People Are Reliving the Creepiest Memories That They Haven't Tapped Since Childhood


1. Taco Bell & Blood

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When my parents were still together (I was 4 or 5 years old) we had just moved to a new house and my dad was rarely home. He did work a lot. But he also made no attempt to be home early or go to school things etc. my mom gets upset they fought and he was making an attempt to make it right.

He really was trying. What I didn’t know was my dad was drunk. A lot. All the time. He’s get mad over stupid shit but he’d walk away. My mom did nag him all the time as well even when he legit was trying.

They would fight a lot more than normal. And he’d start getting aggravated and punch holes in the walls. One night he came home with Taco Bell kind of late my older sister and I were already in bed.

But I heard my dad walk in so I got up to go say hi. He was gonna eat in the living room on the coffee table and watch tv. He said hey, you want a taco kiddo? And of course I said yes. And we were silent eating tacos and watching tv. My mom got mad and said it’s too late for her to be up and eating which she was right.

My dad flipped the coffee table across the room. I scream and start crying. My mom yelled at me to get out of there (for my safety) and I just freeze. I can’t believe he did that. He then grabs a glass bottle of what ever liquor he was drinking at my mom. It shattered and glass went everywhere.

My mom was bleeding and my mom starts screaming for help. I run to my sister who is asleep and wake her up and she can hear my mom crying. We try and break it up but my dad pushed us off. My sister grabs the phone to call 911 and he grabbed it and threw it at the brick wall.

So my mom starts yelling to go to the neighbors house to call and all of us run to the front door. My dad is blocking our way out. I tried to go under his legs to leave and he kicked me so hard it knocked the wind out of me.

My sister made it thru and my dad gets so angry. He picks up the dinning room table and pushes my mom against the brick wall with the table.

She was screaming. Her face was changing colors. He was going to kill her. I scream so loud and charge at my dad and bite him anywhere I could. He drops the table and I hear my mom gasping for air. I’m screaming daddy stop hurting my mom!

And just screaming. My mom was not okay. She was bleeding a lot. I just keep yelling don’t kill my mom please don’t kill my mom. Police finally get there and my dad picks me up and threatens to hurt me. I’m crying so hard for police to help my mom.

My dad was gonna use me as a shield to get out of the house and leave. He didn’t care about me enough to put me down. He then threatens to throw me at a bakers rack where my mom kept a bunch of glass kitchenware we were NEVER allowed to use. More cops come and some slid in behind him to tackle him. As they did he threw me.

Thankfully cops were there to catch me. Or at least soften the fall. I’m so hysterical crying for my mom. I’m just screaming. Dad is taken away. Mom is getting taken care of by medics. And this one male officer gave me a bear and told me his name and if My dad ever came around to call him.

This happened in the 90s. And to this day I’ll reach out to that officer once or twice a year just to give updates on my life what I’m doing and he tells me what he’s up to. He said they could hear me screaming for my mom before they got to our house.

He said it was a call he and other officers will always remember. I remember that day so well. It still bothers me to this day.

Username: jumpercablemermaid

2. Drugged by the Babysitter

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I had a babysitter when I was 4, mom was out drinking. Had my little sippy cup, all normal. By bedtime I was in mom's bedroom, he was out in the living room.

After the TV was off, I laid down and tried to sleep. But a few moments later I was awoken by this...this sound. It sounded like a mix between a loud train whistle and a ghastly cry. I sat up, looked left, right, then at the TV, and there it was...

These evil-looking eyeballs, just there, in the off TV screen. Just evily staring down. I dove under the blankets as these eyeballs kept making that haunting howl. I cried out for the babysitter, and when he finally entered, the eyeballs got a look of surprise before spiraling out into the TV and vanishing. The babysitter didn't see it.

Afterwards, drunk mom got home, and crashes into her bed with me beside her. I told her about my fear and she said she would promise to wake and help out if something happened. Since mom was home I felt safe. Boy was I not. Despite being freaked ou. Of my little mind, I laid down to see if I could try to sleep again. A moment latter, I heard what sounded like a cloak counting down. Like you know black and white tapes that had that countdown before the film played? The "tock...tock...tock" ticking? That.

I looked at the TV again and saw, in the screen, what look like a brown sheet of paper, with numbers on it counting down. With each number it make that "tock" sound. Until it got to zero...

The TV suddently bursted into VERY FUCKING LOUD, dull-filtery multi-colored static. I was frozen with fear after diving under the covers scared out of my mind. I could see the TV through the mirror on the bed's headboard. The static was intense. After about 10 minutes it stopped.

And then it randomly happened a 2nd time! I tried what I could in my feared state to wake my mother, even yelling "you promised me something, you promised me something!". Nothing worked. It lasted for what felt like hours. Maybe it was hours.

After it disaapeared again that I sure as hell did NOT want to stay in that room. So i got up, suddently feeling not scared at all. I went to the bathroom but stopped just outside the door. Between the bathroom and the living room was a wooden divider to keep the rabbit out of the living room. I sat next to the divider and twittled with my fingers, until I heared a door rattling.

The sound came from the door-less living room so i looked over the divider. In the TV (again, off) right in the middle of the bottom of the large screen was a tiny door that opened to show a solid red background and an eye peeking out.

After a second, this...this THING jumped out of the god damn TV. It was a REALLY fat cartoony-looking person with raw-meat skin and a blue jacket. Fucker jumped out of the TV, grabbed me, and tossed me into the bathtub! (How is that possible? Ill tell at the end). When I was tossed in the bathroom, time slowed, my vision went like 1-FPS, jumping in space to points on my fall. The fat man vanished after tossing me in the tub, and my vision also went normal again.

I left the bathroom and went to my own room. Went on the bunkbed, laid down but couldn't sleep. I wasn't entirely freaked out, but I also couldn't sleep. Then I heard my own door rattling. It cracked open, and an eye peeked in. It was the fat man, again. Fucker entered via inhuman fast jumps like a rabbit zooming along. In 2 jumps he went to my bunkbed, but didn't do anything but laugh like crazy and instantly jumped out of my room and the door closed behind him.

After about 3 minutes, the door rattled again, and it opened, and again an eye peeked in. But it wasn't the fat man. It was this...this jester. A jester with golden armor and trumpet tubes for ears and one sticking out the top of his head. Fucked hopped in my room like the fat man, to my bunkbed, but this time he at inhuman speed thrusted his golden hands at me and beat my body by, this is gonna sound funny but, basically by playing an invisible piano at lightning speed. His key-playing fingers smacking all over my body. Lasted for about 3-4 seconds and he hopped out of my room.

And finally that's where the terror ended. I was scared at the eyes and static but the fat man and golden jester somehow did not make me cry myself to pieces. I would have assumed this was a nightmare or something, but given the fat man tossed me in the bathtub, and the golden jester whacked me with his giant fingers, *I felt it*, so the biggest explanation was the babysitter put something in my sippy cup, drugging me into hallucinating and seeing either himself or buddies he let over as monsters, and they did that crazy shit to me.

He never babysat me again and pretty much disappeared from my life after this night. Ive had to need a nightlight on for me evee since then, and only like, a month ago, short after turning 20, did I finally get over it and no longer need a nighlight (though turned-off TVs still freak me out).

Username: [deleted]

3. The Palmprint and the Whistle

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Happened when i was maybe 14 (now 20), my brother 17 (now 23). We are sitting in the kitchen eating fancy ramen for dinner because my parents were out with my oldest brother (20) for some event with his college. I cant remember exactly what we were talking about but our conversation was cut off sharply as we both hear a clear and distinct whistle. It sounded like it was coming upstairs (where our bedrooms are) and me and my brother kind of laughed it off, thinking it was just some wind blowing outside.

Returning to the convo and eating ramen, perhaps 2 minutes go by until we hear another whistle, the same cadence and inflection but much lower pitched. Deep, deep sound like rumbling almost. This sound made my teeth vibrate in my skull. It was like something was inside the house and messing with our heads. My brother looks at me, clearly as scared as i am. We both grab kitchen knives and my brother, trained in firearm use and safety, grabs my dad's 9mm from the cabinet above the fridge.

We walk toward the stairs shaking, me behind my brother so he doesnt shoot me, and just as my brother takes the first step up the stairs we hear a long, low, and ubiquitous moan. It sounded like it was coming from everywhere at once. In front, behind us, even beneath our feet.

This was followed by the top of the stairs creaking and groaning like some behemoth was standing there, waiting. Then a slam, as if the doors to one of the bedrooms was forcefully closed. Too scared to think my brother and i run outside into the drive way. It was dark in the house from the outside but i swear i could see the silhouette of a thing in my bedroom window looking out at us.

Finally, since it was bitter cold and quite windy, our need for warmth drew us back into the house. Gun and knives still in hand, we cross the threshold of the now SILENT house. I cant stress that enough. Its was a palpable, tangible slience.

Thick as a cold fog. Terrified even more by the lack of activity and sound, the anticipation of something to come, we slowly make our way up the stairs to my room. The door, which i usually leave open to allow brotherly shenanigans, was closed. I equated the door with the slamming sound from earlier.

Walking through the hallway to my door was deeply unsettling. I felt as if there was heavy oil on my skin, even though every hair on my body stood up like a flag pole. Each creak and groan of our old wooden floors only reinforced this feeling of dread and malice. On edge, my brother throws open the door to my room and calls out, "if anyone is in there, i have a gun!" The silence returns his threat with animosity.

I peek my head in and notice that the window in which we saw the heavy figure was wide open, letting in the cold but no wind. The curtains didn't flutter and my condensed breath didnt shift with the changing wind. My brother, have to give him props he was very brave, went to check the rest of the upstairs rooms.

Teeth chattering from cold and fear, I move to close the window with a sigh, as if that barrier could protect us. Drawing up the window I notice a large palm print on the glass, a print with only four fingers and deep creases. I wiped it away hastily so my brother wouldn't have any reason to be more afraid than he already was. Me on the other hand, had felt that print. The glass was cold from the air outside, but the print was colder.

Much colder. It made my skin crawl from head to toe and sweat trickle down my spine. However once it was gone, I immediately felt the oily feeling lift from my skin and my hair settle back down. I was massively relieved to say the very least.

