People Are Revealing the Worst Thing They've Seen Someone Else Do and Never Told Anyone


1. Socks Was No More

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When I was a kid we had a cat named Socks. Real original name, I know. He had white paws and the rest of him was grey/black. Anyway, Socks was one of those cats who wasn't 100% indoors and he wasn't 100% outdoors either. He'd come in and stay a long time and eventually want to go outside, so we'd let him - he'd always come back.

One night Socks wanted out so we let him out. He went off to do cat stuff and run around the neighborhood and we didn't think anything of it.

The next morning we all get up and dad and I climb in the big ol' Buick to take me to school or something (I forget, I was only about 4 at this time). My dad goes to start the car and while it's turning over, it makes tihs weird sound... it doesn't start quite right. My dad has to do it again and it makes the weird sound again.

Dad was a bit of a mechanic/fix-it kinda guy so he gets outta the car to inspect and see what's going on underneath the hood. He pops the hood and I hear him say, "Holy shit."

Obviously, something not good is going on underneath there, so in my 4 years of wisdom I start to climb out of the car to inspect the damage as well.

"No, ADubYou, get back in the car. Stay in the car," Dad says. So, I kinda slide back into my seat and sit there quietly until I hear what can only be a cat's meow. I yell out to my dad and ask him what that was. He tells me that Socks got in the engine (probably to warm up in the middle of the night) and was hurt *real* bad.

I see dad grab one of his old towels that he keeps in the garage to rip up for rags when he's working on something. He wraps it around something (which could only be Socks), and walks out of the garage. As he's walking by me he says, "Whatever you do, stay in the car."

Dad takes Socks around the corner of the garage and comes back to grab something I can't quite see. My door isn't shut all the way so I quietly slide out of my seat and walk around the corner to where my dad took Socks. I'm curious as to what the F is going on.

Dad has his back to me and I see him standing over Socks. Socks looks like hell. He's all cut up and stuff. His tail looks like it's hanging on by just a shred of skin, it kinda looks like one of his eyes is missing, but he's still alive. He's just laying there and he's still alive and I'm horrified.

This is like something I saw on one of those Stephen King movies my brother made me watch. Even in my young age I know that Socks is not going to make it no matter what we do.

The small town we lived in also meant that the closes vet was a 15 minute drive away... damn small towns. I also see what dad came back to grab... a sledgehammer. We weren't family that had guns so it was his first thought to put Socks out of his misery.

Dad brings the sledgehammer up quickly, holds it over his head, and brings it down twice as fast right on Socks's skull. Socks is no more.

At this point I start crying and dad turns around and sees me. He's got tears in his eyes too, but he's not crying, really. "I told you to stay in the car, dammit," he says kinda quietly. I turn around and get back in the car while my dad cleans up. It's never mentioned again.

Username: ADubYou

2. Welcome to America

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Nine years ago I was doing a contract abroad. After a couple months a bunch of people I worked with were going outside of the city for the weekend and invited me to come too.

It was about 2 hours of highway and 30 minutes of dirt road. The house was on top of a hill and we only had one neighbor that wasn't there the first night. On the other side of the house there was a dual rail track.

At about 2AM we woke up to an alarm. It was the neighbors house and since they knew he wasn't there two guys just ran over to see what was going on. They came back after 20 minutes and they said that there was a broken window, dirt on the floor and the pantry was open. They called the owner immediately and told them about it. We all went back to bed.

Right after breakfast the neighbors arrived to see the damage and what happened. Everything went back to normal for a few hours until I noticed that the two guys that ran to the house when the alarm sounded, the neighbor and his brother were talking together away from the group.

I looked at one of the guy I knew and he looked back at them and said something and they all looked back at me. I was afraid they would think I was spying on them or something but they gestured me to come talk to them.

I started walking towards them and I didn't have the time to say anything that I heard someone yelling on a radio the neighbor had on his waist. One the guy grabbed my arm and started running, he was just saying "Follow me! Run!"

We ran towards the trail track and climbed the rocky hill and started running next to a parked train. One by one they all climbed on a wagon with a ladder. I was the last one to cross on the other side and I was surprised to see that there was another guy with a radio and he said something like "They were here about 5 minutes ago, let's go chase them".

We all ran for like what seems like 5 minutes then one of the guy in front suddenly stopped and looked towards a small hill. We just stood there silently for 10 seconds and then the neighbor started yelling "Come out!", "You can't run forever". At about the same time, three young boys and a man stood up in the hill. That's when time slowed down in my mind.

Everyone except me was yelling, the neighbor pulled out a revolver, I had never seen a gun before, he raised it towards the sky and in my mind they had to be blanks why would someone need real bullets. He shot once and I heard a whistle slowly getting away from us. I figured they were real.

The three boys and the man started running uphill again and as I was looking at them I heard three more shots and impact sounds in the tree leaves.

Everyone was silent looking at the hill, they all seemed to have disappeared. The guy with the gun said "Come out now and I won't shoot at anyone else". The three young boys immediately got up with their arms raised and walked down the hill.

While the boys were walking towards us the guy with the radio left heading back to the road. The boys were all very slim and young. One of them looked my nephew which troubled me a little. The youngest was a black boy that was seven years old, the other ones were 11 and 14.

The neighbor started asking them questions like "Why did you break into my house?", "Why did you steal my food?". They said they hadn't have anything to eat for days and it was really dry lately so they had nowhere to wash themselves.

He asked about the man, they said he was just another homeless and he was 40 something. I didn't know why but we all waited there silently for like 10 minutes until the guy radioed something like "The police is coming".

We got the boys closer and stood around them to make sure they wouldn't try to run away. The guy with the gun looked at me in the eyes and put the gun in the back of his pants. While making the international don't say a word sign and I nodded. I remember having a feeling of acceptance and trust.

Two cops showed up. The neighbor explained everything omitting the gun shooting parts. One of them put on gloves and started feeling their arms. I learned later that it was part of a field test for general health. If they're in bad health, malnourished, infections etc. they have to send them to an hospital, if not they have to let them go away.

The cops asked them their age, names and where are your parents. All of the boys' parents were alive but too poor to provide for them. They let the boys go. I had never seen someone run barefoot in rocks that fast.

I hadn't said a word yet and I didn't want to. Although I could understand everything I couldn't speak the language very well. The cops started asking each of us general questions for identification.

When it got to me someone spoke up for me. They said I was a foreigner, I didn't speak the language. They just looked at me and one of them said "Welcome to America".

Username: TenTenSix

3. Daddy’s Sandwhich

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A friend of mines, we'll call him J, once got me a job working for a Subway when we were 18. J and I were pretty likable and before long we were running the night shift alone, cutting out early to hit the club (Daytona Beach) and then coming back by 2 am to close up.

On one of these weekends we get really hammered, get back to work and decide to clean up the store and break down the bain (Sandwich Island) then eat and hang out for a bit.

As we sit there hiccuping and slurring a guy comes to the window begging to grab a sandwich for him and his little girl. We feel bad, it's late and everything is closed.

We let him in and set up the station to get him the one 12' he asked for at the door. This is when he pulled out the list. THE LIST! Fucker ordered 11 sandwiches. All 12' specialties. OK. Fine. Our fault.

As we're doing this a sweet blonde comes in. Fuck. Whatever, serve her too, but she'll have to wait. This time we lock the door though.

Anyway, dude is there finishing up his order when he proudly states "OK, now for daddy's sandwich!" and proceeds to make some complicated bullshit with banana peppers and fetta cheese and black olives.

My buddy says "Oh!, those are in the back, I'll go grab them." He takes the sandwich to the walk in freezer to grab the olives. Odd. Olives are under the bain, oh well, I move on.

"How can I help you ma'am?". I get half way through this simple order when I hear J: "Hey, A, can you come back here really quick, I can't find the olives!". I comply. When I get there I see J, sandwich in hand, dick in sandwich, grinning. I just walk away.

A moment or two later my buddy walks out from the back, hands the dude his sandwich and sends him on his way.

The blonde proceeds to casually flirt with J almost immediately upon him coming into the conversation. They laugh, have a nice chat and then she asks for jalepenos.

"They're in the back" J says.
"No. He wouldn't..." I look under the bain. Oh, thank God! They're really in the back. Phew!
A couple of seconds later he comes back, the transaction is completed and she leaves. He grins at me.
"What?" I ask.

He points down to his apron. Mustard is on it.
"Why?" I ask, "she was nice, dude."
Without batting an eye J responds "Did you see her? She was hot. A woman that sexy deserves to know what my dick tastes like."

And that was the worst thing I've ever witnessed someone do. Needless to say my buddy was never allowed to handle my food again.

Username: PigeonWings

4. Tale About a Douche-Canoe

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So there's this guy that seemed to end up at a lot of the same parties as my brother and I, we'll call him douche-canoe. The first time around he just seemed to be your run of the mill fuck for face, just avoid him and you'll be all good kind of thing.

But by the end of that night we witnessed him hit his wife twice (they both went outside, she came back with marks) and literally give her a fucking time out in a side room for getting "too giddy".

I'd love to have done something to this dude but he was a big, angry construction worker type and a cousin of the guy who's house we were at. So I would have been out sized and out numbered.

So around the 3rd mutual event, which happened to be at our house, this ass bag really got comfortable with us and let all of his shittiness out.

