisfying humiliation and downfall for an arrogant murdering little bastard who was touted a few years before the murder to be someone the residents of his state in the usa were going to hear about a lot in the future (to be fair it was not exactly a completely inaccurate prediction).

Anyway said teenage murderer's luck is extraordinary, only surpassed by his owned count, and he was resentenced to life with parole and paroled due to the miller and montgomery scotus rulings and now he is ironically known for getting many other serious offenders out of prison with no one picking up the irony of his post parole's career choices.

This story is absolutely true by the way, i know it sounds crazy. Strangely enough not everyone in the victim's family opposed his parole. I can not image how devastating and painful it must be for the murder victim's family.

Btw this guy claimed at 13 that he opposed affirmative action for minorities and has recently spoken about white privilege while talking to students of his alma mater (again, this is not a joke).

Username: crescitaveloce

6. All They Found Was His Wedding Ring

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I work for a company that makes big conveyor systems that take coal out of coal mines. These belts are generally between 1400mm to 1800mm wide and can be several kilometres in length. The belt speed is around 3-10 metres per second; average walking pace is about 1.5m/s so they are not too fast.

Most conveyor systems have something called a Man-On-Belt Switch; it’s basically a wire that is strung across the belt. If someone finds themselves on the belt, they can raise their hand as they pass this wire, and the emergency stop will be triggered.

But many systems do not have this feature; in the old days it was apparently common for employees to sit on the belt to get into and out of the mine. These days it is difficult to accidentally end up on the belt due to the amount of guarding surrounding any moving parts.

Anyway, I heard some of the older employees talking about a particularly gruesome incident that happened in the past; this was a freak accident that could quite easily happen again today.

A guy was standing on the belt whilst it was stopped for maintenance, performing some sort of maintenance task, and the roof collapsed on him.

The roof of the mines I have seen is covered with wire mesh to stop small rocks falling and a panel of this mesh along with the rocks above it fell onto this guy and pinned him to the belt.

Apparently if the mesh wasn’t there he could potentially have freed himself but the wire mesh had pinned him down. So he was stuck to the belt, still alive, alone, in the dark, waiting.

He would have heard the siren that warned that the conveyor was about to start, he would have felt the conveyor start, he would have felt it picking up speed, knowing what was about to happen.

At the end of this conveyor was a “crusher”. Similar to those industrial shredders, a crusher consists of two large, fast-spinning cylinders with spikes. The spikes stick out from the cylinders, then are bent 90 degrees where they have hard-wearing tips bolted on.

Coal is pretty weak and comes out the other end smashed into much smaller pieces. As did the unfortunate guy, who would have had a long time to anticipate his inevitable fate.

All of this is speculation because nobody saw or heard him. All they found of him was his wedding ring which he intentionally removed and threw out the side of the conveyor as it was moving.

Part of the coal extraction process is washing, so in theory there would have been little blood.

By the time they found out he would have been under hundreds of tonnes of coal, which would have been moved by large scooping machinery and railway cars to the power station.

They never found the body and probably didn’t bother looking, because there may have not been much left to find.

Username: valiantfreak

7. Ghost Dogs in the Asylum

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I know it's true because it happened to me. There's a shut down insane asylum outside my home town with a legend that if you go in you will be chased by ghost dogs. I'm not one to be superstitious so I don't believe in that even after what happened, but I was with my brother and his friends and they wanted to go in it on Halloween night.

We went and I stayed with the car. I was more scared of getting charged with trespassing than ghosts. While they were in there my mind started playing tricks on me after a few minutes. I thought I saw someone looking at me from the woods, with glowing eyes, I shined my flashlight in that direction and there was nothing but trees and bushes.

I turned the flashlight off and the 2 glowing eyes reappeared. Needless to say I was getting freaked out. Just then my brother came back from the building in the opposite direction saying he wanted to leave, the driver and the other friend were still there so we couldn't leave. All of a sudden we started hearing dogs barking and then some guy yelling that he was going to sick his dogs on us.

We couldn't tell where it was coming from, it sounded like it was all around us. He kept saying stuff like the dogs are gonna kill us and stuff. Thinking it was just some guy trying to scare us away I yelled back and said we can't leave I don't have the keys. The sound of the dogs barking got closer and we still didn't see anything.

No lights, no movement, nothing. We were yelling for our friends to come back but they obviously couldn't hear us, and there was no cell signal at all. It was beginning to feel a lot like a scary movie. This building was at the end of a dead end with a couple of houses, all the lights turned off except one. Me and my brother went to the house and banged on the door for like 2 minutes, no answer.

So we decided to start walking down the road to leave. We got about 100 feet down the road, the sound of the dogs barking now in the distance, and our friends come screeching up in the car honking for us to get in. We get in and we're shaking scared.

All of a sudden headlights are 10 feet from our rear bumper. It was a dead end, we have no idea where this truck came from. All we could see were the high beams of what looked like a chevy tahoe or silverado. The driver of our car floored it, we were booking it to get the fuck out as fast as we could.

Me and my brother were in the back seat staring out the back window, the truck was about to hit us. He was catching up and we both braced for impact and all of a sudden the lights turned off and the truck was gone.

There were no side roads, we couldn't see if it just stopped or turned off somewhere, it just completely vanished. We continued down the road to get out and were probably doing 80mph down this twisty country road. I thought we were gonna crash.

We finally make it out into town and we're all looking back expecting the truck to fly up on us, but it never did. The rest of the way home we were all so scared we were shaking. That is not what we were expecting.

I'm one of those people that says there's an explanation for everything so I tried thinking of a logical explanation of what happened. Maybe it was some dude with his dogs that knows teenagers come out there around halloween and he just scares them away.

The thing is we never saw anyone. The truck was black, and we couldn't see through it's windshield, maybe it was the glare of the highbeams, but it seemed like the windshield was just black.

It was a relatively open area at the end of dead end so I saw no way of him getting behind us with the truck like that, unless he came from one of the houses, but the houses were trailer homes and didn't have garages, and the driveway was about long enough to fit a car, and none of the driveways had cars in them.

While we were standing there before getting in the car we should have seen or at least been able to hear the general direction the dogs were coming from, but it literally sounded like we were surrounded.

It's been 10 years and I'm still trying to wrap my head around what happened. That is an experience that I'll remember for life.

Username: [deleted]

8. I May Have Been Abducted

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This is gonna be a somewhat long and controversial story, but it happened to me. I was driving home from visiting a friend who lives several hours away from me (6 hrs to be exact). I hadn't seen my friend in a very long time, and instead of leaving early from my visit, like I should've, I left their place at like 8 pm.

I messaged my husband when I left, and told him not to wait up for me, as I wouldn't be home till almost 3 am. We said goodnight, and he told me to drive safely.

The highways that I would take to get home aren't major thoroughfares. I live in rural Canada, so 90% of my drive would be on small, 2 lane highways. It's actually a beautiful drive thru gorgeous countryside.

So I'm into my drive about 4 hours, when things get weird. I'm literally in the middle of nowhere, when my GPS starts acting up. After about 5 minutes, the thing literally just dies on me. No problem though, I'll just use my phone. No sooner did I load the directions on my phone, and it starts acting up. Screen flashing on/off, the coordinates started spinning, really weird shit.

Then, just like the GPS, it just died. Still not a huge deal, I'm only a couple hours from home, I can find my way! So I turn on the radio (I had been listening to my music on my phone, but it died). Normally, at this distance from the city, you can still pick up a station or two. But nothing, just this really weird static.

It was the most beautiful, calm, clear summer night, and the stars are so vivid when you're out of the city. But literally, out of nowhere, this weird green fog started to appear. As I continued driving, the fog got thicker, to the point I'm only driving like 40 km/h, on a highway I was literally just doing 120 on. Then, literally out of nowhere, my car died while driving.

drove a standard, so I just threw it in neutral to coast as far as possible. When I finally came to a complete stop, the fog was so thick, It was actually in the car. I could barely see my hands on the steering wheel and it had a terrible taste.

Next thing I know, it's daylight out, and I'm being yelled at by 2 CN workers. I was still in a daze, it was almost like I was frozen. The workers are screaming at me, I guess my cars parked on private railroad property.

They ask how I got past security with my car? Why am I there? I couldn't answer. I literally had no idea where I was. They told me to gtfo before they call the cops and file trespassing charges. I tried to explain what happened.

I told them the car died on the side of the highway. I went to start my car to show them it was dead, and after some heavy hesitation, it finally started. I couldn't believe where I was! I was literally *inside* a CN rail yard! How the fuck did I get here!?!

