Loki_murdermuffin I hate that fucking smell
todd-ash I mixed 4 together and it made brown
CrimsonPiller yOu CaNt SmElL pIcTuReS
CrickettySplickett Aww that salty clay
Memes992 Wtf why can I smell and taste it?
that_memer_is_me Guys… why does mine taste like play dough
Cleverusername Tastes like salt
Calebrity2 I can taste it as well
Dipshiticus Anyone else ever tried not to mix the play dough colors cuz you can’t separate em? Or is it just me
xpvv9qxxk6 yes sirr
Ditties What
Loki_murdermuffin I hate that fucking smell
• Replytodd-ash I mixed 4 together and it made brown
• ReplyCrimsonPiller yOu CaNt SmElL pIcTuReS
• ReplyCrickettySplickett Aww that salty clay
• ReplyMemes992 Wtf why can I smell and taste it?
• Replythat_memer_is_me Guys… why does mine taste like play dough
• ReplyCleverusername Tastes like salt
• ReplyCalebrity2 I can taste it as well
• ReplyDipshiticus Anyone else ever tried not to mix the play dough colors cuz you can’t separate em? Or is it just me
• Replyxpvv9qxxk6 yes sirr
• ReplyDitties What
• Reply