He told me he was going to shove his dick down my throat because I told him to stop pissing in my mom's flowers, he was constantly telling his wife she was making herself sound stupid when she spoke, and worst of all he didn't show up wearing a costume as the invite (that he didn't get) stated. Dick.

So later on we hit up the bar in town, and this being a small town it's picked up on very fast that this man is not local. Trouble is very near on the horizon, and I am excited as can be.

So douche-canoe's cousin ends up getting pushed by a real high and mighty drunk guy because he told a louder than he should have holocaust joke and suddenly all hell breaks loose.

Douche-canoe and his cousin end up getting beat on pretty hard inside the bar and get removed for causing trouble/not being from around here. Well turns out during the ruccus my friend Jenn got hit in the face by a local guy who she's actually friends with, while trying to break stuff up, total accident.

But I wanna see this guy get his ass handed to him so I go tell the tough crew that douche canoe outright assaulted her and send them out front for round 2.

So just as I'm about to follow them out the guy's HAMMERED wife comes up to me and just starts making out with me to a disgusting level.

But I got into it just for the sake of being able to say I kissed this guy's wife. And to keep her away from the horny wolves who had now noticed she was alone and way too drunk.

Anyway I can't do it anymore so I head outside to see if the fight's still on and this is legitimately what I get the miracle of witnessing.

It's douche-canoe, about to get arrested, pacing back and forth and slightly crying in that angry 3rd grader kind of way with 2 black eyes and massive egg on his forehead.

Then to put the icing on the cake he turns to me to save him and asks if I knew what happened, so not only does his fate lie in my hands, he has NO IDEA that this was almost all me.

Anyway, I tell the officer all I heard was there was a fight (enough to confirm the truth and take him away) and tell douche that his wife is just hanging out with the other girls and she's fine.

And just to top it all off, she went home with another guy that night while he spent the night in jail. And because I hear she's still alive, he's never found out. KAAARMAAAA!

Username: BoobTitPhillips

5. Just to Watch it Bleed

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Sort of late to this thread but its worth sharing as this is seriously fucked up. I lived in a regular city but there was this one part of town that was wilderness, not a park or anything, but a place for gang hideouts, squatters, drug addicts like you wouldn't believe, and just bad people in general.

Now this place is next to the newest CSU school so its not like we're in the middle of nowhere but on the border of that place there is this seriously shitty street where I happened to live.

I have no idea how this place was so hidden, it was a side street that was 100m from a hotel, but it looked like another country. When I say that everyone on this street was somehow involved in drug trafficking, I mean everyone.

A neighbor's abusive boyfriend was a big time narc who constantly beat her and although she had three brothers, two of which were big dudes who could easily defend her, they never spoke up and were to busy fucking their own girls to care about what happened to their sister. She has a 7 year old kid btw. Anyway, this is the sort of shit that goes down here.

Seriously, fighting pit bulls were bred here and this runner guy got mauled by one but because he didn't have papers, he couldn't get treated for the infection he got. It was just a filthy place with a really bad atmosphere.

Now I did not fit in here. For starters, I'm Russian so I always got weird stares and couldn't walk with my head up without same guy saying what I'm looking at.

Anyways, the abandoned shit over by the small forest was always interesting to explore being an urban exploring enthusiast but I got tired of going alone, really dangerous too they did animal sacrifices up there and more than once was I chased by gangbangers.

So I go exploring with one of the brothers of the girl with the narc boyfriend and he was around my age, 16, and he brings his pellet guns (thank goodness they wern't real), a rifle and handgun, and calls one of his buddies to come down.

So we're just shooting at cans and tried to climb a thirty foot tall tree house we came across in the swamp when Alberto (the brother) starts talking about how much he wanted to shoot something for real.

We had come across lots of animal corpses so maybe that turned on his wild side. We were already on our way back when he goes crazy and unloads the rifle like a maniac, laughing. Something fell over in the tall grass.

He ran up and was shouting how he got it and the other guy and I follow and we see this rabbit with a gaping hole in its thigh, spinning around frantically trying to escape but his leg was useless.

The fear in his eyes was so intense. I asked him why the fuck he did that, that he had no reason to shoot her. He pulls out his handgun and presses it against the rabbit's body.

I hear the shots and see the gun recoil and I just stood there doing nothing. I thought about grabbing the gun from him bt was aware at the shitstorm that would cause with his family and what they would do to me if they found out i fought him over a rabbit. The rabbit was still alive, twitching and giving offthis really disturbing sound.

Alberto then pulled out the rifle and pressed it against his head. I started to walk away and as my back turned i heard the shot. He late told me about how he once slit a coyote's throat just to watch it bleed.

Username: TSFHfan

6. Right in the Giblets

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Like many people have mentioned, I too used to always have fantasies of being an hero to us all, and stepping in and helping people who were being bullied.

My proudest moment as a child was stepping in on a school bully making fun of a kid in 3rd grade, and basically ending the constant stream of bullying that kid had been getting from the bully. I was so proud of myself, and the kid's parents actually knew mine and told my dad. My dad had never been more proud of me, and it was one of the best feelings in the world to know.

Fast-forward 8 years. Now a senior in high school, I was one of two captains on my school's varsity baseball squad.

For whatever reason, I still felt this same attitude towards people who were being bullied for other things in school. (Went to school in the Texas, had to step in and physically stop bullying on homosexual kid in school by basically physically threatening the kids picking on him)

But, for whatever reason, I had somehow subconsciously justified that hazing younger kids on the baseball squad wasn't the same because I was, "making them tough". Sort of a battle-hardening mentality.

Well, stuff was mostly innocent. We would leave practice and make the freshman all pick up, make them bring us breakfast on fridays, rough them up a bit when we'd play football before practice, etc.

Well one day, I get the genius idea that we should make a sling shot and prank the freshman when they get in the locker room. So the guys get together a folded up construction paper "hornet". Well, to my other captain, this was not good enough.

He returns with an resistance band about a quarter of an inch thick with a pile of magazines. He proceeds to fold up the magazines into these hornets, and stretches the resistance band all the way across a hallway. (5-6 feet; it takes all my strength to stretch it to about 4 feet)

Anyways, one of the kids we gave a particularly hard time to starts heading through the corridor, and the other captain and two other seniors(We are the only 4 near the fieldhouse and up there) stretch it out and prepare to shoot it at the kid.

He comes through the doorway, and this thing shoots off like a rocket, *wayyyyy* faster than we had expected. I would say in excess of 120+ mph. It hits him directly in the groin, and all of us, including me, erupt into laughter.

We walk over and notice he is just bawling. He tried to walk to the trainer but couldn't stand on his own, so we picked him up, got him ice, and took him into the locker room.

Turns out, we just nailed him, and he took it right to the testicles. The other guys basically threatened/coerced him into saying that he did it by getting hit with a ball out of the machine while we were taking batting practice.

The kid had severe trauma down there, and wouldn't tell any of us specifics as he would just get so embarrassed talking about it, he would almost always start crying.

He missed 8 weeks of baseball(almost his entire freshman season), could never really coexist with any of us four for the rest of the year without feeling extremely uncomfortable, and I'm pretty confident that an injury like his had to have had some lasting impression on the functionality of his man parts. I never told a coach or other adult about it, and have always continued to keep it to myself.

As a more mature adult now, I am ashamed that I wasn't able to stand up for him. For some reason, I never had a problem standing up for people at the hands of "bullies", but when I had become a bully myself, I didn't have the courage to stand up for what is right because they were my "friends".

I still feel bad about it to this day, and I know it's not as heavy as some of these life-and-death situations by a longshot, but its still a situation that affects me to this day.

I have since apologized to the kid and made amends. He has told me since that he understands that I felt uncomfortable with how we handled it, and it wasn't intentional to hurt him the way he did, but he still felt uneasy talking about it with me when I tried to ask him if it messed anything up.

Username: tdctud

7. Teacher Helped Us Cheat

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I went to a somewhat sub-par small Catholic High School in central New Jersey. My senior year I took AP calc with 15 or so other students in my grade.

Some of them were my friends, others were just people I got along with. Nobody really flat out hated each other in my grade, there were about 100 of us and we all kinda just got along (except for a few situations), formed our own social groups (2 or 3 loners).

Anyway, we're all prepping for the AP Calc Exam over the course of the year. There are only threeMath Teachers at my school, we'll call them A, B, and C. C teaches geometry and computer science, awesome dude. B teaches B and C level (standard and decelerated) math programs, while A teaches all of the honors math courses as well as AP Calc for Seniors.

Anyway, mostly everyone in my Calc class had had A as a math teacher for all of their high school career, she could be a hardass, but she was a very well respected teacher and she did an excellent job of driving the information home. To this I day I believe its because of her that I'm able to pursue something as difficult as engineering... but all humans come with faults.

Over the course of the year, we would meet in the school cafeteria to do practice problems for the AP exam every other sunday evening. It was pretty helpful, she'd buy us all pizza, and we'd also get a half hour or so to hang out and talk.

The night before the AP calc exam (which i believe was April? Im not sure... I graduated in 2010) she treated all 16 of us to go out to dinner at a pasta place in our town. Awesome!

We all have our meals, and we're all looking forward and feeling confident about the exam tomorrow. I felt pretty confident, like I could get a 3 or a 4. and I would be satisfied with that.