There was a 9ft fence surrounding the compound, and a locked security gate at the front. I asked the worker where I was, and when he told me, I was in disbelief.. I was at least 100 kms from where I last remembered.

As I'm driving out I instantly remembered my husband. He must be worried sick! What the fuck time is it even? How the fuck did i get here? My phone was still completely dead so I couldn't msg him. When I finally got home, it was 3pm. I tried to explain what happened to my husband, and he was in total disbelief. We both were.

The next day I went to the phone store to see if my phone could be fixed. They said it might take a week or so, but it was repairable. The very next day I noticed something was wrong. I felt like shit. My hair seemed to be falling out and I started to get a really bad rash.

So we went to the hospital. I told the hospital what happened to me a couple days earlier, and they thought i was joking. It wasn't until my blood work came back an hour later that they took me seriously. I had radiation poisoning! They immediately put me in an isolation room.

I spent a total of 21 days in the hospital before I was deemed non radioactive! And when I got my phone back from the cellphone company, the last time my GPS pinged, it said I was 4000ft in the air..

Username: RiggityRiggityReckt

9. Life With Corpses

Media Source
[The Hinterkaifeck murders.](
The Hinterkaifeck murders occurred on the evening of March 31, 1922, in which six inhabitants of a small Bavarian farmstead, located approximately 70 km north of Munich, Germany, were murdered by an unknown assailant.

They were found struck dead. The perpetrator lived with the 6 corpses of their victims for 3 days. The murders are considered one of the most gruesome and puzzling unsolved crimes in German history.

Strange things began to occur in and around Hinterkaifeck sometime shortly before the attack. Six months before the attack, the family maid quit. It has been widely claimed that her reason for leaving was that she had heard strange sounds in the attic and believed the house to be haunted. Andreas Gruber found a strange newspaper from Munich on the property in March 1922.

He could not remember buying it and initially believed that the postman had lost the newspaper.[3] This was not the case, however, as no one in the vicinity subscribed to the paper.[4] Just days before the murders, Gruber told neighbours he discovered tracks in the fresh snow that led from the forest to a broken door lock in the farm's machine room.[3]

Later during the night they heard footsteps in the attic, but Gruber found no one when he searched the building. Although he told several people about these alleged observations, he refused to accept help and the details went unreported to the police.[3]

According to a school friend of the seven-year-old Cäzilia Gabriel, the young girl reported that her mother Viktoria had fled the farm the night before the act after a violent quarrel and only hours later had been found in the forest.[5]

March 31 – April 1, 1922
On the afternoon of March 31, 1922, a Friday, the new maid, Maria Baumgartner, arrived at the farm. Maria's sister had escorted her there and left the farm after a short stay.[3] She was most likely the last person to see the inhabitants alive.

It appears that in the late evening, Viktoria Gabriel, her seven-year-old daughter Cäzilia, and her parents Andreas and Cäzilia, were lured to the family barn through the stable, where they were murdered, one at a time.[3] The perpetrator (or perpetrators) used a mattock belonging to the family farm and killed the family with blows to the head.

The perpetrator moved into the living quarters, where - with the same murder weapon - he killed Josef, sleeping in his bassinet, and Baumgartner, in her bedchamber.[6]

Four days passed between the murders and the discovery of the bodies. On April 1, coffee sellers Hans Schirovsky and Eduard Schirovsky arrived in Hinterkaifeck to take an order. When no one responded to the knocks on the door and the window, they walked around the yard but found no one.

They only noticed that the gate to the machine house was open before they decided to leave.[7] Cäzilia Gabriel was absent without excuse for the next few days of school and the family failed to show up for Sunday worship.[6]

Assembler Albert Hofner went to Hinterkaifeck on April 4 to repair the engine of the food chopper. He stated that he had not seen any of the family and had heard nothing but the sounds of the farm animals and the dog inside the barn. After waiting for an hour, he decided to start his repair, which he completed in roughly 4.5 hours.[3]

Around 3:30 PM, Lorenz Schlittenbauer sent his son Johann (16) and stepson Josef (9) to Hinterkaifeck to see if they could make contact with the family. When they reported that they did not see anyone, Schlittenbauer headed to the farm the same day with Michael Pöll and Jakob Sigl.[6]

Entering the barn, they found the bodies of Andreas Gruber, his wife Cäzilia Gruber, his daughter Viktoria Gabriel, and his granddaughter Cäzilia, murdered in the barn. Shortly after, they found the chamber maid, Maria Baumgartner, and the youngest family member, Viktoria's son Josef, murdered in the home.[6]

Username: rexmons

10. Two Tabs of Acid & Optimus Prime

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My best friends dad, let's call him Albert, and his 4 friends decided to go camping in the Sequoia National Park, years ago before my friend was born. They were known psychonauts and each took 2 tabs of acid that night.

If you dont know about Sequoia trees, holy shit they're massive, 350ft tall and arguably the largest living species on the planet according to wikipedia at least. They can be older than 3000 years old and have 100ft wide root systems connecting them together.

Albert and company set up camp inside a hollowed out fallen sequoia corpse that the park rangers somewhat maintained to be niceish. You could drive 3 double decker buses next to each other through the hollowed inside of this tree, and on one end of the "roof" had a big hole in it so you could light a fire below.

So they light a fire, take the acid, hangout, and star gaze through the hole above them inside this massive fucking tree that quickly became known as Home Tree.

Albert and a fellow psychonaut, let's call her Yoko, get into a massive looping argument, rehashing and fighting over and over about what they think everyone should do with their trip time in this forest to have the best experience.

Yoko thinks they should venture out and explore the area around Home Tree even though its pitch black outside and they only had one flashlight. Albert argues that theres enough nature and stars in this gargantuan fire lit tree they were already in, and that venturing out just wasn't safe in the dark.

After more acid arguing, Albert sits down on a log, and sarcastically exclaims that hes just going to be boring safety square and remain inside Home Tree. Yoko retorted back with something that no one was able to hear as nature decided to settle the quarrel once and for all.

Unknowing to Albert and co, a 4200 year old sequoia took its last breath of CO2 and toppled forward, falling down a hill whose base layed literally 200 ft away from Home Tree. With a deafing noise that is completely indescribable, the sequoia fell some 800ft down this nearby hill, dragging 83 other smaller trees down with it.

Everyone panicked immediately, and after peering into the blackness outside Home Tree and seeing absolutely no sign of anything afoot, the group decided staying in Home Tree was the best idea. There was only auditory evidence available that this event even occurred.

No one had any idea what the fuck that noise could have been, and the rest of the night was spent theorizing what could have made that sound.

One member thought that an 18-wheeler must have launched off the highway and crashed through the forest. Another thought that Optimus Prime was engaged in glorious combat against the Decepticons in the battle for Home Tree.

Yoko thought that a foreign country was invading and noise was a bombing run, or maybe one of their planes got shot down and crash landed beside them. After much more deliberation, the party eventually tires out and goes to sleep.

Albert is awoken to what he specifically states was 100 chainsaws. He didn't know how the first one didn't wake him up, but when he peered outside Home Tree, the sight of the carnage hit him full on. It was total devastation, and it missed Home Tree by a distance he could throw a rock.

There were hundreds of men with chainsaws, hard at work chopping up the fallen trees and hauling them off to be used in the real world. The fact they got there the next day blew Albert's mind.

After calling the group over and marveling at the sight outside, you know Albert made a snarky comment to Yoko about staying inside Home Tree.

Username: bobdaripper

11. Attractive to Ghosts

Media Source
It was something happened to me and my mom when I was only 2 years old.

My family used to live in a small flat. There was a nice guy who lived next door with two daughters and a good wife. He had a wonderful family, some wonderful job in the airport, and two lovely daughters. He liked to play with me, and always make funny faces to make me laugh.

But one day, he got killed in an traffic accident on his way back home. Everybody was sad about this since that man was really nice to everyone. He was supposed to live a happy life, watching his cute girls grow up. But now, he passed away, leaving his daughters and wife struggling alone in the world.

Since I was a little baby who haven't got any idea about death, I always asked my mom and the daughters of the man (they were much older than me) with questions like "where is Mr.XXX? Why he is not playing with me anymore". It was awkward cuz they don't really know how to explain to a curious child about the fact that the guy you liked to play with was gone forever.

A few days passed. And one night, my mom and I were alone because my father was on a business trip. We were about to sleep, and my mother were about to turn off the light, when I suddenly smiled at something invisible beside her.