My brother confirmed the upstairs was clear and we moved to check the rest of the house, which was also clear. Afterward we went back to the kitchen to get our ramen and sat in front of the fireplace in the living room next to the kitchen, weapons close by.

The parental units arrived shortly after we settled down, but neither of us mentioned anything. Personally, i had an eerie feeling that bringing the situation up would be an invitation to whatever that.. thing was to come back to the house....

Nothing like this ever occured again, but now and then i will get that same oily feeling on my skin as I make my way upstairs alone. Needless to say, I head right tf back down those stairs until i have somebody to accompany me.

I have vivid recurring nightmares of this event periodically and wake up drenched in a cold sweat. I don't think I will ever get over this horrifying moment in my life.

Username: Monstafarian

4. Burn Flesh and Pineapple Juice

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Well, only a handful of people know this about me. But here it goes. When I was 3 I went into the fostercare system.

My biological parents went to prison with 60 years to serve between the two of them. I was in 11 foster care homes in 4 years. In my 4th Home. We will call her C.P. and her husband was J.P. they had 3 children of their own.

At the age of 4 my foster care Mom C.P. began tying me to my bunk bed at night due to me going into the kitchen for food. She would only let me eat 1 time per day. Her Husband J.P. began molesting me shortly afterwards. And encouraging his 12 year old son to partake in it.

When I became despondent and uncomunicative the beatings started from C.P. Finally one day in the kitchen when C.P. and J.P. were in there together i started to blurt out what had been happening. It had been going on for months now and I had reached a breaking point.

C.P. grabbed me up and Asked J.P. if she should beat me for lying, and he didn't say no and he would not look at me, I was screaming that I wasn't lying and kept saying he did it. I was laying on the kitchen floor and one last time I said ' you Did do this' and while C.P. started to look at J.P., J.P. looked at me finally and he dropped dead.

Like just dead on the floor. C.P. at this point went into a rage and instead of calling the police right away she basically beat me with in an inch of my life. Afterwords the police came and she had me in my bedroom. The police came in and saw the cut ties still hanging from my bunkbed and removed me from the home. At the same time his body was being removed.

Fast forward 21 months, i am 6 and some change. I have been in 3 more homes that were more or less as abusive sexually and physically. But I am just recently placed in a home that was nice for the first time, and had been there 3 months. Nothing prepared me for the knock on the door that day before 1st grade. C.P. was there. She had fought to get custody of me again.

She was given the chance to foster me again after a board deemed her fit. My 2 week trip to the hospital after leaving her house was said later to be a fit of rage due to the overwhelming grief and loss of her husband. (I only found that out when I became 18 and was able to retrieve my info.)

After 6 weeks of living there in fear, I had relaxed because things seemed nice.

Then it began. The beatings, the burning of my flesh, the cutting,letting her son molest me in front of her, all leading up to her taking me out of first grade for 21 days. 21 days she kept me in her walk in closet. No food. Only those dole pineapple juices. She had to send me on the last day of school.

It was field day. She dressed me in a turtle neck and courteroys. I fainted outside, i was only there for an hour and 15 minutes and when I did my shirt came up. A teacher, we will call her M.M. saved my life that day. She saw me faint and my shirt come up she could see my black and blue stomach.

She took me into the office and made me show her. I was black and blue from neck to my pelvis, with burns and cuts from under my left breast to pelvic area. I was rushed to the hospital. Where I made a statement to the police as best I could and then I did not talk for a year.

Fast forward to 2018.
I found C.P.
She only lost her license
Never went to jail
She lived only 30 mins from me

My husband took me there. I knocked on her door.
She answered. I forgave her.
I am Free
The end

Username: JayFellows

5. Cooking Food for the Dead Children

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I was 7 when my mother was diagnosed with cancer. She had a tumor pressing up against her brain. Somewhere along the line she absolutely lost it. Completely schizo, bipolar you name it.

She would go through phases where she'd act like a child begging for "candy" (what she called the drugs the doctor gave her) and sometimes she would act like a complete dictator ordering me and my sister to do unreasonable and often impossible things, then screaming at us when we couldn't do them.

My father always took her side because whenever he was home from work she knew to act like a normal human being.

He never believed that she was going crazy. After the first year of treatment I was homeschooled because my family couldn't afford to keep sending me to public school.

Once she locked me outside in the winter because I couldn't clean the entire 2 story house to her liking in under 10 minutes.

Probably the 2 most disturbing moments for me were once, when I woke up in the night to go to the bathroom I saw that the light in the kitchen was on.

I went out and found my mother cooking a huge vat of oatmeal. I asked what she was doing and she showed me the newspaper.

The headline was of 3 teens dying in a car accident a few towns over. She said staring right at me with her completely dead eyes, "I'm cooking food for the dead children". I just left her and went back to bed but I couldn't sleep the rest of the night.

I remember vividly when I was a young teen doing the dishes once, holding a knife and thinking about killing her. I reasoned that it's not her fault she's the way she is, it was the cancer. It's not my dad's fault he doesn't believe me, he's never witnessed it.

So obviously I didn't do that. Instead I tried to kill myself to get out of my hell. I stabbed myself but I wasn't strong enough to finish it so I pulled out the knife, put on a large bandaid and went on as if nothing had happened. I never told anyone until I was in college.

Thankfully my parents reenrolled me in public school when I was 13. I got friends again. I joined every extracurricular possible to not have to be in my house.

I would wake up at 6am to train for sports, go to school then go to practice, chess club, and theater practice, sometimes I would make it home around 8pm and barely have to see my family.

(I still hold the school record in the 4x400m and pole vault). I went to college, made many good friends and I live my life like any day it could end.

I could end up just like my mother, here one day, gone the next. So why live like there's a tomorrow.

Username: [deleted]

6. Liam and the Kitchen Knife

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When i was about 5 I lived in a very dangerous street at the time because my family was low on money. I had two older siblings and a baby sister on the way, (For info purposes.)

Me and my two older siblings, my brother (11 at the time) and my sister (9 at the time) were always playing outside and were very active kids.

But nothing creeps me out more than the experience we had... So one day we decided to play in my garden and go on the swings and slides. While my Sister pushed me on the swing and my brother slid down the slide I saw a man walking in the distance.

This man happened to be our next door neighbour...but he was strange. He was always quiet and kept his life to himself. Although he looked quite creepy nobody suspected anything weird of him until an...incident happened. That will be later on though.

This neighbour had a son who was about 9. He was quite a fun kid and me and my siblings had played with him numerous times. He used to always tell him that his father was always very angry and he never knew why. His mother had also died the previous year before so it would be pretty explainable why he was angry. But anyway as I was saying....

Our neighbour walked past our garden with his hood up. I glanced at him and he seemed to have dropped something into our garden. I was scared of my neighbour at the time as he looked really intimidating so I never told him he had dropped it.

When he had passed and went into his house I got up off the swing and walked over to where I had saw him drop something. I looked down, and to my horror it was a large kitchen knife. With fresh blood on it. 5 year old me was shook and screamed, running to my brother and sister trying to say what happened.

I know this seems weird but my family shrugged it off after. But this wasn’t all.. my neighbours son, we’ll call him Liam , came over the next day. He seemed more quiet than usual.

My sister and brother questioned him about it and he said that he’d smelt an incredibly horrible stench coming from his basement. His dad was always in there and he’d always come out with some sort of weapon.

He said he’d heard terrifying screams coming from his basement, and u can already tell this was a massive red flag. I told my mum and dad about it the next day and they got freaked out and announced that we were moving.

I got sad as I’d knew Liam since i was 3 and he was a kind soul. So on the last day my family had to pack and say goodbye, Liam came over. He hugged my sister and brother and then he hugged me. We hugged for a long time we we’d known eachother the longest. It was horrible saying goodbye to him but I knew i had to.

But suddenly he turned his head to whisper into my ear while hugging me. All I heard was..: “Please help..he’ll get me soon too.” Now this freaked me out as much as it would anyone else and i stood frozen. After that he walked home.

It wasn’t as serious at the time but now I think back this was the creepiest thing ever. I noticed that his dad was probably a murderer...And Liam was scared he would be his dads next victim.

I feel so guilty for leaving Liam alone with his physco father. I hope Liam is still alive, if he sees this, i’m so sorry. But this was by far the creepiest and scariest experience I had as a child.

Username: luv4_coby

7. Ghost Girl

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While it's not exactly childhood, I do have a creepy-ish story from when I was in middle school that fits the criteria. It's one of those stories that sticks with you and I doubt I'll ever forget it completely.

When I was middle school. I wanted to get ahead of my education, so I took an extra class early in the morning around 6am at my local high school. I'd have to leave about half an hour early so I could make it to the middle school at 8am.

I was just learning from the class, so they were fine with me leaving early. At this time it was around December, so when I walked outside it had been snowing pretty heavily.

It was still snowing, but light enough that I was able to sit outside. I walked out to the small courtyard entrance they had and sat at the end of the flowerbed on the ledge like I always did.

The road was only a few steps ahead this ledge, so it was a nice spot to sit and wait as my dad would pick me up and take me to middle school. I remember staring at the rest of the field of all the untouched snow, when suddenly I felt a light tap on my shoulder.

I looked to the side and saw a girl, she looked strange but not alarming or creepy enough to be worried. I remember her appearance to a degree, she had long white hair, and I swear it was whiter then the snow. Her face was incredibly pale like she had never stepped outside and seen the sun before.

She was about average height, and unfortunately I'm not able to remember what she was wearing at the time. I could tell however that she was older then me by a few years.

I had a bad habit of falling asleep during the early class, and I wasn't too interested in socializing so I assumed at first she was part of the class. She politely asked me if she could sit by me, I said sure and she sat on the ledge with me. We began having a brief conversation, though it was mostly centered around me.

She asked me if I went to the high school, about my goals in life, places I'd like to visit, and so forth. In retrospect it's a little strange to be so interested in a strangers life, but I remember she was being genuine and nothing seemed strange at the time. We didn't chat for very long as I saw my dad's car coming up on the road.