Our meal ends, we're about to leave... when she says... "okay everyone, now... lets discuss seating arrangements for tomorrow."

She was serious, she had analyzed all of our strengths and weaknesses so that we could sit together at certain tables and help each other cheat (our proctor was a very old old guidance counselor). I was dumbfounded... one of my favorite teachers was going to help us cheat on the AP Exam. I was too surprised to say anything... my other classmates gathered around excitedly.

She assigned us based on what are strengths were... "This_is_a_throwaway2, you're good at related rates, so you can sit at this table and help E, G and C. They can help you with integration techniques."

"sure" I replied dryly. Everyone else seemed so excited to cheat and get a good grade, I couldn't help but be sickened by it.

The next morning we took our exams, and everyone else, minus two of my classmates cheated. They even went so far as to take some of the free response questions (they were sealed in an envelope during the break) up to her and ask her to give us some tips on the questions. (Our proctor had given us a half hour break).

I just sat there and took my exam. I didn't cheat, I didn't help anyone else cheat, but I can't help but feel guilty because I didn't say anything.

What bothers me even more is that many of the students in my class ended up being in the National honor society, including our Valedictorian (our number one ranked student) and our number two ranked student. (NHS at my school was just the top 15% or so). I missed out by one rank.

I couldn't help but be disgusted, knowing that nearly every one of those top ranking assholes cheated. Half of them ended up getting their scores cancelled when they were found out though, two got 4's. I got a 3 on my own, and I was proud of it.

I cant help but be disappointed in myself because I didn't report it or anything, for all I know, this is still going on. Blah. I know this isn't the worst thing ever, but its still pretty sick to me.

Username: This_is_a_throwaway2

8. Bar Brawl

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I used to bartend at a quiet dive bar in a sleepy little town to make some extra money while I was in college.

One night I had to cover a shift for somebody at the last minute so I packed up some schoolwork and headed to the bar after class thinking there would be enough downtime for me to do my homework in between filling pitchers with beer. I was right, it was dead except for a couple regulars, but then this young, already drunk couple came in, and I just knew they were going to be shitty.

They were trying to get free shots out of me but the owner was there (drinking, not working) so I really couldn’t be lenient with their tab. The guy was an ass to me for expecting him to pay for his drinks, and every other word out of his mouth was just more talking down to his girlfriend.

Then 2 other guys came in and ordered a pitcher and sat at one of the tables instead of at the bar. After awhile the boyfriend from the drunk couple started playing pool with one of the guys who got a pitcher, and the girlfriend started dancing with the other guy who got a pitcher.

They all seemed to be having a good time, so I put them on ignore in my head to do some homework that was due the next morning. At one point in the evening I went to empty the trash in the bathrooms and when I knocked on the men’s room, nobody said anything so I walked in.

The boyfriend was in there waving his floppy dick at me telling me I could help him out if I wanted to. I told him I really didn’t, and went to the girl’s bathroom to empty the trash.

Except he followed me while drunkenly hitting on me. As I walked in I heard some giggling and moaning but it didn’t really register because I was trying to tell the guy following me in to get the fuck out.

But we both realized what we were hearing . Two people in the stall were having sex. The only girl in the bar was his girlfriend. I watched that register on his face, and HE LOST HIS SHIT.

He pushed me to the ground to get me out of the way, started banging and pulling on the stall door to force it open, it opened and the little guy she was fucking popped out and ran like hell out the door. Then the boyfriend starts beating her.

He just starts punching her in the head and I’m screaming for him to stop and trying to wedge them apart but I’m fucking little so it was obviously to no avail, he just kept knocking me to the ground. I didn’t want to leave them alone without witness so I’m screaming from the bathroom for help. She’s fucking bleeding all over the place.

My regulars burst into the bathroom and lift him off the ground and drag him outside to teach him a lesson. I help the girl back to the bar and clean the blood off of her face and give her some ice to put on her head. She’s crying, ASKING WHERE HER BOYFRIEND IS, telling me to go get him because she wants him.

I’m like, lady you need to dump his ass and you know, not fuck strangers in bars. Especially when he’s there. But she wants him, the police come and she refuses to press charges or file a report.

I reported what I witnessed, but nothing ever came of it. She didn’t want to go to the hospital either, she just wanted to leave with him. Two separate officers ended up taking both of them away but I don’t know what happened to them after they left.

I quit after that night. There was much that was wrong with all of it, it makes me sick still. When I was a kid I watched my mom’s boyfriend smack her around and I was going to post about that, but somehow just watching this guy punch this girl in the head as hard as he could while she’s crying and bleeding seems so much more violent than anything I witnessed as a child.

Also, my mom left. This girl was crying and begging to get him back. I just...I don’t even...does not compute.

Username: rheabs

9. Secret Drowning

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When I was about 5/6?, I was at a holiday party of some sort (Pretty sure it was Thanksgiving) at my aunt's house.

I didn't have a lot of cousins or relatives my age on this side of the family, so I was basically on my own at all of these functions. I've had unmedicated ADHD all my life, and as a result was causing a commotion in the house.

My mother decided to get me dressed up to go play outside. She told me to go get a snowman started or something, and someone would come out there and help in a bit. There was a fresh snow on the ground, only about 2 inches total, but good snowman snow.

I was a under the impression that I was being punished for poking my younger cousin in the face with a carrot until she cried. I hated being sent outside for 'punishment', and I was angry... She told me to go out and to BEHAVE!

I went wandering around out back, did what angry boys usually do, smashed things with sticks. I was throwing icicles at things, creating small snow 'enemies' that I was required to slaughter.

The enemy created an ingenious floor in the back yard, I could only step in one place once, then it turned to lava. As the massacre ensued, I began to run out of room. Soon I would be cornered. Then I saw it. The place I was not to go. The place my Aunt warned me about when we arrived.

"Do not go play back by the shed, it's dangerous back there right now. We ar...bla...bla..bla, something, hole...bla...bla", she said.

The whole yard was covered in my tracks, broken ice chunks, rivers of lava, and mutilated snow enemies, But there was one spot in the back corner of the yard, a 2' circle where the snow was about an inch lower than the rest of the yard, and it was perfect. Now, up until this point, I'd held my own against the enemy... I needed a headquarters to organize my final assault on their base.

This part of the yard, this small circle would have to be the place. It was the PERFECT place to build my headquarters. Without hesitation I ran toward it, dove over the enemy attacks and landed on this circle...

The thin layer of ice broke instantly...

I fell into a hole, that must have been 5 feet deep. I have no idea what this hole was doing there. My snowpants and winter coat soaked up the water, they started dragging me down.

I couldn't touch the bottom. I couldn't swim because of the 2 sizes too big Sorel boots I was wearing...I was sinking. My head went under, I was in shock.

I grabbed an errant stick and jabbed it in the ground best I could while trying to claw my way out of this hole. I went under again, and forgot to take a breath. I lost a boot, and that allowed me to swing a leg out of the hole and roll to safety.

I was so embarrassed by what happened, and I didn't want to get in trouble for being in the forbidden area of the lawn, that I sat in the garage for 10 minutes.

I heard calls from the patio "trevbot, where are you?"
"trevbot, come back inside, it's cold out there"

My grandma came to the garage to get a soda, she saw me sitting, shivering. She asked me what happend to me and I started bawling. "I don't want to get in trouble. I'm sorry. I don't want to get in trouble again!"

Grandma got me dry clothes, and didn't ask any questions. I went inside and she told my mom I must have slipped and fell. No one ever knew how close I was to dying that day.

Username: trevbot

10. Pretending to Be Asleep

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When I was younger my mom used to take me over to a family's house in our homeschooling group. Being the tomboy I was, I always played with the boy around my age. I had to have been around 6 and very sheltered.

He used to pressure me to do things like kiss and, being the idiot kid I was, I'd sometimes go along with it. Eventually he started to pressure me more and wanted me to take off my clothes and other various things.

I firmly refused until he eventually pulled a pocket knife on me and threatened to cut me if I didn't go into the closet and take off my pants. I refused and left the room.

After that I hung around my mom and his mom when we visited. I could tell something was wrong but I didn't really understand the situation.

Prior to this I'd slept over at their house once, and remember being mad I had to sleep in the girls room since I wasn't really friends with them. Being the night owl I was, I didn't fall asleep for a while.

That night the older brother crept into the bedroom and got into the bed with one of his younger sisters and molested and possibly had sex with her.. I don't really know. I pretended to be asleep.

Eventually the older brother, when I was around 9, molested a 5 year old girl who told her mom about it. The police investigating came over and asked me questions if I'd ever had anything happen.

I swore up and down that nothing had happened, even though he said he promised I wouldn't be in trouble. I didn't believe him though and worried my mom would be mad at me.

Turns out the father had been molesting his 2 daughters before the mother found out and divorced him, and the sons had learned it from him. I don't know what came of it all.. or what ever happened to the younger brother I used to play legos with.

Around 14-15 the older brother was at a party with kids around my age, and when my mother let me know who he was I stayed the fuck away from him. Last I heard he was actually doing okay for himself, but the brother I'd never told anyone about had some issues.

I regret never telling that officer about the younger brother, because I don't think he was ever able to get the help he probably needed.