My mother was kind of curious, and asked:"Honey, what's going on?" And I replied, smiling:" Mommy look! Mr. XXX IS STANDING THERE AND SMILING AT ME!"

My mom was scared at first. She tried to calm herself down with the idea that I was just making some "baby" practical joke, and said:"Nice try honey, but there's nothing over there. Just go to bed!"


Now, she was totally freaked out. The switch of the light was near the door, and she had just been standing there, without knowing that SOMETHING "DIRTY" was right beside her. She rushed to my bed, grabbed me, then rushed to her bed, covering both of us inside the quilt, leaving the light on.

The reason why she was so freaked out is that in China, we have some kind of old saying that babies can see ghosts -- In Chinese we referred to them as something "dirty".

Anyway. I fell asleep soon, happily, with my poor mother trembling and crying all night (she was only 26, and she was kind of ALONE),staring at the "haunted spot", which was the door. Fortunately nothing happened then.

The next morning, she asked a monk to perform some kind of ceremony. The monk told her that the ghost of the man was stilling lingering around the building since he just cannot let go of everything. He performed some kind of magic by throwing rice on the doorway, and my mother tell the "man" to "leave the kid alone please, he is just a baby and you can scare him". Nothing happened ever since.

PS: Sorry for any grammatical mistakes since I'm not a native speaker. 15 years later, my mother told me about this story during a family gathering, and it really scared the shit out of me. The monk also told my mother that I am some what "attractive to ghosts" and I'd better not enter any haunted or "possibly haunted" places like cemeteries.

I feel sad about the guy, although now I cannot remember anything about him anymore (well, except the fact that he got two really beautiful girls. I saw them again when I was like 18 and they were 24 or 25 something). I think he didn't wanna hurt me or my mother. Maybe he just missed his family, and then came by to visit some cute kid who missed him so much at that time.

Username: SeeD29

12. The Craziest Florida Man

Media Source
So I'm very late to the party but this one always stuck with me...When I was about 13 my family took a trip to Key West Florida. We already live in South Florida so nothing about the trip really stood out to me except for the ghost tour we went on.

It was probably the thing the piqued my interest in the paranormal, however this story was 100% true (my recollection is foggy so I will use my friend google / wikipedia to fact check).

Carl Tanzer was a well respected doctor in Key West during the early 1900s. In 1931, he was treating a young Cuban-American woman, named Elena "Helen" Milagro de Hoyas for tuberculosis. Tanzer became obsessed with her, and obsessed is putting it lightly.

When she succumbed to TB, Tanzer paid for her funeral services and also for a mausoleum to be built for her. Her family was very grateful. What they didnt know was that he visited her nightly (*inside* the mausoleum, to which he had the key of course).

One day, apparently, he decided this wasnt enough. See, apparently when he visited her at the mausoleum, her ghost would serenade him and beg him to take her home (even though she never reciprocated his feelings in life, only death).

So what did Tanzer do? He took her body home with him to make his wife. He succeeded and lived with his corpse wife for 2 WHOLE YEARS... How TF did he do that? Well, I'm glad you asked because heres where it gets horrific:

"Tanzler attached the corpse's bones together with wire and coat hangers, and fitted the face with glass eyes. As the skin of the corpse decomposed, Tanzler replaced it with silk cloth soaked in wax and plaster of paris.

As the hair fell out of the decomposing scalp, Tanzler fashioned a wig from Hoyos' hair that had been collected by her mother and given to Tanzler not long after her burial in 1931. Tanzler filled the corpse's abdominal and chest cavity with rags to keep the original form, dressed Hoyos' remains in stockings, jewelry, and gloves, and kept the body in his bed.

Tanzler also used copious amounts of perfume, disinfectants, and preserving agents, to mask the odor and forestall the effects of the corpse's decomposition."

He was caught when his family heard rumors about what the neighbors were seeing... him dancing with her corpse in front of an open window. The ghost tour guide said he did much more than just dance with her corpse.

Besides necrophilia of course, he would shine a spotlight on her, and talk to her at all hours of the nights. Neighbors saw this strange behavior but had no idea she was actually a corpse because of how well she was preserved. Speaking of her corpse...

"Shortly after the corpse's discovery by authorities, Hoyos' body was examined by physicians and pathologists, and put on public display at the Dean-Lopez Funeral Home, where it was viewed by as many as 6,800 people. Hoyos' body was eventually returned to the Key West Cemetery where the remains were buried in an unmarked grave, in a secret location, to prevent further tampering."

Do NOT google this before bed. Her mummified face has haunted my dreams for decades. The craziest "Florida Man" you've probably never heard of.

Username: thehotmegan

13. Stupid Things Like Evolution

Media Source
My dad was a 100% christian but he weren't gone to church because he is a member of a cult. When I was about 5-6 he threatened me with hell all the time and made me listen to scary stories about hell. I was afraid. He explained his own ideas about demons like how they are trying to make me believe stupid things like evolution, etc.

My mom was not a member of this cult, so dad said, he is demonized as well and I should follow him to not fall in the hell full of demons. He got me when he said my chronic asthma was a lie and my mom just wanted money and took me to a doctor to get diagnosed.

I hated my mom! When I was 10 I finally opened my ears to her how my dad abused her and left her when they built our house. She was pregnant and had to carry heavy things. He just left when my grandpa arrived for a 5 minute visit.

He gone to the hills to pray for my mom and expell demons out of her. When I asked him about this, he gone scared. He said do you really believe your mom's lies? He yelled at me how i will become a sinner.

When we met the next time he and his new wife (also member of the cult), who has no clues besides my dad's lies explained my mom's darkness and evil plans and how great person is my dad (his desires were to be the leader of the cult.

Whenever we visited the cult, he always said half truths and he forced me to say yes this happened because if i said this is not really true he screamed at me after and gone wildriding with his car on the streets.)

Yes, my parent's divorced. I met my dad every second weekend. He always tried to manipulate me against my mom and he was successful for a while. He made me afraid. I lost all my questions when my dad's new wife called my mom crying how my father kidnapped her (their relationship wasn't going well) and explained everything to me and my mom. I didn't met him for 3 years.

When I finally decided to meet him, He said i should help him to host on the darkweb because they are always blocking him for sharing information about weapons. This was a lie. I saw his blog before and there was no weapons.

I saw his twisted philosophy about how women are the fault for everything and why women and children should follow the dad even if the way is wrong and why women should deserve no rights and how can we blame women when the men is wrong.

Somehow he explained this with the bible but other christians said he was wrong. My dad tried to destroy their life by finding them and telling them and their family lies and blackmailing them. He also wrote about his "enemies", whose sin were disagreeing him.

But I found worse things. Lies about me, my mom and our family. With the mention of our names and with pictures. He said he is the savior of the family and everyone else is evil. He wrote abusive things.

Now he is living with his dad who I visited often. I couldn't avoid small talks with him. He sold everything out of my grandpa's tools (he had a ton of it) and grandpa couldn't do anything. He is old and weak.

My dad gave me a mission: i should make my mom go to jesus to become a family in the heaven and if i do this he will not take our house. (He thinks he deserved a full house after the divorce. Also thinks what satan took away god will give back 4 or 7 times.) He even stalking about my mom online.

When I mentioned him my mom's eye disease he smiled. Tried to hide but smiled.

Username: ThreeArmedYeti

14. The Way He Licked His Lips

Media Source
I was 13 or 14 and my family went to the county fair. It was an insanely crowded day, the kind where you have to make sure you're keeping up with all of your family.

We were in the section with the kiddie roller coasters and my aunt & dad were fighting over something ridiculous, so all of us were pretty distracted with getting them to just calm down.

Out of nowhere, my mom shouts to me "Follow me, now!" She yanks me by the hand and pulls me along intently, without saying anything else.

She runs over directly to a man who must have been in his 60s. He's holding the hand of a crying boy, maybe five or so. My mother aggressively asks the man, "What are you doing with him?" and the man freezes. He says that they just lost the boy's mother. He tells us that he is the boy's grandpa and that they are fine. Immediately my mom kneels down and asks the boy "Do you know this man?"

The crying boy shakes his head no and says they are looking for his mommy. My mother asks the boy where he last saw her and the boy points to the man, "He says that she's in the parking lot."

I immediately go cold, because I realize what's happening here. I look at the man and he's staring at the little boy. And he swipes his tongue across his top lip in a fraction of a second.

My mom reaches for the boys hand, holds my own hand tighter, and says "[My name] and I will help you find your mommy, okay? She isn't in the parking lot. We're going to go back to the last spot you saw your mommy, and we'll get a police officer to help us find her. Is that okay?"