I thanked her for chatting with me, she wished me a good life, and I walked off to my dad's car. I had only walked off for a few seconds, however when I sat in the car and looked out the window, she was completely gone.

I mean, she really was completely gone, there was no trace of her at all. There were no footsteps in the snow aside from mine, and the only brushed off snow from the ledge is where I was sitting only seconds ago.

There's no way she could have got up and ran off, or hid in the flowerbed. Even if she did, I would have noticed the disrupted snow, or even in the least any footprints.

I told my dad to stop for a minute before we drove off, and again there was no trace of anyone sitting walking to where I was or sitting with me. Somehow she must have left I thought, so I checked with my Dad if he saw anyone. He told me he hadn't seen anyone and was positive I was sitting alone while he drove up.

To this day I have no possible explanation for this mysterious white haired pale ghost girl. The only explanation I could come up with is that I must have fallen asleep and had a dream that I was in the exact spot and talked with her, however that seems unlikely. It's not the creepiest story as there was no danger or threat, but it will always stand out to me as a strange and unexplained event.

Username: [deleted]

8. Dreams of Lily Pads

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When I was about 7 I would have a dream that’s constant and confusing. It was almost like a pattern, every other night it would happen but little old me never knew what to do and though it was a coincidence.

Every night before I go to bed I talked to the Little LillyPad down at our pond, it was alone and another lily pad never grew there so I thought I could be friends with it, I was young and loved nature I had imaginary friends that were plants since I only had 1 human friend, Kiara. One night I drew what this imaginary friend would look like and named her lily.

I fell asleep one night and had the longest and worst nightmare of my life. I fell asleep and lily was in front of me in my dream and said “This is how you play” “The rules are simple, pick a game mode and we will start, escape the pond and get inside your house before I find you.” I couldn’t wake up and I was terrified.

I died a LOT, so many times I got used to her stuffing the lily pads in my eyes and then a 1 minute scene would pull up of her carving me like a pumpkin. The only way to beat her was to get inside the house find a torch and burn her. She was extremely slow, but silent with good hearing.

When she runs though she’s faster then imagined. I one once, then I became friends with her, that’s when she told me that in order to activate the game you need to say “goodnight lily”, or “happy dreams lily!”. I said goodnight to her but usually I’d just say goodbye.

That’s how I activated it. I liked to talk to her, that night I fell asleep at 8:00 P.M. I woke up later in after what felt like hours in the dream only to find out it’s 10:00P.M. One of my dogs came into my room, and she was wet, like soaking wet. It was dripping in my floor and I looked up at her.

I said what happened, and I felt a weird chill up my back, the dog replied with “ I came back from the dream” I nearly screamed but felt calm some how that it was lily. We talked and talked and I saw my mom come into my room I looked up at her, looked back down and my dog was gone.

My mom looked worried and she picked me up and we hid in the attic and covered the door. The rest of my family was up there and I asked what was happening, my mom said we were getting robbed and then she asked what I was doing, my dad was contacting the police while I said I was talking to the dog.

When she replied, “ honey the dogs were in the crates all night now what were you really doing?” I was horrified to find my dog that I was talking to dry and I spoke to her, and she didn’t respond. I was having the most horrific and horrifying night of my life getting robbed and a talking lily pad. I looked and peeked through a hole through the wall and the robber was upstairs in front of us.

She was searching the room with a knife and a lily pad and said “don’t make me explain the rules to you again”. When they got away my dad talked to the police while I was crouching in the floor terrified at what was happening to me. Rocking back and forth my mom was next to me comforting me.

She said, “hey we’re gonna move next week, so we will be safe, I promise” I nodded. That pond was private property and was covered in security systems, that lily pad was my favorite.

But when I looked back at the pond I looked to see my lily pad was gone and writing in the snow said, “my names lily, I would love to play another time” and had a smile face next to it.

I wiped it up and the next night I had a sleepover with my friend and she said, “the other night I had a weird dream last night and it was horrifying, I played a game for what felt like hours and this girl was creeping in my house” she showed me a drawing “this is what she looked like” as I stared at the picture of lily, as my friend as well has 1 single lily pad in her own mini pond.

Now I live alone and literally check every inch and square of my house to make sure there isn’t a pond, no lily pads, no lily, no drawings. I live with my friend more specifically, and we made our own lil friendly family with 2 dogs, and our lovely little sneke that I love very much ❤️

Username: BriTheTigerZ10

9. By the Light of Christ

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When I was in high school we lived on Fort Meade in MD. I worked as a bagger at the commissary and when I got off work one night, my mom was in front of the store in the van. I went over to see her and she told me she was going to our church to decorate her classroom and asked if I wanted to go.

The other option was to go home where my stepdad was and by this time in my life he and I did not do well in the same room together so I opted to go with my mom.

She taught the nursery class at church which is basically where people dropped off their babies and toddlers so they could go do church stuff without being disrupted by the kids. The church was in a town called Bowie, MD which was about a 30 minute drive from where we were.

We get to the church and I grab the box of decorations and we head to the front door. This was around 8 PM and it was dark and a bit misty outside, the perfect elements for a creepy night.

To top that off, we were going to be all alone in this church which I always thought was a bit creepy all by itself. My mother unlocks the door and I walk in with the box. She locks the door behind me as soon as I walk in and I turn on the lights.

The layout is as follows. You walk right into the foyer and there are doors in front of you that lead to the auditorium and a hallway to the left. We took the hallway and her classroom is the first door on the left. We walk into the room and I set the box down and start taking items out and putting them on the table. We had been in the building for less than 5 minutes when the thing happened.

It came from the deepest part of the church as best as I could tell. A woman's scream, as shrill and loud as anything I'd ever heard, ripped through the darkness and silence of the church. My mother and I froze on the spot neither of us daring to breathe.

I don't know how long we stood there rooted to the spot, it felt like hours but was probably just a few seconds. This was the only time in my entire life that my blood all ran to my feet and literally felt like ice. My mother finally breaks the silence by whispering to me that we need to be quiet. Her logic being that if there is a lunatic in the building we don't want him to know that we're here.

I grab a metal folding chair and hide behind the door. She asks what I'm doing and I explain that if someone comes through the door I'm going to bash them with the chair.

She thinks that's a good idea and starts looking around for a weapon of her own. She settles on a rubber baby doll which makes me start laughing as quietly as I can. The idea of her confronting an attacker with a baby doll was hilarious.

There we were with our weapons of choice in hand when suddenly and inexplicably my mother abandoned the let's be quiet plan. She starts screaming some nonsense about us being protected by the light of Jesus Christ or some other craziness.

This was almost as scary as the blood curdling scream. We go back to the quiet idea and listen, not a sound. There is a window in the room so we decide to go out that window and make a run for the van.

We get to the van and take off, both of us breathing heavily and terrified. We don't speak for about 10 minutes when my mom finally says that I am not to tell anyone about what happened. I'm not to talk to anyone at church about it for sure.

I agreed mostly because I was so scared and for a long time that's the last we ever discussed it.

Username: average_texas_guy

10. Candy Cane Needles

Media Source
When I was around 6 or 7, I was walking from my parents house to my grandmother's house (whose house was just down the street and around the corner) with my older brother (who was about 14 at the time).

Half way to my grandmother's house and my brother realizes he forgot his phone. Where we had stopped, there was park and a bench on the other side of the street we were walking on.

My bother probably thinking having people that were at the park, it would be safe enough to leave me here for a second to run back home and grab his phone.

He walked me over to said bench and told me he'd right back, as well as telling me to stay where I am and to not to talk to anyone. So my brother ran off back home and I did as I was told.

Not 5 minutes later, I got bored and I noticed a woman and her child playing just rolling the ball back and forth between them. Anything my brother said about staying where I was and not talking to strangers completely left my mind, with me going up to the pair and politely asking of I could join in.

The woman said of course and asked where my parents were. I told her my brother will be here soon, and that we are visiting my grandmother.

Her child was older than me, maybe around 10 or 11. Somewhere around there. I continued to make conversation with this woman. Not so much her son, he didn't talk much with my presence there. After some of this, I heard my brother calling out from me and I called back, waving him over to where I was.

He was mad with me that I moved from where I was, but thanked the woman for sitting with me. As I was grabbing my backpack off the ground next to me, the woman pulled out a piece of candy and offered it to me as a parting gift. I politely accepted, thanked her, said bye to the pair and followed my brother out of the park.

The candy was one of those jellies, covered in sugar on a stick (if you get what I'm talking about). I opened up the sweet from the plastic it was wrapped in, about to take a bite when my brother suddenly grabbed it off me.

Confused, I asked why he did that and he brought the candy up close for me to see a bit of silver poking out from the candy. My brother pulled on the silver and pulled out a very tiny needle.

My brother then grabbed me and turned the way back home saying we need to tell mum and dad. When we got home, my parents cut apart the jelly and found a bunch of little needles within it.

Explaining how and who I got it from, my parents thought it would be best to call police and me and my brother gave a description of the woman and her son.

From then, I hadn't heard anything else from that ever again or if police found this woman.

Back then, I didn't realize how serious the situation was. But now, I realize how serious it was.

I have no idea If the woman intentionally put the needles in herself, but If it wasn't for my bother noticing it, I could’ve gotten seriously hurt and it definitely leaves me feeling unsettled thinking about it.

Username: [deleted]

11. Almost Murdered in the Shower

Media Source
I was about 12, my Mom was out getting her hair done or something like that and my Father and brother were grabbing food before we all went to "devotional" which is basically church on a Friday night.

I used to play with the two neighbour kids a lot, as they were one year older and one year younger than me. The younger one was more mischevious and got in trouble a lot and had lately been grounded.

I decided to hop in the shower, just to freshen up before devotional. While I was in the bathroom undressing I heard younger neighbour child's mother screaming to "stop" and to "put it down" and then I think she went to the side of the house further from ours because I could hear yelling but not make out the words. Anyway, this argument continued and I got in the shower.

I was washing my hair and I heard the back door open. My mom always came in the back door so I was happy she was home, she could help me do my hair before devotional. I heard heavy footsteps stomp upstairs, and walk around for a bit, and then jiggled the handle of the bathroom. "I'll be out in a minute!" I called.