Edit: You know, the most fucked up part of it all was that the mom whose daughter had been molested, and my mom who supported her, were ostracized by the other mothers in the homeschooling group. Instead of trying to work to get some kids help, who clearly needed it, they harassed the mother whose daughter had been molested. As if it had been her fault for disrupting their perfect and religious little homeschooling community.

Username: [deleted]

11. Generational Trauma

Media Source
I feel like I've blocked all these things out of my memory. Here's one though, that I have told people about, but it's unpleasant and I try not to think of it.

When I was a little girl, I'm not sure how old I was - some age between 1st and 3rd grade. We lived at Camp Pendleton and my dad had just come back from a tour of duty overseas.

Him and my mom would get into fights all the time and I had the idea that he would hit her, but I had never seen it. I'm the oldest child, and at the time there was my brother and sister there too. One evening they start just screaming at each other, and things get heated so I tell my brother and sister to go outside.

I went with them, but I stayed at the screen door watching because I was scared and... well, shit, I don't know why I watched. Anyway, all of a sudden my dad draws back and punches my mom in the nose. Blood just explodes from her face and she's screaming and I can't remember what he did, but *finally* the neighbors decided to get involved.

They called the police and the ambulance and I have a blurry memory of her getting carted away. The last thing I remember is seeing all these big red drops of blood on the cement. I have no idea where we went after that or what happened to my father. They got back together because that's what abused people do - usually.

I will say this, after this I was in an abusive relationship. (Oh shit, I've never told anyone this BONUS!) I had no idea I was in an abusive relationship because I had no idea how anyone would let themselves be treated that way. Not me! I said. NEVER. Then I started dating this guy, and little by little he chipped away at who I was and I became insecure and always needing him.

So then he would start play wrestling - especially when we were arguing. I would brush it off because he said it was "play" wrestling... right? That turned into him putting me into submission holds and other forms of abuse that weren't hitting me so I found ways to justify it. Eventually I got called out by one of my best friends and I snapped the fuck out of it.

I then dated this guy for a few years, we lived together and things were pretty good. He was really jealous, but I didn't think too much of it. One night we went out with a couple of my friends who I tended bar with. A girl and a guy to go play pool.

I spent all night talking with the girl, so no big deal, right? WRONG. On the way to our house he starts freaking out, screaming at me. We get to the house and go inside and he's freaking the fuck out.

My guy friend, I suppose, had noticed that John* was acting weird so he came to my house to make sure everything was alright. I thought it was okay and that John was just going to yell and then pass out so I sent him away.

After my friend left John blew up even worse. He grabbed me which shocked the shit out of me and threw me into the bedroom door which broke like a movie scene. I then realized how seriously this situation was so I tried to get out of the house (one fkn door).

As I try to get past him he grabs me again and throws me onto our bed. He's pinning me down and screaming in my face, but I'm screaming "SOMEONE HELP ME! CALL THE COPS! PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!" at the top of my lungs.

So then he's yelling shut the fuck up! Of course I wouldn't because I'm scared as fuck and so then he bites me on the cheek.

So I'm screaming louder, and all of a sudden I just see stars. That fucker punched me across the jaw. My cheek was sliced open on the inside so blood just starts pouring out of my mouth.

I swear this was like a movie scene it was so crazy. At that point I guess he realizes that he fucked up and feels bad and gets off me. I jump up, run into the bathroom, lock the door, and just lean my head into the tub watching the blood.

I slept there, and when he finally left the next day I went to my friend's house and filed a police report. Then I went to the house, got all the shit I could fit into my car and left the city.

Username: harangueatang

12. Bullies on the Bus

Media Source
When I was about 14 I was travelling around London with my parents. We got on a bus, we were sitting on the top deck minding our own business.

A few stops later a bunch of girls got on, sat across from us. There were about 5 of them. I could smell the trouble coming because the undertone of their conversation were not friendly.

At the time, my english was not good (I moved to England to study when I was 13, and I am originally from Hong Kong).

My dad told me that the group were verbally abusing one girl, something to do with a boy apparently. Very quickly though, it escalated to full blown physical abuse. They started slapping her and yelling at her, one after another.

Then one of the girl (I am guessing the leader of the pack), started punching her face and pushing her face against the window, banging on it everytime when she did it.

Me and my parents didn't move, we observed the whole situation, not knowing what to do. My dad got on of the lady sitting in front to go down and tell the bus driver.

We were hoping that the bus driver would stop the bus or something, calling the police also came to my mind, but I was hoping that they would stop. At this point, the girl's face was swollen and there was blood around her mouth. My dad went over and asked them to stop what they were doing.

Now, my dad is a tall thin Chinese man with glasses, nevertheless, he is (was) an experienced criminal lawyer, and was threatening them to call the police. The girls just asked him to fuck off and mind his own business. The bus kept going, and the lady never came back up. So it was them and me with my parents.

My dad sent my mum down (worried that they are going to start abusing me too, that is why he sent her down instead, because he said someone need to witness this whole situation, and where I was sitting, I would have to go around them to get downstairs), to reiterate what is going on in the upper deck.

They were still hitting this girl and shouting at her. My mum came back up later and told me and my dad that the driver is not going to do anything. Eventually, my dad stepped to, and the bunch of them got off the bus. I don't know what happened afterwards, no police was called.

I feel bad about what happened, in hindsight maybe we should have just called the police seeing the lady didn't came back upstairs, and that the bus was still going.

Since then, I have witnesses 'bullying on the bus' in London twice, the first time another guy managed to get the bus to stop, police were called and statement was taken.

The second time, I was sitting next to a lady who got abused, I helped her by stopping the guy hitting her (using my fencing bag), and I went to the police for statement and lent her my phone so she can get a ride off of her family.

Username: slittyeyes

13. On the Tracks

Media Source
Former volunteer worker in Eastern Europe. I was on a two year assignment and friends from college would visit me and I’d give them a tour of the country as I spoke fluently and knew my way around.

During one of these trips I saw the most evil thing ever in my life.

My friend, let’s call him Dan, was asking me about my impressions about the country. I shared that I saw the most beautiful and amazing traits of people but then the most painful and horrifying seemingly in the same day. There was a painful beauty about the country. Our train was already 10 minutes late and I told him we’d just have to keep our eyes open to understand.

Then, almost on cue, a police officer began to jab a drunkard that was sleeping it off on a bench. The poking got more aggressive till finally the man fell off the bench while shaking. The drunkard was disheveled and angry and began grunting.

The station worker walked away when he got him off the bench. While loudly grunting and screaming cuss words at the worker he grabbed the bench and picked it up over his head and then smashed it to the ground. It broke into a bunch of pieces.

Out streamed two more police workers and they proceeded to punch and kick this man repeatedly and use all of their night clubs. When this ended minutes later they threw him into the closed second class waiting room.

Thinking this was over, Dan commented about the cruelty and heavy handed nature of the police. I started to say that it’s just more lawless and started on how police brutality is definitely a thing in the states too.

Just then a woman screamed from the waiting room and we watched her run out of the room. The blinds in the room were drawn but began to move as his hand reached up and began tearing them all down. In marched the police officers again and they began screaming at him and beating the drunkard again.

At this point I didn’t know how much more fight this man had in him. They dragged him out bleeding from the room and propped him against the wall, sitting on top of the broken bench he destroyed. We thought it was over. We really did.

This is country with a lot of stray dogs. And during the all times of the year the puppies of these dogs make up a small furry balls that you can spot in random, albeit bizarre places. I was used to identifying them against corners of buildings or near vents on the ground where they would stay warm.

I watched this man, bloodied and half dead reach next to the wall and grab two new born puppies and stand up. He had them over his head.

We were probably 20 feet away. I did not have time to explain to Dan what was about to happen or to look away. I looked away.

He told me later that, he watched the man raise the puppies over his head and then throw them as hard as he could onto the train platform. One immediately died. The other welped in pain and fell onto the tracks.

The other puppy, white and cream colored, I watched as it limped and screamed in pain on the train tracks, multiple bones were likely broken. The drunk fell to his knees, slapping the ground hysterically laughing. The police officers re-emerged and with them now the officer for the train station.

They surrounded the man, the station manager saw the scene and then began screaming and then took the night stick and began beating the man furiously saying, that he would kill him. The police officers and the conductor picked up the man from all sides.

Each appendage lifted from the ground as they dragged him out of the station. The drunk kept screaming and his screams faded as the farther they went and were overtaken by our train pulling into the station.

Stunned we got onto our train and found our compartment and looked out the window at the puppy still crawling on the tracks.

Username: our_winter

14. Five Trash Cans of Dog Poo

Media Source
I used to be a traveling teacher, traveling between four elementary schools and a high school in a small town.

One of my elementary schools was in a neighborhood with meth labs and frequent shootings, and right across the street was a horribly run down porch that *always* had a big, mangy looking German Shepherd tied up outside, just within biting reach of the sidewalk where kids walked.

Naturally, he was cranky from being tied up all the time. The house was in such bad shape that I was convinced that one good pull from this dog would tear the whole thing down.

One morning, while coming out of my first class of the day and getting ready to go to the next school, I see the big dog with his jaws around something on the ground and hear squealing.

I assume the dog has a rabbit or a squirrel, but move in closer and see that he has a Jack Russell Terrier that he is squeezing and chewing on. The little dog has a large gash on its belly and is bleeding.