The boy looks to the older man and is visibly confused. "But she's in the parking lot. We have to get her." My mother snaps at the old man to fucking let go of the boy. He's glaring at her at this point.

The man lets go and my mother picks the boy up. She promises him we will help him find his mommy, asks him where he last saw her, and the boy points to the entrance of one of the rides. We both look in that direction and by the time we turn back, the man is gone.

We end up finding a security officer who shouts into her walkie "We found him!"

Next thing you know, a woman with two young twins in her hands is running to us in a panic. It was something straight out of a movie. She fell to the floor to hug her son and kept thanking my mother repeatedly in a crying fit.

When she was able to talk, told us that she had let her son go on a ride and promised him that she would wait for him at the exit, but then one of her children started crying. She was a single mother. It was only a few short moments of distraction that led to her turning back to find him completely missing.

The officer thanked my mother, who was also crying at this point, and we went back to my family who was worried about the two of us having been gone so long.

My mom explained everything. Amidst my dad and aunt fighting and all of the noise of the enormous crowd, she heard a distant "I want my mommy!" Somehow, out of the hundreds of people in that crowd, she was able to spot the kid and said that something instantly felt wrong. It was such a fast thing that she could have missed. She could have even over heard it and not been able to spot where it was coming from.

We all went home after that. We've never gone back to the fair in the some 12 years since. The way he licked his lip, like the boy was some kind of dessert, still haunts me. The fact that he got away still haunts my mother.

Username: TheGreenJellyfishie

15. I Thought You Were Dead

Media Source
We went to Six Flags: Hurricane Harbor. My son and I were the only ones on the trip -- a quality family vacation. He was really excited to go on all the rides. I wasn't at all. I wanted to float in the lazy river or maybe ride some of the smaller slides where you sit on a mat and ride around.

So after we've been in the park for maybe 5 seconds, he starts begging me to let him ride the enormous slides in the back of the park. No big deal. There were really big lines though, so I figured I'd get a little bored.

The crowds were pretty big. The stairs leading up to the slides were completely packed all the way to the ground. I watched him get in line. There were just so many people. I knew this would take forever.

After a while, he started making his way up the staircase. I realized something odd about the staircase; it was several stories tall, yet the only thing to prevent people from falling off was a little handrail. The entire area between the steps and that rail was open for the taking. And with so many people on the stairs, I started to get nervous. It looked like he was staying on the handrail the whole time.

I freaked out during his whole way up the stairs. I couldn't look away. Eventually he made it up to the top; this would have relieved me, but I was on the side where the slides and the platform at the top were blocking my view of the stairs. I couldn't see anybody until they came down the slides. I watched as my son disappeared behind the platform. I watched every single person come down the slides, one by one. Two slides side by side.

What if something happened? What if he didn't make it to the slide? He would be fine, I told myself. He could handle himself. Everybody was here to have fun. I should stop worrying. He'll come down. I can see everybody going down the slides.

After what seemed like 15 more minutes, I started worrying again. Did I miss him? Did he already come down? Can he not find me? Did I not pay attention? Surely he's not still on the platform? He must have come down the slides.

I saw him. I saw him falling. He fell down several stories. Right down the center of the slide. He was fine. He made it past the shoddy staircase, he made it onto the slide, he made it down. He was in the pool now. He was safe.

What's going on? Where did he go? Did he swim under water and get out? I didn't see him get out of the pool... The life guard is going in. It's him -- it's my son -- he's drowning. He's having a seizure in the water. My son is dying. I have to get through the crowd. Move! Move it! That's my son! I need to get by! Let me through!

I begin to notice a familiar sound in the distance. "Mom?" I push closer. My baby is calling for me. "Mom?!" Louder. Is he okay?

I hardly recognize the feeling as I push through the crowd -- somebody is trying to get my attention. Somebody is trying to stop me as I push through the crowd. Get off! I have to reach my son. Some of the crowd has gathered and is staring. I must be close. Is my baby okay?!

"Mom!" Right there. He's right there. Tugging on my shoulder. My son is standing right beside me. But the crowd is still staring. They haven't turned away. They haven't started talking. But my son is here beside me. So who...I see the scene: the child convulsing, a lifeguard trying his best.

I recognize the hair. The same blonde hair, made dark by the water and plastered to the forehead. I turn around, face my son, who has been tugging my shoulder for a while. His blonde hair is wet, plastered to his forehead. The other kid is revived by the lifeguard before my son sees what's going on.

"Honey, I thought that was you. I thought you were dead."
^^^Told ^^^from ^^^my ^^^mom's ^^^perspective, ^^^not ^^^mine; ^^^I ^^^loved ^^^the ^^^ride.

Username: [deleted]

16. Bobby

Media Source
This is a genuine story of an experience that happened to my family almost thirty years ago. Back then, when she was three years old, my cousin had an imaginary friend called Bobby.

My cousin would play and talk with Bobby for ages at a time. She also did other strange stuff like insisting that Bobby had a place set at the dinner table at mealtimes and having a cushion on the floor next to her own so that Bobby could sit and watch telly with her.

My aunt, although getting increasingly uneasy, just went along with it for a week or so. However she put her mind at rest after consulting some child rearing books from the local library which told her it was just a normal childhood phase her daughter was going through and so she stopped worrying about Bobby.

A few months later during the winter my uncle had not long started a new job that involved shift work. This meant that this particular evening he was working a night shift and this left my aunt and my cousin alone in the house themselves.

It got to be my cousin's bedtime so my aunt took my cousin upstairs and got her ready for bed. As was now usual my cousin asked my aunt if Bobby was also to go to bed which my aunt just went along with it and replied that yes Bobby was to go to his bed as well.

After getting my cousin changed they went through to her bedroom, read my cousin (and Bobby of course) a bedtime story, tucked her (and Bobby) into bed, kissed her goodnight and finally my aunt was finished her motherly duties for the evening and it was time to relax and wind down.

My aunt left the bedroom and started to go back down the stairs to have a cup of tea and watch some telly.

My aunt had just reached the bottom of the stairs when my cousin shouted from her bedroom that my aunt had forgot to turn the bedroom light off (she would normally sleep with her bedroom door open and the hall light on).

Sighing my aunt turned around and started back up the stairs. Just as she got to the top stair she saw the light go off in my cousin's bedroom. My cousin then shouted "It's okay Mummy, Bobby turned it off".

My aunt rushed into the bedroom a split second after my cousin shouted this and my cousin was still all tucked up in her bed.

As the light switch at that time was too high up on the wall for my then three year old little cousin to reach and was on the opposite side of the room to the bed next to door my aunt just froze in the doorway for a few seconds not knowing what had just happened or what she should do.

My aunt (now freaking out inside her head but trying not to show it) decided just to act normally and said goodnight again to my cousin and then went very quickly back downstairs and immediately phoned my uncle at his work.

She sounded so terrified on the phone that my uncle asked his supervisor if he could leave work early due to an emergency at home.

I remember when my aunt told me about this incident she said that while she was waiting for my uncle to get home that she was so frightened that she didn't think she could have went back up to the room even if the house had went on fire.

The next morning my aunt sat down with my cousin and had a conversation that ended with her telling my cousin that she shouldn't play with Bobby again. My cousin said that Bobby was upset about this and wanted to stay. My aunt lost her temper and said Bobby had to leave and that was the end of it.

A few days later as my cousin had not spoken to or mentioned Bobby since that conversation my aunt casually asked my cousin over lunch what had happened to Bobby. My cousin looked up at her mother and replied with a question that chilled my aunt.

"What is a bitch mummy?" My aunt asked her where she had heard such a word and she shouldn't to say a word like that. My cousin replied, "that's what Bobby said when he left mummy, he said he was leaving because of the bitch".

Username: StevieTV

17. The Blue-Eyed Boy Who Cries

Media Source
I can't say this story is true. But my grandfather told it really well, and there are urban legends surrounding this very specific painting... The painting is none other than the blue eyed boy who cries.

It's told that there were several different paintings by this specific artist, but no one knows who he is, nor has anyone been able to locate him. The story goes as such...

In my grandmothers house in Chile. There was a portrait of a blonde boy with blue eyes in the house when she moved in. I know of this particular painting because I was in that house a lot. I lived in it for some part of my childhood.

I even had birthday pictures taken where the painting hung right behind me with a table full of children invited to my birthday party.

I remembered I had this picture one day, and I went looking for it in the picture-book only to realize that it was gone. (if it helps, this has struck a need in me to look for it again. If I find it, I'll post a picture.)

