• VODKA_MAN.com avatar

    VODKA_MAN.com I suffer from actual fucking depression wanna know why? Cause my parents beat the shit out of me all the time. You cant just walk away after getting beaten alot and be like “Oh im gonna fake being depressed.”

  • A.problem avatar

    A.problem As having a family member with a mental illnes, this dosent only make me angry, this made me cry. Yeah sure people fake it but it isnt a joke. Making fun of people with deppresion is the equivallent of laughing at someone who cant walk-

  • Phaeton avatar

    Phaeton You know what? Fuck you. I hope you get dementia and watch your memories burn, while you can’t do anything to stop that. I actually am suffering from depression at the moment, and you posting this does not fucking help. Fuck you.

  • TheTwinTigers avatar

    TheTwinTigers Depression is real, some people do fake depression, but others actually don't. I know people who suffer from depression, and they keep it to themselves, and that's bad. If someone says they have depression that doesn't mean that they are faking it, they want to get help.

  • Phaeton avatar

    Phaeton I wish you a very pleasant die

  • Xxweird_cookie10xX avatar

    Xxweird_cookie10xX And yes some people say they are depressed for attention but some actually suffer from it

  • Xxweird_cookie10xX avatar

    Xxweird_cookie10xX Actually depression is real u can talk to therapist about it u might have time for it cause u need help

  • The_Maker101 avatar

    The_Maker101 Actually depression is a just a level of sadness and in some cases can lead to death. Yes there is some that are “depressed” to get attention but others actually suffer from it every day. So I am not agreeing but I am not denying your opinion.

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