I immediately yell at the dog in the biggest voice I can muster to get him to back off without putting myself in harm's way. He does, and the little dog moves a safe distance away but is so disoriented and injured that he just kind of staggers onto a different place on the lawn and collapses.

I keep having to yell at the big dog to keep him away. Meanwhile, my phone is in my car and nobody is outside of the school. Finally, someone comes out of the school and I ask them to call the police and animal control.

As I'm waiting, the owner of the dog comes out and asks what the commotion is. I explain and he sits on the porch. He must weigh 500 pounds. Then his buddy comes out and grabs the big dog and takes him inside. He then starts to try to pick up the little dog.

I beg him not to because the dog is scared but he does it anyway, and the poor little dog just staggers off in fear, leaving a trail of blood everywhere. I yelled at him for that and for keeping his dog on a chain.

Meanwhile, the 500 pound man just glares at me. Eventually the cops and animal control came. The little dog had to be put down and his owners were found at fault because he was out of his yard.

I later heard from a neighbor of the two guys that when they finally got evicted from the house and had all FIVE of their dogs taken away, the house nearly had to be condemned and torn down.

The owners of the house went in to clean up after them and gathered no less than 5 large trash cans full of dog feces from INSIDE the house.

My principal told me the next day that he'd had poor interactions with both of those guys and wishes that I had not even spoken to them before the cops arrived, because he had no idea what they would have done to a young, 20-something female messing with their dogs. Horrible human beings.

Username: stpatsbaby

15. Truck Full of Douchenozzles

Media Source
This happened to me just a few days ago, and really isn't that big of a deal compared to most, but it was just so fucking stupid and infuriating and it's fresh in my mind.

I was with some friends and I broke off with a couple of them to grab some food, so we went and ate and were headed back to the place where the rest of the group was.

I was driving, and on the way a pickup truck full of guys (probably 17-19 y/o) blew past us with their windows down yelling shit and putting middle fingers out the window. All in good fun I assumed so I gave them the finger back and did it with a sort of goofy face, didn't yell anything, etc.

The truck full of douchenozzles proceeds to freak out. They pull in front of me, stop really short at a red, and one of them gets out of the car.

At this point, I'm just baffled that they even care at this point but I didn't realize they were being raucous just to try to start shit.

The guy who is outside the truck, clad in a neon shirt with the sleeves cut off gets out and says "You got a fuckin problem man?" I just put up my hand and shake my head, and he responds by saying "Well then why'd you flip me off then?" I'm still in disbelief of their douchery, and just said "because you did it to me first?"

He escalates, informing me and my friends not to fuck with him, for he is of significant strength and will fuck up all three of us. At this point I just decide not to poke the bear anymore and sit there stone faced waiting for him to get back in the car.

The rest of his friends got out of the car and just sort of stood there, but eventually they got back in, and ran the red light. I was assuming they were done.

However, they were not. We were in a left turn lane, so they ran the red to go up ahead and block the road I was turning onto horizontally. They left the right lane open, but as I got close I saw their reverse lights flip on and I stopped.

Then they rolled down their window, and the guy in the passenger seat who had gotten out of the car earlier was pointing a FUCKING SHOTGUN at me.

I'm not sure if it was real, but I was luckily able to turn into a a shopping center from where I was so I didn't have to find out. My friends were convinced it was a real gun.

From that point they sped off and we made it back to our group, but it shook me a bit. I was glad I was able to keep my cool through the situation since I was responsible for the well-being of two other people in the car, but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't pretty scary for a little bit.

Username: [deleted]

16. Holding Liza Hostage

Media Source
Friend at the time (call him Joe) ruined a week long group vacation in Gulf Shores, Alabama at a rental beach house by drunkingly holding his gf (call her Liz) "hostage" in a room.

When I say hostage, I mean he didn't let her out of the room. No one knew of the situation either since Joe took her phone (yeah, Liz could have yelled help, but fear can make you think twice).

I had no idea since my gf and I slept through the whole ordeal and didn't find out the next morning. As Joe fell asleep, Liz managed to get her phone back, texted one of our friends upstairs and with their help, snuck out of the room.

Apparently, everything settled down for an hour or so until shit hit the fan again. Liz went into the bathroom to get ready for bed when Joe woke up, heard her in the bathroom and proceeded to get unruly.

The next morning I woke up to a broken door frame into the bathroom. On account from the people who were awake at the time, turns out Joe woke up and realized Liz was gone. He became furious, went upstairs yelling and demanding where Liz was.

He went down stairs and foundd Liz in the bathroom getting ready for bed. For reasons unknown, Joe broke the door and the door frame to get to Liz. Joe didn't harm Liz in anyway. He just broke the door in.

What made matters worse was my gf signed the lease leaving her liable for damages. The real problem was we were literally leaving the next day. We confronted Joe about what he did.

This mother fucker had the balls to tell my gf and I "Don't worry my dad works on these houses all the time. I'll call him and up and he'll talk to someone." I seriously could not believe it.

Fucking really? Does this dumbass know that we are far from home, have a broken door frame, and that we leave the next day?

My gf managed to make an agreement (more like a demand) that her and Joe would go to the company when they turn in the keys and in writing will admit that he damaged the house, will take full responsibility, and will pay for the damages. Due to legal contract, Gf had to pay $350 cover fee because she signed the lease.

Luckily it only cost ~$50 to repair so she got the $300 back. What's worse is even though Joe said he'd pay for the damages, it took 3 months for his parents to pay my gf back.

What's worse is he still never explained to us what the reason was for breaking the door in.

Username: Danmasterflex

17. We Called it S**t Water

Media Source
Parris Island circa 2018, mid November or so, Chosin Range towards the upper part of the Depot, legend goes Full Metal Jacket was filmed in the barracks up there, fourth battalion if I remember right. Pretty long trek from 3rd Battalion and main body PI.

Anyways...After all the shooting was done you as a recruit get tasked out to different cleaning details. Some go clean the Pits, which is where all the paper targets and target pulleys are, some go clean the Heads, which is the Marine term for bathrooms, some police call the firing lines, which is just picking up anything not organic and throwing it away. I and two others from my platoon got assigned to clean the Heads.

Now there are a few things to note here. Parris Island is old, its facilities are old, very little is renovated and it's a constantly wet island surrounded by saltwater marshes. The environment corrodes metal and ruins concrete, very very harsh as it is, it doesn't help that thousands of bodies are marched, ran, and pushed through said island which adds to the deteriorating conditions.

The Heads at the ranges do not get maintained like the more important sections of the island, I'd wager to this day there hasn't been a plumber called to assess anything up there, nor anything out towards the BWT portion of the island, if anywhere past where the squadbays and shit are.

Recruits have limited time and extremely strict rules to follow, failure to accommodate for either results in you getting screamed at, made to do something humiliating or physically strenuous, if not the entire platoon being fucked over. You figure it the fuck out or it's a huge painful thorn in everyone's sides.

Keep this all in mind moving forward. In the center of this putrid smelling, yellow stained concrete piss room is a mud covered floor that maybe once was clean and wasn't a biohazard to even be near, and you as a tired, mentally anguished and beaten recruit, have to clean this with toilet paper, an extremely small amount of bleach held by one recruit, and sheer fucking ingenuity. The one tattered mop you have to work with is blackened by the sheer amount of bog mud and brackish water that's either tracked in or leaks in. Also, as a plus, the drain that's supposed to drain all the water, piss, and whatnot is so poorly maintained that it will often regurgitate what it swallows, sometimes just muddy water, sometimes black raw sewage. You never could tell, never made an effort to figure out which out of genuine fear and disgust. We all called it shit water.

You have to make do. We had five minutes to make it as clean as humanly possible. So you clean. You fight back puking from the smell of god awful shit fumes and piss ammonia, you ignore the weird stains, strange fluids, and dried debris on the walls and sinks and toilets, and you try not to look at all the thousands of crudely drawn dicks and poorly etched names and platoon numbers from past recruits, you clock out mentally and pray when you finally check back in you aren't face down in the floor or covered in the filth you're meant to clean cause another recruit is frantically rushing through his own tasks near you.

This was my reality at the time, I and my fellow recruits cleaned feverishly and haphazardly until we ran into an issue that most of us didn't want to deal with. A huge cockroach, or some damn near identical bug crawled out of the drain in the floor, it was as long as my middle finger and it was skittering around aimlessly in a tiny pool of grey shit water.

The DIs expected the Heads to be clean. Bugs, especially cockroaches, are not clean. And anything that stands out can always give a DI potential ammo to fuck with you, as a recruit you learn quickly to leave nothing uncovered, nothing unhidden. Give them no reason except their own boredom or initiative. God only knows what they'll do when they see a huge fucking bug.

We stare in disgust at the bug in its shit water pond, unsure of what to do, not wanting to do what we all know we're supposed to do, and praying it goes back to hell from whence it came.

Suddenly there is a deep sigh, and a muttered "fuck it."
We all turn to look.
It's my friend, reaching down, blank look on his face, and grabs this cockroach.
He grabbed the fucking thing in the shit water.

Fingers go into the shit water, curl around this huge bug, and there was no mistaking the distinct sound of crunching.