Anyways, a whole lot of weird things would happen in that house. (furniture moving, lights flickering etc...) but we never really thought anything of it. But my grandma always seemed like she knew something we didn't...

One day we realized that the painting of the young boy was seemingly getting sadder. (my parents did at least, I was still a baby pretty much. 4 years-ish) it got to the point that it seemed like he was crying actual tears!

As soon as this started to happen, my family realized that there was something really freaky going on, so we all decided to go stay somewhere else. But my grandma stayed.

From there, my grandma decided to take the painting to several churches and religious people who might have some sort of clue as to who made this painting. And perhaps how to get rid of its otherworldly characteristics.

Apperently she had a really hard time taking out of the house alone. Even to the point that it shattered all the windows in the house. And it seemed that whenever she would get close to a church, it would start to cry again. Eventually, she found a sort of "witch doctor" that told her exactly what it was.

Apperently, the painting was made by a condemned majestrate that had sold his soul to the devil, but the devil sanctioned him to envelop Lucifers essence into each and every painting he made, of every child he painted. (there were several apperently). In a way, he was made to paint these children, except no one knew that in reality, he was painting Lucifers portrait.

The "witch Doctor" told her to turn the portrait upside down. She did, and what she saw was lucifers likeness instead of the young boy crying. She was made to burn the painting there and now in a very specific way. Which is unknown to me.

To this day, I remember that boys face. It's pretty haunting to say the least.

Username: Tacocattimusmaximus

18. Bit Through My Lip in Fright

Media Source
When I was about 15 I was staying with my family (mum, dad, younger sister, younger brother) in a farm house owned by a very well-off family friend, on a remote island, several miles off the coast of Scotland.

You can only get to it by boat during calm seas and during the day. The island is very cut off during the night time, there's really no way off or on apart from helicopter, and only then that would only be if there's an emergency. The family friend was (and still is) a very successful English businessman, who has been on the board of more than one household name companies in Europe.

The farm he owns with his wife is sprawling and covers most of the island. There are a few holiday cottages about 20 mins 4x4 drive away by the tiny harbour, but they were all unoccupied when we were staying there.

We knew this because we could see the houses from the farm house, which was (is) on a hill and there were no lights on. In reality what that means is that there was nobody anywhere near the farmhouse when the story I am about to tell happened, and nobody else on the island.

My dad and I had been out fishing on one of the lakes on the island that day and caught nothing. It had been an awesome day anyway just hanging out with my dad.

To pass the time dad tried to spook me out by telling me a story about a ferryman from a neighbouring island whose brother had fallen overboard from a small boat and drowned. The dead man was found washed up on a beach on the island I was staying on soon after.

So was the boat he was in. In honesty, I don't know how the body was collected / dealt with. This drowning had been under weird circumstances as witnesses said the drowned man had been seen leaving the island in question in his little boat with another, still unidentified person.

We finished fishing and headed back to the farmhouse, about a 20 mins walk away. When we got back if was late and we had dinner. I asked the owner of the farm house about the story, in particular the unidentified person in the boat with the drowned man.

He really had no idea about what happened to the other person in the boat, but certainly they had never been seen again. I really begin to convince myself that the second, unidentified person in the boat had murdered the ferryman's brother by drowning and was living a nomad life on the island I was now staying on.

Anyway, we all went to bed. I was sleeping in a room at the top of the farmhouse in the loft, on my own. By this stage I had scared the hell out of myself thinking some murdering bastard was living feral on the island, unwilling to be seen or caught but needing to survive. I eventially got to sleep.

At about 3am I woke up needing to go to the loo. All the bathrooms on the floor lower to me were en-suite, so I needed to go all the way down to the ground floor to use the loo in the hallway by th front door / hallway. The downstairs light were on, and I made the mistake of looking out of the window down towards the houses by the harbour. All the lights in one of the houses were on.

In my sleepy state it took me a while to connect the dots, but once I did I was trembly-scared. I said to myself something like, "this is ridiculous, those house lights must have been on earlier and you just missed it, stop being a p*ssy and go back upstairs to bed". In reality I really was sure I had not seen those lights on before. There was no reason they would have been.

The hallway the loo was on had all the fuse boxes for the house in it, in a big white cupboard high up on the wall. As I walked back down the hallway to go back upstairs I said out loud "hello ghosty", (mega-cool, I know) to try and prove to myself I was being a scardy-cat.

The second I said those words, all the lights in the house I could see by the harbour snapped out, as did all the lights in the farm house I was staying in. This included the lights in the hall I was standing in.

I have never run so fast in my life, and I bit right through my own lip with fright. I didn't sleep all night and we left the island the next day. Still haunts me to this day.

Username: promise_me_jetpacks

19. I Hate Old People

Media Source
Ah, just remembered I have another story! It'll probably get buried in the comments with the others, but oh well. In 2006 (I was 21 at the time), I moved to an apartment that was around the corner from a very old church with a cemetery and a large park that was actually a converted cemetery just opposite it (I'm guessing the council wanted to reclaim the land so just turned the cemetery into a public space, the weathered headstones still line the walls of the park).

Separating the park from the church at the back is foot path that's frequented as a shortcut, it's very well lit and is used often in the day but at night it's pretty quiet.

On the third night of moving into the area, my sister (19) and I were moving our last bits in large suitcases, walking from the tube station. Just before approaching the church, I suggested we walk in front of it as opposed to taking the quiet back path (nervous as I'd rather not put two young girls like us in danger). There is large pavement and busy main road/highway right outside the church and is well lit, so I figured we'd be safer. I was wrong.

Just as we passed the front entrance of the church, I noticed a really old woman, like in her 80s, shuffling slowly toward the church, her back to us. Her mobility scooter was close by to her and she was dressed all in white; she had on a white t-shirt, white shorts, white shoes... even her hair was white.

There were no lights on outside the church, there were a lot of trees surrounding the compound and even though the main road was brightly lit from all the street lights, none of the light reached the compound and it was pretty much bathed in darkness.

It was around 9pm at this time and I thought, "How odd, why is there an old lady in front of the church this late?" But before I could answer my own question she starts LAUGHING. Just out of the blue, she lets out this piercing mad, old witch cackle laugh. Even though the main road was buzzing with traffic, it felt so muted as her laugh fills the air.

I noped the hell out of there and told my sister to just GO, QUICK, NOW. We ran/walk as fast as we could, but she doesn't stop laughing, it starts sounding more frantic, more hysterical. I dared not look back, I felt like her laugh was following me, like she just took flight and is chasing us through the trees in the compound. No matter how fast I moved, her laugh was still so loud, lingering just behind me. I was never more terrified.

As we were running, this asshole cyclist coming toward us tried to scare us by screaming "BOO" and it just escalated the fear. We finally made it back to the main door of the apartment building, the laughing had stopped by then. We looked behind us and there was nobody.

Relieved, we went inside and I asked my sister if she saw what I saw, I was convinced I made the whole thing up and freaked myself out. She said I wasn't crazy, she saw and heard the old lady too. I was so frazzled I tried to nervously laugh it off but suddenly the doorbell rang and I screamed like a banshee.

Because this was an old apartment we just moved in to, the door bell was an old loud, cranky buzzer that emitted the worst buzzing noise that just gives you chills, especially when you're alone at night. It was my first time hearing that doorbell, on that night of all nights.

My sister opened the door and it was my dad. He sees me in the hallway, already losing it, freaking out in tears and immediately gets angry demanding what the hell was wrong with me.

Sobbing, I say in between gasps he really scared me when he rang the doorbell and he laughs and gives me a hug. I don't think I told him what really happened that night.

After that night, I never walked in front of the church again and always took the quiet back path. I didn't want to find out if the old lady was real or not, and I didn't want to know what would happen if she did actually turn to look at me. I hate old people.

P.S. For those of you that are interested, this was the church:

Username: humanorgan

20. 1980

Media Source
I was 14 and bored at home during the summer before my freshman year of high school. I started poking through the filing cabinet my mom had at the house to find dirt on my parent's divorce cause I knew some of the details were shitty and I just wanted to fuel the hate I guess (daddy issues are fun)

so I'm paging through the manilla folders and see one labeled "1980". no idea what it is, I pull it and start reading; it ends up being all the info - court transcripts, police reports, etc, etc, on when my mom was held for a few hours and repeatedly raped when she was 23 years old, in 1980.