Well suddenly the upstairs phone starts ringing non stop, like the second it goes to voicemail, it would ring again. I got out of the shower and picked the phone up. My Father was on the other end, he told me to get dressed in whatever clothes were in the bathroom hamper and leave out of the front door immediately.

I tried to say I needed to dry my hair and get my bible, etc. but he said, very sternly, to put clothes on from the clothes bin, and exit the domicile through the front door, immediately, or there would be an ass-whooping in store.

I said okay, hung up, and called for my mom who I could hear walking around downstairs. She didn't reply but she doesn't have the best hearing, it's a miracle if she can realize a phone is ringing, be aware it is her phone, and then answer it, so me calling her and her not replying wasn't abnormal at all.

I took a bag with my keys and a bible and my water bottle as the phone rang again, I didn't have time for this non-sense so I ignored it and hustled downstairs.

I called to my mom that I would meet her in the car when an absurdly loud, wall shaking, made me drop my bag, four knocks shook the front door.

"Police, open up.". They asked me not to come in, but for me to step outside. I didn't understand. They asked if I had heard anything in the last half hour. Idk, my friend being chastised, maybe? I said I needed to get in my dad's car or I'll be in trouble, and I left.

My Dad was driving, my brother was in the passenger seat. They handed me food they had picked up and off we went. On the way there we picked up my mother from the hair salon.

Come to find out, my neighbor was in an argument with her boyfriend and he stabbed her six times, fleeing the scene and entering our house through the back door.

My brother spotted this as they pulled up across the street and called the police and then me, telling me to leave through the opposite door immediately.

So that's the time a murderer almost walked in on me in the shower. Fun times.

Username: ngp1623

12. Mottled Skin, No Nose, No eye

Media Source
This was pretty recent, but I just remembered it and spooked my dang self so here we go.

One year in college I lived in Brooklyn and had a very late class schedule. None of my classes started before 4 PM and most started 6 PM or later, so I adopted an almost entirely nocturnal existence: I would wake up between 2 and 3, eat breakfast, go to class, and then spend the hours of 10 PM to 6-7 AM like my daylight hours. (Don't recommend, btw.)

I was a broke college kid but didn't always want to be banging around while my roommates were sleeping, so to kill time I would ride different subways up and down Manhattan, doing homework or reading, sometimes stopping in at various diners or dive bars.

Because these were my 'waking' hours, I rarely fell asleep on the train, but one night it got the better of me and I woke up past my transfer on a dingy old 1 train. It was probably about 5 in the morning. Train is in motion, and I, groggy and disoriented, look around.

I notice there is someone sitting directly across from me, and I glance at their face, mostly to see if they caught me sleeping. Something is definitely wrong with her face, so I quickly avert my eyes and scan the car, so as to not seem like I'm staring.

There's not a single other person on the car, in either direction.

So this person is sitting directly across from me. Not such a big deal: I'm a doofy-looking kid on an empty train car, and sometimes you just want to be near someone when it's late. Problem is, now that I know we're alone, I'm getting that skin-crawly feeling you get when you know someone is starting at you but you've looked away.

I also know that her face is messed up, and details are beginning to sketch themselves into my mind: it's burned. Badly burned. Healed over, but clearly grafted, and... off, somehow. I realize that her mouth was hanging open. That there weren't any teeth. That I only saw one eye...

I can't help it: I look up.

She is staring at me. Her face is, indeed, as I feared: mottled pink and white, missing an eye, no detectable nose, dark open mouth. We make eye contact for a solid 10 seconds as I freeze in complete fear, and then I manage to look away again.

My problem is that I'm too far downtown, and in my very real state of panic I realize I definitely don't want this person to follow me onto an unfamiliar train platform. Every hackle I have (and some I didn't know about) are raised at this point, so I manage this plan: pretend to be back asleep, wait at the next stop until just before I think the doors will close, and then bolt the train. DON'T look at her again.

Next stop comes. I hear the doors open. I have my eyes shut, but loose, so I can kind of see the fluorescent old train car glow. Waiting to hear the 'Stand Clear of the Closing Doors Please' announcement. He gets to 'Stan-' and I snap my eyes open, purely instinctually.

I'm the only person in the car.

(I got off at the next stop and took a cab I couldn't afford. I assume that poor woman went on about her life. I hope she didn't understand how terrified I was.)

Username: HuntsInDreams

13. Fake Break-In

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My mom and her abusive ex thought it would be funny to make me and my siblings think someone had broken in.

I was a teenager at the time but mentally still very childish. She called to tell us she was still and hour away while her boyfriend loudly knocked at the front door and started trying to open it.

Being the eldest I rushed my siblings into a closet. My sister had frozen and when later asked she admitted she was coming to terms with the fact she was going to die.

The woman on the line was impatient and annoyed with me for whispering when someone was breaking in. After they revealed it was them they laughed at us.

I'd hung up on the lady though not knowing it wasn't allowed and once she heard what my mom did she lectured her while my mom told me never to do this again, that I was sensitive, that now she was in trouble, while childishly making puppet noises to make fun of the lady on the other end for lecturing her.
This was one of the cruelest and most traumatizing pranks she'd ever done.

(another time she asked if I wanted to see moles. The moles had been nearly killed by a cat. She then claimed that since I was the animal lover I should be able to help them otherwise she was going to smash their head in with a shovel. I was still a child around 12.

I did my best to help with food and water. Thinking love would be enough. Her and her gf at the time were laughing.

I'd isolated myself in the room with the dying mole and started crying until eventually my step mom at the time realized it had gone too far and went to take it away from me. I felt like a failure. She tried to tell me I was kind for trying to help it. Again my mother called me too sensitive.)

This abusive bf from the first one was also the only bf she ever tried to pressure from me to have kids with.

For context she is sterile or something. Can't have kids. With this bf and this one alone. She never did it again. She repeatedly tried to get me to sit in bed with him. Claimed I was scared of men and shy for not wanting to do so.

Told me we should be closer since like it or not he was my step dad now. And repeatedly would ask me if I'd ever have a baby for her and told me I was selfish when I said no.

I also have repeated memories of her persuading us to get pets (that she'd get rid of. In fact in one instance she told me to clean my room or she'd get rid of my cat... cleaned my room crying and when I finished my cat was already gone.

She refused to tell me or my dad where she'd taken it.)
Persuading us to get pets to defend against rapists and murderers.

Also her smiling while telling me about bikers that probably had I'll intent with my sis and I when we were babies... I have a LOT OF stories like this from childhood... I had a really bad childhood XD

Username: questioningperson346

14. The Hand

Media Source
For a short time my mom, sister and I lived with my moms mom in Los Angeles. Not a particularly safe area, but this was late 90’s so things weren’t that bad.

Anyways, my abuelita has a big backyard with lemon trees and avocado trees. My sister and i were about 4 and 5 and used to play hide and seek for hours outside in the trees. One day, the sun was setting and it was almost time for dinner.

My sister was hiding and i was supposed to find her. A tall black figure peaked out from one of the trees, and by tall i mean like 7 feet tall, and then quickly hid behind the tree again.

I started to approach the tree and my sister comes running out of the house telling me that dinner is ready.

Fast forward about 6 years, I’m home alone from school with strep. I’m on the phone with my mom and i hear knocking coming from her bedroom door.

I immediately felt scared and nervous, i told my mom and she told me to go check it out. My mom had very dark curtains in her room at the time and it was a dark gloomy rainy day.

Her door was cracked and i told her i was absolutely not going in that room because it was so dark and i was really scared.

Suddenly a hand comes from around the corner of the door and makes a motion like “come here” i screamed and ran to my room and didn’t come out until my mom got home two hours later.

Maybe a month or so after that i was asleep in my moms bed. I woke up suddenly in the middle of the night, and even though it was very dark in the room, i could make out a tall figure standing over my mom.

The figure had my moms lamp that was made out of deer antlers over its head as if it was about to bash her with it. I screamed, the lamp dropped, and the figure disappeared.

Now I’m 14, depressed and self harming. I hadn’t cut for about a month because i lost the little sewing kit tool i used to do it with. We moved houses and now my room is in the basement of a very creepy and negative house. I woke up but knew i was dreaming one night.

I looked at myself sleeping and heard my dog start barking and growling at my door, there was a very bright white light coming from the crack underneath the door, so i went to go open it.

All of a sudden, a black, bony, stinky hand is grabbing my right arm, trying to pull me out of the door, and now it’s pitch black outside my room, the light is gone. I pull myself back into my room and jump back in my bed. I woke up and the sewing needle tool i used to cut myself was in my right hand.

I have not had any experiences since then, and I’m 22 now. Whatever that was had been following me my whole life i think. Still creeps me out when i think about it.

Username: jbehr95

15. Waking Nightmares

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Some people have nightmares. And I guess I did too, some really vague abstract ones, like nothing visual but scary sounds and sensing a bad presence and being unable to move. But also as a little kid I had... something the heck else.

I would wake up in the middle of the night, rather than having nightmares I would be seeing things while awake, like hallucinating maybe?

With my bedroom door open and my parents' door open across the hall, I would see things in the hall or coming from their room. Monster type things that would move towards me, getting larger and closer and in color.

I specifically remember a few of these, one time it was something that looked like Frankenstein's monster, the classic Karloff version I guess.

Once there was a tall clown. My folks, and my daytime babysitter and their family, were trying to get me to not fear clowns. So when I saw this one in the middle of the night I tried to trust that it wasn't bad. It was colorful of course, and seemed to have a pleasant friendly smile of clown makeup.

I tried not to be afraid, not to close my eyes, as it slowly stepped closer and closer. Out of my parents' room. Across the hall. Into my room. Up to the foot of my bed.

Then alongside my bed closer and closer to me. As it got closer the details became more clear.

Eventually it was standing right next to me, practically looming over me in my bed, and that makeup was not friendly anymore but friggin menacing. I finally shut my eyes and started screaming.

As a little kid when things like this happened, if I could yell a parent awake and if they would come to my room, things would go back to normal. And sometimes I'd want a parent to stay in bed until I fell back asleep just so it didn't happen again.