He throws the mangled carcass in the trashbag and uses the rest of the bleach to clean his hands. Time runs out and we all have to scramble outside and back into the grinder. My friend didn't look back once we left, didn't seem phased, never heard him express remorse afterwards.

I'd like to think he was clocked out, just going through the motions, but one has to make a conscious decision to do something like that. He accepted his fate with that "fuck it." I think he knew what he had to do, and did it with no shame, oorah you sick fuck.

Username: Eusophocleas

18. What is Wrong With People

Media Source
Senior year in highschool, I started hanging out with this guy. He was my neighbor so we became good pals. Basically the summer before grade 12 we were thick as thieves. Camping, road trips, parties. A good dude to hang out with. No sign of anything strange. He chased girls same as me, shoot your shot, get shot down move on. Nothing odd.

Around early November, because the ground was frozen but it hadn't snowed yet. He met this girl in school. Looking back she was a hard 10. Beautiful, smart and this super kind person. I crushed on her, but this dude was IN LOVE. Obsession, very unhealthy obsession. He kept on telling me he had "dibbs" on her. I couldn't convince him that wasn't how this shit works.

He would walk the halls at break to find her, and just watch her. He tried to ask her out and was shot down nice enough. I was there with my g/f at the time, she just said "no thankyou I'm not intrested in dating right now." Should have been enough but he kept stalking the halls looking for her. We had a few shared classes, gym and SS.

All he ever talked about was strategy to get her to like him back, fake fights he could win, gifts left in her locker (he was actively trying to crack her lock so he could do this), after school he would beg me to drive past her house just incase we could offer her a ride somewhere. It was fully fucked. Or so I thought.

One day, were at another buddies house. Videogames and bong-a-long. After a smoke session the three of us are playing Mario party, the original, and this fucking guy just starts talking. We were doing a mitigate where you hammer stuff or hammer each other?

Either way he just starts talking. "I need your help. You guys listen. I have a plan. Thought about this alot." We stop and look at this guy. "So I don't have a chance with (girl). No hope, her dad came to my house and told my parents I had to lay off.

Like the cunt is getting me in shit with my parents!" I'm like no duh dude. But we just nod our heads. "I need your help. I want to kidnap her. Like we can call her house and get her to come with us to do something, we just lie about something and get her into the truck right?" I say "kidnap her?

Like straight up kidnap her?" He continues "Yeah, like yeah, she isn't like going to just hang with guys like us. We need to do something, just get her in the truck man, do what ever it takes right?" I asked him what's the point of kidnapping her? "Well chick like that doesn't give it up for guys like us.

We fucking take it! We get to fuck her! I'll raped then you can, then (other friend who's jaw is on the floor at this point) can fuck her too. We drive her into the woods and fucking rape her all we fucking want."

I was in shock, like blood draining from face, cold clammy hands, shock. I felt like I was already being chased by the police.

This guy looks back and forth between me and my other friend until other bud asks him what do we do with her when hes done, I am positive he knew what the answer was already. But psycho says "Its the woods. We leave her there." Me "so murder?" Him "You said it. We can't get caught if we do this."

This conversation ended pretty abruptly when my other friend told this guy to get out of his house. Of course he tried to play it off like he was just fucking with us but that was damage fucking done.

I ended up telling the principal of the highschool what happened and what was said, my friend not the insane one corroborated my story and I his in separate interviews with the police.

It turned into a massive shit show for the nut bars family and they ended up moving. People contain the darkest of dark shit.

Username: Meatsim001

19. Two Lovers

Media Source
During training for Northern Ireland back in 2002 we had to do rural training, basically training for the event that a bomb had been found in countryside.

The other patrols all had to dig in and do their three man trenches, while we were stuck on satellite patrol, basically patrolling around the entire (very large) area all day and night until the bomb had been deactivated.

About 3am and we'd been on the go since early o'clock the previous day and were absolutely exhausted, our boss called a 5 minute pit stop for some water and to rest our legs.

When one of us saw a car pull up in the distance with the headlights off, we all think it's the course staff about to hit us with an incident as we'd already had a few happen (including a real local who was out mushroom picking while actually tripping off his tits on magic mushrooms).

So the team all agreed 'fuck you we're getting you first' and started crawling towards the car in total darkness. The plan was to sprint the last few metres, torches on to dazzle them, smash the windows, and drag them out kicking and screaming.

When we made it to car with our loudest "GET OUT OF THE FUCKING CAR NOW" and rifles bearing down to smash the windows, torches illuminated the interior, but the staff weren't in there, instead we found two young gentleman, one with his trousers around his knees and the other doing his best mouth to south resuscitation.

After a few torch and rifle strikes to the windows before it registered what we were seeing on the other side of the glass, well these two young lovers let out the loudest screams I've ever heard in my life as we all stood there with confused looks, torches still illuminating the interior.

Unluckily for the driver, he was the one getting a gumsy from his passenger so had to struggle to pull his trousers up, still screaming of course, all while twenty soldiers in full camouflage, cam cream the lot, stood there open mouthed in shock and watched with confusion with rifles pointed at them both.

The woods sounded like somebody was being murdered with all of the screaming, and the poor guy then stalled his car as he tried to burn out of there and our last sight was him still with his dick out, wheel spinning away as if his life depended on it, as his passenger was crying out every prayer he could think of as he thought he was going to die.

Username: Neddius

20. Retail Sewer Story

Media Source
Retail horror story, it’s wordy but bear with me. Had a regular customer and his brother who were textbook examples of unable and unwilling to care for themselves. Both easily 600 pounds. Still to this day don’t know how either of the pair fit into our bathroom since it was once a literal broom closet.

Worth noting that the smell of decay and shit accompanied them everywhere, likely due to their physical inability to wipe or clean themselves in any meaningful way with their T-Rex arms.

One day they come in, one wants to warranty a wrench that was from another company. The second disappears toward the bathroom.

Half hour or so goes by. They leave with a new wrench bc we would’ve given them anything to get them to go. Whole place smells like a July outdoor concert porta potty.

Our mildly twisted but extremely cool Nam vet goes to clean the bathroom. A battle was waged that day and there were no winners. Opened the door to see mystery liquid mixture on the floor. Very clearly shit but with parts unknown intermingled. I voted that it was hand soap. I pray it was the hand soap.

Shit on all three walls and the door, the sink, the toilet and the mirror. And of all places, the goddamn ceiling. Nam vet took a day off with pay for his efforts as well as leaving immediately after cleaning. Burned his uniform that night and declared that it was one of the worst things he had ever seen.

Another time, same pair. Being the young man of the crew and generally slower on the uptake, the old hands saw their vehicle coming and disappeared leaving me to my fate.

Unbeknownst to them, I did not give a single fuck having seen the first incident, I too abandoned the counter and fled. Hopped in a truck and went a few blocks away to wait it out.

Understand dear reader, the incident I mentioned was my first interaction but was not the first time it happened. For years and with zero shame they came, they saw, and they shit all over. We needed an answer. And finally we came up with a solution.

Each time they came in an employee would sacrifice an hour of their day and lock themselves in the bathroom. And wait. And listen to the angry jiggle of the doorknob.

Nah that didn’t work long either, they just started using the women’s room. But, happy ending, owner was there one day and witnessed the shameless shitting.

He politely explained that they were to “get the fuck out of his store” and to never for any reason come back and not to go to any store he owned anywhere else.

And if they did come back they would be locked in the bathroom until it was better than they found it. Never saw the owner upset much less red faced angry before that day or after. They never did come back.

Side note: in an unfortunate twist their last name rhymed with sewer so their nickname was ready made and required zero effort.

Username: Budget_Macaroon_1057

21. My Homicidal Twin

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Well I didn't technically see the whole thing, but my twin Brother shot both my Parents.I suppose you guys probably don't care about the full story but if anybody really does, here it is.

My brother was my best friend since we were born (identical twins) but in grade school we were both really anti-social and somehow I took it better than him, I try to remember him as the guy who I confided in, and him in me but I don't know how I ever can.

But as we grew he definitely got depressed and in high school he was bullied, I stood up for him the best I could but in all honesty the only reason I didn't get bullied as well was because I hung out with gang members who people didn't really fuck with.

As my brother went further into depression he started to get reckless, he stole stuff and would come home in police cars constantly.

2 days before he did what he did he told me he was thinking about suicide and I thought I talked him out of it, the next day he was extremely happy and I thought things were looking up. We went for a drive and drank beer on the cliff side, he was my old brother again.

March 3rd 2006 was the day it happened, I don't know why I kept the date but it sticks in my brain permanently. I woke up and said hello to him and my family, had breakfast and then jumped in the shower.

About 10 minutes in I heard my dads voice, he sounded scared, then I heard 4 loud pops. I ran out of the shower with shampoo in my hair and I didn't even grab a towel, I saw my brother lying on the floor crying holding a gun against his head.

My mom was still alive, lying against the sofa gasping, my dad on the other hand was dead, he had been shot through the neck and the chest.

I dont even remember what I yelled, but my brother yelled sorry and shot himself. Now imagine this, a naked 16 year old kid with shampoo in his hair barely audible over his sobs holding a phone talking to a 911 operator.

After all this the government didn't even help me, I became homeless and resorted to pickpocketing. I met my now wife on the streets, she was another pickpocket, she however never even had a home. When she asked about my parents I told her they died in a car accident and then I became homeless.