What happened was, she and her roommate lived on Balboa Island in Newport Beach, California. they lived there for like 5 years. The area is a cool little surfer spot, has a boardwalk and arcades and ferry, it is still a hoppin' area.

so she and her roommate shared an apartment, the roommate had gone on a date one night and my mom stayed home. at some point in the evening the roommate called and said hey, I forgot my keys, can you leave the slider unlocked.

so my mom does, trusting that one night of a slider being unlocked for a few hours is fine. so my mom goes to bed later and is woken up to some dude, no her straddling her, pinning her shoulders down and covering her nose and mouth. he pulls the little frilly fabric off her decorative pillows and ties her down, shoves some in her mouth, then rapes her twice.

he then started going through the house and gathering anything valuable. he comes back, lays down next to her, sexually assaults her in other ways, then rapes her again, then steals her car and leaves, leaving her tied up.

the whole ordeal was over 3 hours. she laid there quietly terrified wondering if he was still in the house but she gets herself untied, tries the phones but he had ripped them out of the wall, so she goes to her neighbors where they call the cops and they take her to the hospital and put out a report for her stolen car.

she is released from the hospital a few hours later, by this time its like morning and the roommate comes home (that asshole had slept over at her dates house and never called my mom she wasn't coming home and once she finds out what happened she feels terrible, which good, she should) but anyway after a few days they end up finding the guy in east San Diego area near the border with my moms car ripped the fuck up, arrest the guy, she has to do the whole "pick him out of a line up" thing, testify, etc. the guy was an illegal immigrant from Tiajuana, he had committed a bunch of other crimes and was wanted for them, he ended up getting 22 years.

I had never heard the story before, and frankly, as scary as it was to be 14 and reading about this happening to my invincible superhero single mom, I feel like it did a good thing for my psyche - at the time we lived in a good safe neighborhood, maybe 10 miles away from where this happened, and for whatever reason my mom never went to counseling or became vigilant about home security

that day, I became the one who took that on. I talked to her about the incident, I learned a lot of lessons second hand from this happening to her.

I take my personal and home safety seriously and take yearly self-defense classes, carry pepper spray, knife, handgun depending on the situation, never wear both earbuds, double-check the locks, and am not afraid to be weird or rude if my instincts are talking to me.

Username: QultrasQ

21. Gold Dodge Intrepids

Media Source
When I was 15, I was followed everywhere by two men in two gold Dodge Intrepids, of different years. One of them was a man in his early 30's, with dark hair and a mustache, and the other was a man in his 60's, with white hair. I have no idea what their height or weight was, because I only saw them sitting down. For about the first month, I thought I was going nuts, because no one else had seen them firsthand.

Then, I was walking with my boyfriend one day, and the older man was just circling in his car. I pointed him out and kept a running tally of how many times he turned around to drive back past us. After the same car with the same driver had passed us 15 times in a 6 block area, he started to believe me. Mind you, it was creepy, but not terrifying.

They never came to my house directly, never spoke to me directly, never tried to approach me (at that point), but I could not leave my house without being followed by one or the other of them. My mom saw them, my adopted mom saw them, my brother, boyfriend, most of my friends and even the police saw them.

Then, one night, in the winter, I had a fight with my mom. Not thinking, I take off out the door at 1 a.m. to go clear my head. I make it about three blocks and presto, there's the dark haired man in his car. At this point, I got scared.

There was no one else on the road, I had no cell phone, I had no weapon...just me and this guy. Knowing the area like the back of my hand, I started running back towards home, ducking between houses and into back alleys.

Every time I would emerge from the shadows, he was there in his car. He just kept getting ahead of me. I made it home, and something in me just broke. It had been almost a year at this point. Every single move I made was watched.

Every time I left the house, every time I went to a store, every single thing I did was watched by two men that I didn't even know. I made up my mind right then that if they were going to kill me or rape me, we might as well just get this over with.

The following day, the older man was following me again, and he pulled up right in front of me at an intersection and just sat there and smiled. I lost it. I threw myself at the car, trying to put my elbow through the driver's side window.

He just laughed, waved and drove off. Leaving me in the middle of the street screaming after him, "If you want me motherfucker, I'm right fucking here! Come and get me!"

After that they backed off a little bit. They would still follow, but they gave me more space. They only approached me once, the following spring, when the older man asked if I would like a ride. I declined and they seemed to taper off after that.

I still remember every detail. The younger man drove a 1999 gold Dodge Intrepid. The older man drove a 2002 or 2003 gold Dodge Intrepid and had a MI tag of NJA 328.

They followed me for fifteen months, only made direct contact once, and to this day, I don't know who they were or what they wanted, or when they might come back. Yes, 12 years later, I am still worried about them coming back.

Username: [deleted]

22. Crazy-Real False Life

Media Source
This happened about 9 years ago and isn’t as interesting or dark as most of the comments on here, but hey-ho. I’ve posted this before on another account, but I’ll do it again anyway. Bear with me on it.

I was an underground ‘engineer’ working on large machinery miles underground at a mining site. My specific duties were keeping a large boiler running. We had more than a dozen, each with a few engineers assigned to specific ones in shifts.

These things were run 24/7 as they provided power to not only the mining shafts, but the large town that was build underground to house all the miners and their families; we’re probably taking 20,000 people here. Now these boilers were breaking down constantly and if more than 4 went down at once, the power was cut to the town to keep the industrial sector powered.

If the industrial sector ran out of power, the air pumps would go down...resulting in death, so yeah. I can still remember working on these giant 30-foot-tall boiler stacks and the specific parts that would be fashioned routinely to make-shift repairs to keep them up.

Nobody had been to the surface in decades due to pestilence and other assorted danger. This was a full self-contained city. We had politicians, service workers, weavers, cooks...everything.

Everybody worked. My wife worked at the school, where our 3 children were currently enrolled. In 3 years, Robert would be 16, in which case he would leave school and begin working. The other 2 were quite a big younger.

I can still remember almost every street, house and building in the city down to the smallest detail. I have memories of hundreds of people; faces, names and personalities. I can picture how our small house was decorated and all the bits and bobs we had in it. I can see the children’s teddies, blankets and beds.

Anyway, I was mid-thirties at the time, so I had built up a life of experiences with these people.

Suddenly, I ‘wake’ up. Now I have that in quotations because I was already awake. I’m disorientated. There’s a whole bunch of bright white lights around me, when all we have is the orange-sodium lamps underground. There are faces around me that I recognise and are asking me all sorts of questions.

It turns out I’d contracted a serious bacterial infection was hospitalised with a fever. I’d been out cold for no more than 4 days.

My brain had conjured up this whole world, people, buildings, experiences whilst I was out cold. It was utterly surreal. I tried to talk to my then girlfriend about it and she kind of focussed more on how serious my condition was, so I never spoke of it again with anybody.

Now I’m sure a lot of people have these types of a hallucinations. But this was so crazy-real. It wasn’t like I was seeing pink dragons in my bath tub, I had 30 years of memories in my head of a life I’d never lived. A wife. Kids. Friends. Work colleagues. I could remember them all, but none of them existed.

This realisation threw me into a deep depression for a while. I'd omitted a whole bunch of detail from the story due to how, even 9 years later, it makes me feel sombre.

It scared me how my brain could conjure up something so real, that wasn’t.

Username: [deleted]

23. Getting Kidnapped is Easy

Media Source
This one was scary because I played a part in the story and it showed me just how easy it was to be kidnapped and disappear off the face of the earth when just going about your daily business. Unfortunately, I don’t remember all the details, I list those at the end.

One summer in the mid 80s, I was 18 and working as the front of office admin for the largest department store in our midsized Southern town. One night I got a very late call after hours from a store manager asking if I had given a job application to a young woman.

He gave me her description, but I did not remember her at all. A missing persons report had been filed by her parents and she was supposed to have been coming to my store while she was out and about that day.

We had a system where I logged in applications when they were returned, but not when they were given out, since many people took one and never returned it (that’s a whole ‘nother EEOC/discrimination story).

This was before we had security cameras everywhere; our store mostly had them in the finance office and directly over the cash registers. We did have some on the doors and in the store. Security spent a lot of time with the police reviewing our tapes.

There was no record of her ever coming to our store except for me possibly remembering her and I saw hundreds of people a day in a pretty stressful environment. She just didn’t stand out in my memory. I couldn’t give a yes or no answer for whether she came in the store or not. I simply didn’t remember her.

Posters were hung all over town. Reports were all over the news and everyone was looking out for her. It was all anyone talked about and I had people constantly asking me why I couldn’t remember her.

Several weeks/months later she was found. A man had grabbed her from our parking lot. He kept her in a storage shed on a piece of deserted pasture quite a ways outside of the city.