My gosh in hindsight this must have been such a pain for them. On average my dad was more willing to go along with it than my mom.

But after a while, there were times where I would see my mom or my dad coming to the room, thinking to myself it's okay now, it's over... but then I'd blink or move my eyes, and the image of the parent would move along with my eyes or just disappear.

I had even started hallucinating the safe parent when they had actually never left the bed.

At one point when after I had grown some and these things didn't happen anymore, I heard about something called night terrors and thought maybe that's what happened to me.

But, I think with night terrors the subject was usually unable to move or might have just been screaming while unconscious or something? I was conscious and I was able to see and move. So I don't know if it was the same thing.

Username: zarifex

16. Ignoring the Problem

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Very dark incoming, trigger warnings, smoke em if you've got 'em it will be as bumpy as I have the will to write.

I always knew that when I was a little kid I was suicidal. I remember being in second grade and standing in front of the knife drawer, being disappointed that both of the chefs knives had their tips broken off, so I didn't think I would be able to stab myself with them (thank God 7 year old bajawrap didn't know how stabbing worked) I very clearly imagined placing the knife between my ribs, and slamming against the wall with all my weight driving the knife into my chest.

I hated my life, and I didn't know why. As big problem with child abuse is the child usually doesn't know they are being abused. What's more, children are incredibly resilient, and whatever situation is presented to them as normal will be accepted as normal, but even so if it is abusive it will cause stress and all of the impacts of that.

I was molested as a toddler by my father, to keep me from talking about it he would beat my head against hard objects like walls, and chairs. When I tried to tell my kindergarten teacher he convinced her I was lying and beat me to unconsciousness. The beatings would continue until I was 9, mostly spankings the slamming me bodily against objects tapered off.

While that was happening, keeping in mind my father was disabled, my mother left her job as a retail manager. She refused to take unemployment because good Republicans aren't welfare leeches (her words) depleted our savings not actually looking for work, and when the credit situation became desperate she took a job as a newspaper carrier (I was 7 when this happened. See how that lines up?)

She would take the whole family out at 1:00 am, often in the BITTER cold. If there is one thing I will remember until I die it will be the coldness of those mornings.. when my sister and I had inadequate winter clothes, and we would have to help deliver the papers.

Up from 1:00 until school, usually no breakfast because newspaper routes do not pay well, then off to school. We didn't get free lunches because that would be leeching, and "God will provide". If my grades dropped I would be beaten.

There was frequently no food in the house, and when we got something "nice" like a prepared entree or even a microwave snack my parents would eat all of it and leave my sister and i to sustain on whatever was in the pantry. My sister made friends and got out of the house whenever she could. I was not adequately socially apt.

I was emotionally abused to the tune of my mother mocking me for not knowing an answer on my homework, so I would not present t it. If they found out I wasn't turning in homework I would get beaten, but less often, and it was happening anyway, and it prevented the mockery, so beatings and bad grades were my harm reduction strategy (a bad choice to be sure)

My mother was emotionally dependent on me, and I on her because she was the only protection I had from my molester, which she claims to know nothing about. So whenever I needed something it had to be viewed through the lens of whether it would place a burden on her. If it would, I didn't get it. From medical care, to education opportunities.

I did not understand, or believe I experienced abuse at all until I moved away. I did not understand any of my experiences were abuse. Social isolation caused by abusers can warp your perspective terrifically.

There is so much more, but frankly I need to keep my cats from running amok. Just because I am up at o'dark hundred doesn't mean the whole house has to be, and the cats are being assholes. I am doing a lot better (most days) now.

The flashbacks are terrible. I haven't slept through the night in probably three years (they started three years ago when I finally started feeling safe enough to deal with my pain and started unpacking all the shit that happened to me. Not a fun experience, and I am still not done.)

1 in 6 male children will experience unwanted sexual contact. 1 in 4 female children. These are u.s. numbers, there's of the developed world seems to be doing a bit better because they aren't refusing to acknowledge the problem. Please acknowledge it.

Username: SinisterBajaWrap

17. The Kid Who Got Hit By a Car

Media Source
I was 14, so I don’t know if it really counts as being a part of my childhood but whatever. I was staying after school for a theater practice for a state small group performance but there was some time in between school ending and our practice starting.

I decided to go across the street to a Wendy’s to get some food with this kid named Chris, who had a lead role in a musical that my school was putting on a few hours later that night called Fame.

After we had gotten our food we started crossing the street at a brick crosswalk that lead directly into the school parking lot, where we had just come from. We got to the median and a large SUV stopped for us.

This was a main road so the speed limit was 35 mph but people generally sped on it despite the fact that it bordered our area’s main high school. Anyway, we looked and saw no car in the other lane, but in reality the SUV was blocking our view of the other car.

We started to cross and I remember looking to my right side and seeing this junker coming about 10 feet in front of me. That image froze as if the car was staying in one spot, 10 feet in front of me, just twisting and turning to different directions, but I felt the impact and a strange free fall sensation. Next thing I knew I was 10 feet in the air and about to come down onto the road.

According to my friend Chris, who had made it to the parking lot sidewalk thank god, when the car hit my right leg I had bounced off of the windshield and off of the back of it.

The guy driving did not stop immediately and my shoes were 50 feet apart. I remember looking up from the pavement, seeing a man in a wifebeater come running from the car screaming “he ran right in front of me” over and over.

Then I blacked out for about 20 minutes. When I came to I was hearing sirens, the man was gone, and my friend Chris was in a complete state of panic.

The first thing I did was lift myself upright and spit into my hand to see if I was bleeding internally. A fountain of blood came out and soaked my shirt and by this point Chris was screaming and hyperventilating.

My leg was twisted into two separate 90 degree angles, one in the upper part and one in the lower. I saw a teacher that I recognized in the parking lot and started calling her name. I really freaked her out at the time and in retrospect I shouldn’t have done that but she was just someone familiar at the time.

At that point the ambulance came and took me to the nearest hospital. A traumatized Chris still had to do the show that night. He visited me in the hospital later, but until then he said he thought that I was going to die.

My parents were out of town so it was just my two older brothers living with me at that time (23 and 26). I remember them both screaming at me in the hospital while I was still covered in blood, talking about how I was an idiot and the stress that I put them under. Found out later that my oldest brother was going around telling his friends that I intentionally jumped in front of a car for insurance money. I don’t speak to him anymore.

After that I called my best friend and explained what happened. He thought I was joking with him and hung up. He called my parents who had been speaking over the phone to the police officers at the scene and he called me back apologizing.

I got transferred to Arnold Palmer Children’s Hospital in Orlando, who I cannot thank enough for their help, and five days later I was back home. I broke both the bones in my right leg into fifteen separate pieces and my scapula in two. It took about a month for me to start the process of walking again, but to this day I have a limp.

I still don’t know the name of the guy who hit me, but that was my decision. I really don’t want to know. Honestly I was just happy to be alive, but the whole experience was a defining part of high school for me. From that point forward everyone knew me as “the kid who got hit by a car”.

Username: Skreblotron

18. Creeps Everywhere

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I mentioned this in another post a while ago but I can't seem to find it so I guess I'll post this again. Also I post this as a warning to parents to keep a close eye on what your kids get up to or who they interact with as there can be psychopathic creeps everywhere.

A bit of background first, I am of Turkish origin but I was born and grew up in Australia, we went back to Turkey for a holiday when I was 7 years old and bought a holiday home in the Istanbul suburb of Avcılar, this suburb is on the banks of the Marmara sea, I made friends with the local kids in the street and would ride our bikes to the sea side or play soccer at the field close to the sea, it was quite fun and my parents were quite happy that I'd made friends so quickly since I was a very lonely child growing up in Australia.

The kids were not the problem, the problem was down the street was a "Bakkal" or corner store/mini market where my parents would give me a little money and I'd ride down and buy bread or milk and the newspaper for my dad.

The Shopkeeper was probably late teens/early 20's (I'd say around 18-23 max), he seemed quite friendly at first, occasionally giving me a pack of gum, or some lollies/candy for free and would tell me he saw me as a younger brother.

One day I went down to that store as regular to buy bread, milk and the paper, as I was about to leave, the Shopkeeper called me over behind the counter and said he had something to show me, he proceeded to grab me pull out a machette holding it up to my throat telling me how much he's been dreaming of slaughtering me since the first day he met me.

I struggled to break free only managing to do so when an elderly lady walked into the store and he in a panic loosened his grip and dropped the machette. I ran as fast as I could and hid in the furniture store next door to our apartment unit. I'd made good friends with the furniture store guys since not only were they next door but we'd bought all our furniture from them.

The furniture store's owner was a bit of a mafia type person, always carrying a gun on his person and was constantly out doing some "business" while his 4 sons ran the store.

That day the the father Harun(name changed for privacy) was in the store and saw how panicked I was, he kept pressing me for what happened so I told him but didn't tell which mini market owner had threatened me so he took me home and told my dad who also pressed me but I kept quiet.

A few weeks later my dad and I were walking past the mini market when my dad decided to stop in and buy some groceries, I was nervous and didn't want to go in but dad forced me, when the market guy saw me he was all smiles "Hey OP, where have you been? Here's your favourite candy on the house!" Aswe were walking home dad was like "See that guy was so nice to you" and I couldn't hold it in any more.

I broke down and told my dad that it was HIM, that market guy who was the one who threatened me. I seen an anger and a rage I had never seen in my father ever before and never again since.

He took me to the Furniture store and told the owner Harun that he'd found out who had been the person who threatened me.

Harun grabbed his piece from the safe and told his eldest son Orhan(aged 26 and again name changed for privacy) to keep an eye on me and not let me go anywhere, and together with my dad they took off towards that mini market.

To this day I don't know what happened but I do know about a month or so later that mini market closed and a textiles store opened in its place .

Now as I wrote in the start, let this be a warning to parents out there, be careful who your kids play with or hang out with, you can truly never know what goes through a person's head, they may seem friendly and normal at first but could be a real monster inside.

Username: [deleted]

19. You Can’t Keep it From Me!

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Not a single even, but rather a series of events that happened over a year. I was a sophomore in high school and home alone on a Saturday not long before school let out for the summer, just playing guitar and Dragon Age, just chilling.