Long story short we eventually got off the streets together, got married and now we have a kid on the way.

Username: [deleted]

22. Beatings For Hot Wheels

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About a decade ago, I was working in a video store (before they all went extinct). I was the only person working in the store at the time.

A woman came in there with her son that was about 4 years old. It was a slow day and nobody else was there.

They were browsing around and then the boy picks up a $.99 toy Hot Wheels car we had for sale there and asks his mom if she'll buy it for him. He doesn't throw a fit, or anything.

He just calmly asked. This woman snapped. She slapped the toy out of his hand, yanked him off the floor by his arm (which could have dislocated something), and begins giving this kid the worst spanking I ever saw someone get in their life.

The kid just kind of moaned in pain and looked right at me. Any other kid would be in tears, but I'm convinced that he had experienced enough of this that he got used to it. I'm still haunted by this kid's face. To me, it was just the look of "please, help me."

I was stunned. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what store policy was. I didn't know if she was even breaking the law.

I wanted to say something to her, or call the cops, but I honestly didn't know what I should do. This woman wasn't punching this kid. She was spanking a kid, which a lot of society was and still is totally fine with.

But child abuse is one of those things that you know it when you see it and this was abuse. I was just fresh out of high school and didn't expect I'd have to deal with this kind of thing in a video store.

She then drags the kid out of the store by the same arm she lifted him off the ground with, throws him in the back of her car without buckling him up, and drives away. I never saw her, or the kid ever again.

I saw someone abuse their kid and I did nothing. I looked in the eyes of this defenseless kid being abused and let him down. I've felt like total shit over this ever since then.

It totally changed my view on spankings. I honestly think it leads to a lot more child abuse in this country. There's no way I could ever do that to my kid, or watch anyone do that to another kid ever again.

Still, I feel no better than that mother. I let her do what she did, probably because I was afraid of losing my job. No telling what else this kid had to go through after that because I did nothing.

Username: bracomadar

23. Playboys Gang

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I posted this once before , ignore all the grammatical errors. English is my second language. I grew up in Korea town , Los Angeles.

I attended Hoover elementary school, where I met my best friend Carlos "charlie" . We we're inseparable since then, all through kinder until we hit the 5th grade..

We we're walking home one day when members of MS 13 pulled up next to us on the sidewalk. A tall darker skinned Hispanic vato approached us and asked " where you from ese " ..

Charlie replied with no where. We we're both offered to join, well more demanded than anything. Another bald headed vato gets out of the vehicle and asks Charlie " isn't you're brother silent from Playboys gang?" ..

We both felt that tingling feeling of fear up our spines immediately. Charlie tell the man that his brother is Silent but that we're in no way affiliated with him or his gang.

We pleaded .. The driver of the car pulls out a revolver . Charlie and I froze instantly terrified. I saw my best friend , my brothers backside of his head explode ... He fell.

I broke down and tried talking to him . The second I fell on my knees, the vato in the car shouted " kill that leva too no witnesses" .. I don't know what possesed me but I sprang up and ran!

We we're almost in the corner of the block anyway so as I ran I cut to the left immediately .. The tries to follow but it was in the middle of the day.

Well more like 4 but either way it was crowded and it did not take long for me to get lost in a group of people after I hit the corner...

After Charlie's funeral his older brother "Silent" approached me with an offer.. I wanted revenge . I wanted those fucken mierda secas to pay... That was the summer I joined PLAYBOYS 13.

Within a week I had been jumped in.. 13 seconds of the worse beat down I had ever imagined. I got fucked up. It took about a month we after that for my homeboys to find the puto that killed Charlie ..

We found him and his two brothers, also members of mierda seca". For the record mierda seca is a derogatory name for MS13 . It means dry shit in Spanish ..

Once we found them .. I got what I was looking for... I gangbanged for 11 years after that.. . I am 30 now married with 3 kids and live in a small red neck town of Arkansas ..

I found me a wonderful country woman to finally tame my ass and make me the man I was always meant to be... An honest man.

Username: El_mojado

24. The Squeals

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I must have been no older than 6 years when my parents and I were traveling from Montreal, Quebec to Burlington, Ontario. At a sensible speed, this takes roughly 8 hours. At about the halfway point is a city called Kingston.

The highway that cuts through is called the Highway of Heroes, colloquially known as the 401. You are surrounded by manure and trees for the most part.

There is a stretch somewhere around 50km east of Kingston, however, where there are beautiful cliffs cascading along the highway that splits into a single-lane two way transition onto the 401 off of a southbound road, trailing from Ottawa.

In the wintertime, these roads are not maintained as they should be. Black ice is prevalent and enormous volumes of snow will sometimes shake themselves loose from the walls on the east side of this road. Accidents happen all the time. These details are crucial. I dream of these cliffs and small valleys.

We reached this part of the commute mid-evening, so the western sun was lighting up the copper and bronze walls of indistinct rock. It was and remains as beautiful as it sounds.

Incoming traffic glides along the cliffs while we have nothing but a pitiful cable strung through poles and intermittent chevrons. If an accident happens, there is only hope in luck steering you away from this fence and oncoming traffic.

As we came around a bend, a truck hauling pigs was approaching from the southeast. From this point in, all things I claim of this accident are inferences based upon the most vivid memory in my life to date.

We were a dozen car lengths behind the sharp turn when the truck hit a patch of black ice and lost control.

Depending on the cargo, a full trailer will weigh anywhere between 15 metric tons to 40 metric tons. Since we have pigs in the shack, it's safe to say it was somewhere closer to 15, which is considerably heavier than the tractor itself.

Taking its turn, the trailer swung violently and off the edge. The truck followed. Shaken, a dozen cars and their passengers froze onto the shoulders of the cramped highway.

My parents exited the vehicle to survey the damage. I followed. I heard the mess before I saw it. Pigs squealing and steam escaping from the totaled truck. Otherwise, pristine silence.

I remember looking out past the ripped cords and torn guard-posts to a pile of pink and red contrasted heavily with the white snow around it.

Some pigs were struggling to breathe while some exploded from impact. There must have been at least 70 of them, dead or alive. The squeals. Like screaming and drowning infants.

Username: courageballs

25. Nice Clothes

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Being a big guy (6'4 and 285lbs) I read this and think "fuck that! lets kick some ass!" I forget, that not every 15 year old kid beat up by a step dad is my size. When I was 15 I was already 6' and 200lbs and I liked to fight, and I had a LOT of fight in me.

The kind of built up aggression that scares me to think about. The kind that would take a bullet or two to actually stop me if I was coming after you.

When I was a senior in high school I took a PE class that was right at the end of the day, easy-peasy way to finish off my afternoon. The gym in my high school had 3 classes at once, 2 freshman and 1 senior.

At the end of the period all 3 PE classes had to line up for a roll call to make sure no one ditched out after changing.

I watched a freshman boy all out punch a poor girl in the face just for being poor and for not having nice clothes. I dont mean he slapped her or anything, he closed-fist punch her in the face.

I grew up 'old school' where that shit absolutely does not fly, you dont hit women, ever. This poor girl was sobbing with an obvious soon-to-be black eye and could do nothing.

It was awful, I felt terrible for this girl who didn't have many friends and was just a scared freshman. It killed me inside to see this happening and went against everything I was raised with. I didn't even think about it.

I walked right over there in front of 3 teachers and probably 100 students and just gave that kid everything I had in one punch and leveled him.

(Senior vs freshman) I picked up that bloody piece of shit and literally threw him down in front of her on his knees and made him apologize to her.

And not just say, "i'm sorry" but to mean it and I would only accept it if she accepted it.

I was suspended from school for 3 days for it, the bully didn't even get into trouble. I ran into her over 10 years later at a gas station and she remembered me and thanked me for what I had done saying she never forgot me.

It still makes me hurt to think that asshole is out there somewhere probably right now beating his wife or kids or something....

Username: [deleted]

26. Guilty Hell

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Ever since my freshman year of high school, I had this total and absolute infatuation with this one girl. She had (still has) the type of overwhelming natural beauty that initially prevented me from even thinking about her sexually because I was so in awe I didn't want to degrade my view of her with my wanton teenage lust.

Suffice to say I based a lot of the type of person I was for YEARS on what I thought might appeal specifically to her (haircut, clothes, sense of humor etc).

So, fast forward to senior year (prom night after-party, no less.) She's been dating one of my good friends since we were freshmen.

She and I had become pretty close friends (she was cool and funny and liked to drink and party with the best of them) but I was careful to never do anything overly-flirtatious or suggestive out of 1. a sense of respect for my buddy and 2. the terrifying idea of her discovering how I felt and rejecting me.

So it's senior year, prom night, late, everybody's drunk and having a great time, and she finds me outside having a smoke and says "I have to tell you something"

Pulls me aside and proceeds to just lay it out there "I like you...a lot. I have for a long time"

Cloud nine. To this day, I've never experienced a more potent rush of romantic bliss. The affirmation of all of my secret hopes and desires! The girl I'd literally been dreaming about since the day I met her is standing in front of me, telling ME she has feelings for me.

I didn't even worry about her boyfriend being my buddy, as I had no intention of being "the other guy" in their relationship, the knowledge that this previously unattainable goddess actually wanted *me* was enough. At first.