She had spent the entire time in that shed with no electricity or plumbing, only seeing him when he went to bring her food, while he went about his regular life raising no suspicions about what he had done.

Everyone knew her name and face, since this was such big news. After a while, she moved away to live with family in another state because she couldn’t live with everyone knowing who she was and what she had been through.

Unfortunately, I don’t remember all of the details. I don’t remember if her car was in our lot or if he stole it when he grabbed her. I don’t remember if we ever found out if she made it in the store or if he grabbed her before she came in.

I don’t remember if the news said she was sexually assaulted, but I know we all assumed it. I don’t remember if she escaped or if she was found in the shed. I want to say she was found, but I don’t remember if it was by the authorities or someone out in the country.

I don’t remember if he was caught or went to jail. I guess I blocked a lot of it because it was so scary and I felt guilty that I couldn’t give any information to help the police. Every woman I know changed her routines and behaviors as a result of this kidnapping.

Username: ShihTzuSkidoo

24. The Original Night Stalker

Media Source
The story of the East Area Rapist. Also known as the Original Night Stalker and probably the Visalia Ransacker.

In the mid 1970s there were a series of burglaries in the town of Visalia in California. The perpetrator would steal small items, nothing too expensive. He escalated when he tried to kidnap a girl from her home one night.

Her father, Claude Snelling, foiled the attempt but at the cost of his own life. The Visalia Ransacker disappeared after a close run in he had with the police shortly afterwards which ended in him shooting a flashlight out of a pursuing officer’s hand!

As the VR crimes came to a close, a series of breaks and rapes took place in the eastern suburbs of Sacramento, California. He began by targeting women alone or with children but then switched his MO and targeted couples. He would break into a home and wake his victims up by shining a flash light in their eyes.

He would instruct the woman to tie up her partner and then he would tie her up. He moved the man to another room and stacked dishes on his back, informing him that if he heard the plates make a sound he would kill the women and then come through and kill him.

Then he would rape the woman. Afterwards he would stay in the house for hours, ransack the place and even raid the fridge and cook himself food! He raped about fifty women in Sacramento and other counties close by.

What set him apart from other rapists was his tactical thinking. This guy would stalk his victims for sometime before hand, and even break into their homes ahead of the rape to find out more about the victims.

On one occasion he took the shells out of a shot gun in the victim’s house ahead of the rape. After the rape he would harass the victim with telephone calls for years afterwards. [Here is one example.](

One story, in particular, is noteworthy. At first the Sacramento police didn’t give much attention to the rapes. They took them seriously but they didn’t publicise them.

When they eventually did they stared holding community workshops on the crimes, I guess to inform people how to keep safe. At one such event an Italian man stood up and berated the cops for not catching the rapist.

He also said he couldn’t believe that a man could sit meekly by and allow his wife to get raped. Seven months later, that man and his wife became victims of the rapist.

The crimes in Northern California ended after a couple of years. As they ended, a series of break ins, rapes and murders took place in Southern California. The crimes were not definitively linked either to each other or the EAR crimes right away. Ten people were murdered over a five year period.

As the police in the various jurisdictions didn’t link them right away, the killer gained numerous names: the diamond knot killer, the creek killer and the night stalker. After Richard Ramirez’s crimes he became known as the Original Might Stalker.

In the early 2000s DNA proved that the East Area Rapist and the Original Night Stalker were the same person. In 2018 he was finally caught. His name is JJ DeAngelo.

Username: CaledonianinSurrey

25. Baby Heimlich

Media Source
My daughter choked when she was 11 months old. I had to give her the baby Heimlich maneuver. I’ve never been so terrified in all my life. Also I was kidnapped when I was 25 by two men. That ranks up there.

Almost 20 yrs ago, I was out with my boyfriend at a little bar in a small town in NE Ohio. I was from a different city so I wasn’t familiar with the area.

And he had just moved there. He started talking to these two guys and got in an argument about them saying they knew a particular area and he thought they were lying.

He would joke around with me by telling ppl I wasn’t his girlfriend and it was starting to piss me off. I just shook my head tho. Well their argument got more heated and he wanted to leave but because I was pissed I told him to just go and I’d have my dad pick me up. He left.

I went to use the pay phone and one of them came up to me and said” ya know your boyfriend is a Fucking dick and he doesn’t treat you well. Blah blah “. I was like what ever.

So the other one says. “ don’t call your dad, we feel bad, we’ll take you. “. I told them that was thoughtful and said no. They were like. Cmon. I said fine, not wanting to be bitched at by my dad.

I said, I can’t pa you and I’m not a slut so I’m not doing any hanky panky either. He seemed insulted. He goes. Damn, we Offer you a ride and you say that? I was like ok. I felt bad.

We start driving and I was in the back seat drivers side. The passenger guy said jokingly “ your quiet, don’t worry I’m not the rapist, he is. Haha”. I was like um? Then I noticed that we passed the on ramp to the freeway.

My heart sunk. I asked why and then they started arguing about who’s house I was going to. I said, I’m going to my house remember?! Just then he jumped into the back seat and grabbed me and pushed me down flat. He ripped my jeans so I fought.

He punched me in the face. I was afraid that if I hit him back he’d knock me out and I would be powerless. I started screaming to the driver” why are you letting him do this to me”.

He said nothing. The only thing I could think to do was to punch the driver in the back of the head so that he had trouble driving. Finally the guy on top of me said we “have to get rid of her“I thought they were going to kill me.

He drove down a long road with a cul-de-sac that wasn’t all the way developed and I thought they were going to kill me and throw me in the woods or something. When he rounded the cul-de-sac he open the door and kicked me out into 4 feet of snow and drove away.

I walked holding my jeans up, to the corner house( the porch light was on) and knocked on the door. An older man looked through the side window and was waving “no”. So I walked away. I turned backed and asked him to call 911 and I’ll wait in the street. His wife came down and let me in.

I sat in a chair by the door and waited for the police. I later found out that two weeks prior, a drunk diver had crashed through their front door and I somehow spooked him. That stupid decision almost cost me my life.

Username: joebaby1975

26. Visitors

Media Source
Growing up I lived in a heavily wooded area that was several miles from the nearest town. I didn't have many neighbors and they were all elderly. We did not have a lot of visitors and almost no one came over unannounced.

One night, very late, when I was about 9 I was home with just my mom when someone started pounding on our downstairs door. We were upstairs at the time. It was incredibly loud and non-stop. My mom went downstairs and looked through the peep-hole.

She came back upstairs and called the police before telling me what was going on. She told me it was one of our neighbors outside, I didn't understand why she didn't try to talk to him and find out what he wanted.

The pounding continued for a solid 10 more minutes and then suddenly stopped. The police didn't arrive until a while after that. My mom talked to them and they left since no one was around anymore. I didn't find out until much later that our neighbor was actually outside, naked, holding an ax.

I don't remember the details of the aftermath very well since I was so young but I believe the police ended up going to his house and talking to his wife.

The guy had a brain tumor (I think?) that was affecting his behavior and had a habit of wandering around naked at night. The wife claimed he was just confused and not violent so they left it alone.

This was just the first time he showed up at our house. He came back and pounded on the door naked (sans axe) a few more nights and once showed up during the day (clothed) seeming really disorientated.

Whatever was wrong with him was later fixed and he was actually a nice guy. He brought over muffins once and apologized for his previous behavior.

But it freaked me the fuck out as a kid. I would have nightmares about someone banging on my door and trying to get in the house and me not being able to lock the door fast enough so they ended up getting in.

**Bonus story:**
Years later when I was a teenager I was babysitting my nephews at my brother's house. He had an enclosed front porch that was basically part of the house. There was only a flimsy wood door with a big glass window in it between the porch and the house.

Apparently someone neglected to lock the door between the porch and outside. Around 2am I was asleep on the living room couch near the door to the porch. Someone starts banging on the house door, meaning they were already inside the porch. There is just a thin, see-through, draping thing on the door window.

There is a guy out there and he can see me. I told him to leave. He refused and said he knew someone inside the house. It was just me and 4 kids inside. He kept demanding I let him in so he could talk to "Greg". I kept telling him he had the wrong house.

He was clearly drunk and pretty belligerent. After demanding he leave and refusing to open the door for several minutes he finally gave up and did leave.

But it was very scary and gave me flashbacks to my crazy neighbor pounding on my door as a kid.

Username: catzzzzzz

27. The Squirrel Yard

Media Source
One time my mom and I were going out for lunch. We have two dogs, one that’s 100lbs and another that’s 50lbs, so they aren’t small. My mom told me to let them outside before we left (they were gonna stay out and play/use the bathroom while we were gone), and so I did.