It was a very small town, so there's not much to do on weekends when most of your friends raise sheep or cattle of some kind and have to go sell them at stock shows on many weekends.

Anyways I didn't notice the phone until the last two or three rings. I rush to try and answer it, but it goes to voicemail. The message relayed still haunts me to this day. I hear a grown man's voice, obviously crying. He's sobbing so much the words he says are just jumbled together. Completely incoherent. Then it switches to anger... No, rage. A blind, screaming, still incoherent rage.

I finally make out some of the words being said. Stuff like " You can't keep it from me!" "I'll find it, you hear?!" and other such vague threatening statements. I'm frozen in place by this. Who could be calling us like this? It had to be a mistake.

After the message I look at the caller I.D. It wasn't a mistake. It was my uncle. My dad's brother. That just scared me even more. That guy bought me my first skateboard, and was always very fun when around for holidays. I run and grab my cellphone and call my dad.

He doesn't answer, which wasn't a surprise. He was working two jobs at the time. He was a teacher and worked at the local grocery store as low level executive (they had a small chain of grocery stores across that part of Texas).

I called my mother, who was also unavailable for some work thing or another (she was a music teacher and worked for the church). So I called my dad again and left him a message that his brother called and it really worried me. He called me back a bit later and told me to lock the doors, don't let him in if he happens to swing by (he lived in a town about 45 minutes or so away).

Nothing else happened that day, but a few months later, into my junior year, the same thing happened again. Home alone on a Saturday afternoon, weird call comes in, crying, sobbing then screaming and rage.

My dad told me not to answer any calls from uncle, not wanting to give him the idea that I was my father over the phone. In the intervening months, my dad had found out that my uncle had fallen off the wagon and gotten back into heroin, and his phone calls were probably done in a drug-induced haze.

Well after this phone call, about an 2 hours or so after, a truck pulls up outside my house. I knew my uncle roughnecked or something like that in the oilfields and that was the kind of truck that pulled up. It had various bits of oil rig equipment in the bed, so I figured it was him. I made sure the doors were locked, lights off and the house was silent.

I won't lie, I was scared enough to need the brown pants. I even managed to grab a large kitchen knife, just in case it all hit the fan. He walked up to the door, rang the bell.

Nothing. I called my dad from the kitchen, far enough away from the front door to not be heard, and told him his brother had shown up. Then he started banging on the door. My dad told me to stay put and he'd be there shortly.

He showed up maybe 10 minutes later (again very small town). I could hear my uncle screaming at him. Something about their dad's old gun and he wanted it back as it was rightfully his. Well, my dad has not now nor ever possessed any firearm of his own, let alone had their dad's old gun.

My dad wants nothing to do with their father's possessions as he was quite abusive. Eventually my uncle calmed down and left. That whole experience sill leaves me shaken to this day. I hope my uncle has gotten sober and stayed that way though.

Username: TinyNuggins92

20. Mr. X

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When I was younger we would go to the beach for a week in the summer. It would be my family of 5, my uncles family of 4, and my dad and uncles childhood friends family of 4. I was the youngest (between 6-8 at the time). You would think it would be near impossible for me to get off on my own with all the eyes I had looking after me. Nonetheless, it was vacation for the adults and my older peers weren't tasked with watching me 24/7.

One day while everyone is making lunch at the house (it was an oceanfront property, maybe 50 yards to the beach) I see this toy plane flying around down by the beach. So as any young boy would, I covertly make my way to where I see this toy plane flying.

Once down there, I find myself confronted by the man flying the plane. Let's call him Mr. X. Mr. X starts talking to me and tells me he has another plane in his car and that we could go get it.

Thinking back on it, I definitely knew this wasnt right. I was given every talk by my parents and teachers about not talking to strangers. But I really wanted to fly one of those planes! Mr. X had parked in the pier parking lot which was about 100 yards down the beach.

We get to his MINIVAN and literally as soon as he opens the sliding door, and I mean the second it opens, my eldest male cousin Bill pops up out of nowhere.

"Your dad said it's time to come back to the house," he told me. Apparently my dad had been watching this whole encounter through his binoculars from the balcony of the beach house.

Bill was probably around the age of 17 at the time. (Present day Bill is close to 30, graduated from college with a 4.0 and is an accountant, so definitely a smart cookie.) This took Mr. X back a bit, but not enough.

"Do you want to fly a plane too?" Mr. X asked Bill.

"Do you have more in there?" Bill responded excitedly.

Keep in mind at this point I'm standing right in front of this open car door. I remember my knees were against the track where the door moves. Mr. X is right next to me with his hand periodically touching my back.

Now before Mr. X could respond to Bill's question, Bill's younger brother Steve comes around the corner. Steve had a message for Bill and I, as well as Mr. X. My father had told Steve to tell my cousin Bill and I that we were to come straight back to the house or we wouldn't get dinner that night.

My family is an active bunch. Food, or lack there of, is a great motivator for us. Anyways, we had all but forgotten about the planes. I remember hearing Steve shout back to Mr. X as we were starting to sprint off.

"Oh yeah! And you should get the FUCK out of here before someone puts YOU in the back of that van!"

All in all, I still want to fly that plane. I'd do it all again the exact same way.

Username: innocuousplague

21. Softball Team Nearly Drowned Me

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One of two. First one would probably be going to a Phillies game and this one really nice guy (not like movie creepy guy ya know so i wasn't wary of him) was outside the men's bathroom when i went in after my mom bc i was still 11 and had to walk with her.

The guy was still there after we left and i thought it was a little odd but oh well. Going back to our seats the guy leaves the men's bathroom wall and follows towards us but i wasn't really paying the most attention to him and instead to the stands.

Mom got separated from me in the crowds that got really rough and i kinda wandered in the direction i thought our seats were. Nice looking guy from the bathrooms comes up to me and says he'll help find my mom (i never told him i was lost) and i just followed him.

We were closer to the exits when i got nervous and he had squeezed my arms really hard and that's when mom found me and rushed us off. We told the guards and they went through people's IDs as they were leaving looking for the guy i had described. They never found him.

The other time was when i was in 3rd grade might have been 1st tho its been awhile and im not good with remember grades to advents very well.

A group if girl's from my softball team didn't like me much and at our end of season party for winning our leagues championship they decided they wanted to deal with me.

They all held me under the water at the pool. To girls for my legs, two for my arms, one for my head, and two for my middle. I couldn't breathe and my eyes had been blurry from the chlorine and with being smaller then the other girls i was so scared.

I kept thrashing and trying to get away and i could hear them laugh. In a desperate attempt to get away before i passed out (having screamed most of my air out early and not being able to get any back in) i pinched the one girl who had my one arm. Hard enough to bruise really bad. Qnd i headbutted the girl holding my head.

Having a little more laxness on me i was able to get the arm with niw only one girl under me enougj to get my head out. I was shoved back under by the other girl on the arm with two on it. She took over holding my head.

I kinda quite and just cried as much as i could underwater. I was fully prepared to die there. They all let go suddenly and i shot up and scrambled out of the pool and coughed up water for a while.

Turns out the one coach (a dad of one of the girls who tried to drown me) had called for the championship cake. I just sat there on the edge of the public pool coughing until my mom came over from the kiddie pool with my sister realizing i wasn't ok. I went home and slept and ended up skipping the next day of school.

When we tried to report the girls i could recognize (only 3 of them since i was pushed in and held under too quick to see who had pushed me) and apparently another girl, the one i pinched, had come in stating i attacked her and her other friend, the one i headbutted, and got me in trouble for attacking a student and making false accusations.

I actually took up swim lessons the following year so i could learn to hold my breath more and get over my fear of water. Whenever the girls pass by me i almost always start to have a panic attack or cry. The one girl who i pinched ended up pushing me down a flight of stairs in 4th(?) grade.

Them qnd other kids including my only and best friend for 9 years bullied me constantly and i was so depressed in 5th grade. Whenever i make friends it usually ends bad. Like in 5th grade my new friend who i was terrified of tried to stab me with a knife.

Teachers only took the kinfe and said not to bring sharp stuff to school. I have horrible fear of people now. 😀

Username: AllexMussen

22. Thrice Kidnapped

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My parents had a toxic relationship. My mom was (and still is) manipulate and possibly physically abusive towards my dad (he said once that "The police wouldn't believe that 5'4" woman could abuse a 6'2" man."). My dad has awful anger issues (he's mellowed a bit) and so they would get in screaming matches late at night.

They tried to be good parents, but that went out the window after their ugly divorce. They both loved my sister and I, but they would say bad things about each other to us - I was 8 when they divorced and my sister was 15 and autistic. It just got worse as time went on and they shouted at each other more.

On summer, my sister (20) and I (14) were supposed to go with our mom to visit her sister (stuff we've done before). The day we were supposed to leave, my dad comes to my room to wake me up. He looks concerned and is holding a letter.

He tells me that he found it in the mailbox that morning and it's from my mom who was staying with Dad's neighbors at the time. It says that after our visit with our aunt, we will be moving to the state I was born in to live with Mom.

Dad asks me if I was okay with this and he wouldn't stop me if I was. I told him no and so he takes me to breakfast and tries to find an attorney we could afford. That month, my sister went to visit our aunt alone while Dad and I had to play fugitive from my mom out of fear that she would kidnap me. I honestly don't remember how it was resolved, but Dad and I were still on edge.

Mom wanted to talk to me about school since I didn't want to go to the Christian school. Dad told us to talk on the front porch and he'll wait on his own porch so we'll at least have some privacy.

Mom tried to get me to go inside and I looked over at Dad because I didn't know what to do. He came over and stood on the sidewalk in front of the house as not to trespass.

Mom yelled at him while clutching onto me. The stress got to me and I started crying. Dad called the police as he watched Mom drag me around the house. I could only imagine how bizarre it looked to the neighborhood: a man and woman yelling at each other while the woman was dragging a crying girl to the backyard.

The police came and talked to all three of us individually and I was scared that I'd say something wrong because I didn't quite understand what was going on and I just didn't want to lose my dad.