It took a few months, a lot of solicitation on her part, and several more drunken party situations, but things gradually escalated from a mutual knowledge of attraction into a full-blown "affair". And the sex was better than anything I could have possibly imagined.

She was also much freakier than I had assumed (am currently sporting a semi just from the memory) and she definitely got off on the sneaking around (glaring warning sign).
All this time I'm overwhelmed by guilt but I cannot stop seeing her. I even remember proposing we stop once and she accused me of fabricating the seriousness of my feelings for her.

This is going on too long but to wrap it up, the secret came out in a dramatic fashion. I was permanently labeled 'scumbag' by most of our social group, I didn't even care and I'm so obsessed with this girl that I try to maintain a long-distance relationship from the college I went to (five hour drive from her). She cheats on me. Heart=broken.

I don't know why I expected her to treat me any better than the friend I stole her from, I guess I was blinded by what I thought was romantic serendipity. Oh how I wish I could say I ended it then and there.

Five years of relationship roller-coaster later and I've got my three month chip for no interaction besides her texting me a few times and my polite, but monosyllabic replies.

To this day, I don't know if it was worth it for the life lesson, or if the life lesson would fly out the window and we would end up fucking like animals in the nearest closet if we ran into each other today. *shudder*...*(also boner)*


27. Whight Knight

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I've been told that I'm a whight knight. I'm the first person to defend people's feelings, or side with the underdog. Its dangerous and stupid a lot of the time, since the mediator is on the 'injured' list in more scuffles. But I'm proud of the trait, and its part of who I am.

The single time that I failed to listen to this voice in me, the single time that I failed was a few years ago in high-school, and it still haunts me.
It was a big Halloween party that most of my grade (35-40 kids) was attending. Most of the kids who weren't attending were absent because they were at a different, significantly less populated and less credible party.

One particularly unstable couple and my school straddled this rift, with the guy lying to his girlfriend and sneaking out to the larger party, and the girl staying with her friends at the smaller party.

She was already and unstable girl, and while I didn't appreciate how manipulative and dramatic she was, we were friendly with one another, and I was usually there when she was looking for someone to talk and vent to.

At one point her scumbag boyfriend gets a call from her. He's abusive and drunk, so he picks up. She was under the impression that he spent the night at home, and she can hear music and people so naturally shes confused, and probably pretty drunk herself.

At this point most of the kids at the are gathered around drinking and smoking (This was in Europe mind, so it was legal for kids our age to be drinking and smoking), and we can all hear the conversation because both of them are shouting over the ambient noise.

He's mocking her, telling her he's here, and shes not because hes too cool for her. Telling her that he never loved her, and he's breaking up with her.

The drunken cattle of my highschool are laughing at how mean he's being. Egging him on. At this point another legendary douche (this one has actually already graduated and has simply failed to move on from high-school parties) takes the phone, and starts REALLY making fun of this girl.

Mean, mean shit. Bringing up race, her depression, her appearance. Telling her no one likes her, telling her that shes a loser. I'm watching, and I'm listening. But thats it. I don't move. I don't do anything. He holds the phone up and yells into the phone:

"Do you hear that? Thats the sound of everyone laughing at you. That's the sound of everyone laughing at you".

I should have stopped him. I could have. He was tall and cut, and he was a fighter, but I could have tried, and I should have. This girl tried to kill herself that night.

And the next night. She was almost successful, but was found by her parents quickly enough to be rushed to the ER. I knew how unstable she was, and I let this happen. I watched.

I have nightmares still. Its the one thing I would change if I could. I like to think I act with honor and dignity in my life, and that is the one moment I am ashamed of who I was.

Username: EggAtix

28. Cannibal Piggies

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My Junior year of college, I lived off campus in a two-bedroom apartment with someone I had only recently met- we'll call him Eric.

Eric and I decided to get a guinea pig, since we were allowed to have small animals in our apartment- but no dogs, cats, etc.

So we picked up a cute little baby guinea and bought it a nice cage and toys and all the works. Eric also had two adult guinea pigs back home, and one weekend he brought them back without warning/asking me.

So we had 3 guinea pigs living in one medium-sized cage- all living in Eric's room. I wasn't going to pay for the food for 3 guinea pigs.

I told him I didn't have enough money to handle 3, and he said he'd cover the 2 adults he'd brought down. A couple weeks went by, everything was smooth.

Then, one day out of the blue, I stopped seeing Eric at the apartment. He was gone for days before I texted him. He never called or texted me for weeks. Turns out he had no money to pay rent and was living at one of his friend's houses.

So, I had to shell out money to feed/clean these 3 guinea pigs on TOP of paying two portions of rent/utilities. At this time, I was living solely on student loans- no time for a job in my schedule whatsoever. I did not have the money to keep feeding them.

I fed them anything I could. Month-old celery, ramen noodles, pickles... in general, things guinea pigs should *not* eat.

I didn't have much to feed myself, let alone 3 extra, adorable, furry mouths. So, one day, I shut the door to Eric's room... I gave them plenty of water every day, but I simply couldn't feed them.

I don't know if you know this, but guinea pigs let out a horrifying shriek whenever they're hungry. They did this for almost a week... all hours of the night. It was like living in a haunted concentration camp.

A few days later, the shrieking slowed down. I felt awful- but I simply couldn't handle funding them all on my own. I asked around to friends to see if anyone wanted them. Perhaps I wasn't as proactive as I could've been.

Eric's dad eventually came to gather his things. One of the guinea pigs was dead, and the other two were still somehow alive.

I shudder to think, but I'm 99% sure they had eaten parts of the dead one, based on Eric's dad's reaction. I told him I did not know they were still in Eric's room.

Username: Hexodus

29. Meth House Chauffeur

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I dumped a homeless person off at a meth house. Story: It was winter, about 0F outside, and 7AM. I was working an overnight shift and had been doing 32 hours of overtime a week for about 8 weeks, doing physical labor.

I was dead tired and I get to my car and this old lady is sitting in it, shivering. I park in a chain link fence + barbed wire parking lot, but they just leave the gates open at all times.

My doors were unlocked because I had nothing in my car to steal and my car itself wasn't worth stealing.

I didn't see her until I had opened up the door. So at this point I'm standing outside my car with the door open, this shivering old lady is looking at me and just keeps saying "I'm so cold".

She asked me if she could spend the night at my house. I was still living with my mom, saving up to move out.

My mom wouldn't let me have friends over the entire time I grew up, she'd flip right the fuck out if I brought a stranger with me.

I turned my car on and put the heater on full blast and we sat in the parking lot, talking. She kept making really outrageous claims and would keep putting her hands on my face to prove how cold her fingers were.

I noticed what teeth she had remaining were brown and she acted was acting a bit like the meth addicts I've ran into before.

I told her there was no way I could take her to my house and asked if she knew of any shelters I could take her too. She said she had a friend about a mile away that would let her stay the night.

We drive over there, it's in basically the worst part of town. Lots of houses around there tend to explode and burn down when meth production goes wrong.

I'm already having a bad feeling about what I'm dumping her off into, but I don't know what else to do. Then she tells me her friend will only let her stay if she has money.

The only cash I have on hand is a $20 bill, so I give it to her knowing I'm dumping her off into a bad place, but I just wanted her to be somebody else's problem at that point. I just didn't care.

I still don't know what I should have done, I don't know of any shelters that haven't closed down.

Username: 684692

30. User

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My first ever relationship ended with very little drama after a year and a half. She said she didn't want to be in a relationship any more, she needed some time to herself, she was still young, and so on.

She had been struggling with some personal issues for a while, and needed some time to herself.

Of course I said she should do what felt right, and I told her that I was there for her if she needed me. We then promised to remain friends.

We did remain friends, but I got a bit (very) depressed over the next few months, and ended up dropping out of school for a year.

Not going to school, and not going out in the weekends, of course resulted in me seeing very little of that girl, and any of my other friends for that matter. In my mind, this was of course her fault, and I made sure to tell her that.

This, strangely, did not make her come over to my house to see me, and so I did the only rational thing to me at the time, and called her a fucking whore, blamed her for all of my problems, said I was thinking of killing myself, and that the only thing that could possibly stop me was if I could just see her again. So much for her getting some time to herself.

This went on for a fucking year. Holy shit, it went on for a year, and I just got worse. Calling her useless, ruining her self esteem, just in general doing anything I could to try to break her. It reached the point where if we walked past each other in the street she would begin crying and running away.

8 months ago I stopped this. I was tired of her, and certain that the reason I felt so mad all the time was because she never answered my messages, of which I sent plenty. If I never saw her again, I would be so happy.

Over the next 6 or so months I realized what a fucking idiot I was, and two months ago I hand wrote a 4 page letter, apologizing profusely, and trying to make everything right. Telling her she wasn't useless, making sure it was clear that I regretted my actions, and wanted to take them all back.

She fucking accepted my apology. By no right in hell do I ever deserve her forgiveness, but I got it. I actually ran into her at a party a few weeks ago.

I was there with my current girlfriend, and she was there with her new boyfriend, whom I hope is a better person than I am. We had a few drinks and enjoyed herself. She mentioned she was still struggling with some issues.

I have never been so genuinely sorry about something in my entire life. I hope she turns out great in the end, and I will make sure I never become such a tragic, sad, demented excuse for a man ever again. **I am so, so, sorry.**

Username: 3500280611