An hour later, we get back, and our dogs are not outside. Okay, maybe I didn’t let them out. We check the house, which is a one-story, ~1,000 square foot place, so not huge. Nothing. Well, maybe they ARE outside, and they just aren’t coming to us.

There are plenty of hiding spots in our backyard, with two sheds, a lot of trees, and a sectioned off area we call “The Squirrel Yard” (we once had a pet squirrel, but that’s another story) that the dogs could get into (since we don’t have the squirrel anymore). So, I go outside, searching everywhere for them. Nothing.

Well, now we’re considering the fact that our dogs got out. So, we check the perimeter of our yard. We have a 6ft privacy fence, so our dogs can’t jump it, but they have been known to dig holes under the fence. Here’s the thing: no holes. None. Absolutely no way they could have squeezed under the fence.

Now we’re thinking someone stole our dogs. Our 100lb dog looks like a pit bull mix, so it would make sense because of dogfights, and maybe they took the 50lb one for similar reasons.

Well, the thing is, they would’ve had to climb the privacy fence, because the fence is padlocked, and the locks were still in place. So how would they get these dogs OVER the fence?!

Nixed that idea, turned to checking our house locks. Maybe they came inside? Nah, everything was locked, even the windows. Well, maybe the dogs are inside, and they’re hiding? We checked everywhere.

Under the beds, in closets, even in rooms that were closed off. Nothing. I go back outside, and end up taking the grate off from our access point to the crawl space, and I crawl around under the house. They aren’t there.

Our last bet is to go search the neighborhood, even though there is logically NO WAY they could have gotten out. We leave the house, all the doors locked per usual, and beginning searching.

Nothing. An hour later, we come home, planning our next move. I’m about to go in the crawl space again when I hear my mom shouting for me.

There, laying in their beds, sound asleep, were our dogs. No one else has keys to our house, no locks were broken, all windows shut and locked. There is no logical way for our dogs to have left our property, and suddenly reappear.

And they were totally fine! One of them is scared of EVERYTHING, so I would’ve made sense for him to be freaking out if something happened, but nope.

This all took place over the course of three hours. We still can’t figure out how our dogs just disappeared.

Username: GhostCatMom

28. Tragical Arson

Media Source
A few months ago, a house burned down less than a mile from where I live. We used to be able to see the house from my house, and one time my dog ran away and ended up at this house.

The guy who lived there called me when he found her and I went to pick her up. He seemed nice and but my dog was very nervous which isn’t like her at all. She usually loves everyone.

Anyways. This house burns down and my volunteer firefighter fiancé responds to this fire. Firefighter crews weren’t able to get to the house because shots were heard and a SWAT team was sent in. House burns down to the ground because the scene wasn’t safe for first responders.

Once they can get inside the house (or what’s left of the house) to hose down the rest of the fire, they find one burned up, shot up body.

Neighbors know that two people, a guy and his girlfriend, live there and heard an argument, gunshots, and apparently saw a man running away from the house before it started burning.

So they lock down the area, national guard and SWAT are closing down roads and searching outbuildings for this man that supposedly ran away. They assume that this man is the one who shot the first person and set the house on fire, so the entire area is on high alert.

Mind you, I’m at work during all of this and extremely worried for my family, my grandparents that live next door to me, and my fiancé who is in this active situation.

There is apparently a shooter plus arsonist on the loose in my neighborhood. We lock our doors, but we have so many outbuildings and barns on our old farm that someone might easily hide in without our knowledge.

They later found a second body in the ruins of the house. Bodies were sent for testing and it turns out they belonged to the man and woman who lived at the house. Police believe the man beat up and shot his girlfriend, then set the house on fire and shot himself.

The person that was seen running from the house before it was set on fire was a worker from the nearby airport who went to see what all the shooting was about.

These details were told to me by my fiancé, who was on the scene (as close as SWAT would allow them while it was an active situation).

A lot of the public in this area doesn’t know the whole story. Just terrifying to know that something like this happened so close to me.

Craziest shit that has ever gone down in my area, besides the neighbor who does LSD and runs naked through our yard and that other shooting incident on Christmas Eve when we thought someone was pulling into driveways and shooting random houses but it turned out to be an isolated incident.

Username: janetmacklinFBI

29. Blank Canvas of Memory

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I have posted this before and it's not scary in the normal sense...but it is by far the scariest thing that has ever happened to me.

I was in grade school and we went to a field trip at our local park. Now I have google images of the place now and it is very different looking and less woods due to the park adding all these new things.

But anyway back then, there were 2 loops of trail, a bigger outer trail and a smaller inner trail. The inner trail circles a small pond and across the pond was a bridge/footwalk. The bridge is a bridge now back then it was just a wooden footwalk.

We were all told to due one lap around the big trail and meet back at the school bus. My friend and I were we decided to just veer off to the smaller trail and sit at the footbridge. We sat there and watched the other kids walking around the other bigger trail.

Not all of the bigger trail is seen by the smaller trail..but all of the smaller trail is visible through the trees. The smaller trail is like lower than the bigger trail...I tell you this so you can understand why this is so scary to me.

We sat there a while and I thought I saw a craw dad in the stream that led from the pond under the footbridge. I loved those things, so I jumped down into the creek to catch it.

I asked my friend to come down and help me, she just I am tired, I am just going to lay her and watch for the teacher..or something like that.

I remember trying to catch the craw dad and noticing my shoe was untied. So I bent down to tie it and then... well I was hungry and the sun seemed off to me.

I climbed back up to the footbridge and told my friend that we needed to get back. She said yeah and we headed back to the bus but it was gone. The kids were gone.

My mom and my friends mom was there, my principle was there, the cops were there as well as the fire department. They were getting ready to drain the pond...we had been gone for hours.

We were in trouble and we were accused of lying when we told them that we were at the footbridge. They said everyone was searching for us, they walked the footbridge and screamed our names.

They said we were not there and that we were hiding from them. But we were there. At least what part of that time I remembered we were there.

To this day, I don't know what happened. I can't remember anything and my friend...she hated me..we went from best friends to enemies overnight. She never talked to me about it ..I have nightmares sometimes today about that missing time.

What did I do? Where did I go? Did someone do something to me? I still don't know. It is just a blank canvas when I try to pull that memory up. To this day, the woods scare me. 100 percent true story!

Username: indianorphan

30. Pearl is Alive

Media Source
I attended school at El Dorado Middle School in Concord, a Bay Area suburb. In the 7th grade, I became friends with a cool chick a grade younger than me named Pearl Pinson.

We took the bus to school every day, because it stopped at Glenbrook, a middle school that had been recently shuttered. All of the kids in the neighborhood were provided free busing to the other middle school nearby by MDUSD.

Pearl was a cool friend. When I came out as bisexual in March 2013, she was ecstatic to have me as her “new gay best friend”.

We would hang out a lot on the bus to and from school, and at school as well quite a bit. I knew her older sister Rose as well. She ended up moving away and I kinda forgot about her as I entered high school and met new people.

[Two years later, I was being driven across the Benicia bridge towards Vallejo with my family, and I gasped out loud as I saw her face and name listed as “MSSING SINCE MAY 2016”](

>Fifteen year old Pearl Pinson was a sweet, funny girl who loved skateboarding with her brother. On the morning of May 25th, 2016, she packed her black and turquoise backpack and headed off for her routine walk to school.

Shortly after she left her home, around 7am, Police received multiple 911 calls reporting an incident involving an armed man and a young woman taking place on the pedestrian overpass at Interstate 780.

>Due to conflicts in eyewitness statements, an Amber Alert couldn’t be issued for nearly 32 hours, by which time Pearl had completely vanished into thin air.

When authorities caught up to her abductor, nineteen year old Fernando Castro, there was no trace of Pearl and before they could question Castro, he was fatally injured in a shootout with police.

>Castro died, and with him any information about why he abducted Pearl or where she could possibly be. Over the past year, multiple land and air searches have been conducted, but no sign of Pearl has been discovered.

Multiple theories have arisen in that time, and the further investigators probe into her disappearance, the more complex and frustrating it becomes.

I was shocked by this news. My aunt whom I am super close to (who is the same age as me) lives in Vallejo and attended Jesse Bethel High School - we were both shocked to learn from each other that we had been friends of Pearl, but merely years apart and in different cities and schools.

I have a hunch that Pearl is alive - no evidence, but that’s just what my intuition says. I think of her to remind myself of the dark realities that occur in this world.

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