The final kidnapping attempt from my mom was when I started high school after that summer. I got a call to the main office because my mom was going to take me to a doctor's appointment that I had no knowledge of.

I texted my dad and was scared. He told me he was on his was and to go back to class. I did and the teacher said that they received a call that I didn't arrive and sent the piano teacher with me.

When we stepped out I started bawling and told the piano teacher that I was scared that my mom was going to kidnap me. We walk to the office as my dad arrives and he tells the staff the situation and to call the police.

Mom and dad argue and the police come and talk to them separately and CPS comes to talk to me and eventually Dad. Dad tells me that my sister was in the car that Mom drove and she said that Mom told her that they were going to the state I was born in.

The police suspected Mom of being on bath salts and wanted her to try to walk a straight line but she refused (she later told me that she wanted her lawyer present and that's why she refused) so she was arrested. I'm not entirely sure what happened with that.

Username: BlueMoonSamurai

23. Inappropriate in Jersey

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One of my earliest memories is being in bed naked with my moms roommate. I was a boy and she was a woman in her 20’s. I was less than 5 years old (I had to have been because we moved to NJ when I started kindergarten and this was before that.)

My mother and father divorced when I was very young so my mom moved in with another woman in a duplex. My mom at that time had been a pretty big drinker and would go out and party a few nights a week. My grandmother lived nearby and would watch me.

One night my grandmother was watching me at my moms place and I had fallen asleep in the roommates room. My grandmother left when they got home and they just have forgotten I wasn’t in my room and just went to their separate rooms and crashed out.

I woke up and I remember it was dark in the room and I was head down to the foot of the bed and I remember her calling me to her.

She was completely naked and when I got over to her I remember her undressing me from my footy pajamas until I was also naked.

The memory is foggy but I distinctly remember telling me to touch her and asking me if I liked it. I don’t have any memory of her touching me or anything. I don’t remember anything even overtly sexual happening other then being instructed to touch her places.

Apparently at some point she must have passed out and I fell asleep again and my mother woke up the next morning and found us both still naked in her bed.

I remember my mom yelling at her and her explaining that she was “really out of it”’and thought I was her boyfriend. She kept insisting she didn’t remember anything and that nothing had happened.

I told my mom about this later as a young teen and asked her if I was crazy or if that really happened.

And she said she was shocked I remembered that and she told me that she was very drunk and high that night and it was just an embarrassing misunderstanding. I always chocked it up to that.

But one day as an adult, my daughter would play at a neighbors house. We talked to the parents of her friend and asked if it would be okay for our daughter to stay over one night in the event my wife went into labor in the middle of the night.

She said it was fine but she works overnight and it would just be the dad there. And he jokingly said “That’s cool she can could come in bed and sleep with me...we can watch cartoons until we fall asleep!”

Needless to say we found another house for her to stay at.

But me being creeped out by that brought my own memory back of when I was in a grown ups bed at her age and what happened. I talked to my wife about it.

I asked her if she thought she had ever been molested before and maybe brushed it off as nothing as a kid. She told me no...but when I told her my story she was convinced I had been. I always thought it was just a drunken mixup but my wife put it all into perspective.

And a small part of the memory came back to me like a missing puzzle piece.

My wife asked me simply “how did you end up naked?”

And when I told her that she took my pajamas off but maybe thought I was her boyfriend in a drunken stupor...I clearly remembered in my her voice...telling my mother I was already naked when she went in there and that I must have climbed up by her to get warm.

She called me to her and undressed me. As an adult I realized I was taken advantage of sexually...and thankfully have no memory of what exactly happened.

Username: blackjesushiphop

24. Haunted AF

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When I was 5-6 I woke up one morning to two people standing at the foot of my bed, I was convinced these were real live people standing at the end of my bed.

One was a really clean construction worker who was all decked out in his reflective gear, while the other was a beautiful blonde in an amazing wedding dress holding her bouquet.

Once they turned to walk out of my room I followed them right into my parents room and it was like no one was there but I saw them plain as day.

Before I moved out of the city a lot of people I knew weren't of the best health mentally, there was one family I knew who's mom was unstable and she had these twins that were adults while I was just a kid but I was such a mature kid at 11-12 that I got along with adults well.

Anyway these twins where very alike but polar opposites in their ways of life, one was a druggie that stole from her family and didn't have a job, while the other was a bartender who had a lot of friends and she did drugs occasionally but never a lot.

Well that's what everyone thought until she was found hanging from a ceiling fan at the holiday inn, she had taken a new drug on the street and the side effects were determined to lead to her suicide.

After her funeral her mother lost her mind (undetstandable) but she had been going up and down my street waving a butcher knife threatening her boyfriend (the drug dealer) and she was inconsolable. So swat was called in and she was admitted to a psychiatric hospital.

After I did move out of the city we moved into this house that was almost 200 years old. As you could imagine it wasn't in the best shape, but it was also haunted as fuck.

I had friends who refused to stay the night because it scared them, this one time my friend was using the bathroom and he heard someone run down 2 flights of stairs and right up to the bathroom door but when he opened it no one was there and I hadn't heard anything from upstairs (which I would have because not one of those stairs was silent) Our attic door was at the top of the stairs and we had troubles with the door not stayinf closed so my dad eventually just nailed it shut because it wasn't able to be used for anything.

Well after a week of it being nailed shut my dad and I get home and find it wide open, so my dad was like okay I'm going in there there's gotta be a reason it's still opening. He comes out 30 minutes later with old medicine bottles and letters/momentos dating back to WWII from a soldier to his wife. Door never opened after that.

Every time someone close to me passes away I have one dream where I get to ask them a question and tell them goodbye, this often happened before I knew they were dead.

I have one that I always remember and it's of my papa medicine, that wasn't his name it's something close and I couldn't pronounce it when i was young so that's what his name was to me.

Anyway he was very close to me and my brother when we were children, and the night that he passed away at home I had a dream in which he told me he wasn't going to be around anymore but he'd always be there for me and he told me he loved me and my brother.

He told me I would see him one more time but he wouldn't be able to say goodbye then so he was doing it now, I woke up and told mom about it and then she told me that he had passed away the night before. He was a great man.

Username: BigBoiBriggs

25. The Marks Were Still There

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[Serious] From birth until age 7, my family lived in a house surrounded by farmland that wasn’t ours in the middle of nowhere.

Like this town only had a church and a bar-no gas station or small convenience store or anything. It was a single story house with a finished basement.

All our rooms were on the north side of the house on the main level. My room was the one on the north-west corner of the house and it freaked me out to sleep in it because I always thought I’d see stuff out of the windows at night, so I usually slept in my sisters room next to mine or my parents across the hall.

One night I was sleeping on my back between my parents with my arms out of the blanket and I remember waking up really slowly, almost in a fog, completely frozen. I could only move my eyes and I remember the intense panic of not being able to move or cry out for help.

Suddenly I saw a shadow creeping down the hall towards the open door to my parents room. After a few agonizing seconds of absolute terror, this thing flew/hovered into the room.

I swear my heart stopped beating and I remember holding my breath as long as I could, absolutely horrified at the thought of it seeing me.

It had wings that were flapping, but it was moving so slowly it didn’t match the speed of its wings- it seemed impossible for it to be moving like that, and it wasnt looking around or anything, just like mindlessly moving towards me. Not only that, but it was like a demon baby/gargoyle/bat creature.

It had the body of a toddler with goat legs (no fur or hooves), the head was a mashup between a toddler and a gargoyle with two little horns and glowing red eyes with huge black pupils, stubby, broken, leathery wings and clawed hands and feet with really long fingers/toes and it’s skin was just black and flaky-like shaved charcoal glued to its body.

It just slowly hovered towards me, I remember having to gasp for a breath right as it got to me because I couldn’t hold my breath any longer and panicking as it picked up my arm, bit my hand, then gently laid my arm back down, still never once looking at me, then turned around and left the same way it had come in.

I don’t remember falling back asleep, I don’t even fully remember the creature completely leaving the room, I just remember waking up gasping for air and sobbing, my parents no longer in bed and seeing two bright red pinpricks on my hand in the morning.

I’m 24 and still can’t sleep without a blanket/sheet covering all body parts even if I’m sharing the bed with someone. If I get hot, I poke an arm or leg out of the blanket but I can’t leave it out for more than a few seconds before my heart starts pounding.

I know about sleep paralysis now, but I vividly remember those marks on my hand when I woke up and can’t quite write it off as that, not to mention being so terrified I couldn’t talk about it for years. I’ve never been able to explain it in much detail because it still freaks me out.

I didn’t experience anything weird like that once we moved out of that house, but the image of that thing is burned into my brain.

I can’t imagine how much worse it would have been if it had actually looked at me. I had a lot of nightmares as a kid, but that incident felt completely different and wasn’t the only creepy experience I had in that house.

Username: Sure_Nefariousness_9

26. Lifeless

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The way my best friend looked just hanging lifeless in her closet. She was 12. I was 11.

A group of people beat up some woman, I heard her head crack as they crushed her skull. She died.

Being torn from my first family offthereserve, and placed with an abusive catholic family. Being told I'd never see Mum or Pa again (I did, but as a small child that was earth shattering to hear).

After 30+ years of a water phobia, I had a nightmare about being molested by the instructor. I called up a cousin. I asked him about swim class, gave a description of the instructor and swimming complex. He confirmed I was in swim class but mom signed me up for private 1 on 1 classes until we moved.

Waking up to my mom wrapping a cord around my neck trying to kill me, because I told my dad the dried blood on the stairs was mine from when my mom kicked my face, breaking my nose... when she showed up drunk after a 3 day bender with the cop she was screwing when he was at work.

Luckily my mom was drunk and forgot I had a friend over.

To this day I'm 100% she would have killed me that night had my friend not been there.

The time my parents were so messed up on booze and blow, and my brother had a seizure. I was under 10 and had to perform CPR because he stopped breathing. My parents were furious I was out of bed on the phone in the middle of the night with my baby brother in my arms.

He lived. We (us kids) almost died the night my brother was released from the hospital, when my parents started fighting and dragging us into it. I tossed the kids out a window, went to the neighbors, the police came and arrested both parents, but released us to my mother later that night. She beat me mercilessly for involving the neighbors and police.

That time I was in my 30s and my siblings told me I ruined their childhood by taking them in and not letting them have a real mother. EVERY event from my childhood punched me in the stomach in that moment.

They don't even remember our parents abandoning them, showing up after 6 months to sign over custody to me, and leaving again for 7 more years. I don't talk to my siblings, or those parents anymore.

But the worst, the absolute worst, is every time I see this question, I remember how I never got to have a childhood, how many bones my parents broke, how often I was starved, how I was beaten, how I was thrown out for protecting myself, how other kids my age went to school and I slept under a bridge, how nearly every memory of my childhood is a nightmare, how I... will never have a family for my children to love and know.

Do you know what it's like to be in your 40's just craving family to call after the birth of a child, to spend Christmas with, to celebrate birthdays with, to look back on your childhood and wonder what life would have been like if you actually got to be a child.

Pinocchio syndrome or something, I just want to be a real boy (girl), and experience childhood as an actual child. FML

Username: imnotaloneyouare

27. Closet Door

Media Source
My grandparents lived in this large house that had a guest room. The guest room had a queen-sized bed, a huge closet (that was about 60 square feet), and huge windows all along the side of the outside wall that would overlook the front yard.

My cousin and I were around 6 years old when this started happening.

She and I were the same age and gender, and my grandparents decided that we could sleep in the same bed when we're staying over. We would stay at their house and sleep in that queen sized bed, me on the side closest to the closet and her on the side closest to the window.

I was laying in the bed starting to fall asleep when my cousin violently shook me awake. I sat up and she pushed me straight back down, saying "Look at the window." That's when I made eye contact with a shadowy masculine figure that was pacing in place, about 6 feet tall, just outside the window.

In the moments that I was staring at it, I swear I could feel my breath being sucked out of my body slowly.

Almost as if I was being drained. I looked at my cousin, she looked at me, and we both ducked underneath the covers.

The next morning it was gone. We laughed it off and tried to identify it as the tree my grandparents kept in their yard. We forgot about the incident until a few years later.

My grandpa had cut down the tree as it was dying and making the house look ugly, as he stated. We went and stayed with them for a couple of days.

We slept in the same bed with the same setup, her on the side of the bed closest to the window. That night we encountered the exact same figure, this time standing a little taller and with identifiable features, I could barely make out eyes and maybe a nose.

We ducked under the covers and we talked about how that wasn't the first time we saw it. "I thought it was the tree, though." I said, trying to be logical. My cousin then reminded me about the cut down tree.

Carefully, we both looked out the window again to make eye contact again. It was not gone, and it had moved a few feet to the right, closer to my cousin's pillow but still outside.

The next night, we put darker curtains up so that we couldn't see it. We thought that solved the issue, but it appeared to make it worse. I was laying on my left side facing the closet. The closet door was open as it always was.

That's when I saw the figure. Floating, almost like a puff of dark smoke. The closet was dark and so was the figure, but it stood out in a way. I told my cousin about it without taking my eyes off of it, and she claimed to not see it, although she was still as scared as I was.

We learned later that my grandma firmly believed that the house was haunted, as she always found her everyday items (ie. TV Remote, Cell phone) in places that she rarely went, cabinets seemed to creak open when nobody was around them, and her house always had a very distinct cold temperature.

Needless to say, they moved out

Username: RyTheMusicAddict

28. If Demons Exist

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I was younger than 4, as my little brother wasnt born yet. My parents would fight every other night, and id awaken amid sleep hearing screaming and sounds of things or them being thrown or pushed.

One time i woke up and went to see what was happening only to watch my moms finger get shut in a door. I remember standing in the bathroom, watching her crying and washing the blood off her very obviously misshapen finger.

Ive had guns pulled on me or they pulled them at each other. Same with knives. When i was 10 or 11, one of my moms ex boyfriends locked me alone in a trailer with him and wouldnt let anyone know where we were.

He threw a painting on the floor, picked up a shard of glass, turned to me and said, "This is what life does to you," as he slit his wrist while holding it out to me.

My mom left him and found someone else. For the years following until i was 16 and moved out, my stepdad would beat us. Ive been strangled, punched, dragged down two flights of stairs by my hair. He was a decent guy sober, but drinking just turned him... evil.

He got so drunk and angry one night he slammed his head over and over into the window until it broke and he put his head through it. It is still busted to this day.

When i was 19, i got a phone call. My stepdad hung himself in the shed. Just a month prior, he had sent me a text of how much he missed me. My mom was a suicidal puking mess after finding him and having my little 15 year old brother cut him down.

She abandoned my brother at the house all by himself to go stay with some guy, and then my brother left to stay with random friends. For a year or so, this house was left unattended. My mom offered to pay me to clean it, and i figured it couldnt be so bad.

I will never get that image out of my head.

If you could think of resident evil: biohazard.. its like that. Mcdonalds left in the microwave so long it looked like spiderwebs. Some concoction of cucumbers and cream turned sour and moldy. Moldy food everywhere.

Dog shit caked in the floors. Ceiling falling down. Holes punched into the walls. Dirty clothes and trash everywhere. Stains. Walls turned yellowish brown from cigarette tar and an unclean fireplace filter throwing soot. Every mirror in the house shattered.

Windows busted. Hell, the porch stairs are broken down so you cant even climb them. Even though i cleaned the food and as much staining as i could, the holes and all the busted windows remain. Idk why my mom bothers living there now. The house is falling down on her.

I was never religious or spiritual, but im telling you. If demons exist. They plague that house. Theres a great looming sense of evil just walking to the door. Weird shit happens in the dead of night. Its a 120-something year old house. I will never forget all the shit that has happened there.

Username: [deleted]

29. Brad’s Game

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When I was very young, 3/4 years old I think, I would be babysat by my aunt. She had two sons, my cousins.

The older cousin would have been about 12 at the time, we will call him Brad for this story. Well, I had completely forgotten about this "Game" Brad would play because at 3/4 years old you don't think about things like this.

It was just one of my favorite cousins playing a game, a game I found very uncomfortable.

My patents would drop me and my brothers off at my aunts while they went shopping. My brothers would play with Brad's younger brother down stairs and Brad would take me upstairs.

The entire attic/upstairs was one huge room that he used as his bedroom. He would sit me on the side of the bed, and lay me down, tell me to close my eyes.

He would then press his hips against mine and I remember distinctly the feeling of his belt buckle digging into my stomach. He always spoke quietly too, he didn't want to get caught.

Clothes always stayed on... at least mine did. I remember really wanting to open my eyes but he would tell me not to. I know he tried to shove... **something**, into my mouth. I remember it feeling smooth on my lips but I kept my lips shut and would try push him away. I thought he was trying to stick something gross in my mouth, and I'm sure I was right.

Apparently, I complained to my parents that Brad was being mean to me so they would drop me off at my other cousins house a little outside of town.

My mother told me that Brad would ask where I was, and get a little sheepish when they told him I said he was being mean to me.

I never really thought about these events much growing up. Brad actually moved in with my family 5 or 6 years later too, nothing happened that time around. But looking back, he always doted on me and knowing what I know now I don't know how he could look me in the eyes.

When I was in 10th grade, I finally realized what Brads "game" really was. I was on the bus to school, lost in thought when I suddenly remembered a snippet of it, and I was shocked.

I thought over what happened again and again and I talked to my parents when I got home. They were understandably pissed off. I truly think my dad would have shot Brad had he not been states away.

Brad doesn't know that I or my parents know about his "game." I've only seen him 2 or 3 times since I realized what actually happened. He is a completely different person than he used to be. He was in a car accident and suffered severe head injuries and is now in and out of jail.

My parents and I think he probably wouldn't even remember it anymore since his memory is shit from the accident. Its a secret no one else in the family knows, not even my brothers who were playing downstairs while it happened.

So... yeah, that's my most disturbing memory from my childhood.

Username: Ginger_Spice_8675309

30. Shaken to the Core

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I remember a time when I was on a trip with my family. There was a pool at the hotel, and since my stepbrother and I were both 13, they trusted us enough to go to the pool on our own. We were both good swimmers, and the pool was only a couple rooms down the hall.

We got in and did normal pool stuff, like jumping in and seeing how long we could hold our breath. It was just us too, which was pretty cool. Then this this other guy comes into the pool.

He's around 16 or 17 years old, so he's still a kid. This guy almost immediately comes up to us and asks us where our parents are.

We both said that they were in our hotel room. He basically said that he was worried that we could drown, but we then explained that we were good swimmers and that he didn't have to worry.

My brother and I were only thinking about how nice that it was that he was worried about us, so we kept swimming. Later, the same guy asked if we wanted to play tag. said it was fine, and we started to play.

When the other guy was it he went to tag my brother, and he damn near pulled his swimming trunks down! My brother asked why he would try to pull his trunks down, but he explained that it was an honest mistake.

We believed his lies, and kept playing. Soon enough, he tried to pull my swimming trunks down. I pushed away from him, and then he tried to grab my dick.

Instead he grabbed my leg, bit he tried to reach with his other hand. I kicked him away, and immediately jumped out of the pool.

He still tried to explain that it was a mistake, but I wasn't buying it anymore. My brother and I left the pool, and started to walk to the hotel room. But this creep was still following us.

So we went up to the second floor, instead of the third floor where our room actually was, but this guy kept following us. We then calmly walked back down to the main floor and towards the main check in desk.

We explained to the employee at the desk that there was a creepy guy following us and that we didn't feel safe. Suddenly, the employee at the desk stopped talking to us, and looked over our shoulder.

Standing there was the creep. The employee immediately started yelling for him to leave the hotel, and to my surprise, he actually left. Then the employee told him that if he ever comes back he would call the police.

Apparently this guy came multiple times a week and would harass people staying at the hotel. My brother and I went back to our room, and we promised each other to tell this story to no one. In fact, I had to ask for his approval to tell the story here.

On the next day, we saw the same creep getting pushed into a cop car. I don't think I fully understood the seriousness of the situation at the time, but I certainly do now, and it shakes me to my core.

Username: Blasted-Banana